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本文(AIR FORCE MIL-C-6529 C-1958 CORROSION PREVENTIVE AIRCRAFT ENGINE《航空器发动机预防腐蚀》.pdf)为本站会员(syndromehi216)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、a71IioIMIUX529C21 AUIW 155$SvpemdilvMIL.C-CKISS2SB IS.A2s Aw-il1957USED IS LIE1”OiMIL-C.6S29A27Awl 19s3MILITARY SPECIFICATIONCORROSION PREVENT, AIRCRAFT ENGINEThi. aprn” ha: k. .Pp,.,.d b IfI, Dmrttt*nf Of W-,1 O.d I: .Iondo.(OW .I., w by IfIC Morg-f o. (hpirisJI, LJ7., EYJA”-H -79? Humi6!y (:

2、fibille: OPWB-tlon ofo-d,.- s.llL-D-3716-Desiccants (.civaed I forDynnmic Dehumidlficatio:fIbG-55i2Gasol ine. A.ialion: Gr. IIosSO18Y, 91 W. 100/130. 11514:.:.1I LA-6061-Oil. Lubricating. JcI En-fginelIL-L-60E2-Lubrica ti!lg Oil: AircrafcRecipmcaing (Piston) Er)gim,lIL-C-1 Ii96Cormsio 1 r e $ e I i

3、i v ePetmlatum, HOI Applicaliol,lIL-C-16173-Corrosion prp$pnll,.Solvent Cutback, Coid-.kpplicuiotSTANDARDSFEDCR.LFed. Test Lubricants. Liquid Fuel:,hletbod Std and Reletvd Imduris;-0, 791 lehnds O( Testi!tgblIL17.49 CFR In Iers!a!r Commerce Commi=-71-78 sion Rules and Regulationsfor the Transport ul

4、olt of Ex-Plosi-es and Olhr IJarqmrousArticles(The l,)(rr!lslr Commerre Comrriss ion rcwulat ia,!+am now a part cd !h, Cod P c.! Federal Reuul. tiom(lu4Q Edition-Re,.i4 I!J50$ avaikble from IrIrSuperi”tmdrnl of Document:. Gowrnmcnl Printingi)fir, mnl iscosity, at ?10” F,xchen determined as specified

5、 in 4.5,4. I. I-iscosifyinrff. The.iscosity indexnha be not less than 95 wlmn calculated asspecified in Fia.d. point, TI,P Rash point shhllbee.tiw+stqf) Fwhendptrrmir)vd asspevifirdin Pwripifion nttmbcr. Thr precipi.tataon numbe: sha!l not exceed 0.1 xvhrn deter

6、.mined = specified in 4.5.4. I3.3.2.8 orro.rion. When tesledassperifirdin, thecopper strip shall show no pittinga71nd the discolomtion shall not exceed 2aMI14-6529caccording 10 ASTl copper strip cocrosio”sts.ndards. AsA. The h content shall notexceed O.O15 percen when deerminr.d assp

7、ecified in 4, Hydrobromic arid ruu/ml il SUCI) lime = thr 12-month period mmagc-slnbili:y test is mmpleledC.3 Acceptance testri. T%? .4ccepmnc,. testsshrill mnsis: of Samplmg tes.4.3.1 .Samylin IrKl* Acceptnnre tests Ofni-tyw. rormsinr,-nrcvenl ive matrrir.i. Abel!ronsm oi tlie tests spe

8、cified for sampiw seiectedin ncenrtinnre with either Plan A nr Pkm R.ns anulimble. Plan A samrdes shsll be selected,Imm 111Pfirst Iol of Lhe Ib= been rejected may be re=Orked Or rePlato correct the defects, and reaubmittcd foracceptance. Before resubmitting, full particu-Ian concerning previous reje

9、ction and the actiontaken w mrrect the delects found in tbeoriginnl shall be furnished the Inspector.Jla(erial rejected after retest shall not be re-submitted rritbout specific appmral of thepmc,u.ring ectitity.4.4 Tc64 conditions. The *L nditiO -shrdl be as specified for each particular test.4.5 Te

10、st methods.4.5.1 High- and Lm-fcrnpcmtcuc 8Ui.Approximately 25 cc of tbe mateiid 6pecified icr3.3.1.1 sbnl be pmcred ir.ta a heaWe8iSLantglc=s tube 50 mm long by 19 mm difimeter.ThP tat tube shall be placed in an oven main-ain al Z050 + 5. F Ior 24 houm, allowed tomol w mum tempcmture in still sir.

11、and thenfurther mcIlcd by phcing the tube in s coldbox maintainwJ *I 0“ * 5 for 16 hOum,follows-d by the sample being allowed la returnLO mom temperature. The MALerid sbnll thenbe allowed to stand for 0 daya at mom Tem-perature. At the end of thin period, tbe tutwshall b examined by tmit iiFh for We

12、vidence of separation of inanluble material.4.5.2 Prolcctbn LC.d. Pane! mmpmi.fti. aw A. Steelpaneis shall bc Inbricated fmm open hcnrth,cold-finish, dead+oft-t.cmper, )nw-rbc$n steelcmfnrming w Spccificstinn QQ-S-636, 1020steel. The panea sh !( by 2 by 4 inch=5Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo

13、 reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MXTAX529Cconforming to the dwcriptioc contaiced inSpecification JAN-H-79?. PaIKl jinishing and ckanif+g. Thepanel test surface shall be so prepared, by uso or?40- or 28 fJ-grit A. fundum or CarborundumAbrasive with cloth or ps

14、per backing, as toprodu,e a surface finish 0 6 m 12 microincimrrns Tbe use cd iron oxide abrasives, “wet ordry” rluths, or “WC or dry” papers is pro.hibi! ed. The find fibrasion marks shall be inthe dimctmn parallel to the lengh of pm, cl,Tbr sds,.p shs!l b, thorOugh; cler.nvti l,) amethod whirh wil

15、l rmfuce all !yprc of SiIPErSCMIcontamination 10 tlI(- pmlics rl, ininlum,. A:.etining meti, od WI):C!) htis pro red sstlsxroryis ciescrlhec! iu t3.3 Procedure Fire pal,ek ;m.prwed MSaboie shall be so dippeJ in a sui Lable saInp!oof Type II or Type 111 nluterii. es applicabr,as 10 cfrmpictel

16、.r sulunergr s) surfaces. Thepanels sIwJ1 then hp suspsmded by stainlesssteel hooks for 4 hours in a chamber or cnhinetwhere tbe relntive humidity does no, exceed 5CIpercent and the temperature is 77 =5” F,.4t the end of this period, the paneIa shall besuspended in a humidi(y cnbinet conforming toSp

17、ecification JAN-H-79? for a period of atleast 336 boura (I4 days) tnking care that thelop of thr panel is love, brnding the books ifnecmsa for minor adjustment. The humidityctbine shrill be nmintained a( a dry-bulbtemperswe of l?OO +2 F. The pmeb ahalfbe remo.ed from the cabinet, cleaned withrmphtha

18、 (Spccfi-tion TT-T-291, Gmde I),and examined.A panel shsll be considered u having failedthe protection teat if at the eztd of the u+.?n 1 and 2 mm diamelr.rand ? OF more dots of less tIla” I mmdiameter.(d) Four or more dots of less than 1 mmdiameter.tfore thrm I panel in 5 faifing as definedabove sh

19、all be sufficient cause for retest, R,. a71tests ehrdl consist of repeating the protectiontest, using an additional 10 panels. por,compl?ticm of the retest, the failure of moreban 4 pmefs, a71dding failures of both lest andretests, shall be cause for rejeclion of thematerial,4.5.3 Sfomgf stability.

20、A I-gdm, SWTIpOstored for 12 months in the dark in a clean,widr-mou:h glass container (i(l by ,5:; i“cif.OD with an upsming of 2!; incl,es) shall b,c.ajjlilled a!ter the storage period for anyc.idcnce cf seprmtiun. Tlw Protection PSI+ .5.2; shd! :,+m be performed on a stimj,io!M! 118s been drawn fro

21、m he lop thtrd of lhes:o:ed mntcrinl.4.5.4 Solubiiity in lubricating oil. Exemi-nnlion for spparaLiO!l of the compound fromhe oil SIICJI be made during all the iests speri -fied below. The following tests shall be con.ducted in accordance with applicable methods ofFederal Trst ilethod Standar

22、d No. 79) :Trrl Metk4 .Vs(L.) C.r”uleflrain period, the emulsion shfill bp quickly re-moved from the panels by sloshing in n beakero! wter-impiucmg mmpound mnforminr mSpecification NIIW-161 73, Grade 3, washing in miven( conforming to Spw-ifi-ration TT-T-291. Grade 1, The panels shallio

23、mmrifialel,? be placed in a d=iccntor for slor-Iapr until completion o tllr kumidi:y cs.posur?PSI on the o:hrr hrrc pam=ls,Imnwdititel.v aft,r rcnmval of thr i !;rer panelsfrom Ibo humidlt.v rabinr, tlory sIMII bc cl,anwlwilh Specifica! inn P-$661 (Stoddard solren: Jor preceding solvenl and compared

24、 with t, etwo panels stored in the desiccator, If therr isevidence of any discernible increase in pitting,corrosion, or other attack inrolving eithrr sur.frme of one of the threr exposed panels overthat of the control panels in lhc significantarea (defined in Specification JA.N-H -7921.tbe test shal

25、l be repeated. If, on retest one ofthr three exposed panels still shows eviden.e ofdiscernible incrcese in pitting, corrosion, orolber dL1ack over Iiiat shown by ti:r COO(IW!panels. ii)e compound shel be rcjectec!.4.5.6 E-ffrc! ?( ma ferial on coba!t cldww+indicating-typln gla.w woolon the inle side

26、 nnd 5 grwns of cieaiccnnl m:-forming LO Specific6tic!n !L-P-3716, TypeIV. or the ai: outlt-: aide. An airfiou. of ).5Iimmhrour slmli bt bubbled rontlnuouml ir,tothe oil during the period of beating to therequired temperature O( 160” +2” F and duringtest period, in which the oil is maintained a71L7I

27、Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-S5Z9Ca71IR t-iAm(-ll;18,II,.-.? L.- xlL-T-QXrm IIvE A,1, IIll_s=:=;-, .-25CML ?3 t,! placed n separntr Peri dishes of threamr size and placed in n OC1-percent statichumidity chamber (a desiccator

28、body partiallyfilled with wstcr). After overnight eqmsurem 00-percenL relttive humidity, the tWCI sm-ples shsll b? removed *nd compared. Anygranulea of desiccmt rem-ining blue in colorafter exposure ovemigh t in 100-percenl rela-tive humidity will require a retest of the mate-rial, using I new smnpl

29、e of desiccant. If gmn-ules of the desiccant agmin remain blue sfterexposure to 100-percent relative humidty onretes(s, thr material nhdl be rejected.4.5.7 i 00-Hour m“ngh +indcr cngin1, 1., t.l,8-tPeriod 1,018 Spwd p,.) ),d ,., - . - - -1. . . . . . . . 15 1,400 415 21 , .A1. v:, r, u,., W,rr”p .,.

30、2 . . . . . . . . 5 2, 70+ 247 516 W u . if WJ:lti %mo. . . . . . . . 3s,521.w,: ,1. . . . . . . 3(I 2, .s50 1!: 510 511.5 .a1: 1,893 . IS.lm . . . . . . . . 34.0=14 . . . . . . . . I20 z 30Q t.55 .46s 3, () .4L Ss.j. . 11,30U. . . . . 3?.0= 1.5 den 2, I20 I24 465 :37 5 .AI, 805. . . . -. 13ss0 . .

31、. . . . . . B2.OZI6. . . . . . . . 10 ,wo . . . . . . 390 .4H Cooldoun Couldow,.$ 0,! m?! Qwnr.-r.t.r, xc. *$. F,! Fur, on Th. follcWI,grommenls nrr 01s0 importnnt or prrlit!rnl 10the cleantnp mctimi:(a) Thr u!rnsils and ,1,. solvenf, UWWIi:,the prepnratio of tlIr panrls must Lrt-lean am frrr from r

32、olilnminntinll.(b) n all stag-m nf trrnmrr)t brir,ninwith SIPp (hi of G 3 1 I manual IIn,din:must br nvoi(lml Th? pnnt,ls must hehandled with hcmks or forcrps .Ic, :IIIJrontact IVitlj 111P rol!lonlinatr,! .uruvwduring clealing prcwrrittrrs .!L,u;,: i,?ovoidrrl(c) In general, (1) tit, o. PI,ll,o r,mo

33、vv:oily or grease-likr rol!tominatioll: (2 I 118Pmethanol rcmovw most wa!cr-+oltll,lrrontnminnnls likt,ly In b, rrlr011r;14 m!,sllch os Iingrrpri!ts. .nll-likr g,r ,t,-:i, ilvrotltnm inants fronl Utmmpllrrir (lust ,rfumes, clprcification.Rcq!tests for i! formnio; pmtailling 10 quali-Iicnlio!: IIf yo

34、riurls rorerml by this sprcifira -tiol, should be addressrrl to IIIC Comma !)der,Yripht .iir DcYloIIr,Irrit (“rn!cr, lright-fh!ltwsolt ifir Forw BOSP. f_fllio, (he artiit?rrspollsiblr for nunii6ra!j0fl. wil n COP.Y 1Kav,v DPpnrtmmII,II, Burrau of Arr,!mu!, .Wo,l,;,)p,mj 25. r) (6.5 S. O. D. sample t

35、ubes. S. O II sampl,tubes rnoy hr 01,1.,!I:I, I ;rom Got ILil) Gr,ilwr.S,., York. Now )“,rk6.6 Lniformily of materials, 1, i. III 1,tt!ltf,rstm,d Ikz IIj .l:pri,d III:W tO1l!rfi,:s)muhl b. iilotlil.!ll, Willlll! rw15tlIId180.r,m-crcinl I!,nlI+. to Iinr snmplr tr+twl o,d fou,llisalisfaslory rhrrpl fo

36、r rlInn Frs prvviollsly :tI-pr, )vml i,) t1143 GrIcrlt1811111. .+tly tlt(ttpprn,lrl!ntlrs fn,ru (Ilc Qunlifiratiol sample willronstitulr musr for rrjrc lion.6.7 Toxic a71ffects. Any qust ions regnrrfingpossible toxic rflecs 011 prrsonnrl frtim contactor b brealhillr vapors slItill be referred to 111

37、1)departmental medical aulhOrit.r. n an? capof .dU-$ny p-cwtm=nwnl. Ilw procurin activityu-ill determine f ha! the corrosion prewntiwwhen used for its intended purpose is not likelyCnst.dinm:ArmOrdnnnee C.rpmSa.,-Bwem of Aeronautic,Air FormPrw4c: eetiritr:Air Force15Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo r

38、eproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-INSTRUCTIONS: In o continuing a71fforl to mke our standardization drmmenu bettm,be OOD pronda tbb form for UK inmbm.ittiq .XMTIIMU -d RUYUtiOIUfor imme=n. -II Of - dation IJWWUZ = krid mrid*cmfiom. % form UUY be detaclmd, folded along

39、fhe lima indiati, taped alcag tbe IRW edge (DO NOT STAPLE), mdkd. h block 5, be u #petific u xtde a71but Pwtirular problem UUI #uch m wordhg whirl! mqukrcd inlerpmmtion, wuL- tid. Iutic-. l-% -biwOw Or w eOmiblet and tire pm-d -o +- fib would dkctiIc theproblem. Eater in block 6 my ?emarkJ mot mkted 10 s sific mmtrmph of the dawm nt. If blak 7 is fkked out, Macknowledgement till II1I1I#,o.9h.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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