1、 ABSGUIDE FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING SUBSEA RISER SYSTEMS .2006 1 GUIDE FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING SUBSEA RISER SYSTEMS MAY 2006 NOTICE NO. 1 November 2007 The following Rule Change was approved by the ABS Classification Committee on 27 September 2007 with the implementation date; EFFECTIVE AS OF 1 OC
2、TOBER 2007. (See http:/www.eagle.org/rules/downloads.html for the consolidated version of the Guide for Building and Classing Subsea Riser Systems 2006, with all Notices and Corrigenda incorporated.) Notes - The date in the parentheses means the date that the Rule becomes effective for new construct
3、ion based on the contract date for construction, unless otherwise noted. (See 1-4/9.3.) CHAPTER 1 SCOPE AND CONDITIONS OF CLASSIFICATION SECTION 2 SUSPENSION AND CANCELLATION OF CLASSIFICATION (Delete 1-2/7.3i) and renumber 1-2/7.3ii) through iii) as follows:) 7.3 (1 October 2007) Class will be susp
4、ended and the Certificate of Classification will become invalid in any of the following circumstances: i) If the other surveys required for maintenance of class, other than Annual, Intermediate or Special Periodical Surveys, are not carried out by the due date and no Rule allowed extension has been
5、granted, or ii) If any damage, failure or deterioration repair has not been completed as recommended. (Add new Paragraph 1-2/7.4) 7.4 (1 October 2007) Class will be subject to a suspension procedure if recommendations issued by the Surveyor are not carried out by their due dates and no extension has been granted.