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本文(AIR FORCE MIL-R-7582-1952 RUBBER SHEET SOLID AND MOLDED SHAPES AROMATIC AND NON-AROMATIC FUEL RESISTANT《抗燃芳香族及非芳香族刚性模铸橡胶板用》.pdf)为本站会员(outsidejudge265)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、MILITARY SPECIFICATION RURBER SHYEX, SOLID AND MOLDSD SMS, AWiLITIC AYD NON-AROIUTIC FUSL IU3SIST.SPI a, 1, SCOPE $ - 1.1 This speoifioation oovere the requirements for a synthetic rubbqr suitable for sealing integral fuel tanks in-airoraft, 2 APPLICABLE SP!? CI FI CAT I OWS *% 2.1 The follon.ingpeo

2、ifiuatione of the. issue in effect on dat,e of invitation for bids f9rm.a part of this specification. u. SPESIFI ?ATIONS Federal . _. b - 22-R-602 Rubber Goods; General Specifiontion (ZIethoda of phyeioal Test8 and Chemioal Analyie8) i paper, Eraft, !,Yrapping .- .r W-P-S or more flat platps between

3、 whose parallelfaoes the speohena may be ompressed and held by means of bolta in eaoh of the four oorners of tho devioe. made of steel of auffioient thioknesa to withstand the oompresaive strength without bending. The surfaoe apinst which the apecinen ia held shall hsva a highly poiahed, ohromium-pl

4、ated f igiah and shall be thoroughly cleaned and wlped dry before eatone or ploohol, and again weighed hn air and water within two minutes after removal from the immersion fluid. Peroentage ohange in volume shall be based on the original umged volume and shall be oomputed by means ofthe following fo

5、rmula: Peroent ohange in volume I (Y5 - -% ) - (Wl - W2) I- w2 Yhre (vi I Initial might in air Q I Ini.tiai weight in water iY3 =*:,Yeight in air after keraion , Q %i- Three rubber apeoirnena shall be mounted in the apparatnis, ,xpoaed to oold dry air- at 409 f 2OF for 5 hours, and, while still in t

6、he oold ohambor, the jaws. shall be rnwe,d rapidly from 2-1/2 to 1 inoh aeparation. ora king. The jaw shall _- The speoimens shallI$hen be examined for aisa of I ? -. -:-:. -9 4.6 meet any of the requiremehts of this speoifioation shall be cause for rejeotion. oulars oonoerning pervious reJeotiog_pd

7、 the aotion t-aken to oorreot the defeots found in the- original ah.1 be furnished the Inapeotor. re3eoted after retest shall not be reaubmitted without the specifio Bejeotion qnd rete5t.- Failure of any sample to satisfactorily yefore resutmitting new samples for aooeptance, fui1 parti- . Material

8、approval of the Proouring Servioe. 5. PIBPARATION FOR DELIVERY .I . . ! I 1 . 5.1 App1ioation;- The requirements specified herein apply only to direot pvr.chaaes by or direot ahipmenta to the Government. 5.2 Paokaging.- Interior peokaging is not required exoept ai indioated. 5.3 Paoking.- Unless oth

9、erwise tpeoified, all material ahall be paoked for domesti o. shipment. rubber of the same form, and size, and shall be designed to inoloaa the oontents in a snug, tight-fitthg manner. shall not exoeed 200 pounds. f ollowr : Shipping oontainera shall oonteln aynthetio iules “in etfeot at- the time o

10、f shipment , except that fiberboard when used shall have. a minimum dry bursting strength of 275 points. Con- 5.3.2. ovsrseas paoking.- Unlbss otherwise spe,oified by the prnauring agency, synthetio 2rubber ,shall. be pauked in wgod oontainera oonformfag to Specification JAN-P-105 r JAN-P-106. or B

11、, Condition I , Speoif i cation JAN-P-139 . Plywood, if used, shall be Type A Marking of rhipmsnt8.- -Interior packages and exterior shipping . 5.4 containers shall be marked in aocordanqe with MIL-STD-12q. The nomenalature shall be as followat Rubber (+Angle, ,Channel, Special Shaped Seotion, as ap

12、plicable), Solid, (+Com ositlon), 75 Shore Ihrdness, (+Dimensions 7 , (Manufaoturerts Part Number), Speoifi oation MXL-R-75S Rubber Sheet (*Dimemione), ( *Manufaoturerta, Part Number), Spe oi fi cation MIL-RqjS or Solid, (+Composition), 75 Shore Hardngss, :I * Applioable data to be entered b oontrca

13、-otor. 6. NOTES 6.1 Intended uae.0 The =terial oovered by thia speoifioation ia intended for aealing integral fuel tanks in airoraft. . , Licensed by Information Handling Services6.2 Ordering data.- Invitaton for bids, oontraota, and purohaae order8 rhoud spooify the oloiring: ti. Titlo, number, and

14、 date of apeoificatlon. b. Whether sheets, strlpa or.molded ahpea are required. (roe 3w2.1 and o. tihother doneatla NOTI(=B: ;hen Oovarnnent are used for any purpose 3 e2 .2) or ove*rseaa Rhipment is required. (sea 5.3) drawiw,;. other than in conneotion with a definite- apooif ioat ions, or other d

15、ata ly related Government proaiirement operatio:, the United States Qovernment thereby incurs no responsibility por any obligation “ rrhatsoaverj and the faot that the Goverment may, have fomulated, furnirhed, or ln any way supplied the said drawings, spocifications, or other data la not to be regar

16、ded by ipplioation or otherwise a8 in any mankr liosnahg the holder or any othr personor cor- poration, or oonveying any %rights or permissJon to manufacture, use, or sell any patentqd invention that may in any way be related thereto , I RJP/mlh iY cum i - . 2. .- ._ - I . Licensed by Information Handling Services

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