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本文(AIR FORCE MIL-DTL-87158 C-2011 TECHNICAL MANUALS AIRCRAFT BATTLE DAMAGE ASSESSMENT AND REPAIR《飞机作战损伤评估和修理技术手册》.pdf)为本站会员(ideacase155)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、NOT MEASUREMENTSENSITIVEMIL - DTL - 87158C13 July 201 1SUPERSEDINGMIL - PRF - 87158B5 Nov 1996DET AIL SPECIFICA TIONTECHNICAL MANUALS: AIRCRAFT BA TTLEDAMAGE ASSESSMENT AND REP AIRComments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may beof use in improving this document sh

2、ould be submitted to: ESC/HGGI, 4170 HebbleCreek Road, Bldg. 280, Door 15, Area A, W right - Patterson AFB, OH 454335653 orby email to: Since contact information can change, thecurrency of this address information should be verified using the ASSIST Online databaseat https:/

3、 AREA TMSSDistribution Statement A. Appr oved for public r elease; distribution is unlimited.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL - DTL - 87158C1 SCOPE1.1 S c o p e . This detail specification covers requiremen

4、ts for the preparation of technical manuals onaircraft battle damage assessment and repair (ABDAR), and quick repair instructions not included in T O1 - 1H - 39/NA V AIR 01 - 1A - 39. Aircraft specific manuals will describe quick ABDAR procedures to be appliedto the specific aircraft. Duplication of

5、 information contained in other maintenance manuals should be keptto a minimum in the specific ABDAR manual.1.2 D e t a i l . The level of detail contained in this detail specification is necessary to comply with therequirements of the Joint Computer - aided Acquisition and Logistics Support (JCALS)

6、 system.2 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS2.1 G e n e r a l . The documents listed in this section are specified in sections 3 and 4 or 5 of this specification.This section does not include documents cited in other sections of this specification or recommended foradditional information or as examples. While eve

7、ry ef fort has been made to ensure completeness of this list,document users are cautioned that they must meet all specified requirements documents cited in sections3 and 4 or 5 of this specification, whether or not they are listed.2.2 G o v e r n m e n t D o c u m e n t s .2.2.1 S p e c i fi c a t i

8、 o n s , s t a n d a r d s , a n d h a n d b o o k s . The following specifications, standards, and handbooks forma part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of thesedocuments are those listed in the ASSIST and supplement thereto, cited in the solic

9、itation or contract.DEP AR TMENT OF DEFENSE ST ANDARDSMIL - STD - 38784 Manuals, T echnical: General Style and Format Requirements(Copies of these documents are available online at https:/ or may beordered by mail from the Standardization Documents Order Desk, 700 Robb

10、ins A venue, Building 4D,Philadelphia, P A 191 1 15094.)2.2.2 O t h e r g o v e r n m e n t d o c u m e n t s , d r a w i n g s , a n d p u b l i c a t i o n s . The following other Government documents,drawings, and publications form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless ot

11、herwisespecified, the issues are those cited in the solicitation or contract.AIR FORCE TECHNICAL MANUALS PUBLICA TIONST O 1 - 1H - 39/NA V AIR 01 - 1A - 39 General Aircraft Battle DamageT O 00 - 5 - 3 AF TECHNICAL ORDER LIFE CYCLE MANAGEMENT(Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and publica

12、tions required by manufacturers in connectionwith specific acquisition functions should be obtained from the contracting activity , or as directed bythe contracting of ficer).2.3 N o n - G o v e r n m e n t p u b l i c a t i o n s . The following documents form a part of this document to the extents

13、pecified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of the documents which are DOD adopted arethose listed in the issue of the ASSIST cited in the solicitation. Unless otherwise specified, the issues ofdocuments not listed in the ASSIST are the issues of the documents cited in the solicitation.2

14、.4 O r d e r o f p r e c e d e n c e . In the event of a conflict between the text of this specification and the referencescited herein, the text of this document takes precedence. Nothing in this document, however , supersedesapplicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obta

15、ined.3 REQUIREMENTS3.1 M a n d a t o r y r e q u i r e m e n t s . All requirements contained herein are considered mandatory when applicable,unless specifically identified as an optional requirement.3.2 M a n u a l p r e p a r a t i o n . The style and format of the specific ABDAR manual shall be i

16、n accordancewith the requirements of MIL - STD - 38784. The manual shall be as brief as appropriate; however ,each required system on the aircraft shall be described suf ficiently , so that personnel trained in otherspecific weapon systems, but untrained in this specific weapon system, could apply t

17、he repair proceduresdescribed. The specific ABDAR manual shall contain information necessary for maintenance personnel2Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL - DTL - 87158Cto determine the extent of damage to the aircraft, and instructio

18、ns to make deferment/repair decisions.A cross - reference between system components, subsystems, and critical components, required to supporta specific mission, shall be included. The manual shall be delivered in electronic or paper format asspecified by the acquiring activity (see 6.2 ). See A.1.1

19、for DTD.3.2.1 I l l u s t r a t i o n s . Illustrations shall be simple, clear , and contain only essential elements in accordancewith MIL - STD - 38784.3.2.2 D i a g r a m s . Diagrams shall be furnished where applicable, to identify aircraft structural members andapplicable systems/components (e.g

20、., electrical, egress, fuel) essential for mission success. Internal andexternal structural members, panels, and skin, shall be included. The diagrams shall also identify thecomponent materials. V ulnerability reduction features (armor , foam, etc.) shall be noted. All wiring data andsystem schemati

21、cs shall be prepared in accordance with DOD - STD - 863.3.3 A r r a n g e m e n t . The specific ABDAR manual shall be arranged in the following order and the chaptersnumbered consecutively:Front MatterChapter 1 General InformationChapter 2 System DescriptionChapter 3 MaterialsChapter 4 Support Equi

22、pment/Special T oolsChapter 5 Abbreviated Functional ChecksChapter 6 T ypical RepairsChapter 7 Interchangeability DataChapter 8 thru n Zone 1 thru xxxChapter n+1 EnginesChapter n+2 Electrical W iring/Harnesses (optional) 3.43.4 F r o n t m a t t e r . Front matter shall be in accordance with the req

23、uirements of MIL - STD - 38784.3.4.1 F o r e w o r d . The foreword shall contain a brief explanation of the specific ABDAR manual and how itis to be applied. The following statement shall be included at the end of the foreword:“The damage limits and repairs established in this manual shall only be

24、applied in time of war . Under nocircumstances shall this manual be used wholly or in part for peacetime maintenance of the aircraft. Thecriteria contained herein allow rotary wing/fixed wing aircraft to be flown with battle damage which exceedspeacetime limits. Assessment of aircraft battle damage

25、requires extreme care and diligence, and strictadherence to the instructions and criteria contained in this manual. If, at any stage of damage assessment,the assessor believes that oversights or errors have been made, the assessment shall be stopped at that pointand repeated from the beginning. Unde

26、r no circumstances, shall the requirements of this manual be waivedor circumvented, without the expressed approval of the commander or designated representative.”3Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL - DTL - 87158C3.5 C h a p t e r 1 ,

27、 G e n e r a l i n f o r m a t i o n . This chapter shall provide general information relative to the specificweapon system and, as a minimum, shall contain the following sections:Section I General InformationSection II Mission IdentificationSection III Damage AssessmentSection IV Aircraft Zones3.5.

28、1 S e c t i o n I , g e n e r a l i n f o r m a t i o n . Instructions on how to use the manual shall be provided for theassessor and technician. Structure analysis methods, employed in generating the damage limits, shall beprovided for the ABDAR engineer , who may be tasked to provide additional en

29、gineering assumptions andprocedures which are not specified in the manual.3.5.2 S e c t i o n I I , m i s s i o n i d e n t i fi c a t i o n . This section shall identify each generic type mission as designatedfor that particular weapon system (e.g., air - to - air , air - to - ground, tanker suppor

30、t). Missions shall be asidentified by the flight manual, or as identified by the acquiring activity (see 6.2 ).3.5.3 S e c t i o n I I I , d a m a g e a s s e s s m e n t . Damage limits, repair guidelines, instructions, and references toapplicable publications, which enable an assessor to make the

31、correct deferment/repair decisions, shall beprovided. Previous data from damage levels on similar aircraft, vulnerability assessments, and systemcriticality information from failure modes and ef fects analysis on the specific aircraft, shall be used as aguide in determining contents and scope of pro

32、cedures to be addressed in the specific ABDAR manual.Flight operational limits shall be addressed after deferments/repairs assessments are made. F i r e a n d h e a t d a m a g e . Instructions on how to determine the degradation of material properties,caused by fire and heat, shall be provid

33、ed. A chart to show conductivity values and hardness readings formaterials used on the aircraft, when exposed to damaging fire or heat, shall be included. The chart shallinclude procedures for quick determination of the extent of damage to ferrous, nonferrous, or ganic, andinor ganic composite mater

34、ials (see figure 1 ). The chart shall identify those areas of the engine bays wherethe integrity of fire walls must be maintained to prevent excessive heat damage. Allowable damage limitsshall be specified, and any peculiar firewall repairs shall be included in the appropriate zone. W e i g h

35、 t a n d b a l a n c e . Instructions for the assessor to determine the ef fects on weight and balance,which significantly af fects the center of gravity (CG) as a result of repairs on the aircraft, shall be provided. L o g i c p r o c e d u r e . This section shall include an assessment logi

36、c tree that applies tostructure/system/components that pertain to the weapon system (see Figure 2 ).3.5.4 S e c t i o n I V , r o t a r y w i n g / fi x e d w i n g a i r c r a f t z o n e s . This section shall provide a three dimensionalillustration identifying rotary wing/fixed wing aircraft zone

37、s. A brief explanation of the selected rotarywing/fixed wing aircraft zones shall be included. The zones shall be identified by rotary wing/fixed wingaircraft station numbers. These zones shall be selected such that they are essentially repair - independentand physically distinct, based on structura

38、l features/equipment commonality . When all the zones are puttogether , the results shall be a complete rotary wing/fixed wing aircraft. The zones shall be identified byrotary wing/fixed wing aircraft station numbers.Print presentation: Each zone section shall begin on a right - hand page (see Figur

39、es 3 and 4 for anexample of rotary wing/fixed wing aircraft zones).3.6 C h a p t e r 2 , s y s t e m d e s c r i p t i o n s . This chapter shall contain a brief description of the aircraft systems.Each description shall include a reference to the applicable maintenance manual. This chapter shall al

40、soinclude diagrams, drawings, and schematic illustrations, as necessary .Print presentation: A brief description of the aircraft systems shall be approximately one page or less.4Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL - DTL - 87158CEXAMPL

41、E OF AIRCRAFT SYSTEMSSection I AirframeSection II Crew stationSection III Landing gear systemSection IV Flight control systemSection V Power plantSection VI Engine starting systemSection VII Electrical power supplySection VIII Environmental control systemSection IX Hydraulic and pneumatic systemSect

42、ion X Fuel systemSection XI Flight instrumentsSection XII VHF communicationsSection XIII UHF communicationsSection XIV Interphone systemSection XV Fire control systemSection XVI W eapons delivery3.7 C h a p t e r 3 , m a t e r i a l s . Repairs shall be designed using ABDAR T ool/Material Kit listin

43、gs approved bythe acquiring activity . Preferred material required for a specialized repair shall be specified. A consolidatedlisting, by part number , containing aircraft peculiar fasteners (types and dimensions), unique materials,sealants, parting agents, films, pads, solvents, cleaning materials,

44、 bonding materials, primers, honeycomb,and alternate materials for each, shall be included. All items shall be identified using Military/FederalSpecifications, if applicable. This chapter shall contain a table listing materials and suitable substitutematerials that are not contained in the ABDAR T o

45、ol/Material Kit Listing. Materials shall be groupedby specification number , and shall be in alpha - numeric sequence, by part number and Contractor andGovernment Entity (CAGE) code. A table shall be prepared in accordance with the following format:P AR T NUMBER/CAGE NOMENCLA TURE3.8 C h a p t e r 4

46、 , s u p p o r t e q u i p m e n t / s p e c i a l t o o l s . This chapter shall contain a listing of supportequipment/special tools that are not included in the ABDAR tool/material kit listing. Special tools shallbe grouped by part number/CAGE code. The number of tools shall be kept to a minimum,

47、andthey shall be common type tools, where possible.3.9 C h a p t e r 5 , a b b r e v i a t e d f u n c t i o n a l c h e c k s . This chapter shall contain limited functional checks for thoseessential systems, for which a full system operational check and support equipment is normally required. Thec

48、hecks shall be brief, and shall contain only those items necessary to ensure mission capability .3.10 C h a p t e r 6 , t y p i c a l r e p a i r s . This chapter shall illustrate, describe, and include procedures for typicalrepairs that are common to two or more zones. T ypical repairs shall be pro

49、vided for all aircraft systems,subsystems, and components, as applicable. Repair steps that af fect survivability/vulnerability , hardness, orRadar Cross Section (RCS) characteristics, shall be identified. T ypical repairs shall not duplicate repairscovered in T O 1 - 1H - 39/NA V AIR 01 - 1A - 39. - 200.3.1 1 C h a p t e r 7 , i n t e r c h a n g e a b i l i t y d a t a . Interchangeability data, not already identified in the illustrated partsbreakdown manual, shall be prov

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