1、METRICA-A-5913528 OCTOBER 1997SUPERSEDINGPPP-C-1752D(3)1 FEBRUARY 1993COMMERCIAL ITEM DESCRIPTIONPACKAGING MATERIAL, SHEETThe General Services Administration has authorized the use of this commercial item description as a replacementfor Class 1 of PPP-C-1752D by all federal agencies1. SCOPE1.1 This
2、commercial item description covers sheet materials used for dunnage and packaging applications,including static dissipative and fire retardant grades.1.2 The performance of packaging material is dependent on its application and factors such as drop height,product weight, thickness and derived dynami
3、c performance while its application depends on environmentalfactors such as temperature, humidity, transportation and storage. Therefore, a variety of classes and gradesreflecting material characteristics are available.1.3 This Commercial Item Description (CID) does not purport to address the safety
4、 problems, if any, associatedwith its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practicesand determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. CLASSIFICATION.2.1 Sheet Material shall be of the following types, classes, a
5、nd grades as specified.Class 1 - General purpose polyethylene sheet material.Class 2 - General purpose polypropylene sheet material.Class 3 - General purpose starch based sheet material.Class 4 - General purpose paper or cellulose sheet material.Class 5 - Special purpose sheet material as specified
6、by the Procuring Activity.Grade A - Standard.Grade B - Static dissipative.Grade C - Fire retardant (See 5.5)Grade D - Static dissipative and Fire retardant (See 5.5).FSC 8135Beneficial comments, recommendations, deletions, clarifications, etc. and any other data which may improve thisdocument should
7、 be addressed to: AFMC LSO/LOP, 5215 Thurlow St, Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433-5540.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-A-A-591352Acceptable combinations are:Class 1, Grades A, B, C, DClass 2, Grades A, B, C, DClass 3, Grades A, B, C, DCl
8、ass 4, Grade AClass 5, Grades A, B, C, D3. SALIENT CHARACTERISTICS3.1 Terminology - General definitions for packaging and distribution environments are found in TerminologyASTM D 996.3.2 Material performance - All classes of material supplied under this specification shall be suitable to protectitem
9、s from hazards encountered during handling and shipping at temperatures between -54C (-65F ) and 70C(158F).3.3 Form - All classes of material shall be furnished in the forms specified, see for suggested dimensionsand all material must comply with 3.7. Thickness shall be tested in accordance
10、 with Polyethylene - The polyethylene supplied under this specification shall be resilient, unicellular (closed cell)foam material. Class 1 material only.3.3.2 Polypropylene - The polypropylene supplied under this specification shall be low density, resilient,unicellular (closed cell) fo
11、am material. Class 2 material only.3.3.3 Starch based - The starch based material supplied under this specification shall be commercial grade, bio-degradable foam material, intended for indoor storage for less than 1 calendar year. Class 3 material only.3.3.4 Paper or cellulose - The material suppli
12、ed under this specification shall be commercial grade, paper ornatural cellulose material, expanded by a consistent manufacturing process to provide item protection as dunnage.Class 4 material only.3.4 Static Dissipative Material (Grade B and D only) - Static dissipative material shall conform to al
13、l requirementsfor the specified type while continuing to meet the requirements of Electrostatic Decay Time - The average decay time, when tested as specified in, shall be less than 2.0seconds3.4.2 Resistivity3.4.2.1 Surface Conductive Material (Grade B and D only ) - Surface resist
14、ivity, when tested as specified in,shall not be less than 1.0 x 10 5 and not more than 1.0 x 10 14 ohms per square.3.5 Fire Retardant Material (Grade C and D only ) - Fire retardant material shall conform to all the requirementsspecified by the Procuring Activity for the specified type and c
15、lass. (See Compression Set (Class 1 and 2 only) - The compression set, when tested as specified in 5.6, shall be 15percent maximum.3.7 Density - The nominal density of the material when tested as specified in 5.4.3 shall be tested and reported.Unless otherwise specified the density will
16、not be used to reject material.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-A-A-5913533.8 Color - For visible identification purposes only, unless otherwise specified.3.8.1 Grade A - The color shall be white.3.8.2 Grade B - The color shall be pink
17、.3.8.3 Grade C - The color shall be light brown.3.8.4 Grade D - The color shall be blue-grey3.9 Dimensional Tolerances -Unless otherwise specified, the following tolerances apply (5.4.1):CLASS LENGTH (%) WIDTH (%) THICKNESSGENERAL PURPOSE SHEET1,2,3,4 +8, -0 +8, -1 +15 %, -5 %SPECIAL PURPOSE SHEETS5
18、 +8, -0 +8, -1 1 mm.4. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS - NONE5. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS.5.1 Contractor Certification - The contractor shall certify and maintain all records in accordance with the contractconditions and applicable Federal Acquisition Requirements (FAR) clauses.5.1.1 First Article Waiver
19、 - First article inspection may be waived, by the Air Force Packaging Technology andEngineering Facility (AFPTEF) or the procuring activity, when the procuring activity or contract administrator hasdata or other evidence to indicate that prior successful first article inspection has been conducted.
20、Only when thefirst article has been waived by the AFPTEF or procuring activity, may the contractor self-certify that the materialwill conform to the requirements of this CID.5.1.2. First Article Inspection - First article inspection shall consist of all tests in this section and shall beperformed by
21、 the contractor prior to production. First article inspection shall be performed on sample unitsproduced using materials, equipment, and procedures which will be used in fulfilling the contract. First articleapproval is valid only on the contract on which it is granted, unless extended by the Govern
22、ment to other contracts.In case of dispute, the procuring activity shall require testing on contractor supplied material performed by eitherAFPTEF or an independent lab.5.2 Market Acceptability - The following market acceptability criteria are necessary to document the quality of theproduct to be pr
23、ovided under this CID.5.2.1 Manufacturer Purchase - The materials manufacturer shall furnish documents that the material being offeredis a commercial product meeting the requirements of this CID. Such proof could be completed delivery ordersfilled for customers within the previous 12 months.5.2.2 Di
24、stributor Purchase - Distributor purchased products must meet the requirements stated above. Only onemanufacturers product shall be used to fulfill a single purchase order.5.3 Test Conditions and Specimens5.3.1 Test Conditions - All measurements and tests, other than Static Dissipative Properties (w
25、hich require 12%relative humidity (RH) conditioning), shall be conducted on specimens conditioned at 23 2 C and 50 5percent RH for at least 16 hours or until the difference between 2 successive weighings conducted at 1 hourintervals is less than 1 percent of the average weight.5.3.2 Test Specimens -
26、 Test specimens shall be taken from the end item whenever possible. If test specimenscannot be prepared from the end item, they shall be prepared from the same lot of material used to make the enditem.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-A
27、-A-5913545.4 Tests - The contractor shall comply with all contractual test compliance and reporting requirements.5.4.1 Dimensions - The dimensions shall be measured and reported in accordance with ASTM D 3575.5.4.2 Thickness - (See 3.9) Thickness shall be measured using a dial micrometer on a stand.
28、 Specimen size shallbe 125 mm by 125 mm. Three specimens shall be cut from the sample. Two shall be cut 100 mm from each edgeand one from the center of the sample. Each specimen shall be placed on a flat surface and centered beneath a 150mm by 150 mm plate, weighing 2.25 Kg, so as to exert a force o
29、f 144 Kg/M 2 on the specimen. The measurementshall be taken at the geometric center of the plate within 30 seconds after plate application.5.4.3 Density - (See 3.7) The density of the material shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D 3575, SuffixW, Method A. Report results numerically to the ne
30、arest 0.5 Kg/M 3 .5.4.4 Static Dissipative Properties - (Grades B and D only) Electrostatic Decay Time - The electrostatic decay time shall be determined in accordance with EIAStandard 541, Appendix F. Report results numerically to the nearest 0.1 second. Resistivity - The surface resi
31、stivity shall be determined in accordance with EIA Standard 541, Section 4.3.Report Results numerically to 3 significant figures.5.5 Fire Retardancy - Shall be as specified by the Procuring Activity. See Compression Set - (See 3.6) Specimens 125 mm by 125 mm by 6 mm thick shall be used.
32、Materials less than6 mm thick shall be plied to measure 6 mm as closely as possible. Rounded corners or precompressed edges are tobe avoided. The 6 mm specimen shall be placed on a flat surface and the original thickness (T o ) determined as in5.4.2. A 150 mm by 150 mm plate shall be centered on the
33、 specimen to give a constant and uniform load of 144Kg/M 2 for 96 hours. The total load on the specimen shall be 2.25 Kg. Initial reading (T o ) to be taken after a 60minute conditioning period. After 96 hours the total load shall be removed and the specimen shall be allowed torecover for 8 hours. T
34、he final thickness (T f ) shall be determined as in 5.4.2. Compression set shall be determinedas follows:Percent Compression Set = ( (T o - T f ) / T o ) x 1006. PACKAGING. Preservation, packaging, and marking shall be as specified in the contract or order.7. NOTES7.1 Metric conversions to English u
35、nits should be made using international conversion standards. For quickreference use 2.54 cm = 1 in, 16 Kg/M = 1 lb/ft (PCF), 0.07 Kg/cm 2 = 1 lb/in 2 (PSI).7.2 Part Identification Number (PIN) - The following part identification numbering procedure is for governmentpurposes and does not constitute
36、a requirement for the contractor.This example describes a part numbering system for CID A-A-59135Example of reference part number:AA59135 - 1 AClass 1 - General purpose sheet material.Class 2 - General purpose polypropylene sheet material.Class 3 - General purpose starch based sheet material.Class 4
37、 - General purpose paper or cellulose sheet material.Class 5 - Special purpose sheet material as specified by the Procuring Activity.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-A-A-591355Note: Bold Text refers to the reference part number.Grade A
38、 - Standard.Grade B - Static dissipative.Grade C - Fire retardant (See 5.5).Grade D - Static dissipative and Fire retardant (See 5.5).7.2.1 Additional Ordering Data - In addition to the part number the purchaser may include the followinginformation in procurement documents: Dimensional tolera
39、nces for special purpose sheets. Special Color (see 3.8) Flexibility (Procuring activity must define test) Thermal Stability (Ref. ASTM D3575, Suffix S, dimensional change not greater than 2% typical value) Flammable Blowing Agent Content (Procuring activity must define t
40、est to determine Lower ExplosiveLimit (LEL), typical value is 50%). (Ref. NIPHLE 97T-002) Contact Corrosivity (Ref. Fed-Std-101, Method 3005, Cleaning per ASTM D3330) Fire Retardant (Procuring activity must define test) Water Absorption (Ref. ASTM D3575, Suffix L, 0.1 pound per
41、square foot typical value) Constant Compression Creep (Ref. ASTM D3575, Suffix BB, Static Load typical value 3.6 Kg) Roll size; i.e.:LENGTH, Meters 300 M 200 M 150 M 100 M 75 MWIDTH, Meters 1.8 M 1.8 M 1.8 M 1.8 M 1.8 MTHICKNESS,mm1.5 mm 2.25 mm 3 mm 4.5 mm 6 mm7.2.1.11 Tear Perforate
42、d Roll - When required, the tear perforations shall be at intervals of 0.5 M (18 in.), unlessotherwise specified.7.3 Intended Use - The material covered by this specification is intended primarily for use in packagingapplications satisfying MIL-STD-2073 and ASTM D3951 to protect items from environme
43、ntal hazards such asshock, vibration, concentrated forces and abrasion during handling and shipping. Grade B materials also protectitems from the buildup or retention of electrostatic potential. Grade C materials have been treated to retard theirburning rate. Grade D materials have been treated to s
44、atisfy both Grade B and C requirements.7.4 Keywords.polyethylene, polypropylene, starch, cellulose, sheet, fire retardant, static dissipative, foam, dunnage.7.5 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS7.5.1 ASTM Standards . ASTM Standards are available from the American Society for Testing and Materials, 100Barr Harbor
45、 Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.D 996 Terminology of Packaging and Distribution EnvironmentsD 3575 Test Methods for Flexible Cellular Materials Made from Olefin PolymersD 3951 Standard Practice for Commercial PackagingD 257 DC Resistance or Conductance of Insulating Materials7.5.2 NIPHLE Do
46、cuments:NIPHLE 97T-002 Methodology for Measuring Residual Hydrocarbon Blowing Agent in ExtrudedPolyethylene FoamNIPHLE Documents are available from NIPHLE 6902 Lyle Street, Lanham MD 20706-3454Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-A-A-59135
47、67.5.3 Department of Defense. Defense Department documents are available through the Defense Printing Service,700 Robbins Ave, Building 4D, Philadelphia PA 19111-5094.MIL-STD 2073 Standard Practice for Military PackagingFED STD-101 Federal Test Method StandardCIVILIAN COORDINATING AGENCY - FSSMILITARY INTERESTS:Custodians Preparing Activity - 69Army - SMAir Force -69Navy - AS Project (8135- 0703)DLA- CCReview ActivitiesArmy - GL, AR, AT, MIAir Force - 70, 71, 80, 84, 99Navy - SA, SH, YD1, OSProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-
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