1、It RESIDUAL , STD.API/PETRO PUBL 3i.15-ENGL 1778 0732270 Ob304b3 128 American Petroleum Institute Environmental, Health, and Safety Mission and Guiding Principles . I MISSION The members of the American Petroleum Institute are dedicated to continuous efforts to improve the, compatibility of our oper
2、ations with the environment while economically developing energy resources and supplying high quality products and services to consumers. We recognize our responsibility to work with the public, the gwernment, and others to develop and to use natural resources in an 1 environmeptally sound manner wh
3、ile protecting the health and safety of our employees and the public. To meet these responsibilities, API members pledge to manage our businesses according to the following principles using Sound science to prioritize risks and to implement cost-effective management practices: . button next to a sir
4、earn name r r.esuits in a box popping up mith the definition.7 MANAGEME“ PRACTICES AND TECHNIQUES The 1996 survey continued to group management tedmiqes into three categories of management practice-recyclin or ifit Clidnot report having an API separator? then there shouldnot be any API separator slu
5、dge. The data were also reviewed visually and statistically fir outliers. Follow up phone ds resolved apparent CliscrepanCies, such as wheeherthequantisrhadbeenreportedtheMitsand,ifso,vcZnytheamauntom expectedleds. As with previous surveys, the data from the respondeats were extrapolated to nationwi
6、de estimates by applying a regtession analysis in which throughput capacity is taken as the explanatory variable. For Consistemy with previous years, the followingform of equation was retained 1-2 STDmAPI/PETRO PUBL 345-ENGL 3778 II 0732270 O630478 b5 H Where: R = tatal residuals manaqxl by a fcilit
7、y (wet tons), bo = the y-interqt of the egression he, b,-= the siope of the regression line, and C = the thoughput capacity of the facility (bsd). The eq-tiOn developed fiomthe 1996 survey is fi = 28.O+8.88x1O4C with an R2 measure of correlation eq-2 to 0.70 and a percent error of 7.7%. The statisti
8、cal analysis is describedin more detail m Appendix B. 1-3 STD=API/PETRO PUBL 345-ENGL 1998 I 0732290 Ob30479 575 111 section2 RESULTS RESPONSE RATE The 1996 survey response rate is illustrated by several parameters in the following charts. Figure 2-Response Rate by RefineSr Capacity. 25 20 E 15 ni N
9、on-Respondent 10 Respondent o (d o .- L Q =5 O 10 loto50 soto100 100tom ,200 Capacity (thousand bsd) Figure 3-U.S. Depaxtment of Energys Petroleum Administration for Defw (PAD) regions. Figure F Q 15 a: Non-Respondent O 10 Respondent o z c 5 O I II 111 N PAD Region 2- 1 STD=API/PETRO PUBL 345-ENGL 3
10、998 M 0732290 O630480 207 I Figure 5-Response Distribuion - by Complexity of Facility. Topping Cracking Peirochern. Lube integrated NPDES Permit Classification Figure &-Response Distribution by Age ofFadty. leted romunitS. volume. Installed clod loop pump mhg to minimize wastewater Rqlaced seal flui
11、d at clewaxing unit from water to neutral Oil. Improved drainage and drain system to remice the flow of water atering the plant hm offst,. Dewatering of oily sludges. Installednew dayatering ecpipmmt. Replaced or hproved existing dewat- equipme& EqanMthe use of dewatering equipment. 2-9 STD.API/PETR
12、O PUBL 345-ENGL 1998 I 0732290 0610488 5T8 I Table -Pollution Prevention Activities (4ue) General Practice Survey Respanse ReudonCcmtainm& of spius and leaks. Improved housekeeping. roved or expanded leak inspection programs. InstaledanHDPE barrierwdtwentyfeetintothegrouudto iutere leaks, which are
13、&en collected and recovered. Installed covers on API Separators. Installed double battoms in storage tantCs. Upgraded rim seais on storage tank floating roofs. Replaced undergound piping with either doubIe-walled piping Rad lealaag lines or gaskets. Wed double seals cmpumps. or aboveground piping. S
14、ource rechiction/Erocess modificaton. hitiated more string- spdcations for solids in the crude Installed ckier to remove solids fim river water used for &- moidons to remicRbenzene concerrtratminthe Improved sulfllr processing incluchng installation of a NaEE Improved dwater separations in the proce
15、ss units. Reud au&, caustics, and solids entering the sewer fim Converted loadingracks fkomtcploa&ng to bottom loading. M&ed amibusion units to lower NOx emissions. changed bardc pressure in crude to decrease wastewater Ebmbated the use of liquid chiorhe as a biocide in mhng Installed a adxifbge to
16、remove oil from desalter e- before Commissioned a Sats Gas piant to more &cientlyprocess Instaedpiping -and equip- to dow neuraiizatim of Acid changeed-omhi&-umun causticstomeroxfbr Installed a new sour water stripper and Claus plant, thereby and used oil brou& into the piant. c4mliIlg. wastewater.
17、irnit. process units. flow. towers, by substituing a Br/CI cmpoun it eaters the sewer. refinerygases. Soluble oil with potassium hyroxide. gasoline treating. elimktbg a large SO, and odor source. Waste segregation. Kqt nonlisted residuals frm combinmg with listedwastes. 2-10 Table 7-Pollution Preven
18、tion Activities (continued). General Practice Survey Response Recycling. Educatianandtraining. Foinid markets for materials formerly treated or disposed of Installed a compressor to recover vacuum tail gas. Routed oily sludges to the coker. Designed & constnrcted a patented spent caustic stripper. S
19、eat oiiy suges to Gels blender. Blended ca&mk&d soils itit0 renery roadbase. Installed vapor recovery for raiicar loah of propyleue. Recycled ethyiene glycol. Mulchedusedlimiber. Recycled employees used motor oil. Segregated scrap metal and shippedto metals dealer. Used caustic stream fbr pH adjustm
20、ent in the wastewater plant. Recycled spa catalysts, dessicants, and caustics. Redhighmercorrteaitwastes. Regaerated Strdord Solution and Sulfino1 Solution by Recyded spent pleated paper lters for & blending. desalting. topsoil. Blended bioremeciated biomass and contaminatal soilsinto Recovered oil
21、fim a thermal desorption unit. Routed an oil-water separator drain to a d tank for Recycledcermuicpaclnng supports. Raiseawaraess ofthebenefts ofpollutimpme&m. Raised awareness of the fditys poliytion prevention Raised awareness of regulatosr requiremenis. Initiated a Permanent Pollution Revdm Progr
22、am. reprocessing. practices. Improvetreatmeat. Installednew and upgraded existing wastewater treatmeat Began to usebiordatim elocated a wastewater outfaii to a laqyx-ffowing strm facilites. 2-1 1 Section 3 RESIDUAL STREAM PROFILES TheU.S. rinmanagedanestimated3.72nnllionwettons ofmatalfcornthe 14res
23、iual streams included in the 1996 API Refining Residual Swey. A summary of the total guantis of residuals manage per year is presented in Figure 12. The data for 1987 through 1994 have been adjusted in Figures 12 and 13 by cieletmg the quantities &ked to be recovered oil or water rather than true re
24、siduals. m E O Y z a c (II m 7 O c I- xe 12-NationWide Estunate of Residual Quantityper Year: 1987-1996. 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1 O 1987 1988 1989 1998 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Year Figure 13 shows the relative conirbuticm ofthe residual streams, with certain streams groupedtog&er. Ihe FCC cat
25、alyst, hydro. catalyst, and other spent catalyst streams are combined into a spent catalysts categov, and a spent caustics category includes spent cresyhc caustic, spent naphthenic caustic, and spent su&c caustic. Ihe oily wmtmater residuals (i.e., API separator sludge, DAF float, primary sludges, a
26、nd siop oil emulsion solids) make up a thirdgrouping. The dbuiicm of ea& categoryin 1996 is estimated to be within three percentage points of its dbuim to the 1995 data. Figure 13-Naionwide Estunate of Residuals Distributia- 1995- 19%. Oily WW Residuais Tank Bottoms Spent Caust-s I 19% I 6% I I Pond
27、 Sediments an k Bottom 5% Spent Caustics 1995 1996 The remainder of this section presents derailed ir&ormaticm for the individual streams, with the streams arranged in alphabetical order. The data fr this section are summanzed in the tables of Appedix C. 3- 1 STD-APIIPETRO PUBL 345-ENGL 1998 I 07322
28、90 0610491 O92 m API SEPARATOR SLUDGE The U.S. petroleum reirung hchstry managed an estimated 97 thousand wet tons of API Separator Sludge in 1996, which was a 162% increase fom 1995. A summary of the CIUaritity of API Separator Sludge managed per year is preseaited in Figure 14. The data for 1987 t
29、hrough 1994 have been adjusted by delethg the quantities considered to be recovered oil or water rather than true resuals. Figure 14-Nationwide Estimates of API Separator Sludge per Year: 1987-1996. . 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Year Several fclities combine some or ali ofthe r
30、esichials associatedwithther wastewater treatme& fcility (i.e., API Separator Sludge, DAF Float, Primary Sludges, and Slop Oil Emulsion Solids). The combined cpmtities of these oiy wastewater strams are al in Figure 88, which shows an increase from 554thod wet tons in 1995 to 723 thousand wet tons i
31、n 1996, m increase of 30%. The portion of the API Separator Sludge stream that is mamge by ea& management practice is shown in Figure 15 fbr 1995 and 1996. Recycling has become the dumimat managanent pradice, and disposal is &sappearing as a management practice for this stream. Figure 15-Natiwwide Estimates of API Separator Sludge by Managemeart practice: 1995-1996. Treatment /29961 1995 1996 Recall that this report uses labels such as API Separator Sludge in the broader amtext of a residual stream which indudes materiais that are not subjed to RCRA regulation. 3-2
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