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本文(AIR FORCE MIL-B-8072-1953 BOOSTER AMMUNITION ELECTRIC TYPE B-7《B-7型电气弹药助推器》.pdf)为本站会员(outsidejudge265)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、Superseding No. 34017A 21 June 1949 WIbZTARY SPECIFICATION BOOSTER; AMMUNITION, ELECTRIC, TYPE B-7 I 1. SCOPE 1.1 This s$ecification covers one type of electric ammuni,- M.on booster, detrignated Qpe B-7, 2 APPLICABW SPECDICATIONS, STANDARDS, AND PUBLICATIONS 2.1 The following publicationa, of the i

2、ssue in effect on the date of invitation for bids, shall form a part of this specificatLon to the extent specifled herein: . SPECLFICATIQNS MilPtary 1 JAN-P-100 Packaging and Paaklng for Overseas Shipment; General Specification JAN-P-105 Packaging and Packing for Overseas Shipmen%; Boxes, Wood, Clea

3、ted, Plywood , JAN-P-106 Packaging and Packing for Overseas Shipment . - Boxes; Wood, Nailed JAN-P-108 Packaging and Packing for Oversea8 Shipment, Boxes; Fiberboard (V-Board and W-Board), Exterior ad Lnterior JAN-P-125 Packaging and Packing for Overseas Shipment - Barrier-Materials, Waterproof, Fle

4、xible JAN-P-127 Packaging and Packing for Overseas Shipment, Tape, Adhesive, Pressure-Sensitive, Water Resistant JAN-P-139 Packaging and Packing tor Overseas Shipment - Plywood, Container Grade 1rp-116 Preservation, Nethods of . MIGA-340 Aheslvo; Water-Resistant, Waterproof Barrier-Material MEL-D-50

5、28 Drawings and Data Lyts; Preparation of (For Engines, Accessories and Other Auxiliary Equipment ) Mi St andard, Aeronaut ical MIL-M-7911 Marking, Identiflcatdon of Aeronautical Equipment, Assemblies, and Parts Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license fro

6、m IHS-,-,-2, . MIEB-8072(USAF) Air Force-Navy Aeronautical AN-M-40 Motors; Aircraft Drect Curirent, 24 Volt System STANDARDS Mlitary MSESTD-129 MarkZng of Shipments Air Force-Navy Aeronautical AN3057 , Adapter - Electrical Accessory to Cable AN3106 Plugs - Electrica Connec.t;or, Seraight PUBLICATION

7、S Air Force-Navy Aeronautical (Bulletin) No. 143 Specificattons and Standards; Use of (Copies of specifications, standards, and drawings required by contractors in connection with specific procuremen$ functions should be obtained from the Procuring Agency or as drected by the Contracting Officer. )

8、3.1 Component Pari;s.- The Type L ( Electric Ammunition Booster shall consist f the following: an electric notor, two spr0cke.t; wheels, electric cable and connect;or plug, clutch and anti-roll-back device assembled together within fixed end plates. 3.2 S ocifications and Standards.- Specifications

9、and szraards -4= or-all materials, parts, and Government certification and approval of processes and equipment, which are not specifi- cally designated herein and which arc necessary for the execution OF khis specification, shall be selected in accordance with Bulletin No. 143. desgned ?-#- or nstal

10、lation in munition boxes or elsewhere in the ammtoniclon system to aid the conveying of ammunition from the arrimuntion box30 the reedway of the gun. 3.3.1 Cewmce.- The assembly shall allow cleaiiatlce For stmdmd Type by Caliber .5 murxton 12nks, 3.3.2 Mount%n The flxed end plates of %ha assembly sh

11、all be provided w 3.3 Desi in,- The ammunition booster assembly shall be 4- /-/- mounting holes a8 shown in Figure 1. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license

12、 from IHS-,-,-4- Mly and completely Inter- changeable with each othw weh respect to installation and 3.7 IntePchangeabi,31L.L AU pares having the same manu- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-., -5- - M under the supervision o$ $he Procu

13、ring Agency, tests and those specified under the inspection tes6 methods, subject to 6he test conditions specified herein: k2.2 The preproduction test shall consist of the following , Envlronmen$al,- These tests shall consist of 6hose specified below of Specification ML-E-5272: Tests Procedu

14、re - I Low Temperature Humidi ty Altitude Salt Spray Vibration 1 Fungus Resistance 1 Sand and Dust 1 Explosion Proof r I 1x1 I I 3 I T 4,2.2,2 Load Vesua Cyclic Rah,- The steady state of cycllc rate with a SO-pound Load shall bo a minimum of 1400 rounds per minute when tested in accordance with a se

15、t-up as shown in Figure 2. by any applicabb means 60 demzzne that it shall withstand 25 stalls of four seconds dura%ion spaced flve minutes apart with no loss in efficiency when caoled at room temperature. 4.2,2,4 Load Versus Acceleration.- The sample shal be tested in a setup simil ar to that; riho

16、wn in Figure 2 to detemine its acceleration uner rated load. The bonster acceleration under a SO-pound load shall be such %hat in 0.20 second a cyclic rate of 1400 rounds per minuto shall be attained at which time the boostter shall not trail Cho gun fire rate (1400 rounds per minute) by more than 0

17、.75 roun. Furl;her, it shall have caughe up with the gun displacement within 0,50 second, Graphically the requ9rernenls shall be as shown in Bil$ure 3. 4 , 2.2.3 Stall CharacterZstLcs a - The sample shall be tested 4.2,2,5 Dut C cle.0 The s,mple shall be tested to determine and four seconds “off“ fo

18、r a period of four minutes of each hour under a load of 50 pounds, and at a rab of 1400 rounds per minute throu a minimum of 3600 seconds (total time 30 hours) the booster, capabilLty of -%+ per om ng dntermf$Genl duty of four seconds rronr operalion equ ?l valent to 84,Oo rounds or ammunition passi

19、ng over Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I +- e DXMENSIONS IN INCHES. - UNLESS Ui?HERWSE SPECXPIZD, . TOLERANCE ON: l u- -ANLES- -DEC RULS- -pTIAcIpaoMs- - ., 8 I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted wit

20、hout license from IHS-,-,-.I i Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-7 NIL-B-O7.2 LO 7777706 0272307 T m -9- MIEB-8072( USAF ) 4 b 3.1 4,3*1.1 One boostex- shall be selected at random from each Inspection Samples : lot of SOO or fraction th

21、ereof on the order and subjected to the sampllng testa, These tests shall be h addition to the individual tests specified herein, that are selected a8 representativesof a certain lot, and one OP more of this number fails to meet the requirements, addltional boosters of the lot represented shall be t

22、ested immediately to determine the cause of failure. lhdivdual performance tests shall not be interrupted, unless the defect ILS of such a nature that it will seriously affect the perfomance or safe use of the boosters. k3.1.2 When tests are specified on a quantity of boosters 4.3.2 Unless otherwise

23、 specified, contractorla records of all Inspection work and tests, giving the results of tests required to detemine compliance with the requirements and tests specified herein, shall be kept complete and shall be available to the Government representative at all times. The tests shall be accomplishe

24、d on articles to be supplied on the contract or order, signed or approved by a responsible person specifically assigned by the contractor. (Contractors not having laboratory testing facilities satisfactory to the Government shall engage the ser- vices of a commercial teetlrig labJsra6;sxy capable OF

25、 conducting tests to determine compliance with albe the raqulmments and teab in *he specification, and acceptable to the Governmen%.) specified under inspection test metboc3s;subJect to the test conditions specified herein. The record or report of inspection and test shall be 4,3,3 napection of the

26、boostem shall consist of the tests 4.4 Test Conditions.- Teats as Alated hereln shall be con- ducted at a temperature of approximateay 680 unless otherwise specified, 4.5 Inspection Test Methods: 4,S.i Indlvidual Tests.- Each mmunit2on booster shall be subJeoted to the followring teats : 4,5,1,1 Dme

27、nsions.- The ammwrfton boaster shal1 be inspected for compliance vrlth dimenafoaal requirements sf mgum 1, Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4,5,2,1 Anti-Roll Back Test,- The ample shall be tested by any applicable means to determine co

28、mpliance with require= ments of 3.3.7. 4,5,2;2 Stall Characteristics Test.- See 4,2.2,3, 4,5,2,5 Low Tem erature - The sample assembly shall be sub- jected to 8 tempera -*54C Ure o (-65OF) for a period of 72 hciurs without operating the booster, with the ambient temperature at -54 C the booster shal

29、l operate satisfactorily and meet the.followlnl requirements: placement will match that of a gun firing 1200 rounds per minute within 0.5 second under a 50-pound load, not trail the gunfire by more than 3/4 of a round, (2) The steady cyclic rate shall be at least 1200 rounds per minute under a 50-po

30、und load. (3) Graphically the requirements would be as shown in Figure 3 using a gun rate of 1200 rounds per minuee Instead of 1400 rounds per mnute, for nspemithout furnishing full particulars concerning previous reJectlon and measures taken to overcome the defects. A% ;She end of this period, and

31、(1) The booater shall accelerate so that its ds- At 0,2 second, it shall 4.6 Retest.- Rejected boosters shall not be resubmitted Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-8-8072 LO m 9999906 0292309 3 m I -11- MIL-B-O (USAI? ) 5.2,2 “Interi

32、or Packa in .- Each booster shall be suitably cushioned in accordance-pecification JAN-P-100, and packaged within an interior contaher in accordance with Specification JAN-P-108. cation JAN-P-127. Tape, when used, shall be in accordance with Speclfi- .- 5.3 Exterior Packin, shall not; exceed approxi

33、mately 200 pounds. Domestic Packing,- nless otherwise specifled, the interior packages shall be packed in a substantial commercial exterior shipping container constructed to insure acceptance by common or other carrier for safe transportation at the lowest rate, to the polnt of delivery. Except as s

34、pecified herein, the container shall conform to the requirements of Consolidated Freight Classification Rules in effect at the tlmeof shipment, The use of corrugated or solid fiberboard having a minlmum Mullen test of less than 200 pounds is prohibited. capable of withstanding seorage, rehandling an

35、d reshipment the necessity of repacking. Shipping containers, The gross weight af 5.3.1 Containers shall be 5.3.2 Export Packing,- Unless otkerwise specified, for export shipment the interior packages shall be packed in an exterior shipping container in accolrdance with Specification JAN-P-105 or JA

36、N-P-16, with a waterproof liner fabricated from material in accordance with $pec1%aat8sn JM-P-UF, sealed with adhesive, Specification ion c%AN-B=f3Bg Qpe A QF B, Conltion I, 6.1 Use.- The Type B-7 lmnmitfon Booster covered by this specificaZk is intended to be ueed $0 convey OP assist Ax% the flow o

37、f munlt%on from %he ammition box 60 the feedtmy of the Caliber .50 M3 Gun. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-for these tests. NOTICE: When Government drawings, speclfications, or other data are used for my purpose .other than In connect

38、ion with a definitely related Government procurement operation, the Uilited States Government thereby incurs no responsibility nor any obligation whatsoever; and the fact that $he Government may have formulated, furnished or in any way supplied the sald drawings, specifications, or other data, is no

39、t to be regarded by implication or otherwlse as in any manner licensing the holder or any other person or corporation or conveying any rights or permission to manu- facture, use, or sell any patented invention that may In any way be related thereto. , ,. 4 -. . J . . . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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