1、IIa71MILC-6529CAMENDMKNT 229 SEPYEMBER 1959SUPERSEDINGAMENDMENT 11S JULY 1959MILITARY SPECIFICATIONCORROSION PREVENTIVE,AIRCRAFT ENGINEThis a?m.dment form a part of Militarv Sp.cificatiorI MH+65f9C, dated 21A.gust 1958, and haa been approved bv the Deportment o/ Dcfmwe and i. man.IL.I1OTSfor use of
2、the Department of tht Armv, th? hrnvn, and the Air Force.Page 2, paragraph 3.1: In the second linedelete “except as specified in 4.2.1.”RUM ?, paragraph 3.2.1: Add the follorr-ing sentence “Qualification and Acceptancetesting of the Type I msterial is required.”Page 2. paragraph 3.2.2: Delete and su
3、b-stitute “Type II. The Tspe II compound.ready-mixed material for reciprocating air-craft engines, may be a blend, by volume,of 3 parts of any lubricating oil qualifiedand accepted under Specification MIL-L-6082, Grade 1100, and 1 part of any quali-fied and accepted Type I concentrate of thisspecifi
4、cation. No Qualification or AcceptanceTests will be required for this blend. Me11 material may also be prepared directly,using any lubricating oil qualified underSpecification MII_L6O32, Grade 1100, and, corrosion-inhibitive material, in whichcase it will be necessary tn qualify thh Type11 mriterial
5、 as specified in 4.2.5.”Page 2, paragraph 3.2.3: Delete and subatitute “Type 111, The Type III compound,ready-mixed material for jet aircraft en.Fines which require lubricating oil qualifiedand accepted under Specification MIL-O-6031, shall be a blend by volume, of 3 parkof any lubricating oil quali
6、fied and acceptedunder Specification MI L-O-6081, Grade1010, and 1 part of any qualified and ac-cepted Tme I concentrate material of thisspecification. However, no Qualification orAcceptance Tests will be required for thisblend. Type HI ready-mixed material shallbe a satisfactory lubricant for jet e
7、ngineswhich require Specification MIL-O-6031Iubriw.ting oil for norrord operation. Therere no provisions for directly prepared Typeiii material.”Page 2, paragraph 3.S.1: Delete the lastsentence.Pize 4, paragraph 4.2.1: Delete.Page .!, paragraph 4.2.5: Delete the firstsentence and substitute The Qual
8、ificationTeats of Type I or Type II material pre-pared directly shall mnsiat of all the testsof this specification as described under “TestMethods.”CMtodhns:Arm7-D?dnuxe CarpsNv-Bnre.n of AeronmtimAir ForcePrepming actidty:Air ForceProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-
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