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本文(ARINC 610-1-1992 Guidance for Design and Integration of Aircraft Avionics Equipment in Simulators《模拟器机载航空电子设备设计和综合指南包括附录1》.pdf)为本站会员(proposalcash356)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ARINC 610-1-1992 Guidance for Design and Integration of Aircraft Avionics Equipment in Simulators《模拟器机载航空电子设备设计和综合指南包括附录1》.pdf


2、bmitted by variousparticipants during the drafting process. Neither AEEC norARINC has made any determination whether these materialscould be subject to valid claims of patent, copyright or otherproprietary rights by third parties, and no representation orwarranty, express or implied, is made in this

3、 regard. Any use ofor reliance on this document shall constitute an acceptancethereof “as is” and be subject to this disclaimer.Copyright 1992 byAERONAUTICAL RADIO, INC.2551 Riva RoadAnnapolis, Maryland 21401-7465 USAARINC REPORT 610 GUIDANCE FOR DESIGN AND INTEGRATION OFAIRCRAFT AVIONICS EQUIPMENT

4、IN SIMULATORSPublished: February 1, 1992Prepared by the Airlines Electronic Engineering CommitteeReport 610 Adopted by the Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee: August 19, 1986Report 610-1 Adopted by the Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee November 8, 1990iiFOREWORDActivities of AERONAUTI

5、CAL RADIO, INC. (ARINC)and thePurpose of ARINC Reports and SpecificationsAeronautical Radio, Inc. is a corporation in which the United States scheduled airlines are the principalstockholders. Other stockholders include a variety of other air transport companies, aircraft manufacturers and

6、rlines.Activities of ARINC include the operation of an extensive system of domestic and overseas aeronautical land radiostations, the fulfillment of systems requirements to accomplish ground and airborne compatibility, the allocation andassignment of frequencies to meet those needs, the coordination

7、 incident to standard airborne compatibility, the allocationand assignment of frequencies to meet those needs, the coordination incident to standard airborne communications andelectronics systems and the exchange of technical information. ARINC sponsors the Airlines Electronic EngineeringCommittee (

8、AEEC), composed of airline technical personnel. The AEEC formulates standards for electronic equipment andsystems for the airlines. The establishment of Equipment Characteristics is a principal function of this Committee.It is desirable to reference certain general ARINC Specifications or Report whi

9、ch are applicable to m ore than onetype of equipment. These general Specifications and Reports may be considered as supplementary to the EquipmentCharacteristics in which they are referenced. They are intended to set forth the desires of the airlines pertaining tocomponents and general design, const

10、ruction and test criteria, in order to insure satisfactory operation and the necessaryinterchangeability in airline service. The release of a Specification or Equipment Characteristics should not be construed toobligate ARINC or any airline insofar as the purchase of any components or equipment is c

11、oncerned.An ARINC Report (Specification or Characteristic) has a twofold purpose, which is:(1) To indicate to the prospective manufacturers of airline electronic equipment the considered opinion of theairline technical people, coordinated on an industry basis, concerning requisites of new equipment,

12、 and(2) To channel new equipment designs in a direction which can result in the maximum possiblestandardization of those physical and electrical characteristics which influence interchangeability ofequipment without seriously hampering engineering initiative.REPLACEMENT PAGE REVISED: November 8, 199

13、0ARINC REPORT 610NEXT PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANKiiiARINC REPORT 610TABLE OF CONTENTSITEM SUBJECT PAGE1.0 INTRODUCTION AND DESCRIPTION 11.1 Purpose of this Report 11.2 What is a Simulator? 11.3 Background of Simulators 11.4 Training Needs in Simulators 11.4.1 Initial Setup Conditions 21.4.2 Rep os

14、itioning 21.4.3 Freezing Flight Parameters 21.5 Applicability 22.0 PROBLEMS OF USING ARINC 700-SERIES EQUIMENT IN SIMULATORS 32.1 Previous Avionics Equipment 32.2 New Generation Digital Avionics 32.3 Impact of New Generation Avionics on Simulator Production 33.0 AIRCRAFT AVIONICS INTEGRATION IN SIMU

15、LATORS 43.1 The Seventeen IATA Simulator Functions 43.2 Incorporating the Seventeen IATA Simulator Functions 53.3 System Interface 53.3.1 Program Pin 53.3.2 Keep Alive Signal 53.3.3 Simulator to Avionics Equipment Control Word 53.3.4 Simulator to Avionics Equipment Data Words 53.3.5 Avionics to Simu

16、lator Control Word 53.3.6 Avionics to Simulator Data Words 53.3.7 Two-Way Communications Link 53.3.8 Warning Systems 53.3.9 Multiple Si mulator Function Control Signals 63.3.10 Avionics Reaction to Simulator Function Controls Signals 64.0 INTEGRATION OF FUTURE AVIONICS EQUIPMENT 74.1 Current ARINC 7

17、00-Series Equipment with This Report in not Concerned 74.2 Future Equipment 74.3 Malf unctions for Simulator Training in Avionics Equipment 7Attachment 1 Table of Effects of Simulator Functions on Interface Parameters 8-20Attachment 2 Simulator to Avionic Equipment Control Word 21Appendix A Implemen

18、tation for the Flight Management Sy stem (ARINC 702) 22-24Appendix B Implementation for the Flight Control Computer System (ARINC 701) 25-27Appendix C Implementation for the Thrust Control Computer System (ARINC 703) 28-30Appendix D Implementation for the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoid ance Syste

19、m 31-46(ARINC 735)ARINC REPORT 610 - Page 11.0 INTRODUCTION AND DESCRIPTION1.1 Purpose of this DocumentThis report set forth general philosophy, basic guidanceand specific recommendations concerning the designand integration of aircraft avionics equipment insimulators. It is intended that this repor

20、t will provide abetter mutual understanding among the avionicsdesigners, simulator designers, airframe manufacturersand airline simulator users in the use of aircraft avionicequipment in flight simulators in order that simulatortraining can be optimized.The primary design goal is to achieve direct u

21、se ofapplicable airborne equipment in flight simulatorsproviding for readily available spares, the most recentversion of operational software and the assurance thatequipment response will be the same in the aircraft andsimulator.Airframe and avionic equipment designers areencouraged to take advantag

22、e of this guidanceinformation starting with the earliest phases in thedesign of aircraft avionics equipment.1.2 What is a Simulator?For the purpose of this report, the following items areencompassed when the word “simulator” is usedthroughout this document:- Full Flight Simulator- Cockpit Procedure

23、Trainer, Cockpit SystemSimulator or Fixed Base Simulator- Part Task Trainer (e.g., Flight Management SystemTrainer)- Maintenance Training SimulatorRegardless of the training application, all simulatorsshould comply with the guidance provided by thisreport when avionics equipment forms part of thehar

24、dware configuration. The simulator should notrequire the avionics equipment to operate outside itsown specification or the specifications of this report.1.2.1 Why Consider Simulators?It should be recognized that flight simulation is anessential part of the aviation industry. Training andlicensing of

25、 pilots today is fully dependent on flightsimulation. All airline operators use simulators either byownership or hire. Therefore, any cost to achieveindustry standards in flight simulation will ultimately beshared by all operators either directly by ownershipcosts or indirectly by hire costs.1.3 Bac

26、kground of SimulatorsDuring the 1950s with the increasing use of jet aircraftfor commercial aviation, airlines turned more and moreto simulators for pilot training. These simulators werebased on analog computers. Flight deck indicators wereprimarily simulated items manufactured by thesimulator manuf

27、acturer. Only on very rare occasionswere actual aircraft avionics used in simulators.In the 1960s, simulator manufacturers turned to digitalcomputers for increased simulator capability. Thisenhanced computing capacity was directed first atimproving the computations affecting aircraftaerodynamics and

28、 then at improving simulation ofaircraft systems. At the same time, simulatormanufacturers started to use actual aircraft instrumentsto better represent the “real” aircraft cockpitindications.With the introduction of wide-bodied transport aircraftinto commercial service in the late 1960s and early19

29、70s, an increasing number of systems had to besimulated for each aircraft type. Hence simulatormanufacturers found it necessary to significantlyincrease the use of aircraft indicators and controls onthe flight deck to simulate the aircraft. However, verylittle use was made of aircraft avionics black

30、 boxesbecause most simulator manufacturers continued to usesoftware within their computers to simulate avionicsfunctions.In the late 1970s, two major changes occurred whichhad a significant impact on the manufacturing and useof simulators. These changes were as follows:a. The FAA defined 3 levels of

31、 simulators andspecified the training credits that could be achievedin each level of simulation. Regulatory authoritiesaround the world followed the FAA lead. Obtainingof training credits from time on the simulator ratherthan on an actual airplane resulted in large financialsavings to the airline. T

32、hese savings came in threeforms: reduced direct operating costs for training,increased availability of aircraft for revenue flyingand eliminating the aircraft risk associated withextensive training flight.b. Airframe manufacturers commenced themanufacture of the new generation of aircraft whichincor

33、porated avionics equipment based on theARINC 700-series specifications. With theintroduction of the 700-series avionics came adramatic increase in aircraft system complexity.The net effect of these placed great demands on thesimulator manufacturers to more accurately simulate thesystems in order tha

34、t simulators would meet trainingrequirements.The airline and the simulator manufacturers were forcedinto a tight production schedule which required fullyrepresentative simulators to be in service ahead ofaircraft delivery schedules to ensure timely initial pilottraining. Failure to meet these schedu

35、les wouldtherefore delay introduction of revenue earning flights.The production schedules coupled with the need tosimulate systems that had not been in older generationequipment caused the simulator manufacturers to useactual aircraft avionics in the simulator. Additionally,simulator manufacturers e

36、xperienced difficulties due tounavailability of the most up-to-date avionics,manufacturers proprietary data and enormous demandson simulator host computer resources. Once theARINC REPORT 610 - Page 21.0 INTRODUCTION AND DESCRIPTION (contd)1.3 Background of Simulators (contd)simulator was successfull

37、y operating with actual aircraftavionics, other problems such as limited flexibility ofsimulator functions arose. This report addresses theseproblems.1.4 Training Needs in SimulatorsThe non-standard aircraft procedures required insimulators can be broken down into three basiccategories. These are as

38、 follows:a. Initial Conditionsb. Repositioningc. Freezing Parameters1.4.1 Initial Setup ConditionsPrior to or during any training session, it may benecessary to set up parameters, such as:a. Aircraft geographic locationb. Aircraft heading, altitude and speedc. Aircraft fuel load and payloadd. Enviro

39、nmental conditions such as temperature,pressure and wind conditions.COMMENTARYThe previous session may have completedCategory 3 training in the London area atmaximum landing weights whereas the currentsession may be commencing at max take-offweight in the New York/JFK area. The aircraftavionics equi

40、pment must be capable of acceptingthis without causing false warnings or indications.1.4.2 RepositioningDuring a training session it may be necessary toreposition the aircraft to expedite training. This means achange in aircraft geographic location possibly coupledwith a change of parameters, such a

41、s:- altitude- heading- attitude- airspeed- aircraft configurationCOMMENTARYThe simplest circuit normally flown by pilots(take-off, climb to 1,500 feet, fly downwind anddo an ILS approach) takes between 10 and 15minutes. For training, the main items of value arethe take-off and the ILS approach. The

42、facility toreposition the simulator after take-off to a pointsuitable for intercepting the ILS localizer can saveconsiderable training time. A greater reduction intraining time occurs when practicing Category IIand III approaches. In this case only the ILSapproach and missed approach is relevant. Th

43、ereposition facility can enable the crew to perform5 approaches in 20 minutes instead of in 1 hour.Repositioning is an essential feature in packagingtraining sequences.1.4.3 Freezing Flight ParametersDuring a training session, it may be necessary to freezethe simulation to analyze or discuss crew pe

44、rformance.This may involve freezing parameters such as:- Aircraft Geographic Location- Flight Altitude- Aircraft Heading- Aircraft Attitude- Aircraft Speed- Fuel QuantityCOMMENTARYThere are two main occasions when freezing ofparameters may be needed. These are:a. When a pilot has flown a simulator o

45、utsideallowed limits, the instructor freezes thesimulator to instruct the pilot on where he haserred.b. It may be necessary to freeze the simulator atthe end of an aircraft reposition before handingthe simulator back to the pilot to continueflying with the conditions that have just beenset.In either

46、 of the above cases, the frozen parameteror parameters will not act according to normallaws of physics, e.g., if a position has been frozen,it will not act in accordance with the integration ofits associated velocity term Hence, the termfrozen means the parameter remains at the valuebeing passed to

47、the avionics equipment.1.5 ApplicabilityAdherence to the recommendations of this ARINCReport is urged for any new or derivative aircraft towhich applicable avionic equipment specifications arereleased after the effective date of this report.Consideration of this report and avionic equipmentspecifica

48、tions is recommended in the early negotiationsbetween the airframe manufacturer and the avionicequipment manufacturer.REPLACEMENT PAGE REVISED: November 8, 1990ARINC REPORT 610 Page 32.0 PROBLEMS OF USING ARINC 700-SERIES EQUIPMENT IN SIMULATORS2.1 Previous Avionics EquipmentFor aircraft produced pr

49、ior to the early 1970s, themajority of the avionics equipment employed analoghardware. As a result, the control laws and mathematicalmodels that were built into a series of equipment had tobe kept to a level dictated by the physical size of theequipment. Also, because documentation had to beprovided to airlines in ATA format to maintain thisequipment, the details of the design built into these boxeswere very much in the public domain.As a result of the above, when simulator manufacturershad to produce a copy of the mathematical model andcontrol laws in the simulator, there was e

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