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AGMA 900-H06-2006 Style Manual for the Preparation of Standards Information Sheets and Editorial Manuals《标准、信息单和编辑手册编制用样式指南》.pdf

1、AGMAINFORMATIONSHEET(This Information Sheet is NOT an AGMA Standard)AGMA900-H06AGMA 900-H06(Revision of AGMA 900-G00)AMERICAN GEAR MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATIONStyle Manual for the Preparation ofStandards, Information Sheets andEditorial ManualsiiStyle Manual for the Preparation of Standards, Informatio

2、n Sheets, andEditorial ManualsAGMA 900-H06(Revision of AGMA 900-G00)CAUTION NOTICE: AGMA technical publications are subject to constant improvement,revision or withdrawal as dictated by experience. Any person who refers to any AGMAtechnicalpublicationshouldbesurethatthepublicationisthelatestavailabl

3、efromtheAs-sociation on the subject matter.Tables or other self-supporting sections may be quotedor extracted.Credit lines shouldread: Extracted from AGMA 900-H06, Style Manual for the Preparation of Standards,InformationSheets,andEditorialManuals,withthepermissionofthepublisher,theAmeri-canGearManu

4、facturersAssociation,500MontgomeryStreet,Suite350,Alexandria,Vir-ginia 22314.Approved August 22, 2006ABSTRACTThis information sheet is a compilation of the AGMA and ISO editorial style manuals.Published byAmerican Gear Manufacturers Association500 Montgomery Street, Suite 350, Alexandria, Virginia 2

5、2314Copyright 2006 by American Gear Manufacturers AssociationAll rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronicretrieval system or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher.Printed in the United States of AmericaISBN: 1-55589-880-7Ameri

6、canGearManufacturersAssociationAGMA 900-H06AMERICAN GEAR MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATIONiiiContentsPageForeword iv.1 Scope 1.2 Reference documents 1.3 Responsibilities 1.4 Format of AGMA standards 25 General style 106 Special AGMA policies 12.AnnexesA Checklist for committee editorial coordinators 14B Pro

7、ofreaders marks 15C Functions of the AGMA Staff 17D Symbols used in AGMA documents 18E ISO symbols used in metric documents 21.F Symbols used in conventional unit documents 32.Figures1 Sample cover with title 3.2 Sample copyright page with abstract 43 Sample table of contents 5.4 Sample foreword pag

8、e 65 Figure illustration 10Tables1 Typical application factors Caand Ka7AGMA 900-H06 AMERICAN GEAR MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATIONivForewordThe foreword, footnotes and annexes, if any, in this document are provided forinformational purposes only and are not to be construed as a part of AGMA InformationShe

9、et 900-H06, Style Manual for the Preparation of Standards, Information Sheets, andEditorial Manuals.TheTechnicalDivisionExecutiveCommittee(TDEC)oftheAmericanGearManufacturersAssociation(AGMA)hasapproveduseofthisstylemanualbyalltechnicalcommitteesandthe AGMA staff during the preparation and productio

10、n of all AGMA publications.Since this manual has been prepared in accordance with the requirements set forth, it hasthe same appearance as a properly prepared document regarding numbering, equations,illustrations, and references.The regulations governing committee activities, preparation of standard

11、s, organization oftheTechnicalDivisionandthereviewandapprovalprocessaredetailedintheAGMAPolicyand Practice Guides. Committee chairmen, committee members, and others concernedwith standards preparation and review are urged to become familiar with the appropriatePolicy and Practice Guides and with thi

12、s manual in order to facilitate the entire process ofpreparation and review of standards.This editorial manual complies with the AmericanNational Standards Institute (ANSI) Style Manual to the extent practical. It also uses therulesfordraftingandpresentationoftheInternationalStandardsOrganization(IS

13、O)iftheycoincide with or enhance the ANSI Manual. Illustrations, examples and terminology havebeen substituted for those in the ANSI Manual in order to provide information moreappropriate to the gearing industry. In addition, the special policies clause cites specificAGMA policies and practices as r

14、elating to preparation of AGMA technical literature.The first edition of this style manual was revised into AGMA 900-B87 in September 1987.Thenextrevision,AGMA900-C89,incorporatedchangestotheclausesonreferencesandbibliographyasapprovedbytheTDEConOctober10,1989. TherevisedAGMA900-D92was changed to fo

15、llow the ANSI style manual which, in turn, was based on the ISO stylemanual. It was approved by the TDEC on September 17, 1992. It was changed further, onSeptember8,1995,toreflectchangesintheANSIandISOstylemanuals. ItalsoisupdatedforPolicyandPracticeguidechangesandthedirectionsoftheTDEC.TheAGMA900-F

16、96revisionaddedISOTC60documentsymbolstoannexE. ItwasapprovedbytheTDEConOctober 28, 1996. AGMA 900-G00 was approved by the TDEC on October 22, 2000.AGMA 900-H06 was revised to incorporate current practice with text edits and by movingthethreetablesfromannexDtoanewannexF. Itreflectsthecontinuingintegr

17、ationofISODiectives pertaining to the style and drafting of documents within AGMA. It was approvedby the Technical Dividions Executive Committee on August 22, 2006.Suggestions forimprovementofthis standardwillbewelcome. TheyshouldbesenttotheAmericanGearManufacturersAssociation,500MontgomeryStreet,Su

18、ite350,Alexandria,Virginia 22314.1AGMA 900-H06AMERICAN GEAR MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATIONAmerican Gear ManufacturersAssociation -Style Manual for thePreparation ofStandards, InformationSheets, and EditorialManuals1 ScopeThis style manual establishes the requirements forthe preparation of American Gear M

19、anufacturersAssociation (AGMA) standards, information sheets,editorialmanuals,andothertechnicalliterature. Thestyle and format of AGMA technical literature iscoveredbythismanual. Alltechnicalcommitteeandstaff personnel should use this manual in thepreparation of AGMA technical literature drafts.The

20、guidelines in this manual are presented toenable personnel working on AGMA drafts toproduce standards and information sheets that areuniform, easily used by the reader, and that can beeasily processed through the review and printingprocesses.A check list, edit marking methods, and symbolguidance are

21、 provided in the annexes to assist theeditorial personnel in review of a draft.2 Reference documentsThe following documents contain provisions which,throughreferenceinthistext,constituteprovisionsofthe manual. At the time of publication, the editionswere valid. All publications are subject to revisi

22、on,and the users of this manual are encouraged toinvestigatethepossibilityofapplyingthemostrecenteditions of the publications listed:- ANSI/AGMA 1012-G05, Gear Nomenclature,Definitions of Terms with Symbols- AGMA 904-C96, Metric Usage- ANSIStylemanual-forpreparationofproposedAmerican National Standa

23、rds, Eighth Edition,Version 1.0 3/1/91- ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 - Rules for thestructureanddraftingofInternationalStandards3 ResponsibilitiesTo produce a professional document which istechnicallyaccuraterequirescertainresponsibilitiesof both the technical committee and AGMA Head-quarters staff. E

24、ach shall be aware of the othersresponsibilitiesandshouldassisttheotherintheeditprocess whenever possible.3.1 Technical committeesTechnical committees are responsible for providingAGMA Headquarters with complete, technicallyaccurate drafts that meet the requirements of thismanual for content, arrang

25、ement and legibility.Whenever possible, initial drafts of documents orportions of documents should be provided to AGMAHeadquarters in electronic format. The specificsoftware and version shall be agreed upon withHeadquarters staff.Conformance with the requirements for abbrevia-tions, symbols, numberi

26、ng system, and the style forspecial elements is especially important.Sincedraftsinthedevelopmentstageoftenundergoseveral revisions and pass through many handsbefore a final version is approved, AGMA requiresthateachcommitteeappointaneditorialcoordinator.This individual is responsible for ensuring th

27、at thedraftincludesallcommitteeapprovedrevisions.Thecoordinator should review each draft before it issubmitted to Headquarters to ensure that it meetsthe requirements of this manual. The coordinatorshall assemble all changes, additions, and correc-tions to the draft as approved by the committee andt

28、he Chairman before submitting each draft toHeadquarters for word processing.AGMA 900-H06 AMERICAN GEAR MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION2NOTE: The draft that is supplied by Headquarters isthe official draft. The official draft contains a banner atthe top of each page, stating, “This is preliminary infor-mat

29、ion and MAY NOT be applied or cited in any man-ner,” and a screened banner with the words“PRELIMINARY DRAFT” printed diagonally acrosseachpage. ThestatusofthedraftisindicatedasWork-ingdraft,Committeedraft,orGeneralBallotdraftalongwith the standard number and date.In making changes, the editorial coo

30、rdinator shallmark in red directly on the official Headquartersdraft.SeeannexBforthecorrectmethodofmarkingcorrections or making inserts. In no case shall thedraft be retyped. Retyping makes it very difficult forHeadquarters to determine the changes that havebeen made to the text. If lengthy changes

31、or insertsare required, they should be on the back of, orattached to, the page to be changed.The editorial coordinator should serve as the onlyliaison between the committee and AGMA Head-quarters editorial staff and should be available toanswer questions on drafts submitted.The Committee Chairman ma

32、y also act as editorialcoordinator but it is normally not recommended.3.2 AGMA staffThe AGMA support staff will proofread the revisedworkingdrafttoensurethatrequestedchangeshavebeen properly introduced into the official text.NOTE: Committees are responsible for technical con-tent of a document. Staf

33、f shall edit for style, grammar,clarity, and consistency among standards, but shall notchange meaning or intent.Staffwillassistcommittee personnelin thedevelop-ment of technical literature by offering style andeditorialcommentsthroughoutallstagesofdevelop-ment, balloting, and printing.4 Format of AG

34、MA standardsAll AGMA standards shall use SI (“hard” metric)dimensions and units of measure. A paralleldocument in the older, inch units may also bedeveloped.The ISO Directives and ANSI style manual shall beusedwithAGMA900-F96whentheAGMAstandardwill also be submitted as an ISO or ANSI nationalstandar

35、d.4.1 ElementsEvery AGMA standard shall contain the followingelements, arranged in the order indicated:a) Title page (front cover);b) Copyright and abstract page;c) Table of Contents;d) Foreword;e) Committee list;f) Scope;g) Symbols, terminology, and definitions;h) Complete text including tables and

36、 figures tosupport the technical data.In addition, the following elements should be in-cluded as required:- Normative references (after the scope);- Annexes (after the text);- Bibliography (at the end of the document) .4.1.1 Title pageThe format of the title page shall be as shown infigure 1 for all

37、 standards and information sheets. TitlesThe wording of the title shall be established withgreat care. Being as concise as possible, it shallindicate, without ambiguity, the subject matter. Thetitleofastandardshouldindicate whatit covers withvery few words. Remember the words “AmericanNationa

38、lStandardInstitute” (ANSI)willbecomepartof the title when approved. Either the term AGMA orANSI is correctly used as a noun or as an adjectivemodifying such things as “specifications”, “require-ments”, “methods of test”, or “definitions”. Do notuse it as an adjective modifying a name.Correct:America

39、n Gear Manufacturers AssociationSpecification for Measurement of Linear Vibra-tion on Gear UnitsIncorrect:American Gear Manufacturers AssociationGear UnitsAGMA 900-H06AMERICAN GEAR MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION3Figure 1 - Sample cover with titleAGMA 900-H06 AMERICAN GEAR MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION44.1.2

40、AbstractProvideanabstractthatisasinformativeaspossibleso that the reader can determine if the standardcontains the information needed. Where possible,begin the abstract with the main purpose andrecommendations of the standard. An abstractshould be short and concise and provide an over-viewofinformat

41、ioncontainedinthestandard.Itmustbe understandable without reference to the mainparts of the standard (see figure 2).4.1.3 Table of contentsThetableofcontentsshalllistthefollowingelementsin order (as required): clauses, annexes, bibliogra-phy, index(es), figures and tables. Numbering ofthese elements

42、 is explained in 5.1. See figure 3 fortypical arrangement.4.1.4 ForewordSupply a foreword that includes a brief history of thedevelopment of the standard, a description of itspurpose and, if it is a revision, the principal changesincorporated since the last issue. See figure 4.Since,byAGMApolicy,the

43、forewordisnotpartofthestandard, it shall begin with this statement: “Theforeword, footnotes and annexes in this documentareprovidedforinformationalpurposesonlyandarenot to be construed to be a part of (add number andtitle of standard).”Elicit comments on the standard by adding thisstatement at the e

44、nd of the foreword: “Suggestionsfor the improvement of this standard will be wel-come. They should be sent to the American GearManufacturers Association, 500 MontgomeryStreet, Suite 350, Alexandria, Virginia 22314.”4.1.5 Committee listEach AGMA standard shall contain a list of commit-tee members, in

45、cluding the members company oraffiliation. The Committee Chairman shall be listedfirst, followed by the Vice Chairman. All Active thatworked on the standard will be listed separately andalphabetically.NOTE: Committee membership is established in ac-cordance with the AGMA Policy and Practice Guide7-1

46、.4.1.6 ScopeThescopeshouldbeabriefstatementofthematerialincluded in the standard. Unless it is obvious, thescope shall also state what is not included. Thescopeofthedocumentshallnotexceedthescopeofthe committee without the approval of the TechnicalDivision Executive Committee (TDEC).4.1.7 Normative

47、referencesOther standards shall be referenced, rather thanquoted or repeated. This avoids transcriptionalerrors, maintains consistency and is mandated byISO and ANSI.Any reference documents that are necessary forproper application of the standard (normally AGMAStandards)shallbelistedwiththeirnumber,

48、titleandpublication date. Reference documents should belisted following the scope only if they are incorpo-rated in the text in such a way as to make themindispensable for the application of the standard.Thelistshallbeintroducedbythefollowingwording:“Thefollowingstandards(documents)containprovi-sion

49、swhich,throughreferenceinthistext,constituteprovisionsofthisstandard(document).Atthetimeofpublication, the editions were valid. All standards(documents) are subject to revision and parties toagreements based on this standard (document) areencouraged to investigate thepossibility ofapplyingthe most recent editions of the standards (docu-ments) indicated below.”The list shall not include documents which are notavailable or approved or those which are intendedonlyasinformativereferences.Suchdocumentscanbe listed in a bibliography.4.1.8 Symbols and term

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