1、ABITE GLOSSARYARINC REPORT 612PUBLISHED: DECEMBER 18, 1986AN A DOCUMENTPrepared byAIRLINES ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING COMMITTEEPublished byAERONAUTICAL RADIO, INC.2551 RIVA ROAD, ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND 21401This document is based on material submitted by variousparticipants during the drafting process. Nei
2、ther AEEC norARINC has made any determination whether these materialscould be subject to valid claims of patent, copyright or otherproprietary rights by third parties, and no representation orwarranty, express or implied, is made in this regard. Any use ofor reliance on this document shall constitut
3、e an acceptancethereof “as is” and be subject to this disclaimer.Copyright 1998 byAERONAUTICAL RADIO, INC.2551 Riva RoadAnnapolis, Maryland 21401-7465 USAARINC REPORT 612 BITE GLOSSARYPublished: December 18, 1986Prepared by the Airlines Electronic Engineering CommitteeReport 612 Adopted by the Airli
4、nes Electronic Engineering Committee: October 8, 1986iiFOREWORDActivities of AERONAUTICAL RADIO, INC. (ARINC)and thePurpose of ARINC Reports and SpecificationsAeronautical Radio, Inc. is a corporation in which the United States scheduled airlines are the principalstockholders. Other stockholders inc
5、lude a variety of other air transport companies, aircraft manufacturers and non-U.S.airlines.Activities of ARINC include the operation of an extensive system of domestic and overseas aeronautical landradio stations, the fulfillment of systems requirements to accomplish ground and airborne compatibil
6、ity, the allocationand assignment of frequencies to meet those needs, the coordination incident to standard airborne compatibility, theallocation and assignment of frequencies to meet those needs, the coordination incident to standard airbornecommunications and electronics systems and the exchange o
7、f technical information. ARINC sponsors the AirlinesElectronic Engineering Committee (AEEC), composed of airline technical personnel. The AEEC formulates standardsfor electronic equipment and systems for the airlines. The establishment of Equipment Characteristics is a principalfunction of this Comm
8、ittee.It is desirable to reference certain general ARINC Specifications or Report which are applicable to more thanone type of equipment. These general Specifications and Reports may be considered as supplementary to the EquipmentCharacteristics in which they are referenced. They are finalized after
9、 investigation and coordination with airlines, withother aircraft operators, with the Military services and with other interested persons. Publication of a Report,Specification or Equipment Characteristic should not be construed to obligate ARINC or any airline insofar as thepurchase of any componen
10、ts or equipment is concerned. Further, the publication of a Report, Specification or EquipmentCharacteristic does not imply its endorsement by the U.S. Federal Government or any of its agencies whoserepresentatives may have participated in its preparation.An ARINC Report ( Specification or Character
11、istic) has a twofold purpose, which is:(1) To indicate to the prospective manufacturers of airline electronic equipment the considered opinion ofthe airline technical people coordinated on an industry basis, concerning requisites of new equipment,and(2) To channel new equipment designs in a directio
12、n which can result in the maximum possiblestandardization of those physical and electrical characteristics which influence interchangeability ofequipment without seriously hampering engineering initiative.ARINC REPORT 612TABLE OF CONTENTSiiiITEM SUBJECT PAGE1.0 SCOPE 11.1 Purpose 12.0 REFERENCE DOCU
13、MENTS 22.1 General 23.0 DEFINITIONS 33.1 General 34.0 ACRONYMS 174.1 General 175.0 BITE DISPLAY PREPARATION GUIDELINES 245.1 General 24ARINC REPORT 612 Page 11.0 SCOPE1.1 PurposeThe purpose of this document is to provide a source ofdefinitions of terms commonly used in the air transportmaintenance c
14、ommunity for test and evaluation with anemphasis on terms applicable to Built-In Test Equipment.ARINC REPORT 612 Page 22.0 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS2.1 GeneralThe following documents may be useful sources ofadditional information.STANDARDSMIL-STD-1309OTHER PUBLICATIONSIEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrica
15、land Electronic TermsAcronyms, Abbreviations, and Itinialisms;McDonnell Douglas CorporationF-16 Training Manual Abbreviations;General DynamicsAirbus Approved Abbreviations Hand-book; Airbus IndustrieModern Dictionary of Electronics;Howard W. Sams (a) standard testingterminology to reduced erroneous
16、interpretations; and (2) UUTorientated test statements to increase portability (ability to beused with different test equipment operations). The airlineindustry uses a subset of ATLAS defined by ARINC 616 andARINC 626.Absolute error. The magnitude of the error without regard toalgebraic sign.Absolut
17、e measurement. Measurement in which the comparisonis directly with quantities whose units are basic units of thesystem.Acceptance test. A test which verifies that the unit is operatingin accordance within operational specifications.Access time. A time interval that is characteristic of a storagedevi
18、ce, and is essentially a measure of the time required tocommunicate with that device. (a) The time interval betweenthe instant at which data are called for from a storage deviceand the instant delivery is completed, that is, the read time. (b)The time interval between the instant at which data arere
19、quested to be stored and the instant at which storage iscompleted, that is, the write time.Accuracy. The quality of freedom from mistake or error, thatis, of conformity to truth or to a rule. The accuracy of anindicated or recorded value may be expressed by the ratio oferror of the indicated value t
20、o the true value. It is usuallyexpressed in percent.Activation. The process of creating a logic value at the locationof a fault that differs from the logic value that the locationwould have in the absence of that fault.Active built-in test. A type of built-in test which is temporarilydisruptive to t
21、he prime system operation though the injection oftest stimuli into the system.Active maintenance time. The time during which maintenanceactions are performed on an item either manually orautomatically.Active preventative maintenance time. That part of the activemaintenance time in which preventative
22、 maintenance is carriedout.Active redundancy. That condition where parallel back-upitems are operating simultaneously, rather than being switchedon when needed.Active repair time. The time during which correctivemaintenance action are performed on an item either manually orautomatically.Active senso
23、r. (1) A sensor requiring a source of power otherthan the signal being measured. (2) A sensor that produces asignal by stimulating the unit.Active testing. The process of determining equipment staticand dynamic characteristics by performing a series of knownoperating conditions. Active testing may r
24、equire an interruptionof normal equipment operations and it involves measurementsmade over the range of equipment operation.Adapter. A device or series of devices designed to provide acompatible connection between two pieces of equipment.Adapter kit. A kit containing an assortment of cables andadapt
25、ers for use with test or support equipment.Address. An identification, as represented by a name, label, ornumber, for a register or location in storage. Addresses are alsopart of an instruction word along with commands, tags, andother symbols.Adjustment. Changing by electronic, electrical or physica
26、lmeans a variable in a component or unit to cause a change in itsoutput characteristics.AGC. See Automatic gain control.Algorithm. A prescribed set of well-defined rules or process forthe solution of a problem in a finite number of steps.Alignment. A sequence of adjustments intended to optimizeperfo
27、rmance characteristics of a unit or system, or cause themto have a proper inter-relationship.Alphanumeric. A character set that contains both letters andnumbers, and usually some other special characters such aspunctuation symbols.Ambient air temperature. The temperature of the surroundingair which
28、comes in contact with equipment. See also Ambienttemperature.Ambient conditions. Characteristics of the environment, forexample, temperature, humidity, pressure.Ambient temperature. The temperature of the medium such asair into which the heat of the equipment is dissipated. See alsoAmbient air tempe
29、rature.Ambiguity delay. A delay model which allows the minimumand maximum propagational delay through an element to bespecified. The state of the element between minimum andmaximum delay is unknown, and is called the ambiguity region.Ambiguity group. The group of maintenance replaceable unitswhich m
30、ay have faults resulting in the same fault signature.Analog. Data in the form of continuously variable quantities,such as voltage, frequency, current, etc.Analog to Digital (A/D). Production of a digital outputcorresponding to the value of an analog input quantity.ARINC REPORT 612 Page3.0 DEFINITION
31、S (contd)TABLE 3-1 BITE Definitions (contd)4Annunciation. Annunciation denotes an ability to indicate thatinvalid data or improper operation has been detected.Annunciation may be performed by a variety of means,including lights, needle movement, “flags”, audible cues andalphanumeric displays.Antenna
32、. That part of a transmitting or receiving system whichis designed to radiate or to receive electromagnetic waves.Architecture. A method or style of building a system (hardwareor software). The construction, frame or structure of thatsystem.Arithmetic unit. That portion of the hardware of a device b
33、ywhich arithmetic operations are performed.ASMT. See ATLAS Subset for Modular Test.Assembler. A computer program which translates assemblylevel language mnemonic source statements into binary strings(object code) representing machine operations. It also assignseither relative or absolute memory addr
34、esses resultinginstructions and data items.Assembly level language. A computer orientated or machine-specific language whose instructions are usually in a one-to-onecorrespondence with computer instructions.ATE. See Automatic test equipment.ATE control software. Resident software (executive oroperat
35、ing system) used during execution of a test program tocontrol the testing operations of the ATE. This software is usedto execute a test procedure but does not contain any of thestimuli or measurement parameters used in testing the UUT.Where test software and control software are combined in onesepar
36、able program, that program will be treated as test software,not control software.ATLAS Subset for Modular Test (ASMT). A subset of ATLASdefined for use with Standard Modular and Repair Test(SMART) stations. ASMT is defined in ARINC 626.Automatic gain control (AGC). A process or means by whichvoltage
37、 gain is automatically adjusted in a specific manner as afunction of input or other specified parameters.Automatic self-test. Self-test to that degree of fault detectionand isolation which can be achieved by a system entirely underinternal control, that is, without an human intervention.Automatic te
38、st. That performance assessment, fault detection,diagnosis, and isolation which can performed with a minimumof human intervention,. This may include Built-In Test (BIT)and Built-In Test Equipment (BITE).Automatic test equipment (ATE). Equipment that is designedto conduct analysis of functional or st
39、atic parameters to evaluatethe degree of performance degradation and may be designed toperform fault isolation of unit malfunctions. The decisionmaking, control or evaluation functions are conducted withminimum reliance on human intervention.Automatic test program generator (ATPG). A utility compute
40、rprogram which facilitates the development of efficient testprograms.Automatic test system. The composite grouping of equipments,software, and data required to test a unit automatically.Automatic testing. That discipline which concerns itself withthe development, acquisition, and application of auto
41、matic test.Back trace. The process of following a signal path from theoutput toward the primary inputs in order to determine where afailure occurred.Baud rate. The number of bits transferred or transmitted by adevice in a given unit of time, under specified conditions.Bidirectional bus. A conductor
42、or group of conductors whichtransmits and receives digital data on the same line(s).Binary code. A code in which each element may be wither oftwo distinct kinds or values, for example, the presence orabsence of a pulse.Binary digit. A digit whose two possible values are representedby a “0” for the a
43、bsence of a voltage; or a “1” for the presenceof a voltage. It is based on the mathematical number system ofbase 2 or radix 2.BIT. See Built-In Test (BIT).Bit. An abbreviation of binary digit.Bit per unit (Bit Rate). Same as Baud rate.BIT, active. Same as Active built-in test.BIT, continuous. A type
44、 of BIT which continually monitorssystem operation for errors.BIT, initiated. A type of BIT which is executed only after theoccurrence of an external event such as an action by anoperator.BIT, passive. A type of BIT which is non-disruptive and non-interfering to the prime system.BIT, periodic. A typ
45、e of BIT which is repeated at somepredetermined interval.BIT, turn-on. A specific type of initiated BIT which isexercised each time electrical power is applied to the unit orsystem.BITE. See Built-In Test Equipment (BITE).Blank. (1) A place of storage where dat may be stored(synonymous with “space”)
46、. (2) A character used to indicatean output space on a display or on a printer in which nothing isprinted.Buffer (1) An isolating circuit used to avoid reaction of adriven circuit on the corresponding driving circuit. (2) Shortfor storage buffer.Built-In Test (BIT). An integral capability of the equ
47、ipmentwhich provides an internal, automated test capability to detectunit failures. The fault detection is used for periodic orcontinuous monitoring of a units operational capability.ARINC REPORT 612 Page3.0 DEFINITIONS (contd)TABLE 3-1 BITE Definitions (contd)5Built-In Test Equipment (BITE). Test a
48、nd fault-isolationhardware or software designed into a system. BITE can be usedto report or display fault information, perform fault isolationand perform self-tests.Bus. A conductor or group of conductors, which serve as acommon connection for two or more circuits. (a) A conductor,or group of conduc
49、tors, which serve as the path for carryingdigital control, address, and information signals. (b) Aconductor, or group of conductors, which serve as the path forthe supply of primary power to a number of electronic units.Byte. A group of adjacent binary digits operated on as a unitand usually shorter than a computer word. An 8-bit byte is acommon usage.Calibrate. To ascertain, usually by comparison with a standard,the locations at which scale gradations should be placed tocorrespond to a series of values of the quantity which theinstrument is to measure.Calibration error. In
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