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本文(AIR FORCE MIL-B-4665-1958 BALLOON SET METEOROLOGICAL AN DMQ-3《AN DMQ-3型气象气球设置》.pdf)为本站会员(sofeeling205)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、NIL-B-llbh5 bb m 99999Ob 032i.1579 i.1 Mn-B-4665 (USAF) 4 Maroh 1968 UILIITARY SPECIFIGATZON 1. SCOPE 1.1 SaopeAhis speolfioation oovera one type of meteorologi- aal balloon set, designated Balloon Set, ?deteorologioal AN/DE$-3, odpable of oarryirg meteomlogioal equipment at a aonstmt altitude for f

2、light durations up to three days, 20 APPLICABLE DOCuddENTS 2.1 The follanine; dooumentu form a part of We speoifioatlon. The applioable issue of the governmental dooumats shall be the issue in effeot on the date of 5n.rrltatAon for bide. iamies of the nongovernmental dooumenta shall be those pijhioh

3、 are available in the flles of the procuring aotivity and are made CL part of the invitation for bids, The applioable SPECIFICATIONS. Military MGC-4649 MIGB-466 9 MIbx-562 6 MIGC-7516 MTL-P-9727 MIGB-9728 MIL-C-9729 MIGR-9744 MIL-E9 746 MIL-P-17555 Control, Balast, Balloon. C-Z009/D?Q Plater Bottle,

4、 Filled, Meteorologioal mebbing, Textile, Nylon, Tubular Cord, Nylon, Corelese Parachute, Ueteoro loed Freight Claesifioation Cornnittea, 202 Chioago Udoq S$ation, Chiorgo 6, Illip(?ia.) Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-B-4bbS 66 W

5、 777770b 0124581 2 3 REQJIREiENT S IIITL-D-4B66 (USAF) 3,l Preproduatioli.dhi8 speoifiaation makes provisitone. for Compomnts.-The !leteorologioal Balloon Set AN/DT,Q-S preproduotion tosting, shall ooneist of the follovdng componentt 3.2 Item Quan+ity Description No a . Re .luir ament ,* 1 1 egs a;i

6、d specifioutions, 3,4.2 Selootion of specifications and stanQyds.-Spocificatiana * .f and 6bndards for necessary ComQodities and services which are Y, . -. o*. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-E-Lib65 bb 77777Ob 0324582 Li nbb466S

7、(U:-Ak ) not specifically designated in the applioable doownts and herab and whioh are neoessary for the execution of this apacifioation aha11 be selsoted in acoordanoe mith AIIA Bulletin 143. . 3.6 Detaibe of oomponents 5.5.1 Suspension Harnes8, Meteorolog%cal Equipment !R-2121/ DbQ-?).-The Wxorolo

8、gioal Equipicest Suspension Harness MX-2121/ DMQ-3 shall oonsist of the following euboomponents: - De ou ri ption Requirement a. Shaokle, part number Mile-7 MY.16 d, Cuttet extension oable W-A4 3.5,1.3 b., Load otrap 3.6ol. o. Cannon outter AD-D s.s,1.2 e. Suspension bar 1R-C24 3o5.1.4 3.61.1 1R-C24

9、-1., The suspension bar electrioal cable shall be oontinuous from pin to pin asindicated on Drawlng 1R424-2, whioh is an oleatrioal eohematio of Drawing lR424-1, and the minimum leakage resietanoe between oirouits shall be 100 insgoh. The insulation of the leads shall be oer- It shall be continuous

10、from pin to pin a8 3,5,1.4 Suspension bar 1R-C24.-The desi and construotioa of . 5.5.2 Altitude Control Group OA-857/DbQ-3.-The altitude son- . . trol group shall be oociposed of the following auboomponentri ahall be assembled in aooordanoe with Drawing 37-1. . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reprod

11、uction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I flIL-B-4bb5 66 = 9797906 OI12Ll583 b !BTL-B-4666 (USAF) Suboomponente a. Case, Control, CY4768/D:.l+3 b. Control, Altitude C-1639/ o. Control oable, BJ-AS d. Mater Bottle, Filled, e. Storago battery f. Control, Ballast, Balloon g. Cargo h

12、arness 1GA6 mq-a ,Meteorological lQC-2122/DX C -2 009/DMQ Requiremnt . Drawines 1L-A6=1, U-C22-1, 1G-B7=1 3IL-C-9729 3 5.2 1.1 ,IL L- B-46 69 3,5.2.1 .a MIL-C-4649 Drawing 3,06595 Suboomponents Control cable BJ-A5.-The design euid oonetruotion of the oontrol oable shall be in aocor

13、dano6 with Drawing BJ-115-1. It ehall meet the low temperature performanoe requiremnt of, on the drawing, and the minimum leakage resistame between oirouits shall be 100 megohms. It shall be oontinu.-us from pin to pin as indioated Storage battery.-Tho storage battery shall be a Wi

14、llard ER-11-6, or equal. and funotionally interohangeable. Any substitution must be dimensionally 3.S. Sealing for storage.-The manufacturer shall 8eal the batteries for atorage 80 that 50 peroent of Rill oharge oapaoity shall be available after one year of storage by adding only the proper a

15、oid and not oharging the battery. 3 I 5 a2 . 1.2.2 Eleo trolyte . -The Willard ER-31.6 baially differen% . from the above values, propor allavrmces shall be mnde for the change in instrument rertding. . . 4,4 Test methods a 4.4.1 Examination of product,-Each balloon set shall be , inspected to deter

16、mine compliance with thia speoification with respect to material; markings, workmanship, and conformance to drawings and speoifioationn. AN/DhlQ-a shall be subjeoted to the folladng eleotrioal teatse 4.4.2 Eleotrioal teats .-The Balloon Set, Meteorologioal 4.4.Z!.1 Cutter extension cable BJ=A4.-Eaoh

17、 outter extension oable shall be tested for continuity from pin to pin as inioated on Drawiti(l; BJ-A4-1. miniruun leakage resistance of 100 mgohms between circuitrs. The oable shall also be tosted to insure a Suspension bar 1R-C24 eleotrioal oable,-Each BUB- . pension bar olectricnl cable s

18、hall bo checked for oontinuity $8 i-oiist . From pin F of 5709 to pin B of 5710 Fron pin C of 5709 Co pin C of 5710 From pin C of 5709 ta pin B of 5711 , From pln C of 5709 to pin E of 5108 From pin E of 5709 to pin C of $108 From pin D of 5709to- pin D of 5708 From ph A of J709 to pin A of 5710 Fro

19、m pin A of 5709 to pin A of 5711 From ph A of 5709 to pin 13 of 5709 From pin A of 5709 to pin A of 5708 The oable ehall nie0 be ohecked .t;o insure a minimum leakage re- criatance of 100 mogollms betwoon circuits, i - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without lice

20、nse from IHS-,-,- MIL-B-LlbbS bb 777770b 0324587 3 = MIL-B-4665 (USAF) Control oabfe BJ-AS.- I a. Tit;le, number, md date of this spoifioatlon. b, ITnioh optionnl components shall be furnished, if my (3.3)* c. Whether or not the balloon shall be government- d, FJ eiher mar h ng shll be plaoe

21、d on the balloon set ($eV). furnished pro+.-yty (3.8 purohse order id11 speoify that two aamplee of tihe Balloon Se%, Meteorological Ai/IMCi-J wil be subnittd to the proeuring aotldty for praprouotion tests. 6.3 Preproduotiori testa.-It is expeoted tht the OOntPRCt OP NOTICE men Government urocwings

22、, speiifioatin8, or other data =e. used for any purilose other than in oonneotion with a definitely Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-b4666( USAF) related Gustorpltrient proouremnt operation, the Wited States Gomrnmbnt thereby inour

23、s no responsibility nor any obligation whatsoeverj and the faot that the Government may have formulated, furnished, or in any way eupplied the raid drawhgs, rpoifioationr, or other data is not to be regarded by implioatian or,otherwiee ea in any muanor lioeoaing the holder or nny other person or oorporation, or oonveyillg arpt r5e)rtr or permisrion to mnuufaoture, use& or roll aay patented invention that may in any way e rolate thereto. CRZDP rnI/oot . ! / . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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