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1、NOT MEASUREMENTSENSITIVEMIL - DTL - 38804D24 May 2012SUPERSEDINGMIL - PRF - 38804C1 March 1996DET AIL SPECIFICA TIONTIME COMPLIANCE TECHNICAL ORDERS -PREP ARA TIONComments, suggestions, or questions on this document should be addressed to: ESC/HGGI,4170 Hebble Creek Road, Bldg. 280, Door 15, Area A,

2、 W right - Patterson AFB, OH454335653 or emailed to: Since contact information canchange, the currency of this address information should be verified using the ASSISTOnline database at https:/ N/A AREA TMSSDISTRIBUTION ST A TEMENT A. Appr oved for pu

3、blic r elease; distribution isunlimited.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL - DTL - 38804D1 SCOPE1.1 S c o p e . This detail specification prescribes the general style, format, and content requirements forcreating T ime Compliance T e

4、chnical Orders (TCT Os) and TCT O supplements (see 6.1 ). TCT Os andsupplements are developed according to this detail specification and those requirements specified by theacquiring activity (see ). TCT Os are prepared to document permanent modifications, retrofit changes ornon - periodic (o

5、ne - time) inspections, inspection - replacements, and inspection - repairs of standard USAF systemsend items, equipment, and commodities. This specification provides for electronic delivery of data using theDocument T ype Definitions (DTDs) prescribed in Appendices A and B .1.2 D e t a i l . The le

6、vel of detail contained in this detail specification is necessary to comply with therequirements of the Joint Computer - aided Acquisition and Logistics Support (JCALS) system.2 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS2.1 G e n e r a l . The documents listed in this section are specified in sections 3 , 4 , or 5 of thi

7、s specification.This section does not include documents cited in other sections of this specification or recommended foradditional information or as examples. While every ef fort has been made to ensure the completeness of thislist, document users are cautioned that they must meet all specified requ

8、irements of documents cited insections 3, 4, or 5 of this specification, whether or not they are listed.2.2 G o v e r n m e n t d o c u m e n t s .2.2.1 S p e c i fi c a t i o n s , s t a n d a r d s a n d h a n d b o o k . The following specifications, standards, and handbooks forma part of this do

9、cument to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of thesedocuments are those cited in the solicitation or contract.DEP AR TMENT OF DEFENSE SPECIFICA TIONSMIL - DTL - 87268 Interactive Electronic T echnical Manuals General Content, Style,Format, And User Interaction Requi

10、rementsDEP AR TMENT OF DEFENSE ST ANDARDSMIL - STD - 129 Military Marking for Shipment and StorageMIL - STD - 130 Identification Marking of US Military PropertyMIL - STD - 38784 Manuals, T echnical: General Style and Format RequirementsDEP AR TMENT OF DEFENSE HANDBOOKSMIL - HDBK - 181 1 Mass Propert

11、ies Control Requirement For Space V ehicles(Copies of these documents are available online at https:/ or by mail from theStandardization Document Order Desk, 700 Robbins A venue, Building 4D, Philadelphia, P A 191 1 1 - 5094.)2.2.2 O t h e r G o v e r n m e n t d o c

12、u m e n t s , d r a w i n g s , a n d p u b l i c a t i o n s . The following other Government documents,drawings, and publications form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwisespecified, the issues of these documents are those cited in the solicitation or contract.AI

13、R FORCE TECHNICAL MANUALST O 00 - 5 - 1 AF T echnical Order SystemT O 00 - 5 - 3 Air Force T echnical Order Lifecycle ManagementT O 00 - 5 - 15 Air Force T ime Compliance T echnical Order Process(Copies of these documents are available online at https:/www .my . Copies

14、ofdocuments required by contractors in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtainedfrom the acquiring activity or as directed by the contracting of ficer .)Federal Cataloging HandbookH4/H8 Series Commercial and Government Entity Codes(Copies of these documents are available onli

15、ne at http:/www or ordered by mailfrom U.S. Government Printing Of fice Mail Stop: IDCC 732 N. Capitol Street, NW W ashington, DC 20401.)2Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL - DTL - 38804D2.2.3 N o n - g o v

16、e r n m e n t p u b l i c a t i o n s . The following documents form a part of this document to theextent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are those cited in thesolicitation or contract.SOCIETY OF ALLIED WEIGHT ENGINEERSSA WE - RP7 Mass Properties Managemen

17、t and Control for Military Aircraft(Copies of these documents are available online at http:/www .sawe.or g/technical or ordered by mail fromSociety of Allied W eight Engineers, Inc. P .O. Box 60024 T erminal Annex #0 Los Angeles, CA 90060.)2.3 O r d e r o f p r e c e d e n c e . In the event of a co

18、nflict between the text of this document and the referencescited herein, the text of this document takes precedence. Nothing in this document, however , supersedesapplicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.3 REQUIREMENTS3.1 G e n e r a l r e q u i r e m e n t s . R

19、equirements for the preparation of TCT Os shall be in accordance withMIL - STD - 38784, except as otherwise specified herein.3.1.1 G e n e r a l c r i t e r i a . The following applies throughout this specification. E l e c t r o n i c p r e s e n t a t i o n r e q u i r e m e n t s . Electro

20、nic presentation requirements prescribed herein shallapply only to the development of T ype 1 data for electronic viewers. For development of Portable DocumentFormat (PDF) data, print presentation requirements herein shall apply for formatting. T ype 2 (InteractiveElectronic T echnical Manual - IETM

21、) requirements are contained in a separate specification. P r o g r a m M a n a g e r ( P M ) r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s . In keeping with the responsibilities specified in T O00 - 5 - 15 for management of TCT Os, all references to acquiring activity herein shall be understood asreferrin

22、g to the government PM that is assigned responsibility for development/sustainment of the TCT O,whether or ganic or through a contracted preparer . T C T O p r e p a r i n g r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s . Where direct reference is made herein to the activity responsiblefor preparation and

23、development of a TCT O, it is referred to as the preparing activity and applies toboth contractor and government (or ganic) activities. When requirements are unique to one or the other ,“contractor” or “or ganic” activity will be specified, as applicable.3.1.2 P r i o r i t y a s s i g n m e n t . T

24、CT Os shall indicate a priority (see 3.2 ), as assigned by the PM - approvedAFT O Form 873, T ime Compliance T echnical Order Requirements (see 6.4 and 6.6 ). The contractor (ifTCT O preparing activity) shall obtain the AFT O Form 873 from the PM during the approval cycle ofthe TCT O (see 6.2 b. ).3

25、.1.3 I n f o r m a t i o n f o r D T D s . Appendix A provides information for use of the DTD for electronicdelivery of TCT Os (except supplements, see 3.6 ).3.2 T C T O p r i o r i t i e s .3.2.1 I m m e d i a t e A c t i o n . Formal Immediate Action TCT Os (see 6.4.1 ) shall be prepared according

26、 to thefollowing (see T O 00 - 5 - 15 for Interim TCT O ITCT O messages). I m m e d i a t e A c t i o n m a r k i n g . The first (title) page/screen of Immediate Action TCT Os shall display aborder of red Xs broken at the top center by the words “IMMEDIA TE ACTION“ also in red font (see3.5.2

27、.1 , T able I , and Figure 1 ). R e s t r i c t i o n s o r d i s c o n t i n u e d u s e . Where both initial restriction or discontinued use information,and instructions for subsequent retrofit accomplishment are necessary , the Immediate Action TCT O shallcover only the actual operations t

28、o be performed while the equipment is restricted or removed from use.Instructions covering subsequent retrofit change or rework shall be contained in a separate TCT O with apriority and type commensurate with the importance of the instructions. When the single TCT O method (see3. and 6.4.5 )

29、is used, the TCT O shall contain the actual operations to be performed while theequipment is restricted or removed from use as well as instructions covering retrofit change or rework.3.2.2 U r g e n t A c t i o n . Formal Ur gent Action TCT Os (see 6.4.7 ) shall be prepared according to thefollowing

30、 (see T O 00 - 5 - 15 for ITCT O messages).3Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL - DTL - 38804D3.2.2.1 U r g e n t A c t i o n m a r k i n g . The first (title) page/screen of Ur gent Action TCT Os shall display a borderof red diagonal

31、s alternated with red Xs broken at the top center by the words “URGENT ACTION“ alsoin red font (see , T able I , and Figure 2 ).3.2.3 R o u t i n e A c t i o n . Formal Routine Action TCT Os (see 6.4.3 ) shall be developed according to thefollowing. C o m p l i a n c e t i m e p e r i

32、 o d . The preparing activity shall use the compliance period for Routine ActionTCT Os contained in AFT O Form 873, as provided by the PM (see 6.6 ). R o u t i n e A c t i o n m a r k i n g . A distinguishing border or priority heading shall not be used forRoutine Action TCT Os (see Figure 3

33、). R o u t i n e A c t i o n R e c o r d T C T O . When a Routine Action Record TCT O (see 6.4.4 ) is specified by theacquiring activity , arrangement and format shall be the same as that for formal Routine Action TCT Os,except that paragraph 6, How W ork is Accomplished (see 3.5.8 and T able

34、 I ), of the TCT O shall not providedetailed step - by - step retrofit change instructions. The Record TCT O shall tabulate the equipment af fected,index the necessary drawings and instructions, and list required parts which are provided by kits. D r a w i n g s a n d i n s t r u c t i o n

35、s . Unless otherwise specified by the acquiring activity (see 6.2 l. ), thecontractor shall not furnish installation drawings or instructions with a Record TCT O or kit (see ). R e c o r d T C T O m a r k i n g . A distinguishing border or action category indicator shall not be

36、used fora Record TCT O. Identification of Record TCT Os shall have the following statement placed in paragraph 2,Purpose, as subparagraph 2.1 (see 3.5.4 and T able I ): “This is a RECORD TCT O and is not completewithin itself. The purpose of this TCT O is to identify the retrofit change, tabulate al

37、l af fected systems orequipment, index all necessary drawings and instructions, and list all parts necessary for accomplishment.“3.2.4 A s s i g n i n g m a i n t e n a n c e l e v e l . The TCT O shall indicate the designated maintenance level foraccomplishment (see 3.5.6 ) as assigned by the acqui

38、ring activity .3.2.5 F o r m a l i z i n g I T C T O s . When ITCT Os or ITCT O supplements are formalized in accordance with thisspecification, they shall bear the same publication date, data code, and TCT O number , and contain identicalcontent except for correction of grammatical or typographic e

39、rrors.3.3 I n f o r m a t i o n t o b e e x c l u d e d . Instructions on recurring maintenance procedures or requirements shall notbe included in a TCT O if this will result in the TCT O becoming the sole source for the instructions. As anexample, requirements for a one time inspection are document

40、ed in a TCT O; however , permanent instructionsfor a recurring inspection shall be included in the appropriate maintenance or inspection T echnical Manual(TM) and used after the completion of the one - time inspection of the TCT O.3.4 A u t h o r i t y t o i s s u e a T C T O . When TCT Os are prepa

41、red by contractors, contractors shall obtain approvalfrom the acquiring activity (see 6.2 d. ) on a case - by - case basis before proceeding with preparation of a TCT O.When specified by the acquiring activity (see 6.2 e. ), the single TCT O method (see 6.4.5 ) shall be used.3.5 T C T O p r e p a r

42、a t i o n r e q u i r e m e n t s . The preparing activity shall prepare TCT Os in accordance with thefollowing requirements and the general requirements specified in 3.7 . The preparing activity shall alsoinclude information contained in the applicable AFT O Form 873 (see 6.6 ), T ime Compliance T

43、echnical OrderRequirements, and AFT O Form 874 (see 6.6 ), Supply Data Requirements. After the acquiring activityapproves the AFT O Form 874 (see 6.2 f. ), the preparing activity shall extract all of the required informationfrom these forms and incorporate it into the TCT O.3.5.1 A r r a n g e m e n

44、 t . TCT Os shall have the following arrangement in the order indicated (see Figure 3 ). Fontsizes shall be as specified in T able I . If a paragraph is not applicable to the particular retrofit or inspectionaction covered by the TCT O, the words “Not applicable“ shall be inserted after the paragrap

45、h title.a. Heading (see 3.5.2 ).b. Paragraph 1, titled “APPLICA TION“ (see 3.5.3 ).c. Paragraph 2, titled “PURPOSE“ (see 3.5.4 ).d. Paragraph 3, titled “WHEN T O BE ACCOMPLISHED“ (see 3.5.5 ).e. Paragraph 4, titled “BY WHOM T O BE ACCOMPLISHED“ (see 3.5.6 ).4Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduct

46、ion or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL - DTL - 38804Df. Paragraph 5, titled “WHA T IS REQUIRED“ (see 3.5.7 ).g. Paragraph 6, titled “HOW WORK IS ACCOMPLISHED“ (see 3.5.8 ).h. Paragraph 7, titled “SUPPLEMENT AL INFORMA TION“ (see 3.5.9 ).i. Paragraph 8, titled “RECORDS“ (see 3.5

47、.10 ).j. Paragraph 9, titled “POINT OF CONT ACT” (see 3.5.1 1 ).k. “AUTHORITY“ (see 3.5.12 ).Electronic presentation: Unless otherwise specified by the acquiring activity (see 6.2 g. ), the completedocument of the TCT O, from the heading to the end of the document, shall be contained within a single

48、scrollable window/pane (see MIL - DTL - 87268, subsections 3.4, 3.5).3.5.2 H e a d i n g . The heading of a TCT O shall consist of the following elements arranged as follows(see Figure 1 through Figure 6 ):a. Designation of Ur gency (Immediate Action, Ur gent Action) (see )b. Security Classi

49、fication (see )c. Issuing Activity (see )d. T echnical Manual Identification (TCT O) Number (see )e. Data Code Number (see )f. Date of Issuance (see )g. Indicator of Safety Marking (see )h. Supplement (when applicable) (see 3.6 )i. T itle or Subject of Instructions (see )j. Notes (see )k. Scientific and T echnical Information (STINFO) Disclosure Notice, Distribution Statement, ExportControl Notice, and Des

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