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AGMA ISO 18653-A06-2006 Gears - Evaluation of Instruments for the Measurement of Individual Gears《齿轮.单个齿轮测量用仪器的评价》.pdf

1、ANSI/AGMAISO18653-A06ANSI/AGMA ISO 18653-A06Identical to ISO 18653:2003AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDGears - Evaluation of Instruments for theMeasurement of Individual GearsiiGears - EvaluationofInstrumentsfortheMeasurementofIndividualGearsANSI/AGMA ISO 18653-A06ApprovalofanAmericanNationalStandardrequi

2、resverificationbyANSIthattherequire-ments for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval have been met by thestandards developer.Consensusisestablishedwhen,inthejudgmentoftheANSIBoardofStandardsReview,substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests.S

3、ubstantialagreementmeansmuchmorethanasimplemajority,butnotnecessarilyuna-nimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that aconcerted effort be made toward their resolution.TheuseofAmericanNationalStandardsiscompletelyvoluntary;theirexistencedoesnotin any respect precl

4、ude anyone, whether he has approved the standards or not, frommanufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures notconforming to the standards.The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in nocircumstances give an interpretation of an

5、y American National Standard. Moreover, noperson shall have the right or authority to issue an interpretation of an American NationalStandardinthenameoftheAmericanNationalStandardsInstitute. Requestsforinterpre-tation of this standard should be addressed to the American Gear ManufacturersAssociation

6、.CAUTION NOTICE: AGMA technical publications are subject to constant improvement,revision, or withdrawal as dictated by experience. Any person who refers to any AGMAtechnical publication should be sure that the publication is the latest available from theAssociation on the subject matter.Tablesoroth

7、erself-supportingsectionsmaybereferenced. Citationsshouldread: SeeANSI/AGMAISO18653-A06,Gears - EvaluationofInstrumentsfortheMeasurementofIndividual Gears, published by the American Gear Manufacturers Association, 500Montgomery Street, Suite 350, Alexandria, Virginia 22314, http:/

8、ed September 29, 2006ABSTRACTThisInternationalStandarddescribesmethodsforthedeterminationofinstrumentsuitabilityforuseinmakinggear measurements of involute, helix, pitch and runout. Includes instruments that measure runout directly, orcomputeitfromindexmeasurements. Ofnecessity,itcontainstheestimati

9、onofmeasurementuncertaintywiththe use of calibrated gear artifacts.Published byAmerican Gear Manufacturers Association500 Montgomery Street, Suite 350, Alexandria, Virginia 22314Copyright 2006 by American Gear Manufacturers AssociationAll rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced

10、 in any form, in an electronicretrieval system or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher.Printed in the United States of AmericaISBN: 1-55589-882-3AmericanNationalStandardANSI/AGMA ISO 18653-A06AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDiii AGMA 2006 - All rights reservedContentsForeword iv.1 S

11、cope 1.2 Normative references 1.3 Terms, definitions and symbols 1.4 Application 3.5 Condition of the measurement system 4.6 Environment 5.7Artifacts 5.8 Method for estimating measurement uncertainty 9Bibliography 14.AnnexesA (Normative) Artifact calibration certificate requirements 13.Tables1 Symbo

12、ls 2.Figures1Bias 2.2 Hierarchy of calibration 33 115 mm base circle diameter involute artifact 6.4 Helix artifact with involute form 75 Involute form pitch artifact 76 Master gear artifact 8.7 Internal gear artifact 8.8 Tooth thickness artifact 9ANSI/AGMA ISO 18653-A06 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDiv

13、AGMA 2006 - All rights reservedForewordThe foreword, footnotes and annexes, if any, in this document are provided forinformational purposes only and are not to be construed as a part of ANSI/AGMA ISOStandard18653-A06,Gears -EvaluationofInstrumentsfortheMeasurementofIndividualGears.In 1988, The Ameri

14、can Gear Manufacturers Association recognized the need forestablishment of standards for the calibration of gear measuring instruments. The AGMACalibration Committee was formed between April 1989 and their first meeting in February1990. Between 1995 and 1999, this committee, as members of the Commit

15、tee on GearMetrology (COGM), was instrumental in the establishment of the Oak Ridge GearMetrology Laboratory for the purpose of calibrating gear artifacts traceable to the NationalInstitute for Standards and Technology.The AGMA Calibration Committee, between 1990 and 1998, developed and publishedthr

16、ee national standards on calibration of gear measuring instruments: ANSI/AGMA2110-A94,MeasuringInstrumentCalibrationPartI,InvoluteMeasurement,ANSI/AGMA2113-A97, Measuring Instrument Calibration, Gear Tooth Alignment Measurement, andANSI/AGMA 2114-A98, Measuring Instrument Calibration, Gear Pitch and

17、 RunoutMeasurements.ThesestandardscoveredelementalmeasurementsspecifiedintheaccuracyrequirementsofANSI/AGMA2015-1-A01,AccuracyClassificationSystem - TangentialMeasurementsfor Cylindrical Gears.In1999,thecontentofthesestandardswascombinedandsubmittedtoISOasaproposedwork item. As a result, ISO TC60/WG

18、2 used this as the basis for development of ISO18653:2003,Gears -Evaluationofinstrumentsforthemeasurementofgears,andISO/TR10064-5:2005, Code of inspection practice - Part 5: Recommendations relative toevaluation of gear measuring instruments.During the ISO development period the Calibration Committe

19、e decided that supplementalinformation,onmeasurementsystemconditionsforcalibration,accuracyrequirementsanduncertainty determination, was desirable to have in an AGMA Information Sheet. Thisresulted in the publication of AGMA 931-A02, Calibration of Gear Measuring Instrumentsand Their Application to

20、the Inspection of Product Gears, in 2002.TheISOdocumentsexpandedtheAGMAworkandincludedmaterialonthedeterminationof uncertainty of measurement and the introduction of spherical calibration artifacts. Thenaturalevolution,therefore,wastheadoptionofthetwocomprehensiveISOdocumentsasnational documents in

21、place of the four ANSI/AGMA documents.ANSI/AGMA ISO 18653-A06 replaces ANSI/AGMA 2010-A94, ANSI/AGMA 2110-A94,ANSI/AGMA2113-A97,andANSI/AGMA2114-A98formeasuring instrumentcalibration.The measuring methods for those standards can be found in AGMA ISO 10064-5-A06.This standard is an identical adoption

22、 of ISO 18653:2003.ThefirstdraftofANSI/AGMAISO18653-A06wasmadeinOctober2005. ItwasapprovedbytheAGMAmembershipinJuly2006. ItwasapprovedasanAmericanNationalStandardon September 29, 2006.Suggestions for improvementofthis standard willbe welcome. Theyshould besenttotheAmericanGearManufacturersAssociatio

23、n,500MontgomeryStreet,Suite350,Alexandria,Virginia 22314.ANSI/AGMA ISO 18653-A06AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDv AGMA 2006 - All rights reservedPERSONNEL of the AGMA Calibration CommitteeChairman: Robert E. Smith R.E. Smith norareitsrequirementsintendedasan acceptance specification of product gears (seeI

24、SO 1328-1, ISO 1328-2, ISO/TR 10064-1, andISO/TR 10064-2). The estimation of product gearmeasurementuncertaintyisbeyondthescopeofthisstandard, see AGMA ISO 10064-5-A06 forrecommendations.2 Normative referencesThe following standards contain provisions which,throughreferenceinthistext,constituteprovi

25、sionsofthis American National Standard. At the time ofpublication, the editions indicated were valid. Allstandards are subject to revision, and parties toagreements based on this American National Stan-dard are encouraged to investigate the possibility ofapplying the most recent editions of the stan

26、dardsindicated below.AGMA ISO 10064-5-A06, Code of inspectionpractice - Part 5: Recommendations relative toevaluation of gear measuring instrumentsISO 1328-1:1995, Cylindrical gears - ISO systemof accuracy - Part 1: Definitions and allowablevalues of deviations relevant to correspondingflanks of gea

27、r teethISO/TR10064-3:1996,Codeofinspectionpractice-Part3:Recommendationsrelativetogearblanks,shaft centre distance and parallelism of axesISO 14253-1:1998, Geometrical Product Specifi-cations (GPS) - Inspection by measurement ofworkpieces and measuring equipment - Part 1:Decision rules for proving c

28、onformance or non-conformance with specificationsISO/IEC17025:1999,Generalrequirementsforthecompetence of testing and calibration laboratories.3 Terms, definitions and symbolsFor the purposes of this document, the followingterms, definitions and symbols (see table 1) apply.NOTE 1: The definitions, w

29、hen applicable, conform toISO 1122-1, ISO1328-1, ISO1328-2 and ISO/TR10064-1.NOTE 2: The terms, definitions and symbols used inthis document may vary from those used in other Inter-nationalStandards. Theuserneedstobecertainofful-ly understanding them, as they are used.3.1 AccuracyThe closeness of ag

30、reement between a measuredvalue and an accepted reference (or calibrated)value.3.2 ArtifactAn object of specific shape used to determine theaccuracy of measuring devices. See Clause 7.3.3 BiasThe difference between the observed average ofmeasurementsandthecalibrationvalue. Seefigure1.NOTE: Bias can

31、be affected by systematic errors suchas linearity or gain and may be different throughout theoperating range of the measurement system.ANSI/AGMA ISO 18653-A06 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD2 AGMA 2006 - All rights reservedBiasCalibrationvalueObservedaverageFigure 1 - Bias3.4 CalibrationA set of operatio

32、ns that establish, under specifiedconditions,therelationshipbetweenvaluesofquan-tities indicated by a measuring instrument or mea-suring system and the corresponding valuesrealized by standards.3.5 GainThe magnification factor between the input and theoutput.3.6 Helix artifactAn artifact having a ca

33、librated helix form.3.7 Involute artifactA calibrated artifact having an involute form deter-mined by a specific base circle.3.8 MeasurandThe particular quantity subject to measurement.3.9 Pitch and runout artifactAn artifact with calibrated index features for pitch orrunout or both.3.10 Repeatabili

34、ty (of measurement results)The closeness of the agreement between results ofsuccessive measurements of the same measurandcarried out under the same conditions ofmeasurement.3.11 Reproducibility (of measurement results)The closeness of the agreement between results ofmeasurements of the same measuran

35、d carried outunder changed conditions of measurement.NOTE 1: A valid statement of reproducibility requiresspecification of the conditions changed.NOTE 2: The changed conditions may include:- principle of measurement;- method of measurement;- observer ;- measuring instrument;- reference standard;- lo

36、cation;- conditions of use;- time.NOTE 3: Reproducibility may be expressed quantita-tively in terms of dispersion characteristics of theresults.Table 1 - SymbolsSymbol Definition Units Wherefirst usedE Bias mm Eq 1k Coverage factor - - Eq 1n Number of measurements - - Eq 2U95Measuring uncertainty mm

37、 Eq 1U95cUncertainty estimation mm Eq 4U95(cal)Measurement uncertainty stated in reference artifact calibration document mm Eq 3umStandard uncertainty mm Eq 1unReference artifact calibration uncertainty mm Eq 1ugGeometry similarity influence mm Eq 1uwWorkpiece characteristic influence mm Eq 1XiIndiv

38、idual measured value of parameter calibrated mm Eq 2XMean of measured values mm Eq 2ANSI/AGMA ISO 18653-A06AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD3 AGMA 2006 - All rights reserved3.12 Uncertainty (of measurement results)The parameter associated with the result of ameasurement that characterizes the dispersion of

39、the values that could be reasonably attributed to themeasurand.NOTE 1: The parameter may be, for example, a stan-dard deviation (or a given multiple of it), or the half-width of an interval having a stated level of confidence.NOTE 2: Uncertainty of measurement comprises, ingeneral, many components.

40、Some of these compo-nents may be evaluated from the statistical distributionof the results of a series of measurements and can becharacterized by experimental standard deviations.The other components, which also can be character-ized by standard deviations, are evaluated from as-sumed probability di

41、stributions based on experienceorother information.NOTE3: Itisunderstoodthattheresultofthemeasure-mentisthebestestimateofthevalueofthemeasurand,and that all components of uncertainty, including thosearising from systematic effects, such as componentsassociated with corrections and reference standard

42、s,contribute to the dispersion.4 Application4.1 GeneralThe purpose of the tests prescribed in this standardistoestimatemeasurementuncertainty. Ithasbeenassumed that the gear-measuring instrument hasbeen installed on site and a series of acceptancetestshavebeencompletedsuccessfully. Prescribedtests m

43、ay serve as interim checks to verify themeasurement process.The measurement and evaluation procedures maybe used as part of acceptance tests for a newgear-measuring instrument, with prior agreementbetweencustomerandsupplier. In thissituation itisrecommended that a series of traceably calibratedgear

44、artifacts be used to verify the measurementuncertaintyatspecificpointsthroughouttheworkingvolume of the instrument. These measurementsshouldincludeprovisionfortestingthemachinewithtable loads that represent the weight of productgears being tested.4.2 TraceabilityThetermtraceabilityimpliesanunbrokenc

45、alibrationchain from measurements taken on shop floorinspection instruments to the primary artifacts at anational laboratory, see figure 2. Traceability istransferredbycalibratedgearartifacts. Theprimarylaboratoryhasthelowestuncertainty,anduncertain-ty increases at each level as the traceability cha

46、in istransferred to shop floor measuring instruments.Minimizingthestepsfromtheprimarylaboratorytoashop floor measuring instrument will reduce themeasurement uncertainty.Figure 2 - Hierarchy of calibrationANSI/AGMA ISO 18653-A06 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD4 AGMA 2006 - All rights reserved4.3 Artifacts

47、The gear artifacts used for these tests shall be ofsimilarsizeandgeometrytoproductgearsinspectedonthemeasuringinstrument. Artifactsshallbeusedto evaluate the accuracy of each parameter in-spected: helix (lead), profile, pitch, runout and tooththickness. Specificartifactrequirementsaregiveninclause 7

48、.4.4 Measurement uncertaintyConventional practice recommends the uncertaintyof a measurement process be less than 10% of theparameter tolerance measured, to ensure that thereliable interpretation of the measurement results ispossible. However,thisisnottechnicallyachievablewhen inspecting high accura

49、cy gears.For example, gears with tolerances better than 10mm, the best achievable uncertainty may be only 20to 30%. To determine the uncertainty, see Clause 8and AGMA ISO 10064-5-A06. Recommendationsfor allowable measurement uncertainty are made inAGMA ISO 10064-5-A06.4.5 Sources of uncertaintyThe verification of measurement uncertainty shallinclude, but not be limited to, the assessment of theprincipal contributions to uncertainty in gear mea-surement listed below:- artifact data;

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