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AASHTO LR-1-2010 The Road To Livability《宜居之路》.pdf

1、The Road To LivabiLiTy how State departments of Transportation are Using Road investments to improve CommunitnullLivanullnulltnullApril 21, AssociAtion of stAte HigHwAy And trAnsportAtion officiAlsTransportation Secretary Ray LaHood has made “livability” one of t

2、he U.S. Department of Trans-portations (DnullTnulltop priorities. nulle anullree that transportation is a critical linnullin creatinnullmore livable commnullitiesnullplayinnullan important role in connectinnullaffordable honullinnull nullod nullbsnulla safe and healthy environmentnulland stronnullsc

3、hools.null a representative of the state departments of transportationnullnullam pronull of the nullornullthat has been done over the last tnullo decades to invest in transportation pronullcts that improve commnullity nullality of life. nullen before “livability” became a bnullnullordnullmany of nul

4、l in the transportation nullld nullere nullornullinnullhard at improvinnullthe nullality of life in neinullborhoodsnullconulltiesnullcitiesnulland states. Tnullelve years anullnullnullirst Lady Hillary nullinton helped create the nullllenninull Trails nullonullram thronullh the U.S. DnullTnullnullhi

5、ch channeled millions of dollars to bnullld hnulldreds of nullalnullnnulland binullnnulltrails in commnullities thronullhonull the conulltry. nulld nullnullas pronull to see nulltsap nullnulltynull ashinnullonnullnullhere nullserved as a conullty commissioner for null yearsnulldesinullated as “the m

6、ost livable commnullity in nullerica” by Money nullnullanullne.nullSHTnulls reanullhorinulltion recommendations embrace mnullh of nullhat the Secretary is tryinnullto accomplishnullnulle snullport increasinnullfederal transit assistance by null percentnullnullth a nullal to donullle transit ridershi

7、p by nullnull. nulle snullport continnulltion of the Transportation nullhancement nullonullram and the many other pronullrams thronullh nullhich State DnullTs have channeled null.nullbillion to fnulld thonullands of binullnnulland nullalnullnnullimprovements over the last null years. nulld nulle snu

8、llport creatinnulla technical assistance pronullram for conullties and cities to improve the coordination of transportation and land nulle plansnullfnullded at nullnull million a year.nulle appreciate that the U.S. DnullT has broadened the scope of its “livable commnullities” proposal to inclnulle h

9、inullnullays as nullell as transitnulland to serve both nullban and rnullal areas.nullile State DnullTs snullport nullhat can be done thronullh transitnullnullalnullnnull, and binullnnullto enhance “liv-abilitynull” nullhat has been missinnullfrom the national dialonulle is nullhat can be accomplish

10、ed thronullh road-related improvements.Docnullented in this report are a remarnullble nnullber of nullays state DnullTs are nullornullnnullto enhance a commnullitys attractivenessnullbnullld its local economynullcreate a sense of placenullpreserve its characternullenhance its safetynulland improve t

11、he convenience of travel and access to services for all citinullns. nullst of this has been done nullornullnnullin close partnership nullth the nullederal Hinullnullay nullministration.nulle have prepared this report to shonullnullhat has been done and nullhat is possible.LivabiLiTynullUCh haS b een

12、ulld onull anull nullCh nullR e iS nullSSibLeenullCUTive diRe CToR nullhnullho RSLeyFirst Lady Hillary Clinton and John Horsley, then-Associate Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation, announced the new nullllennium Trails pronullam in nullnull. 2010 by the American Association of

13、State Highway and Transportation Officials.All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law.2) tHe roAd to livAbility 2010 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law.The Road To LivabiLi

14、Ty honullSTaT e denullaRTnullenullS onullTR anullnullo RTaTionullaR e USinull Road inulleSTnullnullS T o inullRove Co nullUnullT y LivabiLiTynullHAT nullS A Lnull AnullLnullCnullnullnullT nullSoonnullmembers of nullnnullress nullll be asnulled to decide “nullat manulles a nullivable commnullitynull

15、Since the U.S. Department of Trans-portation is manullnnulllivability a top priority for fnullnulle transportation fnulldinnull this is an important concept to denulle. nullile some nullonulld snullnullst livability means a life nullthonull carsnullthis denullition really doesnt nullornullfor the mi

16、llions of nullericans nullho have chosen the lifestyle that an anullomobile affords. nullpnulllic policy that addresses trnull livability mnullt inclnulle not only nullban bnull rnullal commnullitiesnullnot only the environment bnull also the economynullnot only transit riders and bicyclistsnullbnul

17、l soccer moms and family vacationers at the nulland nullnyon. The nullashinnullon State Department of Transportation snullnullsts that a “livable fnullnulle” renullires a balance of three nulley societal nullalsnullvibrant commnullitiesnullvital economy, and snulltainable environmentnullll nullals f

18、or nullhich nullod transportation is essential.null providinnullnullod transportation netnullornull for their citinullnsnullstate DnullTs have lonnullbeen the incnullator of snullh “livable” policies as commnullity-sensitive desinullnullhistoric preservationnullasphalt recyclinnull and practical enn

19、ullneerinnull They snullport the enullansion of choices for transportation nullers to inclnulle transitnullnullalnullnnull, and binullnnull Daily, they are nullornullnnullnullth commnullities and demonstratinnullthat livability can be accomplished thronullh road-related improvements.null enhancinnul

20、llivability is the obnullctive of transportation lenullslation or renulllationnullthen it mnullt nullornullfor those nullho live in rnullal nulln-tana nullst as mnullh as it nullonulld for those in donulltonull nullortland. nullnulltinnulllivability only to ridinnulltransitnullnullalnullnnull, and b

21、inullnnull limits its relevance and enulllnulles a nullde rannull of improvements and commnullity needs. (3AmericAn AssociAtion of stAte HigHwAy And trAnsportAtion officiAlsPhoto courtesy of Short North Business Association. 2010 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Offici

22、als.All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law.4) tHe roAd to livAbilityLnull AnullLnullT nullnullAnullS CHnullCnullSRealtor Tracy nulliens nulles her hybrid Toyota to drive her clients aronulld nullortlandnullnullenullto visit proper -tiesnullbnull on the nulleenullendsnullsh

23、e nullalnull nullth her children to the nearby nullnullt Tabor nullty nullarnullto binulle. nullrb and Don nullbrnullnullsenullrecently retired and livinnullin a snullnullb of nulllnullbnullnullnullionullhead onull three times a nulleenullto drive donull nullnullnullnullnullnull, and nullnullnullto

24、their nulllates class at nullnullnnell Heart Health nullnter.null nullttinnullto her nullb in the nullalisades neinullborhood of nullashinnullonnullDnull from the nearby snullnullb of Upper nullrlboronullnullnullLeah nullpel rides a car to the nulltronullhops the nulleen and Red lines to Dnullont nu

25、llrclenulland then transfers to a bnullnull tnullo-honull trip each nullay.null donulltonull nullarlestonnullnullest nullirnullnianullSandy nullisher nulles her lnullch breanullto nullalnullher donull “null. nullnullenull” aronulld her nullpitol area neinullborhood. Her bnullnullalonullis nullst min

26、nulles from her nullbnullshoppinnull restanullantsnulland a nullicnulldrive to visit her mother at a nearby nnullsinnullhome.nullch of these people live in nullhat they believe to be “livable commnullities”nullnullhether it is in the heart of a donulltonullnulla close-in snullnullb or farther onull

27、in a more rnullal area. nulld nullhile mnullh of the focnull on livability has been abonull enullandinnullthe opportnullities to nulle transitnullor in manullnnull it easier to nullalnullor binullenullfor many nullericans these options are simply not practical in meetinnull their everyday needs for

28、transportation. nullnullry transportation pronullct is an opportunity to impronull the nullality of life in a community.Photo courtesy of Leah Appel.The new Charleston, nullnull, marnullt is in a restored train station. 2010 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.A

29、ll rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law.(5AmericAn AssociAtion of stAte HigHwAy And trAnsportAtion officiAlsnullAD-nullLAT nullD nullnullnullTnullnullS nullAnullA CnullnullTnull CAL nullLnullState Departments of Transportation reconullinull that road-related investments can

30、play a critical role in improvinnullcommnullity livability. States see that road pronullcts offer a mnulltitnulle of oppor -tnullities to improve the nullality of life in their commnullities and mnullt be tailored to the environ-ments they pass thronullh. null a resnulltnullstate DnullTs are increas

31、innully nullinnullthe nullnullbility in the nullSHTnullroadnullay desinull nullidelines to prodnulle commnullity-responsive approaches.States arenullnullocnullinnullon intenullrated planninnullsolnullions and increased pnulllic onullreachnullDesinullinnullfacilities that are sensitive to the commnul

32、lities thronullh nullhich they passnullandDevelopinnullpartnerships that achieve mnulltiple commnullity obnullctivesnulla stronnulleconomynullsafe neinullborhoodsnullvibrantnullhealthfnullnullaesthetically pleasinnullsettinnullnulland the preservation of historicalnullcnulltnullalnulland natnullal a

33、spects valnulld by the commnullity.nullSHTnulls “livability” obnullctive is to nulle transportation investments to improve the standard of livinnull the environmentnulland nullality of life for all commnullitiesnullrnullalnullsnullnullban, and nullban.The livability initiative shonulld respect honul

34、lmany nullericans choose to travel to basic commnull -nity services from nullbs and health carenullto recreation and relinullonull services. nullSHTnullsnullports the obnullctive of providinnullmore transportation choices for families to inclnulle travel by nullalnullnnull binullnnull, and transit.

35、nullhancinnullcommnullity livabilitynullhonullevernullcannot be restricted to this alone. nullor most nullericansnulldrivinnullis also a lenulltimate transportation choicenullespecially if it provides a more convenient nullay to nullt to a destination or is the only viable nullay to nullt there. sta

36、te denullnullnullnullnullnull tnullnullnullnullatnullnullanull nullnullnullnullnullnullnulltenullnullnullenulltnullnullnullnulle tnull nullnullnullnulltnullnull tnullnull nullnullnullnullnullnullc nullatnullnullnullnullnullanullnull nullnulls tnullnullatnullnulltnull nullnulldenullenullnullnulli nul

37、lenullnullnullnull nulleenullnullnullenullnullr enulltanullnullnull a nullanull tnullnullnull nullanull stnulletnulltnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnulletnullnulltnullnullnullnullnullnullnull nullnullenullp nullnullnullnullnullnullenullnullnullnulltnull nulladnullc nullatnullnullsnullnull t

38、nullnullnullnullatnullnullsnullnullnullnull null tnullnull enullnullnullnulltnullenulle nullanullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnulltnullnullnull tnull enullanullenullnull nullnullnullnullm anullnull denullnull nullnullnullnullnull tnullnullnullnullnullnullnullednulli nullenullatnullnulltnullnullnu

39、llnullatnullnullanull nullnull nullenullnullnullnullenullnullnullnullnull tnullattnullnull tnullnullnullnullanull nullnullnullt nullnullnullenullnullnullenullp nullnulltnullnullnullnullnullnullanull nullnullnulls nullnullnullnullnulltnullnullnullanull tnullnullnullACHnullnullnull Lnull AnullLnullT n

40、ullTHnullnullUnullH Snullnull Tnullnull SnullnullnullTATnullnullPhoto courtesy of Arnold Agency/copyright SNBA. nullhe Capnullonullr null -nullnullin Columnulls, null hio, has created a nullnullant neinullnullrhood with shops and restaurants. 2010 by the American Association of State Highway and Tra

41、nsportation Officials.All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law.null tHe roAd to livAbilityStates are nullinnullfnullds from a variety of federalnullstatenulland local resonullces to improve commnullity livability. null CnullnullATnullnullnull nullD -nullAnullnull JnullS Liva

42、bility starts nullth a nullb. nulle year after the enactment of the Recovery nulltnullstates and local nullv-ernments have nullnerated almost one million nullbs thronullh stimnullnull fnulldinnullfor hinullnullay and transit pronullrams. This has resnullted in the repair of nullnullnullbridnullsnull

43、improvements to almost nullnullnull miles of pavement, and the pnullchase of nullnullnullbnulles. nullt the real story of the Recovery nullt has been abonull peoplenullthe people nullhose nullbs nullere saved or nullho nullent bacnullto nullornull the people nullho nullere able to manulle their mort

44、nullanull paymentnullpnull their nullds thronullh schoolnulland pay for health care. null Snullan nullrtinovichnullnullSHTnull ice nullesident and Director of Nevadas DnullT statednull“nullen yonullpnull money into infrastrnulltnullenullyonullare pnulltinnullcontractors to nullornull ennullneers to

45、nullornull yonullare pnulltinnullthe people nullho provide the materialsnullstripinnull paintnullasphaltnulland nullravel to nullornull” null Michigannullveteran hinullnullay constrnulltion nullornuller nullrannullnullnullnbernullr had been onull loonullnnullfor a nullb for more than half a year nul

46、lhen the Recovery nullt nullas sinulled. nullnullnbernullr nullas not only hirednullbnull at a nullne nullnull nulllamanullo ceremony marnullnnullapproval of the nullnullnullh transportation pronullct fnullded by the stimnullnull billnullhe introdnulled nullice nullesident nulle nullden to the anull

47、ience. “nullor me, the economic stimnullnull means that nullm nullinnullto have a nulleenully paychecnull” nullnullnbernullr said.null Washington Statenullnullchael nullseph nullas a constrnulltion laborer strnullnullinnullto care for a nullfe bat-tlinnullcancer. He had only nullornulled fonull mont

48、hs onull of the previonull year before he nullas hired to nullornullon a pronullct nulldeninnullnullterstate nullbetnulleen the nullort of Tacoma and the nullnnullnullnullty line. “nullor menull” said nullsephnull“beinnullable to pay for health care is everythinnull”null MarylandnullRhea nullyolo nu

49、llas a divorced mom tryinnullto snullport her nullds by nullornullnnullpart-time nullbs nullaitinnulltables and nulleepinnullboonull. Thronullh the Recovery nulltnullshe nullas hired by an ennullneerinnull company to be their ofnulle mananullr. nullornullnnullon a fnulll-time nullb meant she conulld earn a decent livinnullnull STnullnullLATnullnullTHnullnullnull ADnullnull nullnullnullnullnullnull of nullril nullnullnullnullnullnullnullnull transportation pronullcts nullorth nullnullnullbillion have been approved thronullh the Recovery nullt. S

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