1、MIL-S-38043A(USAF) 20 FEBRUARY 1995 SUPERSEDING 8 NOVEMBER 1962 MIL-S-3 8043 (USAF) MILITARY SPECIFICATION STARTER, ENGINE, AIR TURBINE STU- 16/A This specification is approved for use by the Department of the Air Force and is available for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of De
2、fense. i. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. This specification covers the requirements for one type of pneumatic air turbine engine starter, designated STU- i 6/A. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 Governe nt docume nts. 2.1.1 Srecificat ions. standards. and handbooks. The following specifications, standards and handbooks
3、 form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards (DODISS) and supplement thereto, cited in the solicitation (see 6.2). SPECIFICATIONS Federal QQ-C-320 Chromium Plating (Electrodepos
4、ited) TT-E-489 TT-P- 1757 Enamel, Alkyd, Gloss, (For Exterior And Interior Surfaces) Primer Costing, Zinc Chromate, Low-Moisture-Sensitivity Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: Oklah
5、oma City Air Logistics CenterlICLA, Tinker AFB, OK 73145-5990 by using the Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter. AMSC NIA FSC 2995 BUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Provided by IHSNot
6、 for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Milita- MIL-P-116 DOD-D- 1000 MIL-E-5400 MIL-T-5624 MIL-$7742 MIL-L-7808 MIL-A-8625 MIL-P-I 9834 MIL-N-25027 MIL-L-27502 MIL-C-83488 STANDARDS Fcdcral FED-STD- I 5 1 MIL-STD- 129 MIL-STD- 130 MIL-STD-480 MIL-STD-8 10 MIL
7、-STD-838 MIL-STD-889 MIL-STD-970 MS20995 MS33540 Preservation, Method Of Drawings. Enginccring and Associatcd Lists Electronic Equipment. Aircraft. Gcneral Specifications For Jet Fucl. Gradcs JP-3. JP-4 and SP-5 Screw Threads. Standard. Optimum Selccted Series. Gcneral Lubrication Oil. Aircrail Turb
8、inc Enginc, Synthctic Base Anodic Coatings. For Aluminum And Aluminum Alloys Plate, Identification. Mctal Foil. Adhcsivc Back Nut. Self-Locking. 250 F. 450 F. And 800 F. 125 KSI FfU. 60 KSI Lubricating Oil. Aircraft Turbinc Enginc. Estcr Basc Coating. Aluminum. ION Vapor Dcpositcd Specification For
9、FT. And 30 KSI FTU Metals, Test Mcthods Marking For Shipment And Storagc Idcntification Marking Of US. Military Propcrty Configuration Control Environmental Test Methods and Enginccring Guidclincs Lubrication Of MilitaIy Equipmciit Dissimilar Mctals Specifications And Standards. Ordcr Of Prcccdencc
10、For Thc Sclcction Wire, Lock Safety Wiring. Gcncral Precticcs For of Air Forcc-Naw Acroiiautical AND10262 Flange-Typc X Acccssoy Mounting AND10476 AND20002 Drivc-Typc XII Enginc Acccssory Washcr-Limitations On Usage Of Lock (Unless othcnvisc indicated, copics of fcderal and military spccifications.
11、standards. and handbooks are availablc from the StandardiAon Documcnt Ordcr Desk. 700 Robbins Avc. Building #4. Seciion D. Philadclphia. PA 191 Il-5094.) 2.2 Non-Govcrnmcnt mblications. Thc following documcnt(s) form a pari of this documcnt to thc cstcnt spccificd hcrcin. Unlcss othcnvisc spccificd.
12、 thc issucs of thc documciits which arc DoD adoptcd arc 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- _ MIL-S-38043A Ob 1797354 TOb thosc listcd in hc issue of ihc DODiSS cited in the solicitation. Unless othenvise specified. the issues of docun
13、icnts no1 listed in the DODISS are the issues of the docunicnts cited in thc solicitation (see 6.2). Amcrican Socicty For Tcsiing And Matcrials (ASTM) ASTM D39S 1 Packaging. Commercial (Application for copics should bc addrcsscd to: ASTM. 1916 Racc St. Pliiladclphia. PA 19103.) (Non-Govcrnincnt stan
14、dards and oihcr publications are normally availablc from the organimtions that prcparc or distributc the documcnts. Thesc documents also may bc avaihblc in or through libraries or other informational scnices.) 2.3 Order of precedence. In tlic even evcnt of a conlict bctwccn the test of this document
15、 and the rcfcrcnccs citcd hcrcin (cscept for rclatcd associated detail specifications. spccification sheets. or MS standards). thc tcsl of this document takes prcccdence. Nothing in this docilmcnt. howcvcr. supcrscdcs applicablc lam and regulations unlcss a specific cscmption has been obtained. 3. R
16、EQUIREMENTS 3.1 Prcproductioii. This spccification niakcs provisions for preproduction tcsting. 3.2 Commncnls. Thc starter shall consist of a turbine. rcduction gcaring. and cngaging rncchanism. a splinc drive to mate with thc cnginc drive. and control cquipnicnt. 3.3 Sclcction of spccifications and
17、 standards. Spccifications and standards for ncccssary commodilics and scrviccs not specified hcrcin shall bc sclccted in accordancc with MIL-STD-970. 3.3.1 Modcl spccification. The contractor shall prepare a model spccification in accordancc with the rcqiiircments spccificd hcrcin and submit it to
18、the procuring activity for approval prior to production csting. 3.4 Materials. Matcrials shall be suitable for use with air or any combination of air and combustion products of fiicl conforniing to MIL-G-5572. grade lOO/130. and MIL-J-5624. 3.4.1 Mctals. Mctals shall be of the corrosion-resistant ty
19、pc or suitably trcatcd to rcsist corrosion duc lo fucls. salt fog. or ainiosplicric conditions likcly to be nicl in storage or normal scmicc. Metals shall bc inspcctcd in accordancc iiilh FED-STD- IS 1. 3.4. I. i Dissiniilar nictals. Unless suitably protcctcd against clcctrolytic corrosion. dissimil
20、ar nictals shall not bc uscd in intimate contact with cach othcr. Dissimilar nictals arc dcfincd in MIL-STD-889. Rccovcrcd nialcrials. Rccovcrcd niatcrials arc used to thc niasiniuni csteiit possible without jeopardizing thc end USC of thc itcm. 3.4.2 Protcctivc trcatnicnt. Whcn nialcrials a
21、rc used in thc construction of thc starter that arc subjcctcd to dctcrioration when esposcd to climatic and cnvironmcntal conditions likclv to occur during service usagc. thcy shall be protcctcd against such deterioration in a manner that will in no way prcvcnt 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo repr
22、oduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-compliance with the performancc requirements of this specification. The usc of any protcctivc coaling that will crack. chip. or scale with age or extremes of climatic and enviroiimcntal conditions shall be avoided. 3.4.3 Fungus-mmf materi
23、als. Matcrials that arc not nutrients for fungi shall be uscd to the greatest extent practicable. Where materials that are nutrients for fungi must be uscd. such materials shall be protected or treated with a fungicidal agent approved by the procuring activity. 3.5 Design. The starter and control va
24、lve shall be designed to operate on compressed air from a source such as a gas turbine power unit or as otherwise specified. The air consumed shall c the minimum amount commensurate with thc perormance requirements. The valve pressure drop when in the wide open position shall be held to a minimum. 3
25、.5.1 Service life. The starter drive components shall be adequate or a starter dclivery of 720 pound- feet maximum design torque and shall incorporate a drive shear section that will fail at a static torque not exceeding 1,050 f5O. 3.5.3 Starting. The starting requirements for the gas turbine engine
26、 shall be as shown on the torque versus rpm curve FIGURE 1. The starter output shall not exceed the maximum torque shown on FIGURE 1. The minimum torque shall be that obtained from the match between the auxiliary power unit conditions specified in 3.7.3 and the starter effective nozzle area. 3.5.4 E
27、ffective starting inertia. The effective mass moment of inertia at the starter drive, of the engine (not including accessories) masses to be rotated by the starter, is 19.2 slug feet squared. 3.5.5 Valve override closing device. Design shall be such that the load control and shutoff valve will not o
28、pen unless the valve solenoid is energized. A mechanical malfunction of the valve induced by vibration or other conditions after a main engine start shall not allow the valvc to open and permit air to be transmitted to the pneumatic startcr. 3.5.6 Fittings. Quick disconnect fittings shall be provide
29、d for both entrancc and exit connections. Engine attachment. Attachment of the starter to the gas turbinc cngine shall not rcquire any modification of the enginc. The starter mounting provisions shall conorm to AND 10262. type XII-S. and shall be suitable for use on an AND20002, type XII-S.
30、engine accessory drive having a clockwise rotation when viewed facing the accessory drive. The overhung moment on thc engine pad shall not exceed 625 pound-inches. A quick attachdetach (QAD) device shall be incorporated in the starter. 3.5.7 m. If either the inlet or the exhaust duct is radial. the
31、duct shall be designed to be adjustable in increments of 15“ from the vertical. Positioning of the inlet and exhaust shall be independent of each other, if both ducts are radial. The inlet duct shall be located in accordance with FIGURE 2. The exhaust duct location shall be coordinated with the airf
32、rame manufacturer and approved by the procuring activity. 3.5.8 Lubrication. The starter shall be capable of running through 300 cycles of starler acceleration and 300 hours of overrunning without requiring additional lubricant. Thc lubrication system other than specified in shall be in acco
33、rdance with MIL-STD-838. The lubrication system shall be capable of providing proper lubrication to all starter bearings, seals, and other moving parts at all climb, descent, and cruise altitudes of the aircraft. 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license
34、from IHS-,-,-MIL- S- 3804 3A (U CAF ) FIGURE 1 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-38043A 9999906 1997357 715 MIL- S - 3 8 04 3A (USAF ) Oil Suprzlr. The starter shall have a self-contained lubrication system designed to u
35、se oil conforming to MIL-L-7808 and MIL-L-27502. A single lubricant shall be used for the ambient temperature range specified in 3.7. i. The minimum amount of oil necessary for satisfactory starter operation and the oil consumption rate shall be specified in the contractors model starter specificati
36、on. Oil conforming to MIL- L-7808 shall be primary lubricant. Oil servicia . All servicing points for lubrication shall be accessible when the starter is completely assembled and installed on the engine mounting pad. WnP of lubr icant. A means of determining the quantity of oil in th
37、e starter unit shall be provided in a conveniently accessible location. 3.5.9 . Automatic control equipment shall keep the starter within safe operating limits. The automatic control equipment shall be a part of the starter and shall include a control valve which may be removed from the starter for
38、flexibility of installation. iraniclcrs (mass flow. prcssurc. and tcnipcratiire) shall bc spccificd by thc airfranic iiianufacturcr and approvcd by the procuring activiiv 3.7.4 Agc cart conditions. Tlic starlcr shall providc Ilic niiriimiini lorquc spccificd 011 FIGURE I whcn supplicd with
39、air from an AGE Cart. The output paranictcrs (iiiass no. prcssurc. and tcmpcraturc) shall be spccificd by thc airfraiiic nianufacturcr and approvcd by tlic procuring acivity. 3.7.5 Cold wcatlicr opcralions. Duc to thc thcrriial lag in thc pncumatic systcni pipiiig. it is possible for thc air supplic
40、d lo lhe startcr lo approach -65“ F. The slartcr shall bc suitablc for opcration at the masimum regulated prcssurc and a ininimum temperature of -65“ F at the starter inlet. 3.7.6 Masinium blccd duct conditions. Thc masiniuni blccd duct conditions shall be as follows: II Provided by IHSNot for Resal
41、eNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-380Ll3A = 9999906 1997363 TI9 Ambient -65O F Bleed air temperature +550 F Bled air pressure 260 psia Ambient +130“ F Bleed air temperature +900 F Bleed air pressure 245 psia 3.7.7 Design res sures. The design pressures shall
42、 be as follows: Valve operation 260 psia maximum Valve clod 260 psia design 390 psia proof 650 burst 3.7.8 Inlet temmrature. The inlet temperature shall be 900“ F maximum. 3.7.9 Valve solenoid. The actuating solenoid from the valve power unit shall be of the continuous- duty type and shall be capabl
43、e of operating in a 400“ F ambient for a period of 24 hours (no flow-thru compressor bled ducting or starter piping). 3.7.10 Altitude of o-peration. The starter shall be capable of performing satisfactory starts at altitudes from sea level to 10,000 feet, and shall be capable of overrunning at altit
44、udes from sea level to 50.000 feet. 3.8 Dutv cvcle. The duty cycle shall consist of a. b, and c when operating at thc following conditions: (1) 400“ F ambient, (2) 3-hour soak at 400O F with starter inlet air conditions at 900“ F, and (3) maximum regulated pressure. a. 1 minute on. 30 seconds off, 1
45、 minute on, 30 seconds off. 1 minute on. 30 scconds off. b. 1 minute on. 5 minutes OR c. 1-112 minutes on I0 minutes off. 3.9 Screw threads. Screw threads shall be in accordance with MIL-S-7742. 3.10 Interchanneabilitv. All parts having the same manufacturers part number shall be fiinctionally and d
46、imensionally interchangeable. Changes in manufacturers part numbers shall be governed by the drawing number requirements of DOD-D-100. 3.1 1 Weight. The total weight in pounds of the starter and the valve. including starter lubricants, shall be specified in the contractors model specification. 3.12
47、FINISHES AND PRODUCTIVE COATING 3.12. i Anodizing. All aluminum alloy parts shall be anodized in accordance with MIL-S-8625. 12 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-38043A 9999906 l1997364 955 3.12.2 Stccl parts. Steel parts shall bc
48、 coatcd with ion vapor deposited aluminum. wherc practicablc, in accordancc with MlL-C-83488. type I or II as applicable and ora class that is adequate to achievc thc degree of prolcction rcquircd. Othcr protective coating. in lieu of MIL-C-83488. may bc uscd if dcmonstratcd IO bc satisfactory and a
49、pproved by the prcparing acti.ity. Cadmium plating must bc avoidcd whcn stisfactory allcrnativc proccsses can bc uscd. 3.12.3 Painting. All exterior csposcd surfaccs cxccpt corrosion rcsislant stcel. working suraccs. and threads shall bc finishcd with one coat of primcr conforming IO TT-P-I 757 followcd by two coats of black enamcl conforming lo TT-E-489. typc 111. 3.13 Idcntification of products. Eqiiipmcnt. a
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