1、G01G02G03G04G05G06G07G06G08G09G05G0AG0BG06G05G01G02G03G04G02G05G06G07G08G09G05G07G0AG0BG04G05G06G0CG0DG0BG0EG0FG10G08G11G12G02G0FG0EG0CG0FG04G0FG13G0CG0AG0DG07G0EG08G0FG10G0AG07G0AG02G03G11G09G12G13american concrete instituteG14G15G11G15G08G03G11G16G08G17G18G17G19G1AG1BG1CG09G1DG1EG1FG20G11G1EG08G21
2、G1DG22G22G23G24G08G09G1DG0DG21G1DG1FG1BG1EG08G19G25G26G26G26G27G17G18G17G19Copyright American Concrete Institute Provided by IHS under license with ACINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-First Printing, September 2002Copyright 1958, 1973, 1987, 1990, 20
3、02American Concrete InstituteP. O. Box 9094, Farmington Hills, Michigan 48333-9094All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in anyform or by any means, including the making of copies by any photoprocess, or by any electronic or mechanical device, printed or writ-ten or oral, or re
4、cording for sound or visual reproduction or for usein any knowledge or retrieval system or device, unless permissionin writing is obtained from the copyright proprietors.Printed in the United States of AmericaThe Institute is not responsible for the statements or opinionsexpressed in its publication
5、s. Institute publications are not able to,nor intended to, supplant individual training, responsibility, or judg-ment of the user, or the supplier, of the information presented.Library of Concrete Catalog Card Number 86-82053Copyright American Concrete Institute Provided by IHS under license with AC
6、INot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-iPREFACEThe American Concrete Institute was founded in 1904 torecord, analyze, and interpret the results of research and experiencethat make up the technology of hydraulic cement concrete. By1928, a need for an intro
7、duction and summary of this informationwas recognized and met, in an exceptional manner, by F. R.McMillan of the Portland Cement Association, who was Presidentof ACI in 1936. Mr. McMillan revised his book, CONCRETEPRIMER (1928), in 1958 to include references to advances in con-crete technology betwe
8、en 1928 and 1958. Lewis H. Tuthill revisedit next in 1973. Mr. Tuthill, long associated with the U. S. Bureau ofReclamation and the California Department of Water Resources,was President of ACI in 1961. He also performed the next revision,the fourth edition, in 1985. One point he emphasized in his p
9、refaceto that edition was that he had included more references to thereports of ACI technical committees and ASTM standards.In this fifth edition, we have continued what we believe to havebeen the goal of Mr. McMillan and Mr. Tuthill to provide as read-able an introduction to and summary of concrete
10、 technology as wecan provide. We regard this as the introduction to the ACI Manualof Concrete Practice (MCP), ACIs multi-volume compilation of itscurrent technical committee documents. We have included manyreferences to specific items in the MCP; we have also cited manyASTM standards. We hope it wil
11、l be useful.In this edition all quantities are given in SI units. We have alsotried to use current accurate terminology. Because the term“weight” refers to a force, we do not use it to mean mass. For exam-ple, where mass per unit volume is meant, we say “density,” not“unit weight or specific gravity
12、.” We have tried to follow the ACIStyle Manual and ACI 116R. Comments and suggestions for addi-tions and corrections are welcome. Send them to ACI Headquartersin care of “Manager of Technical Documents.”Bryant Mather, Vicksburg, MSCelik Ozyildirim, Charlottesville, VAAugust 2002Copyright American Co
13、ncrete Institute Provided by IHS under license with ACINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-iiACKNOWLEDGMENTThe fifth edition of SP-1 was reviewed by Rachel Detwiler,Dick Gaynor, Tom Holmes, Jim Pierce, Steve Kosmatka, and NickCarino. Their generous comm
14、ents were greatly appreciated. Wealso acknowledge the assistance of Dr. Shuaib Ahmad of ACI staffin the execution of this project. We thank him for his continuoussupport, enthusiasm, and advice.Copyright American Concrete Institute Provided by IHS under license with ACINot for ResaleNo reproduction
15、or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-iiiCONTENTS1. INTRODUCTION .12. PROPERTIES 52.1 Workability.52.2 Time of setting62.3 Heat of hydration72.4 Strength 82.5 Resistance to freezing and thawing102.6 Permeability .112.7 Other properties123. STRUCTURAL DESIGN ISSUES .124. INGREDIENTS .1
16、54.1 Cementitious materials.154.2 Water 264.3 Aggregates264.4 Chemical admixtures324.5 Fibers365. BEFORE CONSTRUCTION 375.1 Selection of properties and materials .375.2 Selection of proportions .416. CONSTRUCTION.486.1 Batching, mixing, transporting, and placing 486.2 Consolidating .536.3 Finishing
17、and texturing.566.4 Curing and protection.577. AFTER CONSTRUCTIONEVALUATION,MAINTENANCE, AND REPAIR.648. TESTING.658.1 Preconstruction: trial batching and sampling.668.2 Construction .678.3 After construction.70INDEX .80Copyright American Concrete Institute Provided by IHS under license with ACINot
18、for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ivCopyright American Concrete Institute Provided by IHS under license with ACINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-11. INTRODUCTION1. Q. What are concrete, hydraulic cement, m
19、ortar, andgrout?A. Concrete is a composite material that consists of abinding medium (Section 4.1) embedded with fine aggregate(typically sand) and coarse aggregate (typically gravel)(Section 4.3). Essential concrete ingredients are shown inFig. 1. In hydraulic cement concrete, the binder is cementp
20、aste, a mixture of hydraulic cement and water (Section 4.2),and possibly one or more admixtures (Section 4.4).Hydraulic cement is cement that sets and hardens bychemical reaction with water (hydration) and is capable ofdoing so under water (ACI 225R).*The hydration reactionsresult in the formation o
21、f a hard solid mass. The most widelyINTRODUCTION*ACI references refer to the ACI Manual of Concrete Practice.Fig. 1Essential ingredients of concrete. (Photo courtesy of PCA.)Copyright American Concrete Institute Provided by IHS under license with ACINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permit
22、ted without license from IHS-,-,-CONCRETE PRIMER2used hydraulic cement is portland cement. Other kinds ofhydraulic cement include blended cements and groundgranulated blast-furnace slag (ACI 233R). Pozzolans, bothnatural (ACI 232.1R) and artificial (fly ash, ACI 232.2R, andsilica fume, ACI 234R) are
23、 often used as a cementitiousingredient of concrete. Mortar is a mixture of cement pasteand fine aggregate. Grout is a mixture of cementitiousmaterial and water, with or without fine aggregate, proportionedto produce a pourable consistency without segregation of theconstituents.2. Q. What causes har
24、dening of hydraulic cement (orconcrete)?A. When hydraulic cement is mixed with water to form apaste, the phases of the cement react with the water(hydration) to form a slowly developing cementitiousstructure that adheres to and binds together the fine-andcoarse-aggregate particles to form hardened c
25、oncrete. Themost abundant hydration product is calcium-silicate hydrate.As long as moisture and unhydrated cement particles arepresent, the hydration products continue to form, increasingthe strength of the concrete.3. Q. Are the properties of concrete well enough known toenable safe and durable str
26、uctures to be built or is fur-ther research necessary?A. The answer to both questions is yes. The principles ofproducing concrete and understanding the laws of concretebehavior are well enough established through long experienceand extensive research to make it possible to design and erectstructures
27、 that meet the recognized requirements of engineeringuse and safety. There is still a need for continued research,however. New questions are constantly arising, and newmethods and machines for construction operations are beingdeveloped. If concrete is to meet increasingly higherexpectations with reg
28、ard to durability and structural efficiency,and continue in the forefront as a building material, the newrequirements need to be met by ever-increasing knowledgeobtained from research and experience.Copyright American Concrete Institute Provided by IHS under license with ACINot for ResaleNo reproduc
29、tion or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-34. Q. What are the requirements for a successful concretestructure?A. In the words of the first Concrete Primer: “The concretemust have sufficient strength to carry the loads imposed. Theconcrete must be able to endure under the conditions o
30、fexposure to which it will be subjected. The concrete must beeconomically produced in comparison with other materialsequally strong and durable, which might be used. Thus therequirements may be briefly stated as strength, resistance todegradation, and economy.” These words are equally appli-cable to
31、day.5. Q. Assuming that concrete is made from the correctingredients and in the correct proportions, what otherrequirements must be met to ensure a durable structure,that is, a structure with long life?A. The important overall requirements are related to measuring,mixing, transporting, placing, curi
32、ng, and inspection (ACI304R):(1) All materials should comply with specifications. (2) The methods of storing, handling, and measuring allingredients should be such that the selected mixture can beaccurately obtained at all times (ACI 213, 221).(3) The concrete should be adequately mixed, and itshoul
33、d be transported and placed by methods that willavoid segregation and loss of ingredients. The consoli-dated mass should be uniform without rock pockets orhoneycombed areas (ACI 309).(4) The arrangement of joints and methods for bondingsuccessive lifts of concrete are important details that canvital
34、ly affect the performance of the structure even thoughthe concrete itself is durable. Provisions should be made inthe structural plans for drainage to avoid areas of constantsaturation that would be more susceptible to damage byfreezing than other portions of the structure (ACI 210.2R,325.9R).(5) Cu
35、ring of the concrete should not be neglected. Thisincludes protection against extremes of temperature aswell as provision for ensuring availability of moisture duringthe critical early period. No detail of concrete constructionINTRODUCTIONCopyright American Concrete Institute Provided by IHS under l
36、icense with ACINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CONCRETE PRIMER4offers such possibilities for increased strength and durabilityat so low a cost as is offered by the possibilities of bettercuring (ACI 308, 305, 306). (6) Careful inspection should be e
37、nforced in all of theabove operations (ACI Manual of Concrete Inspection,SP-2). After a dissertation on correct practices in themaintenance of the Roman aqueduct in AD 97, JuliusFrontinius noted that “all these the workmen know but fewobserve.”6. Q. What types of tests are performed to evaluate thep
38、roperties of the hardened concrete for its suitability fora given purpose?A. Specimens for strength tests in compression (or in flexure,if required) should be made from all trial batches and fromseveral batches after a satisfactory mixture has been estab-lished to determine if the strengths are with
39、in the rangeintended. Also, if concrete is exposed to the environment andresistance to degradation is of concern, tests for chloridepenetration, shrinkage, and the air-void system or resistanceto freezing and thawing would be desirable.If wholly unfamiliar materials are used, the test programbefore
40、starting the work will need to be considerablyexpanded, commensurate with the magnitude of the work.On large operations, major economies can be produced byample preliminary studies and adequate control tests (seeChapter 8).7. Q. What is the effect of aging on concrete?A. Aging, if one means merely t
41、he effect caused by the passageof time, has no effect on concrete. Of course concrete sets,hardens, gains strength, and exhibits reduced permeabilitywith the passage of time, but it is not the passage of timealone that causes these things to happen. If the concrete iskept very cold, none of this wil
42、l happen. If all moisture isremoved, none of this will happen.Many or even most concretes are confronted with potentialdeteriorative service conditions. If the concrete has not beenprovided with immunity against these influences, it may wellCopyright American Concrete Institute Provided by IHS under
43、 license with ACINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-5slowly deteriorate as time passes, but not simply becausetime passes. Concrete need not deteriorate.2. PROPERTIES2.1Workability8. Q. What is meant by the terms “consistency,” “plasticconsistency,” an
44、d “workability” as applied to concretemixtures?A. Consistency is the relative mobility or ability of freshlymixed concrete to flow. It includes the entire range of fluidityfrom the driest to the wettest possible mixtures.Plastic consistency indicates a condition where appliedstress will result in co
45、ntinuous deformation without rupture.A plastic mixture possesses cohesion and does not crumble.It flows sluggishly and without segregation.Workability is the property of freshly mixed concrete thatdetermines the ease with which it can be mixed, placed, con-solidated, and finished to a homogeneous co
46、ndition. It issynonymous with placeability. It involves not only the con-cept of a consistency of concrete, but also the conditionunder which it is to be placed size and shape of the mem-ber, spacing of reinforcing, or other details interfering withthe ready filling of the forms. For example, a stif
47、f mixturewith large aggregate that is workable in a large open formwould not be placeable in a thin wall with complicated rein-forcing details. Also, a mixture that appears too stiff mayflow readily when it is vibrated with the proper equipment hav-ing the needed frequency and amplitude (ACI 309R).9
48、. Q. How does entrained air improve the workability ofconcrete?A. Even though the main function of the entrained air is toprovide resistance to cycles of freezing and thawing (see Q.21), it can also improve the workability of concrete. In thefiner size range, the air bubbles can reasonably be consid
49、eredto form part of the paste, and to such extent affect its plasticityand increase its volume. In the coarser size range, the airbubbles may perform more like deformable fine aggregatePROPERTIESCopyright American Concrete Institute Provided by IHS under license with ACINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CONCRETE PRIMER6pa
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