1、lINCH-POUNDMIL-M-38761B14 Febnmrv 1994SUPERSEDINGMIL-M-38761A26 August 1977MILITARY SPECIFICATIONI MICROFILMING AND PHOTOGRAPHING OF ENGINEERING/TECHNICALDATA AND RELATED DOCUMENTS, REQUIREMENTS FORThis specification is approved for use by all departments andagencies of the Department of Defense (Do
2、D).1. SCOPE1.1 Scope. The principle objective is to provide Wcolumn military tabulating card(see 6.4.4) construction, microfilm carrier bonding process, and testing requirements forengineering data (see 6.4.1) as set forth within the DoD Engineering Data ReproductionSystems (EDRS) standardization ar
3、ea. Requirements for five kinds of engineering datatabulating cards (aperture, camera, copy, nonapcrture, and image) and two kinds ofmicrofilm carriers (bonding tape and a pccket holder) are covered.1.1.1 Application. Suppliers, contractors, civil agencies, DoD activities, othergovernment agencies,
4、and any other users are cautioned that all requirements in theprevious issue have been rewritten, renumbered, combined, or deleted. New requirementshave been added. It must also be understood that some requirements are stratifiedthroughout the specification anrL that the figures (i.e., illustrations
5、 not drawn to scale) areonly provided to further clarify the requirements. %, it is necessary to read the entirespecification (i.e., text, tables, figures, and footnotes).User comments and recommendations for improvement are invited. Please useStandardization Document Improvement Proposal, DD Form 1
6、426, when submitting yourcomments or recommendations. A sample form with the Preparing Activity (PA)information inserted is located on page 27. If a DD Form 1426 is not available, a letter willsuffice. Mail the DD Form 1426 or letter to: HQ AFMC/ENIS, 4027 Col Glenn Hwy,Suite 300, Dayton OH 45431-16
7、72.AMSC NIA AREA EDRSPlm RIBUTION WATEMENT A. Approved for pubtic relense; distribution is unlimited.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-M.38761Ba. MILM-38761 is one in a group of publications associated with 80-column militarytabulat
8、ing cards. The specific card identities are: (i) camera cards, DD Form 1562A, (ii)aperture cards, DD Form 1562B through H; (iii) copy cards, DD Form 1562H through and (iv) nonaperture cards, DD Form 1309 and DD Form 1310.b. MILM-38761 is a specification within the DoD EDRS (formerly designatedEDMS)
9、standardization area. However, related information in other DoD standardizationareas and Federal Supply Classifications (FSCS) should not be overlooked (e.g., l?3C6750, FSC 6760, DRPR, and PACK).c. MILM-38761 requirements are intended to promote, not inhibit, the philosophies(see 4.2) of Total Quali
10、ty Management (TQM) particularly when a card manufacturer, anengineering data supplier (see 6.4.3), or any other user is contractually tasked withimplementing the requirements.d. MILM-38761 reflects the present Defense Management Review (DMR)cost-effective standardization efforts. One of the DMR eff
11、orta is to use Non-GovernmentStandards (NGSS) to the maximum extent when they are available and practical (see 6.7).The development, coordination (consensus), and adoption of the referenced NGSS (see2.2) is a result of the Govemment-hrdustry Partnering process.1.1.2 lncb-pound designation. Even thou
12、gh the width (35mm) of the cardsmicrofilm is a standard metric unit, MLM-38761 ia assigned an inch-pound designation.The reason is the majority of the MILM-38761 dimensional requirements are standardinch-pound units. However, within the textual paragraphs, metric dimensions (i.e.,mathematics equival
13、ents) are shown in parentheses. h must be understood that themathematical equivalent is only a soft conversion of the inch-pound requirement.1.1.3 Acquisition Mmrrsgement Systems Control (AMSC) designrttion.MIbM-38761 by itself cannot generate engineeringhechnical data source dccumenta (i.e.,product
14、 design requirements). Therefore, an AMSC number is not applicable (see 6.3).1.2 Classification1.2.1 Card chsssification.1 There are three card classifications:Card Type 1. An aperture card (see 6.4.4a) whose rectangular hole (aperture)either contains a Type 1carrier (see Footnote 3) and aprotection
15、 sheet (see 3.3.2) or it contains a Type 11carrier (seeFootnote 3 also, a camera card (see 6.4.4b) whose rectangularhole (aperture) contains a Type 1earner (see Footnote 3) andundeveloped (raw stock) camera silver microfilm.1 To avoid confusion, do not misinterpret or,interrnix the card classificati
16、ons with the Typ 1,Type II,and Typ 111microfilm classifications. Micmtilm classiticatinns are spcilied in ML-M-9868,paragraph 1.2.2Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-M-38761BCard Type II. A copy card (see 6.4.4c) whose rectangular ho
17、le (aperture)mntains a Type 1carrier (see Footnote 3) and undeveloped (rawstcck) noncamera diszo microfilm.Card Type 111. A tabulating card (see 6.4.4e) that does not have an aperture and doesnot contain microfihir.2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS2.1 Government documents.2.1.1 Specifications, standards, msd
18、hmsdbooks. The following references form apart of MILM-38761 to the extent specified. Unless otherwise specifie the issue of thereference is identified in the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards(DoDISS) and supplement thereto or as cited in the solicitation. (See 6.2a.)SPECIF
19、ICATIONSFEDERALG-C-116l/F-315bPPP-B-636MILITARYMIf/B-131MIL-M-9868MIL-C-9877MIL-C-9949STANDARDSMIIJTARYMIL-STD-129MIL-STD-804Cards, Tabulating.Film, Direct Positive, Diazntype.Note the April 25, 1965 issue applies.Boxes, Shipping, Fiberboard.Barrier Materials, Watewaporproof, Greaseproof,Flexible, H
20、eat Sealable User.Microfilming of Engineering Data, 35mm,Requirements For.Cards, Aperture.Cards, Copy.Marking for Shipment and Storage.Formats and Coding of Aperture, Camera, Copy,and Tabulating Cards.HANDBOOKS3.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license fro
21、m IHS-,-,-MIL-M-38761BMILITARYMILHDBK-331 - Directory of DoD Engineering Data Repositories.(Copies of the above references are available from the Department of Defense SingleStock Point (DoDSSP) - Defense Printing Service Detachment Office, 700 RobbinsAvenue, Bldg. 4D, Philadelphia PA 1911 1-5094.)2
22、.1.2 Other government documents, drowings, and publications. The followingreferences form part of MlbM-38761 to the extent specified. Unless otherwise specified,the reference is the latest issue or the issue cited in the solicitation. (See 6.2b.)PUBLICATIONSFEDERAL REGULATIONS29 CFR - Part 1910, Sub
23、part C40 CFR - Part 240, Subchapter 1DoD REGULATIONSDoD 5200.1-RDoD MANUALSDoD 5220.22-MDoD FORMSI DD250General Safety and HealthProvisions.Solid Wastes.- Information Security ProgramRegulation. Industrial Security Manual forSafeguarding Classified Information.Material Inspection and ReceivingReport
24、.(Copies of the above references are available from the Superintendent of Documents,U.S. G see 6.5 for acronyms.4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVIS1ONS4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the contractorpurchase order, the supplier (see 6.4.3) is respmrsible for inspecting and per
25、forming thetests set forth in Table H. The absence of a test requirement in Table 11shall not relievethe supplier of the responsibility to deliver cards that comply with all M1bM-3876110Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-M-38761Brequ
26、irements and any other contractual requirement. A suppliefs in-house qualityinspection process may be used to Sscer or (c)implement any mmbination of the inspection, certification, and verification options. (See 6.2i.)TARI .K 11. Test requirement. - -. .-Test Reqt. Para. Test Pam.Carrier to card bon
27、dingCarrier to micmfiim bondingRetentionCarrier to protection sheet bondingBuildupNon-blocking (card farming)Dimensional measurementsvisual3.3.la3.3.lb3.3.lC3. Test measurement. The Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) and testing proceduresshall comply
28、with 4.3 through 4.10. The prescribed testing and AQL requirements arenecessary to produce an acceptable unprocessed card (product). Furthermore, the testsare used to quantify the effectiveness (quality assurance and control) of a cardsconstruction (design) process and its microfilm carrier (bonding
29、) process. However, itmust be understmd that emphasis on the constmction and bonding processes willinvariably increase product (card) quality but inspection by itself (which is only aninformation gathering function) will not improve TQM philosophies (see 1.1.lc) nor thequality of the card.4.2.1 Prec
30、onditions. ADD Form 250 is usually required with each delivery ofunprocessed/processed cards. Whether a DD Form 250 is, or k not uset the term “lot”means the number of unprocessed cards or the number of processed (image) cardsdelivered in an individual shipment. For testing purposes, the term “lot”
31、means thenumber of sample cards (i.e., unprocessed cards which are not to be shipped) required toperform the prescribed tests. When the contract or purchase order requires muItipleshipments, sample cards from each lot being shipped shall be tested. A minimum of 48hours up to a maximum of 15 days sin
32、ce the cards were manufactured shall have elapseds A primary DnD repository is where the oflicial rccnrd copy of data (camera masters and noncamerasilver duplicate masters) are slored and, where copies of the master data are made and distributedto therepositoryscustomers. MIL-HICBK-331providesaddres
33、sesand identifiestbe kind of engineeringdatastmcd at each repository.12Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-M-38761Bfor any sample card selected for testing. Prior 10 testing, the selected sample cards shallbe acclimatized for a period
34、 of 6 hours in a controlled environment where the temperatureshall lx 70 plus or minus 3 degrees Fahrenheit (approximately 21 degrees Celsius) and therelative humidity shall be 50 plus or minus 10 percent.4.3 Carrier to card bonding test. This testis applicable for a Type I and a Type 11carrier. Ran
35、domly select three sample cards. The selected samples shall be tested tocomply with 3.3. la. illustrated in Ftre 4, a test rack, clipboard one-inch scale, stopwatc alligator clip, and a 20 gram weight (which includes the weight of the alligatorclip) are required. The scale shall be calibrated in one
36、-sixteenth inch increments. Theweight shall be within plus or minus 0.10 grams, its lower edge shall be flat, and it shall beattached by a small wire to the alligator clip. The following procedures apply: Slit (cut line #l) the cards carrier material and peel it back approximately 0.375inches (9.53
37、mm)(i.e., make a tab) as shown in the carrier to card inset ofFigure 4. Attach the 20 gram weight to the tab. Note either long edge of thecarrier may be used as long as cut line #l is parallel and adjacent to the long edgeof the cards aperture. Place the card in the test rack and adjust the scale to
38、 make sure that the loweredge (flat end) of the weight is in alignment with the scales zero marking asshown in Fre 4. Prior to releasing the weight, recheck the zero scalealignment. Release the weight and start the stop watch. Observe the weight dmp and after one minute has elapsed record thedistanc
39、e that the weight has dropped.If any one of the sample cards fail (i.e., the weight dropped more than one inch), the entirelot shall be rejected.4.4 Carrier to microfilm bonding test. This testis only applicable for a Type Icarrier. Randomly select three sample cards. The selected samples shall be t
40、ested tocomply with 3.3.1 b. The test prmedure is identical to the requirements set forth in 4.3with two exceptions. The exceptions are that a 10 gram weight, not a 20 gram weight, isuse and a second cut (cut line #2) as shown in the carrier to microfilm inset of Figure 4is necessary.4.5 Microfilm r
41、etention test. This test is only applicable for aperture cards with aType II carrier. Randomly select two sample cards. The selected samples shall be testedto comply with 3.3.lc. This test procedure is identical to the requirements set forth in 4.6with one exception. The exception is that a chip of
42、microfilm shall be inserted into thepecket of the Type H carrier and the chips retrainability, not the protection sheet, is tested.13Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL. M-3 H761BCulw(Nomrd! 6Tes: RackCarrier to Card Setup Carrier to
43、Film SetupF1( ;URE 4. Cwrier to carrihniurotilm test setuo1.$Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-hHL-ivl-38761B4.6 Carrier to protection sheet bonding test. This testis only applicable foraperture cards with a Type I carrier. Randomly sel
44、ect two sample cards. The selectedsamples shall be tested to comply wih 3.3.2. The following procedures apply: As shown in Figure 5, tape the top edge of one sample card to the roller.Place on a flat surface and in one continuous motion roll across the entirewidth of the card. This test step shall b
45、e done twice Tape the bottom edge of the oher sample card to the roller. Place on a flatsurface and in one continuous motion roll across the entire width of the card.This test step shall be done twice.If either sample ctid fails the entire lot shall be rejected.Carriw (9 Aiin; 7*)NOTE: The nomimd le
46、ngth of the roller is 17.000 inchas and its nominal diameteris 1.375 inches. The card is Iaped face down to the roller i.e., ha carrier(bonding tspe) is in corrract with the roller.FIGURES. Protection sheet borrdirte test lavout4.7 Buildup thiclmess test. Thistest inapplicable foreither Style Aor St
47、yle Bbuildup. Randomly select tensamplecar a thinner translucent paper stockwith a nominal thiclmcss of 0.145mm is also available.6.7 Government-Industry partnering (See I.1.ld). Presently (1 Sep 93) a26 Jul 93 draft NGS, ANSf/AIIM MS41-19XX, describes standard card characteristics forboth military
48、and commercial cards. This standard is expected to be published as early as1 Nov 93 but no later than 1 Mar 94. There are two EDRS projects associated with thisstandard. Fkst, project EDRS0134 for the adoption of ANS1/AIIM MS41- 19xx.Seccrrrdj after mmpletion of project EDRS0134, project EDRS0157 pl
49、ans to combine theMIL-C-9877 and MIL-C-9949 requirements, cancel MILC-9877, retitle MILC-9949,and emphasize the use of ANSf/AflM MS41-19XX.6.8 Subject term (key word) listing.Aperture (rectangular hole)Aperture cardBuildupCamera cardCopy cardImage cardMicrofilm carrier80-column tabulating card6.9 International standm-dization agreements. There are no agreement
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