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2、bie L. Griffin) Certified by: HQ USAF/ILE(Major Gen L. Dean Fox)Pages: 58Distribution: FThis instruction implements Department of Defense (DoD) Manual 4165.63-M, DoD Housing Manage-ment, September 1993, and Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 32-60, Housing. It must be used togetherwith Air Force Inst

3、ruction (AFI) 32-6001, Family Housing Management, AFI 32-6002, Family HousingPlanning, Programming, Design and Construction, AFI 32-6003, General Officer Quarters, AFI 32-7061,Environmental Impact Analysis Process (EIAP) as promulgated at 32 CFR 989, and AFI 32-6004, Fur-nishings Management. All por

4、tions of AFI 32-6001 apply except as noted in this instruction. State lawsand existing transaction documents between the Air Force and the successful offeror (SO) may overriderequirements of this instruction. Installations with privatized housing (PH) agreements established beforethe publication of

5、this instruction are exempt from its requirements upon request and approval by TheOffice of the Civil Engineer, Housing Division (HQ USAF/ILEH). This instruction does not apply to theAir National Guard (ANG) and Air Force Reserve (AFRES) except when on active duty. Ensure that allrecords created as

6、a result of processes prescribed in this publication are maintained in accordance withAFMAN 37-123, Management of Records, and disposed of in accordance with the Air Force Records Dis-position Schedule (RDS) located at https:/ The reports required by this instruction are license

7、d by Report Control Symbol DOD-AT recommenda-tions for policy or process changes that must be approved by the ESG, document management, moni-toring, evaluation, reporting, and funds management. The Portfolio Manager will identify problemsand assist with resolution. The Portfolio Manager will assist

8、the Installation Commander, as required,in approval of the SOs annual budget and resolution of any Transaction Document disputes. 1.5.4. Provides oversight of and direction to all training programs in support of the Air Force HP Pro-gram. 1.6. Major Commands. 1.6.1. The MAJCOM will identify, develop

9、, acquire, execute, and manage installation MHPIs. TheMAJCOM will submit budgetary requirements during AF/ILEH data calls and report any additionalrequirements to AF/ILEH. 1.6.2. The MAJCOM supports the installation throughout the process, including conducting site vis-its, developing and submitting

10、 project information and plans, approving and reporting schedules andprogress to AFCEE and AF/ILEHM, obtaining the authority to advertise and close projects, andresolving conflicts. It also provides oversight, support, and guidance, as necessary, to the installationbefore, during, and after project

11、closing. For MHPI execution activities prior to transaction closure,the MAJCOM is the lead for requesting approvals from the CSAF, the ESG, and the Deputy UnderSecretary of Defense for Installations and Environment (DUSD I utility pay-ments, including benefits of utility conservation; insurance opti

12、ons; self-help limitations or allow-ances; allotment procedures; annual allotment adjustments; lease requirements; grievance policy;impact of drawing Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) on supplemental entitlements, such as therequirement for the housing office to certify PH occupancy for federal food

13、, school lunch and otherrelated programs; any additional entitlements; and other applicable local issues. 1.10.4. Assist eligible military members in preparing and submitting funds allotments at initial occu-pancy of PH and when adjustments are necessary. 1.10.5. On a case-by-case basis at the insta

14、llation commanders direction, refer other residents on thelist in paragraph, for occupancy of vacant units not required by eligible referrals, evenwhen more than 95 percent of the units are occupied (see Terms, Hardships). Actions must be inaccordance with the projects transaction docume

15、nts or changes to the documents must be staffed tothe appropriate level, usually, SAF/IEI. 1.10.6. Review and become familiar with the terms used in the installation PH documents. 1.11. Functional Area Staff (FAS). Housing positions identified on the Unit Manning Document asinherently governmental a

16、nd further identified with reason code (RSC code) “E.” FAS positions were ini-tially distributed to major commands through Manpower Change Control Number 84RCZFAS. HousingFAS positions are assigned to functional account (FAC) code 44EHFA. Only GS 1173 series career posi-tions may be assigned to this

17、 FAC as housing FAS. FAS positions provide technical guidance to installa-tion leadership; are excluded from competitive sourcing; and do not include daily operation of theHousing Flight. The FAS performs inherently governmental duties such as, but not limited to, generalProvided by IHSNot for Resal

18、eNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-12 AFI32-6007 22 JUNE 2005officer quarters management, master plans, community housing referral, contract preparation and over-sight, and oversight of the budget and furnishings management operations. The FAS has the responsibilit

19、y to administer the installations PH program. The FAS is synonymous withAsset Management team. The FAS Manager serves as the Installation Asset Manager and has the respon-sibility to: 1.11.1. Ensure compliance with transaction documents. 1.11.2. Oversee budget requirements and execution of PH. 1.11.

20、3. Perform Asset Management functions for oversight of project operations. 1.11.4. Ensures that the SO provides an installation-specific brochure in accordance with the transac-tion documents. Provides the SO any changes in Air Force housing brochure development policy. 1.11.5. Monitor PH to ensure

21、that units are distributed to the target demographics as identified in thetransaction documents and approved modifications to target demographics as required. 1.11.6. Validate and staff any recommended changes to the SOs proposed utility allowance to theinstallation commander for approval. 1.11.7. P

22、rovide the SO, as required, access to Civil Engineering and other approved AF computer sys-tems and programs for data retrieval and input of information on items such as referral, tenants andupward reporting. Background checks for users of any of these systems may be required by AFSSI5027. 1.11.8. A

23、ssist AFCEE in performing installation-specific portfolio management duties related to PH(e.g., obtaining required documents, compliance testing, performance verification, and the PEP).Efforts will include, but are not limited to collecting, reviewing, and providing portfolio managementdocuments (e.

24、g., budgets, certified financials, insurance policy certification, MRC minutes, demo-graphic information) to AFCEE as identified in the transaction documents. 1.11.9. Measure tenant satisfaction concerning PH property management practices, policies and pro-cesses, and M how-ever, HQ AF and OSD will

25、consider candidate projects with a leverage ratio less than 3 to 1 on acase-by-case basis. Final scoring reports shall be submitted to HQ USAF/ILE and SAF/FMC no later than 10duty days after completion of negotiations and closing of a housing privatization transaction. HQUSAF/ILEH and SAF/F

26、MC shall approve any changes to the loan terms of a project during nego-tiations or redistribution of proceeds prior to signing the final closure documents. 2.2. Site Visits. 2.2.1. Installations and MAJCOMs will work with the PSCs via AFCEE, to schedule visits to meetproject milestones. 2.2.2. Inst

27、allations and MAJCOMs will maximize IPT participation during the PSC and AFCEE vis-its to ensure that visit objectives are achieved and the project meets installation requirements. 2.2.3. The Air Force will provide timely Government-furnished materials and comments on PSCdeliverables. 2.3. Program A

28、djustments. 2.3.1. Projects approved in the FHMP will be executed in the fiscal year of appropriation and will notbe accelerated or deferred without specific approval of the AF/ILE. Once the DD Form 1391 is pro-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from

29、 IHS-,-,-AFI32-6007 22 JUNE 2005 15vided to Congress for authorization and appropriation, projects will be subject to military construction(MILCON) procedures for scope, cost changes, and approvals. After OSD concept approval, no sub-stantive changes shall be made to a projects scope or scoring with

30、out written approval from HQUSAF/ILEH, ILE or IEI per published guidelines, reference AF/ILE ltr of 17 Nov 03. This approvalmust be obtained prior to the issuance of any substantive solicitation amendments that modify thescope of the project. Congress will be notified of changes to the projects when

31、 the congressional noti-fication of intent to solicit is issued. 2.3.2. The DD Form 1391 will document and control all PH project accountability. Scoring or scopechanges of 15 percent or less require approval by AF/ILEH, greater than 15 percent and up to 25 per-cent require approval by AF/ILE and gr

32、eater than 25 percent require approval by SAF/IEI and priorcongressional notification. The MAJCOM/CE will submit any request for change to the appropriatelevel. A “marked-up” DD Form 1391 must accompany the request. 2.3.3. The MAJCOM/CE will forward to the ESG a proposed development and solicitation

33、 schedulefor approval no later than one month after the CSAF approves an MHPI project for inclusion in theFamily Housing Master Plan. Any subsequent changes to a projects schedule must be submitted inwriting by the MAJCOM/CE to the AF/ILE for approval. 2.4. Project Inserts. To insert a candidate pri

34、vatization project, MAJCOMs will forward their request toAF/ILEH for action. Inserts may be difficult to accomplish based on the lack of appropriated dollars tocover scored costs and budgeted P727 dollars to cover development costs. 2.5. Project Cancellation. When privatization is no longer practica

35、l for a housing project identified inthe FHMP as a privatization candidate, the MAJCOM/CC will send a memorandum to the Deputy Chiefof Staff for Installations and Logistics (AF/IL) requesting cancellation of the project (providing a full jus-tification for the decision) and authority to proceed with

36、 the alternative MILCON identified in DD Form1391. The funding of design funds to affect the MILCON project will be the responsibility of the MAJ-COM. 2.6. Program Reporting. By the end of every quarter, AFCEE and each MAJCOM will provide updatedmilestones to AF/ILEH on its active projects, to inclu

37、de environmental impact analysis process comple-tion dates, projected and actual OSD concept approval dates, congressional notifications (solicitation andaward) and closing dates. Any changes to the milestones will be in accordance with 2.3.3. AFCEE willprovide updated PSC consultant and portfolio m

38、anagement costs at the same time. AF/ILEHM will con-solidate the dates and costs, provide a narrative update and coordinate the package through the CSAF andthe Secretary of the Air Force (SECAF) before sending to OSD (H however, an informal notice should be sent by AF/ILEHM through SAF/FML and SAF/L

39、LP as a courtesy to congressional representatives and senators from the projects district andstate so they are aware of the upcoming project. 3.1.2. Source Selection. The OPR for the Competition Plan (CP), or the Selection Plan (SP) when used for solesource transactions, policy and guidance

40、 is the execution agent. AFCEE is the OPR for the CPexecution and provides supplemental guidance and templates. The MAJCOM is the OPR for theSP execution and provides supplemental guidance and templates. Evaluation teams consist of per-sonnel from the installation, MAJCOM, and AFCEE, with advisors f

41、rom the Air Force IPT andESG. The selection briefing to the Air Force and OSD will follow the approved template atattachment A3.3. A briefing may not be required by OSD following the submission of the briefingslides, OSD will provide AF/ILEH that determination. The selection proces

42、s is financed using P727 funds. MAJCOMs will program, forecastand control these funds through the Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution Systemand Financial Plan processes. Approvals. SAF/IEI may delegate to the respective MAJCOM commander by project, theauthority to soli

43、cit, evaluate, and negotiate final agreements, to select an offeror for final clos-ing of approved family PH initiatives, to administer the housing project, and to require mem-bers who lease housing units to make lease payments through pay allotments pursuant to 10U.S.C. 2882. This delegated authori

44、ty is subject to limitations and conditions in paragraphs3. and AF/ILEH may request SAF/IEI delegation following ESG approval ofthe concept. The MAJCOM commander may redelegate authority for selecting an offeror forfinal closing to the vice commander, however, further d

45、elegation of selection authority is notallowed. The MAJCOM vice commander can redelegate approval authority to the MAJCOMCivil Engineer for actions leading up to the final source selection. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-AFI32-6007 2

46、2 JUNE 2005 The AST may submit a recommendation for the final selection to the SA forapproval. In turn, after receiving SAF/FMCE approval of all updated financial data (includingfinal certified EA and pro forma based on details provided by the SO, and the final BudgetScoring Analysis),

47、the SA submits their final selection to SAF/IEI for authorization to close.MAJCOMs will provide all advance information AF/ILEH for review and transmittal toOSD(H however, installations have the latitude to require that new construc-tion and whole-house renovations comply with the UFAS as well as th

48、e FHA (whichever is morestringent where the standards differ). The maximum density for new construction shall not exceed six duplex or multiplex unitsper acre and no more than four single-family units per acre. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without lic

49、ense from IHS-,-,-22 AFI32-6007 22 JUNE 20053.2.2.4. Project solicitation documents shall require installation and apparent SO personnel willconduct a visual inspection of all lead-based paint containing components and areas within hous-ing targeted for privatization prior to conveyance of the housing from the AF to the SO. Anylead-based hazards identified will be eliminated prior to conveyance of the housing using P-722funding. The AST will ensure SOs renovation plans call for all lead

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