1、.Rules for Building and ClassingOffshore Installations1997American Bureau of ShippingIncorporated by Act of the Legislature ofthe State of New York 1862Copyright 1997American Bureau of ShippingTwo World Trade Center, 106th FloorNew York, NY 10048 USASpecial Committee on Offshore Installations.Conten
2、tsIntroductionTable 1 Division and Numbering of RulesPart 1 Classification, Testing and SurveysSECTION1 Scope and Conditions of Classification. 52 Surveys During Construction and Installations.113 Surveys After Construction174 Definitions and Design Documentation.21Part 2 Materials and WeldingSECTIO
3、N1 Materials272 Welding and Fabrication.33Part 3 DesignSECTION1 Environmental Conditions412 Loads453 General Design Requirements514 Steel Structures555 Concrete Structures.596 Foundations .697 Marine Operations.75Part 4 Extension of Use and ReuseSECTION1 Extension of Use.792 Reuse81APPENDIX A Materi
4、al Selection85APPENDIX B References by Organization.87.IntroductionThese Rules apply to the design, construction and installation of Offshore Installations defined in 1/4.1.7, aswell as the periodic surveys which are to be carried out after installation for maintenance of classification. Theservicea
5、bility of an installation is also addressed in these Rules, but only to the extent that the proper functioningof the structure or its components will affect safety. These Rules are also applicable to the Certification or Veri-fication of either the design, construction or installation of an offshore
6、 installation or any combination of them.ABS will Certify or Verify the design, construction or installation of an offshore installation when requested bythe owner of an installation or mandated by government regulations to verify compliance either to these Rules,set of specific requirements, nation
7、al standards or other applicable industry standards. If ABSs Certification orVerification of the offshore installation is in accordance with these Rules and covers the design, constructionand installation, then the offshore installation is also eligible for ABS Classification.The Rules have been wri
8、tten for worldwide application and as such, the satisfaction of individual requirementsmay require comprehensive data, analyses and plans to demonstrate the adequacy of the structure. This instancemay arise for unique structural types or structures located in frontier areas, which are those characte
9、rized byrelatively great water depth or areas where little or no operating experience has been obtained. Conversely,many provisions of these Rules often can be satisfied merely on a comparative basis of local conditions or pastsuccessful practices. The Bureau acknowledges that a wide latitude exists
10、 as to the extent and type of documen-tation which is required for submission to satisfy these Rules. It is not the intention of these Rules to imposerequirements or practices in addition to those which have previously proven satisfactory in similar situations.Where available, design requirements in
11、 these Rules have been posed in terms of existing methodologies andtheir attendant safety factors, load factors or permissible stresses which are deemed to provide an adequate levelof safety. Primarily, the Bureaus use of such methods and limits in these Rules reflects what is considered to bethe cu
12、rrent state of practice in offshore installation design. At the same time, it is acknowledged that new meth-ods of design and construction are constantly evolving along with new structural types, or new uses for estab-lished structural types and components. In recognition of these facts, the Rules s
13、pecifically allow for such inno-vations. The application of these Rules by the Bureau will not seek to inhibit the use of any technological ap-proach which can be shown to produce an acceptable level of safety.This Rule book supersedes and replaces the section 1 of “ABS Guide for Building and Classi
14、ng Undersea Pipe-line Systems and Risers 1991” and all relevant cross references to “ABS Rules for Building and Classing Off-shore Installations 1983” in “ABS Guide for Building and Classing Facilities on Offshore Installations 1991.”The new requirements become effective 19 May 1997.Scope and Condit
15、ions of Classification Section 11997 Offshore Installations ABS1Part 1 Classification, Testing and SurveyScope and Conditions of Classification Section 11997 Offshore Installations ABS2.Scope and Conditions of Classification Section 11997 Offshore Installations ABS3Table 1 Division and Numbering of
16、RulesDivision NumberPart 1/Section 1/1Subsection 1/1.1Paragraph 1/1.1.1Subparagraph 1/1.1.1aItem 1/1.1.1a1Subitem 1/1.1.1a1aScope and Conditions of Classification Section 11997 Offshore Installations ABS4.Scope and Conditions of Classification Section 11997 Offshore Installations ABS5PART 1SECTION 1
17、 Scope and Conditionsof Classification1/1.1 Classification1/1.1.1 ProcessThe Classification process consists of a) the devel-opment of Rules, Guides, Standards and other crite-ria for the design and construction of offshore in-stallations, materials, equipment and machinery,b) the review of design,
18、and survey during and afterconstruction to verify compliance with such Rules,Guides, Standards or other criteria, c) the assignmentand registration of class when such compliance hasbeen verified and d) the issuance of a renewableclass certificate, with annual endorsements, valid forfive years.The Ru
19、les and Standards are developed by Bu-reau staff and passed upon by committees made upof naval architects, marine engineers, shipbuilders,engine builders, steel makers and by other technical,operating and scientific personnel associated withthe worldwide maritime industry. Theoretical re-search and
20、development, established engineeringdisciplines, as well as satisfactory service experienceare utilized in their development and promulgation.The Bureau and its committees can act only uponsuch theoretical and practical considerations in de-veloping Rules and Standards.1/1.1.2 Certificates and Repor
21、tsa Plan review and surveys during and after con-struction are conducted by the Bureau to verify toitself and its committees that an offshore installa-tion structure, item of material, equipment or ma-chinery is in compliance with the Rules, Guides,Standards or other criteria of the Bureau and tothe
22、 satisfaction of the attending Surveyor. All re-ports and certificates are issued solely for the useof the Bureau, its committees, its clients and otherauthorized entities.b The Bureau will release information from reportsand certificates to the Port State to assist in recti-fication of deficiencies
23、 during port state controlintervention. Such information includes text ofconditions of classification, survey due dates, andcertificate expiration dates. The owner will be ad-vised of any request and/or release of information.c The Bureau will release certain information to theoffshore installation
24、underwriters and PSeabed topography, stability, and pertinent geotech-nical data; Seismic conditions;Where appropriate, data established for a previousinstallation in the vicinity of the installationproposed for classification may be utilized if ac-ceptable in the opinion of the Bureau.1/1.11.2 Subm
25、ission of Design Data andCalculationsInformation is to be submitted for the offshore in-stallation which describes the methods of design andanalysis which were employed to establish its de-sign. The estimated design service life of an offshoreinstallation is also to be stated. Where model testingis
26、used as a basis for a design, the applicability of thetest results will depend on the demonstration of theadequacy of the methods employed, including enu-meration of possible sources of error, limits of appli-cability, and methods of extrapolation to full scaledata. Preferably, procedures should be
27、reviewed andagreed upon before model testing is done.As required in subsequent sections, calculationsare to be submitted to demonstrate the sufficiency ofthe proposed design. Such calculations are to be pre-sented in a logical and well-referenced fashion em-ploying a consistent system of units. Wher
28、e the cal-culations are in the form of computer analysis thesubmitted is to provide input and output data withcomputer generated plots for the structural model. Aprogram description (not listings), user manuals, andthe results of program verification sample problemsmay be required to be submitted.1/
29、1.11.3 Submission of Plans and SpecificationsPlans or specifications depicting or describing the ar-rangements and details of the major items of the off-shore installation are to be submitted for review orapproval in a timely manner.Where deemed appropriate, and when requestedby the Owner, a schedul
30、e for information submittaland plan approval can be jointly established by theOwner and the Bureau. This schedule, which the Bu-reau will adhere to as far as reasonably possible, is toreflect the construction schedule and the complexityof the platform as it affects the time required for re-view of t
31、he submitted data.1/1.11.4 Information MemorandumAn information memorandum on the offshore in-stallation is to be prepared and submitted to the Bu-reau. The Bureau will review the contents of thememorandum to establish consistency with otherdata submitted for the purpose of obtaining classifi-cation
32、. The Bureau will not review the contents ofthe memorandum for their accuracy or the featuresdescribed in the memorandum for their adequacy.An information memorandum is to contain, asappropriate to the installation, the following:Site plan indicating the general features at the siteand the exact loc
33、ation of the installation;Environmental design criteria, including the recur-rence interval used to assess environmental phe-nomena (see 3/1.5.1);Plans showing the general arrangement of the off-shore installation;Description of the safety and protective systems pro-vided;The number of personnel to
34、be normally stationed atthe installation;Listing of governmental authorities having cogni-zance over the installation;Listing of any novel features;Brief description of any monitoring proposed for useon the installation;Description of transportation and installation proce-dures.Scope and Conditions
35、of Classification Section 11997 Offshore Installations ABS91/1.15 Conditions for Surveys afterConstructions1/1.15.1 Damage, Failure and Repaira) Examination and Repair Damage to off-shore installation structure, machinery, equipment,or which affects or may affect classification, is to besubmitted by
36、 the Owners or their representatives forexamination by the Surveyor, at the first opportunity.All repairs found necessary by the Surveyor are to becarried out to his satisfaction.b) Representation Nothing contained in thissection or in a rule or regulation of any governmentor other administration, o
37、r the issuance of any reportor certificate pursuant to this section or such a rule orregulation, is to be deemed to enlarge upon the rep-resentations expressed in 1/1.1.1 through 1/1.1.4thereof and the issuance and use of any such reportsor certificates are to be governed in all respects by1/1.1.1 t
38、hrough 1/1.1.4 thereof.1/1.15.2 Notification and Availability for SurveyThe Surveyors are to have access to classed offshoreinstallations at all reasonable times. For the purpose ofSurveyor monitoring, monitoring surveyors shall alsohave access to classed offshore installations at all rea-sonable ti
39、mes. Such access may include attendance atthe same time as the assigned Surveyor or during asubsequent visit without the assigned Surveyor.The offshore installations Surveyors are to un-dertake all surveys on classed offshore installationsupon request, with adequate notification, of theOwners or the
40、ir representatives and are to reportthereon to the Committee. Should the Surveyors findoccasion during any survey to recommend repairs orfurther examination, notification is to be given im-mediately to the Owners or their representatives inorder that appropriate action may be taken.The Surveyors are
41、 to avail themselves of everyconvenient opportunity for carrying out periodicalsurveys in conjunction with surveys of damages andrepairs in order to avoid duplication of work.1/1.15.3 Attendance at Port State RequestIt is recognized that port State authorities legallymay have access to an installati
42、on. In cooperationwith port States, ABS Surveyors will attend on boarda classed installation when so requested by a portState, and upon concurrence of the offshore installa-tions owner, will carry out a survey in order to fa-cilitate the rectification of reported deficiencies orother discrepancies t
43、hat affect or may affect classifi-cation. ABS Surveyors will also cooperate with PortStates by providing inspectors with background in-formation, if requested. Such information includestext of conditions of class, survey due dates, andcertificate expiration dates.Where appropriate, the offshore inst
44、allationsflag state will be notified of such attendance and sur-vey.1/1.17 FeesFees in accordance with normal ABS schedules willbe charged for all services rendered by the Bureau.Expenses incurred by the Bureau in connection withthese services will be charged in addition to the fees.Fees and expense
45、s will be billed to the party re-questing that particular service.1/1.19 Disagreement1/1.19.1 RulesAny disagreement regarding either the proper inter-pretation of the Rules, or translation of the Rulesfrom the English language edition, is to be referredto the Bureau for resolution.1/1.19.2 Surveyors
46、In case of disagreement between the Owners orbuilders and the Surveyors regarding the material,workmanship, extent of repairs, or application of theRules relating to any offshore installations classed orproposed to be classed by this Bureau, an appealmay be made in writing to the Committee who willo
47、rder a special survey to be held. Should the opinionof the Surveyor be confirmed, the expense of thisspecial survey is to be paid by the party appealing.1/1.21 Limitation of LiabilityThe combined liability of the American Bureau ofShipping, its committees, officers, employees, agentsor subcontractor
48、s for any loss, claim, or damagearising from its negligent performance or nonper-formance of any of its services or from breach of anyimplied or expressed warranty of workmanlike per-formance in connection with those services, or fromany other reason, to any person, corporation, partner-ship, busine
49、ss entity, sovereign, country or nation,will be limited to the greater of a) $100,000 or b) anamount equal to ten (10) times the sum actually paidfor the services alleged to be deficient.The limitation of liability may be increased upto an amount twenty-five times that sum paid forservices upon receipt of Clients written request at orbefore the time of performance of services and uponpayment by Client of an additional fee of $10.00 forevery $1,000.00 increase in the limitation.Scope and Conditions of Classification Section 11997 Offshore Installations ABS10.Surveys During Construction an
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