1、7Steel Design GuideIndustrial BuildingsRoofs to Anchor RodsJames M. FisherComputerized Structural Design, Inc.Milwaukee, WIAMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC.Second EditionCopyright 2004byAmerican Institute of Steel Construction, Inc.All rights reserved. This book or any part thereofmust
2、not be reproduced in any form without thewritten permission of the publisher.The information presented in this publication has been prepared in accordance with recognizedengineering principles and is for general information only. While it is believed to be accurate,this information should not be use
3、d or relied upon for any specific application without com-petent professional examination and verification of its accuracy, suitability, and applicabilityby a licensed professional engineer, designer, or architect. The publication of the material con-tained herein is not intended as a representation
4、 or warranty on the part of the AmericanInstitute of Steel Construction or of any other person named herein, that this information is suit-able for any general or particular use or of freedom from infringement of any patent or patents.Anyone making use of this information assumes all liability arisi
5、ng from such use.Caution must be exercised when relying upon other specifications and codes developed by otherbodies and incorporated by reference herein since such material may be modified or amendedfrom time to time subsequent to the printing of this edition. The Institute bears no responsi-bility
6、 for such material other than to refer to it and incorporate it by reference at the time of theinitial publication of this edition.Printed in the United States of AmericaFirst Printing: March 2005vAcknowledgementsThe author would like to thank Richard C. Kaehler, Dr. L.A. Lutz, Mr. John A. Rolfes, a
7、nd Mr. Michael A. West fortheir contributions to this guide. Special appreciation isalso given to Carol T. Williams for typing the manuscript.The author also thanks the American Iron and Steel Insti-tute for their funding the first edition of this guide.viiTable of ContentsPART 11. INDUSTRIAL BUILDI
8、NGSGENERAL 12. LOADING CONDITIONS AND LOADING COMBINATIONS 13. OWNER-ESTABLISHED CRITERIA 23.1 Slab-on-Grade Design 23.2 Gib Cranes 23.3 Interior Vehicular Traffic 33.4 Future Expansion 33.5 Dust Control/Ease of Maintenance 34. ROOF SYSTEMS34.1 Steel Deck for Built-up or Membrane Roofs 44.2 Metal Ro
9、ofs 54.3 Insulation and Roofing54.4 Expansion Joints 64.5 Roof Pitch, Drainage, and Ponding 74.6 Joists and Purlins 95. ROOF TRUSSES 95.1 General Design and Economic Considerations 105.2 Connection Considerations 115.3 Truss Bracing 115.4 Erection Bracing 135.5 Other Considerations 146. WALL SYSTEMS
10、156.1 Field-Assembled Panels156.2 Factory-Assembled Panels166.3 Precast Wall Panels 166.4 Mansory Walls 176.5 Girts 176.6 Wind Columns 197. FRAMING SCHEMES 197.1 Braced Frames vs. Rigid Frames197.2 HSS Columns vs. W Shapes 207.3 Mezzanine and Platform Framing 207.4 Economic Considerations 208. BRACI
11、NG SYSTEMS 218.1 Rigid Frame Systems218.2 Braced Systems 228.3 Temporary Bracing 249. COLUMN ANCHORAGE 269.1 Resisting Tension Forces with Anchore Rods 269.2 Resisting Shear Forces Using Anchore Rods 319.3 Resisting Shear Forces Through Bearing and with Reinforcing Bards 329.4 Column Anchorage Examp
12、les (Pinned Base) 349.5 Partial Base Fixity 39viii10. SERVICEABILITY CRITERIA 3910.1 Serviceability Criteria for Roof Design4010.2 Metal Wall Panels 4010.3 Precast Wall Panels 4010.4 Masonry Walls 41PART 211. INTRODUCTION 4311.1 AISE Technical Report 13 Building Classifications 4311.2 CMAA 70 Crane
13、Classifications 4312. FATIGUE 4512.1 Fatigue Damage 4512.2 Crane Runway Fatigue Considerations 4713. CRANE INDUCED LOADS AND LOAD COMBINATIONS 4813.1 Vertical Impact4913.2 Side Thrust 4913.3 Longitudinal or Tractive Force 5013.4 Crane Stop Forces 5013.5 Eccentricities 5013.6 Seismic Loads 5013.7 Loa
14、d Combinations 5114. ROOF SYSTEMS5215. WALL SYSTEMS5216. FRAMING SYSTEMS5317. BRACING SYSTEMS 5317.1 Roof Bracing 5317.2 Wall Bracing 5418. CRANE RUNWAY DESIGN5518.1 Crane Runway Beam Design Procedure (ASD) 5618.2 Plate Girders6118.3 Simple Span vs. Continuous Runways 6218.4 Channel Caps 6418.5 Runw
15、ay Bracing Concepts6418.6 Crane Stops 6518.7 Crane Rail Attachments 6518.7.1 Hook Bolts 6518.7.2 Rail Clips 6518.7.3 Rail Clamps 6618.7.4 Patented Rail Clips 6618.7.5 Design of Rail Attachments 6618.8 Crane Rails and Crane Rail Joints6719. CRANE RUNWAY FABRICATION AND ERECTION TOLERANCES 6720. COLUM
16、N DESIGN 6920.1 Base Fixity and Load Sharing 6920.2 Preliminary Design Methods 7220.2.1 Obtaining Trial Moments of Inertia for Stepped Columns 7420.2.2 Obtaining Trial Moments of Inertia for Double Columns 7420.3 Final Design Procedures (Using ASD) 7420.4 Economic Considerations 80ix21. OUTSIDE CRAN
18、s are relatively simple, combining allof the elements into a functional economical building canbe a complex task. General guidelines and criteria toaccomplish this task can be stated. The purpose of thisguide is to provide the industrial building designer withguidelines and design criteria for the d
19、esign of buildingswithout cranes, or for buildings with light-to-medium dutycycle cranes. Part 1 deals with general topics on industrialbuildings. Part 2 deals with structures containing cranes.Requirements for seismic detailing for industrial buildingshave not been addressed in this guide. The desi
20、gner mustaddress any special detailing for seismic conditions.Most industrial buildings primarily serve as an enclosurefor production and/or storage. The design of industrialbuildings may seem logically the province of the structuralengineer. It is essential to realize that most industrial build-ing
21、s involve much more than structural design. Thedesigner may assume an expanded role and may be respon-sible for site planning, establishing grades, handling surfacedrainage, parking, on-site traffic, building aesthetics, and,perhaps, landscaping. Access to rail and the establishmentof proper floor e
22、levations (depending on whether directfork truck entry to rail cars is required) are important con-siderations. Proper clearances to sidings and special atten-tion to curved siding and truck grade limitations are alsoessential.2. LOADING CONDITIONS AND LOADINGCOMBINATIONSLoading conditions and load
23、combinations for industrialbuildings without cranes are well established by buildingcodes.Loading conditions are categorized as follows:1. Dead load: This load represents the weight of thestructure and its components, and is usually expressedin pounds per square foot. In an industrial building,the b
24、uilding use and industrial process usually involvepermanent equipment that is supported by the struc-ture. This equipment can sometimes be representedby a uniform load (known as a collateral load), but thepoints of attachment are usually subjected to concen-trated loads that require a separate analy
25、sis to accountfor the localized effects.2. Live load: This load represents the force imposed onthe structure by the occupancy and use of the building.Building codes give minimum design live loads inpounds per square foot, which vary with the classifi-cation of occupancy and use. While live loads are
26、expressed as uniform, as a practical matter any occu-pancy loading is inevitably nonuniform. The degreeof nonuniformity that is acceptable is a matter of engi-neering judgment. Some building codes deal withnonuniformity of loading by specifying concentratedloads in addition to uniform loading for so
27、me occu-pancies. In an industrial building, often the use of thebuilding may require a live load in excess of the codestated minimum. Often this value is specified by theowner or calculated by the engineer. Also, the loadingmay be in the form of significant concentrated loads asin the case of storag
28、e racks or machinery.3. Snow loads: Most codes differentiate between rooflive and snow loads. Snow loads are a function oflocal climate, roof slope, roof type, terrain, buildinginternal temperature, and building geometry. Thesefactors may be treated differently by various codes.4. Rain loads: These
29、loads are now recognized as a sep-arate loading condition. In the past, rain wasaccounted for in live load. However, some codes havea more refined standard. Rain loading can be a func-tion of storm intensity, roof slope, and roof drainage.There is also the potential for rain on snow in certainregion
30、s.5. Wind loads: These are well codified, and are a func-tion of local climate conditions, building height, build-ing geometry and exposure as determined by thesurrounding environment and terrain. Typically,theyre based on a 50-year recurrence intervalmax-imum three-second gust. Building codes accou
31、nt forincreases in local pressure at edges and corners, andoften have stricter standards for individual compo-nents than for the gross building. Wind can apply bothinward and outward forces to various surfaces on thebuilding exterior and can be affected by size of wallopenings. Where wind forces pro
32、duce overturning ornet upward forces, there must be an adequate counter-balancing structural dead weight or the structure mustbe anchored to an adequate foundation.Part 1INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGSGENERAL2 / DESIGN GUIDE 7 / INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGSROOFS TO ANCHOR RODS, 2ND EDITION6. Earthquake loads: Seismic
33、loads are established bybuilding codes and are based on:a. The degree of seismic riskb. The degree of potential damagec. The possibility of total collapsed. The feasibility of meeting a given level of protec-tionEarthquake loads in building codes are usually equiva-lent static loads. Seismic loads a
34、re generally a function of:a. The geographical and geological location of thebuildingb. The use of the buildingc. The nature of the building structural systemd. The dynamic properties of the buildinge. The dynamic properties of the sitef. The weight of the building and the distribution ofthe weightL
35、oad combinations are formed by adding the effects ofloads from each of the load sources cited above. Codes orindustry standards often give specific load combinationsthat must be satisfied. It is not always necessary to considerall loads at full intensity. Also, certain loads are not requiredto be co
36、mbined at all. For example, wind need not be com-bined with seismic. In some cases only a portion of a loadmust be combined with other loads. When a combinationdoes not include loads at full intensity it represents a judg-ment as to the probability of simultaneous occurrence withregard to time and i
37、ntensity.3. OWNER-ESTABLISHED CRITERIAEvery industrial building is unique. Each is planned andconstructed to requirements relating to building usage, theprocess involved, specific owner requirements and prefer-ences, site constraints, cost, and building regulations. Theprocess of design must balance
38、 all of these factors. Theowner must play an active role in passing on to the designerall requirements specific to the building such as:1. Area, bay size, plan layout, aisle location, futureexpansion provisions.2. Clear heights.3. Relations between functional areas, production flow,acoustical consid
39、erations.4. Exterior appearance.5. Materials and finishes, etc.6. Machinery, equipment and storage method.7. Loads.There are instances where loads in excess of code mini-mums are required. Such cases call for owner involvement.The establishment of loading conditions provides for astructure of adequa
40、te strength. A related set of criteria areneeded to establish the serviceability behavior of the struc-ture. Serviceability design considers such topics as deflec-tion, drift, vibration and the relation of the primary andsecondary structural systems and elements to the perform-ance of nonstructural
41、components such as roofing,cladding, equipment, etc. Serviceability issues are notstrength issues but maintenance and human response con-siderations. Serviceability criteria are discussed in detail inServiceability Design Considerations for Steel Buildingsthat is part of the AISC Steel Design Guide
42、Series (Fisher,2003). Criteria taken from the Design Guide are presentedin this text as appropriate.As can be seen from this discussion, the design of anindustrial building requires active owner involvement. Thisis also illustrated by the following topics: slab-on-gradedesign, jib cranes, interior v
43、ehicular traffic, and futureexpansion.3.1 Slab-on-Grade DesignOne important aspect to be determined is the specific load-ing to which the floor slab will be subjected. Forklifttrucks, rack storage systems, or wood dunnage supportingheavy manufactured items cause concentrated loads inindustrial struc
44、tures. The important point here is that theseloadings are nonuniform. The slab-on-grade is thus oftendesigned as a plate on an elastic foundation subject to con-centrated loads.It is common for owners to specify that slabs-on-grade bedesigned for a specific uniform loading (for example, 500psf). If
45、a slab-on-grade is subjected to a uniform load, itwill develop no bending moments. Minimum thickness andno reinforcement would be required. The frequency withwhich the author has encountered the requirement of designfor a uniform load and the general lack of appreciation ofthe inadequacy of such cri
46、teria by many owners and plantengineers has prompted the inclusion of this topic in thisguide. Real loads are not uniform, and an analysis using anassumed nonuniform load or the specific concentrated load-ing for the slab is required. An excellent reference for thedesign of slabs-on-grade is Designi
47、ng Floor Slabs onGrade by Ringo and Anderson (Ringo, 1996). In addition,the designer of slabs-on-grade should be familiar with theACI Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction (ACI,1997), the ACI Design of Slabs on Grade (ACI, 1992).3.2 Jib CranesAnother loading condition that should be conside
48、red is theinstallation of jib cranes. Often the owner has plans toDESIGN GUIDE 7 / INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGSROOFS TO ANCHOR RODS, 2ND EDITION /3install such cranes at some future date. But since they are apurchased itemoften installed by plant engineering per-sonnel or the crane manufacturerthe owner may
49、 inadver-tently neglect them during the design phase.Jib cranes, which are simply added to a structure, can cre-ate a myriad of problems, including column distortion andmisalignment, column bending failures, crane runway andcrane rail misalignment, and excessive column base shear.It is essential to know the location and size of jib cranes inadvance, so that columns can be properly designed andproper bracing can be installed if needed. Columns sup-porting jib cranes should be designed to limit the deflectionat the end of the jib boom to boom length divided by 225.3.3 Interior Vehicu
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