1、MIL-T-87130(USAF)AMENoFlENT2AMENDMENT 1MILITARYSPECIFICATION 15 December 1978TAPE ANDMEBBING,TEXTILE, PARA-ARAMID, INTERMEDIATE MODULUS.This amendment forms a part of Military SpecificationMIL-T-87130(USAF), dated 17 May 197!3.PAGES 3 AND 4TABLE 1, delete and substitute:FSC 8315Provided by IHSNot fo
2、r ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-!vIIL-T-87130(USAFjAMENDMENT 2f .ILmI“uaLm uH u wPage 2 of 13Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-G87130(USAF;AMENDMENT 2-IIaLuzLs+ .005, and angles:l/4. i)eb
3、urr and break ail edges to .005 maximum.Concentricity or comnon diameter: within .003 tir. All surfaces to bemachined to m of 125. Threads are class 2. omlity squareness andparallelism of a?l surfaces to be within .005 per inch to a maximum of.010 per surface. FIGURE 2. Side plate.Page 6 of 13,., .
4、,Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-V7130(USAF)ANENCNWTZI.u-I* T.FIGURE 3. Primary pinPage 7 of 13Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-87130(USAF)AMENDMENT 2QI -+a71I
5、n-I*-i-11TUJGuRE 4. Seconda?v uin.-Page 8 of ;3Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.,.-a71MJ. .-+-I.MIL-T-27120(USAF)AtlENDMENT2.ml,.FIGURE 5. Attachment pin.Page 9 of 13Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted
6、 without license from IHS-,-,-It-wLt1-4“- 1II t i.1-Ln, .z-rumFIGURE 6. Attachment block.Page 10 of 13Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IMIL-T-87130(USAF)AMENDNENT2I.TI-wJ.-FIGURE Instron connector pin.Page 11 of 13.l.A m? , LIJ .-Provi
7、ded by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-WL-T-87130(USAF)AMENDMENT zI? -.-.(.-+- p - -,i T -L THREADr-l- ii30TTOFlI i OUT TO?ITHREADS ANDATTAIN HOLE1:1-y-=i=-4I IIq I ,1AS SHOWN .- :-:_-dI il ! . “t JIr“Ii-.“1I1IIII% -.to-1,1:17=; -d - .- -a- -.I i
8、 I- a-,-r-Ill-1.-.-.I I. 2NJTE5 :1. Press sise piates on to pins2. Enas of pins should be flushafter pressing.3. Pins must be parallelbe perpendicular to side4. See Figure 2, Note 6.FIGUREl- -t J./= :( -.-.L: - .-.:r -, -.-4II (1 i,to attain specified separation.with outside surface of side plates9
9、side plates must be parallel,plates after pressing.8. Double pin jaw - assembly.Page 12 of 13and mustProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-87130(USAF)AMEiCMENTZa.PRImRY PINsEcumARY PMSPEc:mlm PLYCUITa FABRICLIMER 8ETUEENAYERS OFKEVURTUPPERJAU70UNXVERSAL ANDLOAD CELLTL(MER JW TOCROSSHEADFIGURE 9. Test configuration for double pin jaws.%ge 130f13Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-
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