1、I IL ITARY SFElCi3IOA!J!IN 1, SCOPE 1.1 phis specification covers two types of fully integrated portable torque control systems which include a torque tester, torque handles an wrench fittings. 1.2 shall be one of the following types as apscified (see 6.2). Classification. - The Portable torque cont
2、rol systems I - Portable torque control system with internally adjustable greset torqua hnnrlfes. M Ty;e II - Portable torque control system with externally adjustable preset torqus handles, 2. dPpLIC.4?3IE Do- 2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or requ
3、ests for proposal, form a part of the specification to the extent specified herein. -. SPECIFICATIO1JS Federal Qw-320 Chromium Plating (Electrodeposited) QeP-416 Plating, Cadmium (Electrodeosited) GGG-Y-641 Wrench, Bolt and ling Procedures snd Tables MILSTD- .IILSTD=O For Inspection By Attributes Me
4、rking For Shipent And Storage Identification Markirig Of U S Military Property (Copies of specifications, atgmdards, dmwings and publications require4 by sup3liers in comection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting office
5、r.) 2.2 Other publications. - The following docunents form a part of this sFocificz,tion to the. extent spcified herein. otherrise indicated, the issue in effect on however, he shall not decrease the range nor increase the values of the graduated increments. Torque in dicating hand. - The di
6、al shall be equipped with a black torque indicating hand which will indicate the applied torque. Some means shall be provided to record the maximum applied torque. The contractor may increase the range or decrease the Tester drive. - The tester shall be equipped with either a square or Sexag
7、on male drive for applying torque to the working mechanism. The drive shall be located in such a position that torque may be applied to the tester without removing the tester from the case. The drive shall be recessed or designed in such a way that a load cannot be directly applied to it without the
8、.use of an adapter. Design and construction. - The tester covered in this specifi- cation shall be designed for checking and setting the torque handles con- forming to 3.6 of this specification. The tester shall operate equally well when horizontal or at an inclined plane. Operation shall be
9、 either in the down direction, or pull toward the operator, on the handle being checked. Each tester shall be designed to withstand a 20 percent overload based on the maximum full scale reading of the tester. The range of the tester shall be from O to at least 1800 inch-pounds. I 4 Licensed by Infor
10、mation Handling Services3.502 Tester performance within f 1 pement OP the applied lqd or one dial graduation whichever is greater, throughout the entire range of the scale. 3.fj.2.2 Sensitivity, - Ilae tester shall have a movement capable of indicating any change of torque equal to one-half
11、of a dial graduation. Tester accuracy. - The tester shall be accurate to Endurame. - The tester shall aatiafactorily with- stand C;O,OOO operations at 90 percent of Full laad at a rats of not lese thsn 10 nor more than 20 cycles per minute. Tbe tester shall remain accurate and eeneitive afte
12、r fj0,OOO cyclee. 3.!j02.4 Shock, - !Che tester ehall be unaffected by repeated and inetantaneme releaae fien loaded to ftdl capacity. 3.5.2.; OP operating within a tempera- ralige of 20 to oOOP, Operating temperatures. - !Che tester ehll be eapable 3.6.1 Torque builes (me I Kita), - !Che torque han
13、dlee for the !Type I Kits shall be internally adjustable and in the eieee listed below: Size Range (In-Lb) 1 2 3 4 10-100 50-250 150=750 600-1600 3,6.1.1 Hanle configuration (me I Kite), - !Che tor- hannles famished w5;th the rrSpe I Kits shll be internally adjustable by meane of a epecisl keg which
14、 will sx-. Q; :* :.:;:. : - . Licensed by Information Handling Services3.6.7 Accuracy. - Accuracy shall be ae specified below. The handisa shall remain accurate at any temperature from Oo to UO%, regardless of lubrioation or total lack of lubricatio- Pyge 1 Handles, - Plu or minus 2$ or 2 in-lbs, wh
15、ichever ie greater, of the applied torqye within any setting in their range. Type rI mies. - Plus or mim (38 4 i) of the applied torqua within any setting in their range. 3.6.8 Left haul torquie. - If handles furnished do not indioate torqua in both right and left hand directions, they shall be niad
16、e oapable of this operztion by means of reversible head fittiw attachants. direction mbd on the handle when qpplying either right or left hand torque. 3.6.9 Handgrip. - The handgrip shall be essentielly cylinri- cal in shqe and serrated or larurled for good gripping. handgrip sball be of eufficiant
17、length to be comfortable to the hand at maxim rangs. 3.6.10 for fitting) shall be Bockwell ths tanICE PROVISIUTS 4.1 Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the supplier in responsible for the performance of al1 inspection requirements as specbfied herein. Except as otherwies s
18、pecified, the aupplier may utilize his OM or any other inspection facilities and services acceptable to the Government. The Government reserve8 the right to perform any of the inspections set forth ia th sped- ficetion where such inspections are deemed necesssrp to assum eugples and serviceci Confor
19、m to preecribe requirenents . 4.2 Classificetion of tests, - The inspection enil testing of the tool shall be classified as follows: a. ?reproduction testing (eee 4.3) b. Acceptance tests 4.3 Preproduction tests. - Preproduction tests shall comist of the tests specified in 4.4. 4.4 Tests 4.4.3. mina
20、tion of product. - The components shall be examined to detemine coyliance with the requirements specified herein with respect to materials, workmmchip, and marking. 4.b.2 Tester accuracy. - The testsr shall be tested for accuracy with a Test Kit conforming to HIL-T-9930, Accuracy test shall bo accom
21、plished at 10 in-lb, 400 in-lb, 800 in-lb, 1200 in-lb, i600 in-lk, and 1800 in-l, 12 Licensed by Information Handling Services4.4.3 Analyzer endurance. - The tester shall be subjected to a .- teat consisting of Cj0,000 cycles at 90 percent of full oagacity. The test shall be accomplished at 8 rate o
22、f not less tk?n 10 nor more than 20 CR4. At the completion of 25,000 cycles and fj0,OOO cycles, the tester shall be checked to determine compliance with the accurzcy ad sensitivity requirements qecifed in and 305.2a2, 4.4.4 Tester overload, - The tester shall be overloaded 20 per- cent of th
23、e maximum capacity. The tester shall then be checked for accumcy in accordance with This shdl be repelited 5 times. 4o4.2, 4.4.5 The tester b,l be operated through a temperature range from Oo to 1209. The tester shell meet the requirements of and 4.4.6 anfi the load aal1 be released
24、 instantaneously. !Chis my be done by han,$* the weights from a wire and instantaneously fracturfng the wire while it is carrying the load. meet the reqyirements of and, 4.4.7 Tester sensitivity, - The teater shall be tested for sensitivity during the accuracy test by adding a load o
25、f liach pound (1.6 ounces applied to 10 inch calibm.tion am) at 10 in-lb, 400 in-lb, 800 in-lb, 1200 in-lb cn i600 in-lb. Tester shock. - The teeter eh11 be loaded to Full casacity The tester shall then 4.4.8 Bandle aCGU3XCy. - e respectively. 4.4.13 6,000 timi at-full load and 19,000 times at half
26、load at a rate of not less than 12 nor more than 20 cycles per minute. The handles shall then be subjected to 4.4.80 4.4,14 Vibration. - The complete Ht, Without any pacwng, or packing, shall be tested in both the transverse, arid longitudinal direction in accordmm with AmS*TmMat 0999-MT8 Procedure
27、B, for a period o? one hour in each direction. ins2ected for loose ?arts. accordance with 3.5.2.l and The hnles shall be werated through a temperature They shall meet the requirements H.zrdness. - The hardness of the handle tang anil fittings Eandle endurance. - Iriie handle shall first be
28、qperated The kit shall then be The ezialyzer shall be tested in 4.5 4.4.1, 4.4,2, and 4.4.8* acceptable quality level of 1,O defects per 100 units. Acceptance tests. - Acceptance tests shall consist of The inspection level shll be Ir8 with 4.6 Preproauction testing 4.6.i Preproduction test sm$!.ec.
29、- The preTroduction test samples shzll consist of two complete Kits and shall be regre- sentative of the production equipment. tested at a 1aboratorF designated ?y the procuring activity or, when so etated in the contract, at the contractors plant under Ilhe smples shall be 14 Licensed by Informatio
30、n Handling Services, *. * HILW-B29A(USA?) . -Icz - - the sqpervsion of the procuring activity and witnessed by the cogni2ant Air Force engineering activity, 4.6.2 of all tests described under 4.4. Preproduction tests, - Preyoduction tests should coneist 4.7 Inspection of preparation for delivery. -
31、The preservation, packaging, packing and markix shall be exmined and tested to determine conformance with the requirements of Section 5 of this specifioation as reqyired by referenced specification, Bccept as required Dy the referenced specifications, inspection lots and saqling shall be in accordan
32、ce with MIESTD-105, with inspection level L5, and or order, interior containers ana shippirz containers shall be w-rlce? in accordance with Stzndarci NILSTD-UP. . . Level C. - Tb torqiie control system kit shdl be packed Earlring. - In aditton to any s2ecisl nrking- reqnired by 6.1 Intenbd Use. - Th
33、e kits covered by tkis intended for use in torquiq bolts, nuts, 2nd. aircraft, miasilas, and support epipment. s2ecification are tube fitting on Licensed by Information Handling Services6.2 Ordering data. - Procurement documents should specify the following: a. Title, number, and date of this specif
34、icshion b. Tme of system required (see 1.2) C. Nhsther preproduction testing is required (see 3.1) d. hhber of hanles required (see 3.6.3) er ither micrometer handles are required (see 3.6.15) f. g. Types ami sizes of fittings reqyired (see 3.7.1) Vhethei. weldable fittings are recpired (see 3.7.7) h. Level of preservation and packaging required (see 5.1) i. Level of packing required (eee 5.2) 16 Licensed by Information Handling Services
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