1、MIL-H-6536D M 9999906 1975808 T5T M INCH-POUND 1 MIL-H-6536D 18 Aoril 1994 SUPERSEDING 22 August 1968 MIL-H-6536C MILITARY SPECIFICATION HORN AND VALVE, CREW MEMBERS RELIEF, PRESSWZED AIRCRAFT This specification is approved for use by all Dcpartiictits aiid Agciicies of tlie Dcparliiicnt of Defciise
2、. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. This spccification covers tlie general requircnicnts aiid tests for two typcs of horns and valve units. 1.2 Classification. Rclicf horn and valve units sliall bc of tlic following typcs as spccified (scc 6.3). Type I - Straight Type I1 - 90-degree, riglit-angle bend 2. APPLICAB
3、LE DOCUMENTS 2.1 Government dociiiiients. 2.1. I Specificatioiis, standards, and handbooks. The following specifications, standards, and handbooks form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otlienvise spccified, tlie issues of liese documents are those listed in the issue of
4、 the Dcpartmeiit of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards (DODISS) and supplement thereto, cited in tlie solicitation (see 6.2). SPECIFICATIONS FEDERAL PPP-B-60 1 Boxes, Wood, Cleated-Plywood PPP-B-63 6 Box, Shipping, Fiberboard PPP-B-676 Boxcs, Setup MILITARY MIL-P- I I6 MIL-C-83488 Preserv
5、ation, Methods of Coating, Aluniinuiti, ION Vapor Deposited Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: the Technology and Industrial Services Division, SA- ALC/TILDD, 485 Quentin Roosevelt
6、Rd., Kelly AFB, TX 782414425 by using tlie Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this dociiiiieiit or by letter. AMSC NIA FSC 1680 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public releae; distribution is unlimited. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduct
7、ion or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-_ MIL-H-653bD m 99999Ob I1975809 99b m MIL-H-6536D STANDARDS MILITARY MIL-STD- 129 MIL-STD-130 MIL-STD-83 1 MIL-STD-970 Markiiig for Shipiiiciit aiid Storage Identificatiori Markiiig of U.S. Militxy Propcrty Test Reports; Prcparatioii of Stand
8、ards aiid Spccificutioris. Order of Prcfercncc For Tlic Sclcctioii Of (Unless otherwise iiidicatcd, copics of the federal aiid iiiilitary specifications, standards aiid liaiidbooks arc available froiii the Dcfcnse Priiitiiig Service, Dctacliiiiciit Ofice, 700 Robbiiis Ave., Bldg 4D, Pliiladclpliia,
9、PA 19120-5099.) 2.2 Noti-Governiiicnt piiblicatioiis. Tlic followiiig dociiiiicnts forni a part of tliis dociiiiiciit to the exteiit specified herein. Unless otlicnvise spccified, the issues of the docuiiiciits which arc DoD adoptcd arc those listed in the issue of the DODISS citcd ri tlie solicitat
10、ion. Uiiless otlicnvisc spccificd, tlic issiics of dociiincrits iiot listed in the DODISS are the issues of tlie docuiiiciits citcd iii tlie solicitatiori (SCC 6.2). AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM) ASTM A 313 Cliroiiiiiiiii-riickcl Staiiilcss arid Hcat-rcsistiiig Stccl Spriiig Wire
11、 ASTM B 36A336M Plate Brass, Slicct, Strip, aiid Rollcd Bar (Application for copics should bc addrcsscd to tlic Aiiicricaii Socicty for Tcstiiig aiid Matcrials. I9 I6 Race Street, Pliiladclpliia, PA 19 103-1 137.) (Noii-Goveriiiiiciit standards aiid otlicr piiblicatioiis arc iioriiially av;iil;iblc
12、froiii Ilic org;iiiiaitioiis that prcparc or distribute tlie docuiiiciits. Tlicse dociiiiiciits also iiiay be avai1;iblc iii or tliroiigli 1ibr;irics or otlicr iiiforiiiatioriul servi ces. ) 2.3 Order of prcccdciice. Iii tlic cvciit of a coiiflict bclwccii tlic Icst of this dociiniciil aiid tlic rcf
13、crciiccs citcd herein, the test of this dociiiiiciit takcs prcccdciicc. Notliirig iii tliis dociiiiicnt, howcvcr, siipcrscdcs applicable laws and rcgulatioiis iiiiless a specific esciiiptioii lias bccii obtaiiicd. 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 First article iiiswctioii. Wlicii spccificd (SCC 6.2), ;i smiplc s
14、hall be siibjcctcd to first ;irticlc iiispcctioii (see 6.5) iri accordaricc with 4.3. 3.2 Sclectioii of spccificat ioiis aiid st;iiidards. Spccificatioiis aiid standards for ricccss:iry coiiiiiioditics aiid services riot specificd Iicrciii shall bc sclcclcd iii ;iccord;iiicc with MIL-STD-970. 3.3 Ma
15、tcriais. 3.3.1 m. Tlic brass used shall coiiforiii to ASTM B36A336M. 3.3.2 Spriiir! slccl. The spriiig iiscd for thc rclcasc trigger s1i;ill bc coiislnictcd of staiiilcss spriiig stccl, coiiforiiiing to ASTM A 3 13. 3.3.3 Aliiiiiiiiiiiii ION. Aliiiiiiiiiiiii ION shall coiiforiii to MIL-C-83488, Clas
16、s I, or cqiiivolciit. 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-H-b53bD H 99999Ob L9758LO 608 MIL-H-6536D 3.3.4 Plastic. The plastic shall be equal to or intcrchangeablc with lumaritli X-T-I3507MH, color No. 0- 2 165-A, Celaiiese Celluloi
17、d Corporation, Ncw York, or Teiiite 11-20 lA96 IMS, Tennessee Eastman Corporation, Kingspori, Tcniiessee. 3.4 Design and construction. Tlie liorii and valve assembly shall consist of a plastic cone-type horn with a spring-tensed valve. The unit shall be so constructed tliat it can be held aiid opera
18、ted by one hand. The valve shall open when tlic Icver is dcprcsscd, aiid shall autoinntically closc when tlie lever is relcxcd. The valve shaft housing shall be large enough to prcvciit a buildup of negative pressure in the Iiorii cliaiiibcr when a vacuum is applied across tlic outlet with the horn
19、cliaiiibcr pluggcd. 3.5 Pcrforiiiaiicc. 3.5.1 Valve leakage. Whcii tcstcd as spccificd (SCC 4.6.2). the air Icikage past the valvc scat shall iiot exceed 0.20 cubic fcct pcr iiiiiiiitc (cfiii). 3.5.2 Vaciiiiiti. With tlic horn clinniber pliiggcd aiid tlic valve opcii, it shall uot be possible to ind
20、uce an absolutc prcssiirc of Icss than 13.7 psia iii tlic Iiorii in 3 iiiiiiiitcs tiiiic villi the Iiorii outlct coiiiiectcd to a 12.0 psia source. 3.5.3 Valve actiiatiiig forcc. A forcc iiot to cscccd 1 pound sliall be rcquircd to opcii tlic valve with the lever wlicii a diffcrciitial prcssiirc of
21、not Icss tliaii 12 psia is applicd to tlic closcd valve (sec 4.6.4). 3.5.4 High aiid low tciiitwatiire. Wlicii tcstcd as spccificd (sce 4.6.3, tlic horn and valve assemblies shall show i10 cvidcnce of cracking, cliippiiig, or warpiiig. 3.5.5 Frxtiirc or brc;ikage. Tlic horn aiid valvc assciiibly sli
22、rill not brcak or fracturc upon bciiig droppcd froin a liciglit of iiot Icss t1i;iii 4 fcct to a irit iiiclal siirticc wliilc bciiig iiiriiiit;iiiicd at a tciiipcratiire of Oo +5“ F (sec 4.6.6). 3.5.6 Draiiianc. Whcii tcstcd iis spccificd (sec 4.6.7). tlic tiiiic rcqiiircd to draiii SO iiiillilitcrs
23、 of w;itcr shall not bc inorc tliaii 3 sccoiids. 3.6 Diiiiciisioiis. Tlic type I valvc aiid horn ;issciiibly sliall coiiforiii to tlic diiiiciisioiis spccificd in Figiirc 1 Tlic typc II valvc aiid liorii assciiibly sli;ill coiiforiii to tlic diiiiciisioiis spccificd in Figiirc 2. 3.7 Wciglil. Tlic w
24、ciglit of tlic Iiorii aiid valvc assciiibly sliall not cscccd 0.20 poiiiid 3.8 Finish. All non corrosioii-rcsislaiit stccl sli;ill bc aliiiiiiriiiiii ION coatcd in accord;iiicc with MIL-C-83488. 3.9 1dciitific;iiioii of product. Horn and valvc issciiiblics shrill bc iiinrkcd for idciitiricatioii in
25、accordance witli MIL-STD-I 30 (iiiarkiiig sliiill not bc iiidciit staiiipcd). 3.10 Workitiiiisliip. Honi aiid vilvc assciiiblics shall bc coiistnictcd in accordance villi good coitiiticrci;il prncticc aiid sliall bc frcc froiii any dcfcct tliat iiiiglit affcct appcaraiicc or fiiiiclioiiality. 4. QUA
26、LITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 RcsDoiisibility for iiispcctioii. Uiilcss otlicnvisc spccificd in tlic contr;ict or piircliisc ordcr, tlic contractor is rcspoiisiblc for tlic pcrforiiiaiicc of rill iiispcctioii rcqiiirciiiciits (cs;iiiiiii;itions aiid tcsts) ;is spccificd Iicrciii. Esccpt as otlicnvis
27、c spccificd iii tlic coiilrrict or piircli;isc ordcr, tlic contractor iiiay usc his own or any otlicr facilitics suitriblc for tlic pcrforiiiaiicc of tlic iiispcctioii rcqiiirciiiciits spccificd licrciii, iiiilcss disapproved by the Govcriiiiiciit. Tlic Govcriiniciit rcscrvcs tlic riglit to pcrforii
28、i my of tlic iiispcctioiis sct forth iii this spccificatioii where such iiispcctioiis arc dccnicd iicccssary to ciisiirc siipplics aiid scrviccs coiiforiii to prcscribcd rcqiiirciiiciils. O 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-H-6536
29、D 4.1.1 Responsibilitv for compliance. All items shall meet all requirements of sections 3 and 5. The inspection set forth in this specification shall become a part of the contractors overall inspection system or quality program. The absence of any inspection requirements in the specification shall
30、not relieve the contractor of the responsibility of ensuring that all products or supplies submitted to the Government for acceptance comply with all requirements of the contract. Sampling inspection, as part of manufacturing operations, is an acceptable practice to ascertain conformance to requirem
31、ents, however, this does not authorize submission of known defective material, either indicated or actual, nor does it commit the Government to accept defective material. 4.2 Classification of inswctions. The inspection requirements specified herein are classified as follows: a. First article inspec
32、tion (see 4.3). b. Quality conformance inspection (see 4.4). 4.3 First article inspection. 4.3. I Sampling, instructions. The first article saniples shall consist of two horn and valve assemblies representative of the production of horn and valve assemblies, and shall be tested by the contractor. 4.
33、3.2 m. First article inspection shall consist of the examination and tests specified (see 4.6). 4.3.3 First article test report. After the contractor completes the first article inspection, a test report shall be prepare in accordance with MIL-STD-83 1. 4.3.4 First article test sample for the procur
34、ing activity. Along with the first article test report, the contractor shall submit one sample to the procuring activity. 4.4 Quality conformance inmeclion. The quality conformance inspection shall consist of individual tests and sampling tests (see 4.4.1 and 4.4.2). 4.4.1 Individual tests. Each hor
35、n and valve assembly shall be subjected to the examination of product specified (see 4.6.1). 4.4.2 Sampling, tests. Two horn and valve units shall be selected at random from each lot of 500, or fraction thereof on the order, and subjected to the following tests: a. b. d. e. f. C. Valve leakage (see
36、4.6.2). Vacuum (see 4.6.3). Valve actuating force (see 4.6.4). High and low temperature (see 4.6.5). Fracture or breakage (see 4.6.6). Drainage (see 4.6.7). 4.4.3 Rejection and retest. When one or more items from a lot fail to meet this specification, acceptance of all items in the lot will be withh
37、eld until the extent and cause of failure are determined. After corrections have been made, all necessary tests shall be repeated. Individual tests may continue. For production reasons, individual tests may be continued pending the investigation of a sampling test failure. But final acceptan
38、ce of the entire lot shall not be made until and unless it is determined that the lot meets all the requirements of this specification. 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-flIL-H-653bD D 9999906 1975812 480 H MIL-H-6536D 4.5 Test condit
39、ions. Unless otherwise specified, all tests required by this specification shall be made at an atmospheric pressure of 28 to 32 inches of mercury and at a temperature of 77 118“ F and a relative humidity of 80 percent or less. Where tests are made with atmospheric pressure or temperature substantial
40、ly different from the above values, proper allowance shall be made for the change in insirument reading. e 4.6 Inspection methods. 4.6.1 Examination of product. Each horn and valve assembly shall be examined to determine conformance with the dimensions, workmanship and construction requirements. 4.6
41、.2 Valve leakape. The air leakage past the valve set shall not exceed 0.20 cfm when the closed valve is subjected to a differential pressure of not less than 12 psia for not less than 3 minutes. 4.6.3 Vacuum. The performance requirement specified (see 3.5.2) is applicable for inspection. 4.6.4 Valve
42、 actuating force. The force required to open the valve shall not exceed 1 pound when a differential pressure of not less than 12 psia is applied to the closed valve. 4.6.5 High and low teniperature. One sample horn and valve assembly shall be subjected to a temperature of +160 25 F for not less than
43、 4 hours. The second simple horn and valve assembly shall be subjected to a temperature of -65 55“ F, for not less than 4 hours. Any evidence of cracking, chipping, or warping shall be cause for rejection. 4.6.6 Fracture or bre,akane. The sample horn and valve units shall be dropped from a height of
44、 not less than 4 feet to a flat metal surface while the assembly is being maintained at a temperature of Oo +So F. Evidence of fracture or breakage shall be cause for rejection. 4.6.7 Drainage. With tlie horn in a vertical position and the valve fully closed, the horn shall be filled with 50 millili
45、ters of water. Upon opening the valve, the SO milliliters shall drain from the horn in not more than 3 seconds. 4.7 Packaginp inspection. The preservation, packing, and marking shall be inspected to verify conformance to the requirements of Section 5. 5. PACKAGING 5.1 Preservation. Preservation shal
46、l bc level A or C, as specified (see 6.2). 5.1.1 Level A. Horn and valve units shall be preserved and packaged in accordance with MIL-P-116, Method III, one each in a unit container conforming to PPP-B-676. 5.1.2 Level C. Level C shall afford adequate protection against corrosion, deterioration, aii
47、d physical damage during shipment from supply source to the first receiving activity for immediate use. This level may conform to the suppliers commercial practice, provided tlie latter meets tlie requirements of this level. 5.2 Packing. Packing shall be level A, B, or C, as specifiea (see 6.2) 5.2.
48、1 Level A. Horn and valve units preserved and packaged its specified (see 5.1. I) shall be packed in overseas type shipping containers conforming to PPP-B-60 1 cr . eailicr-resistant type shipping containers conforming to PPP-B-636. As far as practicable, shipping coni:fincrs shall be of uniform sha
49、pe and size, of minimum cube and tare consistent with the protection requircd. and contain identical quantities. The gross weight of each shipping container shall not esceed tlie weight limitation of tlie specification. Containers shall be closed and strapped in accordance with the specification and appendis thereto. O 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-H-bC3bD m 97979Ob I1775813 3L7 = MI L-H -65
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