1、MIL-A-7b47C 41 U 7797906 0209949 9 MIEA-7647C (USAI?) 22 August i958 Superseding 10 May 1957 MILA-7 647B ( USAF) MILITARY SPECIFICATION AIR CONDITDNFSL, TRAIUR mUNTED, FEIEON CYCIEI GASOLINE ENGINE DRIVEN, 4 TON REFRIGERATING CAPACITYI TPPE A-3 1, SCOPE 1.1 This specification covers one type of gaso
2、line-engine-driven, Freon-cycle, trailer-mounted air conditioner, having a nominel cooling capacity of 48,000 BTU/hr (4 tonp), and designated Type A-3. 2, APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following documenta, of the isme in efect on date of invitation for bids, form a part of this specificationt SPEC IF
3、 ICAT IONS Federal QQ-P 416 Plating, Cadmium (Electrodeposited) a-561 Solder; Silver TT-P-664 Primer, Coating, ,Synthetic, Rust-Inhibltina;. VU-P-riri Paper, Wrapping, Waterprosf Kraft WW-T-799 PPP-T-b Lacquer-Resieting nibing, Copper, Seamless (For Use With Solder-Joint or Flered-nibe Fi ttiws) Tap
4、e; Pressure Sensitive Adhesive, Waterproof - For Packaging and Sealing JAN -P-100 MIGC-lb MIL-P-13.6 Preservation, Methods Of MIL-B-121 Barrier Material, Greaceproofed, Flexible Packaging and Packing for Overseaa Shipment, General Specification Crates, Wood; Lumber erd Plywood Sheathed, Nailed and B
5、olted (Waterproofed) MIL-B-O Dar rier-Plate rial, raper, Noncorrosive MIL-A-I48 Aluminum Foil ML-H-3171 Magnesium Alby, Pmcesses for Corrosion Protection of FSC hl20 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-7647C MIGA-7647 C( USAF 1 M IL
6、-F-35 MIL-P=4l85 MIL-E-4970 HIL-Bdl.47 MIL-C-6529 MILP4889 MILL7 178 MIL-A-BUl MILS-8512 MTGA-862s MIL-T+107 MIL-I-ll683 MIL-1-9367 Military B33562 41 9999906 0209950 5 W Fittings, Lubrication (Hydraulic) Paper, Tissue, Wrapping Uvironmntal Testing, Ground Support Equipment, General Specification Fo
7、r Drawings ami Data Lists: Manufscturers 1 (For Production Aeronautical and Associated Equipmnt) Wire, Electrical, 6oo-Volt, Copper, Aircraft Chemical Films for Aluminum arid Aluminum Alloya Battery; Storage, Shielckd, 2h-Volt, 2lr-hpere-Haur Corm ion-Preventive Compound, Aircraft Engine - Prhr; Zin
8、c-Chromte, For Aircraft Use Lacquer, Cellulose Nitrate, Gloss, For Aircraft Use Enamel, Gloss ,Aircraft Application Nobility Requiremnts, Ground Support Equipment, General Specification For Air Transportability Requirments, General Specification For Support Equipment, Aeronautical, Special, General
9、Specification for the Design of Ancxic Coatings, for Aluminum and Alumim Alogs Test Reports; Prepration Of Indicator, Elapsed Time, 2eV D.C., Type M-1 Interference Suppriession, Radio, Requirements for Engine Generators and Miscellaneous Engines Preparation of .- Colors Marking for Shipment and Stor
10、age dentifYcatlon,Markinng of U. S; Military + Propertp Connection, Aircraft Ground Air Conditioning, 6 inch, Minimum Requirements Air Force-Navy Aeronautical u2552 Receptacle = External Power, 28 Volt DC 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
11、-,-,-MIL-A-7bq7C 43 7797706 0207753 7 m MIGA-7647C( USAF) DRAWINGS Air Force 48B7796 49B6564 4987292 4937293 Ring Asay - Tie Down 10000 Lb Ring - Eyebolt, 25000 Lb Cargo Tiedown Receptacle - Battery Quick Disconnect Plug - Battery Quick Disconnect PUBLICATION Air Forte-Navy Aeronautical Bulleth llr3
12、 SpecFficationa and Standarda; Use of (Copies of document8 required by contractors in connection with specific procnrermnt functions should be obtained from the pro- curing activity or as directed by the contracting officer.) 2.2 of thls specification. Unless otherwise indicated, tb issue in effect
13、on date of invitation for bids shall apply. OTHER PUBLICATIONS.- The documenta listed below fom a part American SocieQ of Mechanical Engineers Power Test Code i9.5;4 Supplement on Instruments and Apparatus, Part 5, Chapter 4, Flow Measureaent by Means of Standardization Nozzles ani Orifice Plates (C
14、opies of ASME power test codes may be obtained upon application to the American Siciet of Mechanical Engineers, 29 West 39th Street, New York 18, New York. 3 American Standards Association Bulietins 224.3 Sound Level Meter 224. U Octave Ban Filter Set (Copies of ASA bulletins may be obtained upon ap
15、piication to the Araerican Standards Association, 70 East 45th Street, New York, New York.) Continental Motors Specification 15u - Engine, Packette Model PC-30-7 (Copies of Continental Motors specifications may be obtained upon appication to the Continental Motors Corporation, Aircraft Division, Mue
16、 kegon, Michigan. ) i Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-r- MIL-A-76LI7C Li1 W 9777706 0207752 7 W USAF) 3.1 PKEPR0DUCTION.- This specification makes provisions for 3.2 CCIMPONENTS,- The air conditioner sha consist of the preproduction t
17、esting. following major components arid the necessary accessory equipment8 Iteia See 6 7 8 9 3.0 Description Compressor Condenser Cooling-air fan Evaporator Conditioned-air b1o-r Refrigerant receiver Rcf rigeration accessories Prime-mover ass ably Cab he t Ducts Air filters Fuel system Trailer Contr
18、ol system and ins trurnentatian Accessory equipment Requirement 3.7 3 08 3.9 3.10 3.u 3.u 3.a 3.s 3 .i6 3.17 3.18 3.19 3 412 3.20 3.21 3.3 SELECTION OF SPECIFICdTIONS AND STANDARDS.- Specificatiom and standards for necessary comadities and services not specified herein shall be selected in accordanc
19、e with Bulletin l43 except tut specified in 3.3.1 and 3.3.2. 3.3.1 COMMERCIAL PARTS.- Comrcialpmta having suitabla properties may be used where, on the date of invitation for bids, there are no suitable standard parts, In any case, commercial util- ity parts such as screws, bolts, nuts, and cotter p
20、ins having suitable properties may be used provided: a. They can be replaced by tb standard park (MS and AN) without alteration. b. The Corresponding standard part numbers are refer- enced In the parb list and, if practical, on the contractor drawing8 3.3.2 STANDARD PARTS.- With th8 exceptions pecff
21、ied in 3.3.1, E and AN standard parts shall be used where they are suitable for Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-7647C Y1 W 9779706 0209753 O E the intended purpose. their part nunbers. They shall be identuied on the drawings by
22、3.b.I PROTECTIVB TREAT,%NT.- .fien materials used in the constniction of the air conditiowr are subject to deterioration when exposed to climatic and environmental conditions likely to occur daring service usage, they shall be protected against such deterioration in a manner that will in no way prev
23、ent compliance with the perTormance requirements of this specification. of any protective coating tbt will crack, chip, or scale with age or extremes of cihatic and environmental conditions shall be avoided. The use 3.5 DESIGN MD CONSTRUCTION.- The air conditioner shall be designed and constructed s
24、o that no park will work loose in service. It shall be built to withstand the stresses, jars, vibrations, and other conditions incident to shipping, storage, installation, and s erv ice o 3.5.1 ADJUSTMENTS AND REPAIRS.- The air conditioner shall be constructed so that adjustments and repairs can be
25、easily made by the personnel of operatug units and overhaul bases. conditioner shal be ao designed and constructed that maintenance can be accomplished with the minimum use of special tools. The air 3.5.2 ASSEMBLY INTERCHANGEABIL1T.- In order to provide adequate versatility in fUture applications or
26、 assembly replacement, major assemblies specified herein shall cons ist of separate assemblies, each capable of ready interchangeability with respective assemblies thereof fabricated by the same manufacturer. 3.5.3 ACCESSIBILITY.- The air conditioner shall be 80 designed and constructed that the fol
27、lowing actions may be accomplishd with- out removing additional components or subassemblies (other than paneis) : a, Removal of the compressor by merely uncoupling the drive shaft, removhg mounting bolts, unfastening necessary control devices and plumbing, and skiding or liftinn it out of, the air c
28、ord it io rar . b. Removal of the prime mover for major averhqul or repair by removing only the mounting bolts and disconnecting the gasoline lines, control cables, ad drive shaft. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-7647C 41 m 7797
29、906 0207754 2 M1GA-7647C (Um) parts or subassemblies with the prime mver installed in the air conditionerz C. Removal ar replacement of the foilaring mnimrm of (1) (2) Spark plugs (3) Valve-rocker covers and cover gaskets (4) Push-rod seals (5) Fan drive assembly (6) muat flange gasket (7) Starter a
30、ssembly Oil filler and dip stick 3.5.4 LIFE.- The air conditioner sbll be designed for an operating life of 1,000 hours between major overhauls and shall be capable of operating for 500 hours at design capacity without failure of any major part. 3.5.5 liDiSTIBG PROVISIONS.- The ab conditioner shall
31、be equipped with hoistin proviaions to permit hoisting of the complete, dry air conditioner f see 6.4.1). Under these conditions, a tilt of 30 from the horiaonta shall be permissible when the air conditioner is statically suspended. The hoisting components shall be capable of withstanding a vertical
32、 acceleration of 2g when the air conditioner is lifted by means of the hoisting attachment. complete air conditioner shall be constructed in such a mner thet it can be lifted by mans of a forklift truck by entry from either (See 4.4.ii.) In addition, the side. 3.5.6 ACCELERATION FORCES.- The air con
33、ditioner shall be constructed to withstand the acceleration forces as specified in KILA-84Zi for night and taxiing and emergency landing loads. 3.5.7 NOISE LeVGL.- When measured as specified ln 4.4.13, the mise level generated by the ak conditioner shall not exceed the following valuest Freauenm Ban
34、ds Q Octave Band .Pressure Level (In decibels - Ref. 0.0002 microbar) 108 98 90 83 78 75 72 71 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-7bq7C 41 7777706 0207755 4 MIL-A-7 647C (WAF ) 3.5.8 Rp9IO INTERFERENCE,- The air conditioner shall b
35、e shielded against radiated radio interference so that the radiated interference will not exceed the limits specified in MIL-1-11683 betveen 0.15 and 150 mc when measured 6 feet from the perimeter of the air conditioner. 3.5.9 HARDWARE.- All screws, pins, bolts, et cetera, shall be furnished with US
36、AF standard locking devices. locking nuts, cotter pins, and lockwashers shall be acceptable. The variation in types and sizes of hardware shall be held to a mhlinntm, Safety wire, self- 3.5.10 DETACHABLE FITTINGS.- Disconnect plugs and receptacles in the electrical system and readily detachable- and
37、 attachable-type fittings. in mechanical componen* shall be utilized, wherever practi- cable, to permit rapid component mnioval and replacement, 3.5.11 REFRIGERANT.- The air conditioner shall be designed for the use of dichlorodifluoromethane refrigerant (Freon 12, or equal), 3.6 PERFORMANCE,- The a
38、ir conditioner shall be capable of performing satisfactorily during or after exposure to the following environmental conditions: a. High operating temperatures of Eso F dry bulb arri 75“ F wet bulb. b. Storage temperatures of -hoo t0 +lho“ F. C. Radiant energy as found uder natural conditionso d. Sa
39、lt spray as encountered in salt-sea atmosphere. e. Fungus growth as encountered in tropical climates. f. Rainfall as encountered in any locale. g, Sand and dust particles as encountered in desert areas. h, temperature of 80“ F, Operation at altitude of 5,000 feet and a minkm 3.6.3 AMBIENT OPERATING
40、RANGE.- The air conditioner shall be capable of operating within the lange of ambient conditions describd on a psychrometric chart by the following limits: a. The ho0 F dry-bulb line to intersect with its satur- ation line, b. The saturation line from boo to. 90“ F. 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo
41、 reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NIL-A-7697C 41 7777706 0207756 6 m MIGA-76L7C (USAF) C. A line from 90“ F dewpaint to 140. F at Sero percent relative hum id ityo DEJVERY PRESSURE.- At standard atmospheric pressure and without manual adjustment, the air cond
42、itioner shall deliver air at the specified discharge temperatures against static pressures ranging from O to 3 inches of water column gage when measured at the end of the 1 cfoot section of duct specified herein. RATED CONDITION.- When operathg at a sea-level ambient condition of 100“ F dry
43、bulb and 85“ F wet bulb, ts air condi+,ioner shall be capable of delivering 27 pm of ah at a temperature of 9“ F and at 90 percent relative humidity at the delivery presswes specified in 3.6.1*1. DESIC24 SUMMER-GAY CONDlT1ON.- When operating In an ambient condition of 100“ F dry bulb and 76“
44、 F wet bulb, the air conditioner shall be capable of delivering a minimum of 70 pm of 65“ F air without recirculation against the static pressures specified in At the ambient condition specified in, the air conditioner shall be capable of delivering conditioned ab of less
45、than 70“ F within 5 minutes after engins startup. avhbnt condition of 125“ F dry bulb and 75“ F wet bulb, the air conditioner shall be capable of delivering a minimm of 40 pm of 65 F air against the static pressures specified in, 3.6.i.5 DESIGN HUKID-DAY CONDITION.- When operating in an arnb
46、ient condition of 97“ F dry bulb and 87“ F wet bulb, the air conditioner shall be capabl of delivering a minimum of 35 pm of 65 F air against the static pressures specified in of operating satisfactorily when its nom1 operating plam is at .an angle of 8-112 in any direction from true horizo
47、ntalo meet the requirements of MIGM-8090 for type II, group C mobilityo COMPRESOR.- The compmssor shall be of a type conforming to good refrigeration minciples. the gasoline-mgine prim mver and shall be of sufficient capacity to meet tb requiremnts specified herein. 3.6.1,4 DEIGN HOT-DAY CONDITION.-
48、 When operating h an 3.6.2 TILTED POSITIONo- The air conditioner shall be capable 3.6.3 H(iB1LITY.- The trailer-munted a ir conditioner shall 3.7 It shall be directly driven by 3.7.1 UTPRICATION SYSTEM.= The compressor shall be lubricated by mans of an integral or a%tachd lubrication system. The lub
49、ricant shall be of a type recan=ncled by the mufact.?r. An oil reservoir shall be included in the system and shall be of sufficient capacity to lubricate th2 compressor for at leaot SOO hmrs Df operation. An oil-level SaSe shall also be included in the system. a Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-7647C Li1 7777906 0207757 6
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