1、AIRBORNE HF/ SSB SYSTEMARINC CHARACTERISTIC 719-5PUBLISHED: JULY 6, 1984AN DOCUMENTPrepared byAIRLINES ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING COMMITTEEPublished byAERONAUTICAL RADIO, INC.2551 RIVA ROAD, ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND 21401This document is based on material submitted by variousparticipants during the drafting
2、process. Neither AEEC norARINC has made any determination whether these materials couldbe subject to valid claims of patent, copyright or other proprietaryrights by third parties, and no representation or warranty, expressor implied, is made in this regard. Any use of or reliance on thisdocument sha
3、ll constitute an acceptance thereof “as is” and besubject to this disclaimer.REPLACEMENT PAGE REVISED: June 27, 1984AERONAUTICAL RADIO, INC.2551 Riva RoadAnnapolis, Maryland 24101ARINC CHARACTERISTIC 719-5AIRBORNE HF/SSB SYSTEMPublished: July 6, 1984Prepared by the Airlines Electronic Engineering Co
4、mmitteeCharacteristic 719 Adopted by the Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee: August 31, 1979Characteristic 719 Adopted by Industry: November 16, 1979Characteristic 719-1 Adopted by the Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee: June 19, 1980Characteristic 719-2 Adopted by the Airlines Electro
5、nic Engineering Committee: March 12, 1981Characteristic 719-3 Adopted by the Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee: December 10, 1981Characteristic 719-4 Adopted by the Airlines Ele ctronic Engineering Committee: November 4, 1982Characteristic 719-5 Adopted by the Airlines Electronic Engineering
6、 Committee: October 13, 1983iiFOREWORDActivities of AERONAUTICAL RADIO, INC. (ARINC)and thePurpose of ARINC CharacteristicsAeronautical Radio, Inc. is a corporation in which the United States scheduled airlines are the principalstockholders. Other stockholders include a variety of other air transpor
7、t companies, aircraft manufacturers andforeign flag airlines.Activities of ARINC include the operation of an extensive system of domestic and overseas aeronauticalland radio stations, the fulfillment of systems requirements to accomplish ground and airborne compatibility, theallocation and assignmen
8、t of frequencies to meet those needs, the coordination incident to standard airbornecommunications and electronics systems and the exchange of technical information. ARINC sponsors the AirlinesElectronic Engineering Committee (AEEC), composed of airline technical personnel. The AEEC formulatesstanda
9、rds for electronic equipment and systems for the airlines. The establishment of Equipment Characteristics is aprincipal function of this Committee.An ARINC Equipment Characteristic is finalized after investigation and coordination with the airlines whohave a requirement or anticipate a requirement,
10、with other aircraft operators, with the Military services havingsimilar requirements, and with the equipment manufacturers. It is released as an ARINC Equipment Characteristiconly when the interested airline companies are in general agreement. Such a release does not commit any airline orARINC to pu
11、rchase equipment so described nor does it establish or indicate recognition of the existence of anoperational requirement for such equipment, nor does it constitute endorsement of any manufacturers productdesigned or built to meet the Characteristic. An ARINC Characteristic has a twofold purpose, wh
12、ich is:(1) To indicate to the prospective manufacturers of airline electronic equipment the consideredopinion of the airline technical people, coordinated on an industry basis, concerning requisites ofnew equipment, and(2) To channel new equipment designs in a direction which can result in the maxim
13、um possiblestandardization of those physical and electrical characteristics which influence interchangeabilityof equipment without seriously hampering engineering initiative.REPLACEMENT PAGE REVISED:June 27, 1984TABLE OF CONTENTSARINC CHARACTERISTIC 719ITEM SUBJECT PAGE1.0 INTRODUCTION AND DESCRIPTI
14、ON 11.1 Purpose of this Document 11.2 Function of Equipment 11.3 Unit Description 11.3.1 HF Transceiver Unit 11.3.2 Frequency Control 11.3.3 Antenna Tuner (With Self-Contained or Separate Antenna Tuner Control) 11.4 Interchangeability 11.4.1 General 11.4.2 Interchangeability Desired for the ARINC 71
15、9 HF Transceiver 11.4.3 “General Interchangeability” Considerations 11.5 Regulatory Approval 21.6 System Parameters 21.7 Additional Needs of Military Customers 22.0 INTERCHANGEABILITY STANDARDS 32.1 Introduction 32.2 Form Factors, Connectors & Index Pin Coding 32.2.1 Transceiver Unit 32.2.2 “Standar
16、d Control Panel” 32.2.3 Antennas and Antenna Tuners 32.3 Interwiring 32.4 Power Circuitry 42.4.1 Primary Power Input 42.4.2 Power Control Circuitry 42.4.3 The Common Ground 42.4.4 Internal Circ uit Protection 42.4.5 Abnormal Power 42.5 Environmental Conditions 42.6 Cooling 4-52.7 Grounding and Bondi
17、ng 53.0 TRANSCEIVER UNIT DESIGN 63.1 Frequency Range and Channeling 63.2 Frequency Selection 63.3 Transmit to Receive Recovery 63.4 Choice of Sideband 63.5 Transceiver Operation 63.5.1 Mode of Operation 63.5.2 Interlocks on Dual Systems Tuning Interlock Specific Provisions for Inte
18、rlocking 6-73.6 Receiver De sign 73.6.1 Sensitivity 73.6.2 Selectivity AM-SSB Full Carrier Suppressed Carrier SSB 73.6.3 Receiver Frequency Stability 73.6.4 Undesired Responses 73.6.5 Audio Output Audio Source Impedance Output Regulation Gain Hum
19、 Level Frequency Response Distortion 7A3.6.5.7 Voice Phase Shift Limit 7A3.6.6 Automatic Gain Control 83.6.7 RF Sensitivity Control and/or Squelch Control 83.6.8 Receiver SSB-Mode Linearity Desired Signal Linearity Interfering Signal Linearity 83.6.9 Tone Tuning S
20、ignal 83.6.10 S ELCAL/Data Output Frequency Response Distortion Phase Shift SELCAL/Data Phase Shift Differential Phase Delay 9REPLACEMENT PAGE REVISED:June 27, 1984TABLE OF CONTENTS (contd)ARINC CHARACTERISTIC 719ITEM SUBJECT PAGE3.7 Transmitter
21、Design 93.7.1 Power Output Minimum Power Output with SSB Suppressed Carrier Operation Minimum Power Output Full Carrier SSB Operation Minimum Power Output with FSK or Data Transmission 9- Maximum Power Output Limit 103.7.2 Transmitter Frequency Stability 103.7.3 S
22、idetone 103.7.4 Microphone Input Speech Processing and Auto matic Modulation Limiting Frequency Response and Spectrum Limits Transmitter Distortion 123.8 Data Transmission and Reception 123.8.1 Background of Data Link 123.8.2 Data Link Audio Input to the Tra nsmitter 12
23、3.8.3 Data Link Audio Input Frequency Response 123.8.4 Data Link Output from HF Receiver 12- Special “SELCAL Output” Circuit From HF AM Receiver Detector 13 3.9 Keyline 134.0 ANTENNAS 144.1 Antenna Tuner 144.2 Radio Frequency Input Characteristics 144.3 Automatic Control of SSB R/T Power Ou
24、tput 144.4 Antenna Impedance Characteristics and Frequency Coverage 144.5 Band Information 144.6 Power Handling Capability 14 4.7 Tuner Pressure Fault Line 145.0 AUTOMATIC TEST EQUIPMENT PROVISIONS 155.1 General 155.2 Unit Identification 155.3 Pin Allocation 15 5.4 Use of ATLAS Language 156.0 BUILT-
25、IN TEST EQUIPMENT (BITE) 15A6.1 Built-In Test Equipment (BITE) 15A6.2 BITE Display 15A6.3 Fault Monitor 15A6.4 Self-Test Initiation 15A-15B 6.5 Monitor Memory Output 15BATTACHMENTS0 Notes Pertaining to Attachments 16-171 Standard Interwiring 18-192 Transceiver Unit Connector Positioning 203 Schemati
26、c of Audi o Grounds and Use of 4-Wire Microphone (with systeminterlock relays) 214 Control Panel Wiring Using ARINC 429 Serial Digital Tuning 225 Antenna Tuner Pin Connections 236 SSB Receiver Selectivity 247 Environmental Test Categories 258 Control Panel Guidelines 26-279 Typical Test Procedures 2
27、7AAPPENDICES0 Guidelines for HF Antenna System Designers and Installers 28-571 Original “Assumed” Essential System Characteristics 58-632 Ground Equipment Requirements 64-673 Chronology and Bibliography of the AEEC SSB Project and Membership ofThe AEEC SSB Subcommittee 68-734 FCC Rule Making Related
28、 to SSB Equipment and the Type Acceptance ofthat Equipment 74-845 Reference Background Material on Spectrum Limitations and the Relationto the Implementation of SSB 85-946 Reference Background Material on the Effect of Frequency TranslationError on an SSB System Conforming with the Systems Standards
29、 ofAppendix 1 and Utilizing Airborne Equipment Conforming to ARINCCharacteristics 533 or 533A 95-1217 Background and AnalysisFrequency Planning vs. Equipment Planning-1955-1971 122-1258 Extracts from ICAO Annex 10 126-1319 Bibliography 132ivARINC CHARACTERISTIC 719 - Page 11.0 INTRODUCTION AND DESCR
30、IPTION1.1 Purpose of this DocumentThis document sets forth the desired characteristics of a newgeneration HF/SSB system intended for installation in alltypes of commercial transport aircraft. The intent of thisdocument is to provide general and specific design guidancefor the development and install
31、ation of a HF Transceiverprimarily for airline use. It will describe the desiredoperation capability of the equipment and the standardnecessary to ensure interchangeability.Equipment manufacturers should note that this documentencourages them to produce maintenance-free, highperformance equipment ra
32、ther than that of minimum weightand size. They are at liberty to accomplish this objective bymeans of the techniques they consider to be the mostappropriate. Their airline customers are interested primarilyin the end result rather than the means employed to achieveit.1.2 Function of EquipmentThis Ch
33、aracteristic covers the requirements for an airbornetransmitter-receiver equipment capable of transmitting andreceiving HF radio intelligence in the following forms:(a) SSB-full carrier transmission of voice and tonesignals and AM-double sideband reception.(b) SSB-suppressed carrier transmission and
34、 SSB-suppressed carrier reception of voice and othersignals not critical of exact frequencysynchronism.(c) Transmission and reception capabilities (usingexternal coding and keying equipment which isnot made a part of this Characteristic) for specialdata applications.Although the HF/SSB System should
35、 contain the capa-bilities under (c) above, the external coding and keyingequipment to operate with those capabilities is not detailed inthis Equipment Characteristic, nor is it likely to be purchasedby the customer at this time. The user desires the capabilitiesin the HF/SSB System to accommodate d
36、ata transmission at alater date without subsequent modification.Eventually this equipment will be used exclusively in a 3 kHzchannel spaced HF/SSB frequency plan. However, fullcompatibility with the present International Tele-communications Union (ITU) and International CivilAviation Organization (I
37、CAO) AM frequency plan will beneeded until the HF/SSB plan is implemented. Further thecapability of transmitting and receiving full carriertransmission of tones (A2H) will continue to be needed withthe future 3 kHz HF/SSB plan for the ICAO SELCALservice.1.3 Unit Description1.3.1 HF Transceiver UnitT
38、he HF Transceiver unit should house all the components,electronics circuitry, etc., incident to channel selection,receiving and transmitting functions of HF communications.1.3.2 Frequency ControlManual frequency control of the HF Transceiver should beaccomplished from a HF frequency control unit or
39、theequivalent data input from a centralized radio managementsystem. The HF Transceiver control should utilize the 2-wire serial digital frequency/function selection systemdefined in ARINC Specification 429.1.3.3 Antenna Tuner (With Self-Contained or SeparateAntenna Tuner Control)Although a suitable
40、antenna Tuner and Tuner Control shouldbe provided by the manufacturers supplying equipment tothis Characteristic, the equipment manufacturer should alsodesign his SSB equipment to work with existing automaticantenna tuner units of the type designed for SSB operation,and presently installed in many a
41、ircraft.1.4 Interchangeability1.4.1 GeneralOne of the primary functions of an ARINC EquipmentCharacteristic is to designate, in addition to certainperformance parameters, the interchangeability in an aircraftof equipment produced by various manufacturers. Themanufacturer is referred to Section 1.6 o
42、f ARINC Report 414for definitions of terms and general requirements for theairline industry for interchange-ability. As expalined in thatreport, the degree of interchangeability considered necessaryand attainable for each particular system is specified in thepertinent ARINC Equipment Characteristic
43、for that system.1.4.2 Interchangeability Desired for the ARINC 719 HFTransceiverUnit interchangeability is required for the transceiverregardless of manufacturing source. In recognition of thewidely varying control unit designs expected in the future,unit interchangeability is not sought in the cont
44、rol unitexcept, however, that electrical interface of controls shouldconform to the digital signal standards set forth in thisCharacteristic.1.4.3 “Generation Interchangeability” ConsiderationsIn defining the equipment described in this Characteristic, theair transport industry has chosen to depart
45、from several of itsprevious HF transceiver standards. In order to achieve thefull benefit of the economics offered by these changes, theindustry desires that no provisions be made in the equipmentfor backward compatibility with earlier generations of HFCommunication equipment.Unchanged, however, is
46、the industrys traditional desire thatfuture evolutionary equipment improvements and theinclusion of additional functions in new equipments duringthe next few years, do not violate the interwiring and formfactor standards set forth in this document. Provisions toensure forward-looking “generation int
47、erchangeability” (asbest can be predicated) are included in this document toguide manufacturers in future developments.ARINC CHARACTERISTIC 719 - Page 21.0 INTRODUCTION AND DESCRIPTION (contd)1.5 Regulatory ApprovalThe equipment must meet all applicable FAA and GCCregulatory requirements. Manufactur
48、ers are urged to obtainall necessary information from the FAA and the FCC or suchregulatory approval. This information is not contained in thisCharacteristic, nor is it available from ARINC.1.6 System ParametersSystem parameters applicable to HF communications maybe found in the Appendices to this C
49、haracteristic.1.7 Additional Needs of Military CustomersMilitary users of airborne HF/SSB traditionally have hadsome additional needs that dictate features not desired bycivil users. The most significant of these features are:extended frequency coverage, tenth-kHz channel selectionand wide band transmitter/ receiver audio baseband.Some military people confirmed these same featureswould continue to be needed in future equipment anddesigners might wish to include provisions in theequipment to satisfy a future military market. The civilusers approved the addition of guidance materialco
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