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本文(API TR 755-1-2010 Technical Support Document for ANSI API RP 755 Fatigue Risk Management Systems for Personnel in the Refining and Petrochemical Industries《ANSI API RP 75用技术支持报告.精炼.pdf)为本站会员(ownview251)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

API TR 755-1-2010 Technical Support Document for ANSI API RP 755 Fatigue Risk Management Systems for Personnel in the Refining and Petrochemical Industries《ANSI API RP 75用技术支持报告.精炼.pdf

1、Technical Support Document for ANSI/API RP 755, Fatigue Risk Management Systems for Personnel in the Refining and Petrochemical IndustriesAPI TECHNICAL REPORT 755-1APRIL 2010Technical Support Document for ANSI/API RP 755, Fatigue Risk Management Systems for Personnel in the Refining and Petrochemica

2、l IndustriesDownstream SegmentAPI TECHNICAL REPORT 755-1APRIL 2010Prepared for API by CIRCADIANSpecial NotesAPI publications necessarily address problems of a general nature. With respect to particular circumstances, local,state, and federal laws and regulations should be reviewed.Neither API nor an

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10、ht 2010 American Petroleum InstituteForewordFatigue Risk Management Systems (FRMS) have emerged and been widely recognized as a more effectiveapproach to managing and mitigating employee fatigue risk in the 24/7 workplace. The core feature of the FRMS isthat it is a data-driven, risk-informed, safet

11、y performance-based system. The FRMS implementation process firstidentifies all sources of fatigue risk in the business operation, then introduces mitigating policies, technologies, andprocedures to reduce the risk, and most importantly then maintains them in a proactively-managed continuousimprovem

12、ent system. The history of FRMS was recently summarized1. This method represents a significant step change from the traditional approaches of either relying on maximum limitsto hours of work or minimum limits to hours of rest (variously called Hours of Service, Work-Rest Rules, Working TimeDirective

13、s), or adopting intermittent or piece-meal solutions (e.g. a fatigue training program or a shift scheduleredesign), depending on the interests and initiative of local site managers.One essential feature of FRMS is that it is a system meant to be improved upon on a regular and continuous basis. Itis

14、not a set of guidelines designed for one-time compliance, but instead provides a framework that will evolve overtime, driven by the collection of data on fatigue risk and fatigue outcomes (e.g. fatigue-related incidents).This document identifies and explains the scientific and operational issues con

15、sidered during the preparation of RP755. By providing the reasoning behind the specific wording in the RP755 document, this document supports eachkey statement in RP 755 in sequence so that it can be used in parallel with the RP 755 text. To make this documentaccessible and manageable, key scientifi

16、c sources and references are provided to help readers gain access to thescientific literature. Nothing contained in any API publication is to be construed as granting any right, by implication or otherwise, for themanufacture, sale, or use of any method, apparatus, or product covered by letters pate

17、nt. Neither should anythingcontained in the publication be construed as insuring anyone against liability for infringement of letters patent.Suggested revisions are invited and should be submitted to the Director of Regulatory and Scientific Affairs, API,1220 L Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005.iiiCo

18、ntents page Foreword iii 1 Scope . 1 1.1 Overview 1 2 Normative References . 9 3 Terms and Definitions 9 4 Components of an FRMS. 9 4.1 Roles and responsibilities. 10 4.2 Positions covered by an FRMS 10 4.3 Staff-Workload Balance 11 4.4 Safety Promotion: Training, Education it also is a state of imp

19、aired alertness, attentiveness, and mental and physical performance. Being fatigued also causes reduced motor coordination and slower reaction times. A working definition of fatigue for the purposes of this document is found under Terms and Definitions in Section 3.3 of RP 755. Fatigue is a common i

20、ssue among workers. A survey of US workers found a fatigue prevalence of 37.9%4, which is consistent with other studies of working-age individuals5,6. When an individual is fatigued, the probability of poor, inefficient, and variable performance increases. Performance deficits include increased peri

21、ods of delayed response or no-response (lapses) during attention-based tasks, slowed information processing, increase in reaction times, reduced accuracy of short-term memory, and accelerated decrements in performance with time on task7. Fatigue is also associated with a loss of environmental (“situ

22、ational”) awareness, impairment of cognitive/logical reasoning skills, poor judgment, and diminished ability to communicate and/or process communications and information. 2 API Technical Report 755-1 The inevitable result of the reduced or impaired alertness caused by fatigue includes increased huma

23、n error, a reduced ability to work safely, and lower productivity. Numerous scientific studies and extensive field experience confirm that shiftworkers with excessive sleepiness as defined by the Epworth sleepiness score8are more likely to experience drowsiness on the job, nodding-off, and making mi

24、stakes while working, as well as nodding-off or fighting sleep while commuting to and from work.9Similarly, a study of shiftworkers found that employees who reported accidents also reported greater fatigue than employees who did not report accidents.10The increased accident rate and severity caused

25、by fatigue is reflected in Workers Compensation claims (Figure 1). The costs per employee per year are almost five times higher in facilities with severe fatigue problems as compared to facilities in which fatigue was not a problem.11 Circadian International, Inc. Figure 1Employee fatigue levels and

26、 Workers Compensation US$ costs per employee per year in a survey of 400 shiftwork operations Fatigue has been also been identified by the U.S. Department of Transportation as the number one safety problem in transportation operations. The number of fatigue-related traffic accidents is considerably

27、higher at night than during daytime.12In fact, a study found that drivers are 50 times more likely to fall asleep at 2 am than at 10 am.13Some studies estimate that the costs of fatigue in US transportation operations exceed $12 billion a year.14Most of these costs stem from the sleep deprivation an

28、d fatigue that occurs when work intrudes into normal nocturnal sleeping hours, although in some cases fatigue may be exacerbated by underlying sleep disorders. Fatigue in safety-critical employees impairs their judgment and cognitive reasoning. Divided attention tasks requiring anticipation and proa

29、ctive planning are typically the first to degrade. As fatigue impairment progresses, the likelihood of automatic behavior (performance of tasks without cognitive awareness) and “microsleep” lapses of attention significantly increases. The risk of such occurrences is proportionate to the degree of vi

30、gilance required to safely perform a task. Fatigue also affects mood.15The National Sleep Foundation16found that people who do not get enough sleep are more likely get impatient or aggravated and have difficulty getting along with others. Increased irritability and stress negatively influences perso

31、nal, work, and family relationships, resulting in inadequate/ineffective communications. 0100200300400500600NoproblemMinorproblemModerateproblemSevereproblemFatigueWorkersCompperemployeeTECHNICAL SUPPORT DOCUMENT FOR ANSI/API RP 755 3 Circadian International, Inc. Figure 2Fatigue levels and absentee

32、ism in survey of 400 shiftwork operations comparing facilities with no significant problem with those with a severe fatigue problem. *: ANOVA, F=5.99, df=5, p.001 Fatigue also has been associated with an increase in Lost Productive Time (LPT).4Among workers reporting fatigue, 65.7% reported health-r

33、elated LPT compared to 26.4% of those without fatigue. Workers with fatigue cost employers $136.4 billion annually in health-related LPT, an excess of $101.1 billion compared to workers without fatigue. Fatigue impaired work ability primarily by increasing workers time to accomplish tasks and impair

34、ing their concentration. In addition, fatigued workers reported more physical health and social functioning problems than workers without fatigue. Fatigue also correlates with increased absenteeism (Figure 2) and turnover as well as reduced morale and poorer labor relations. Industrial surveys revea

35、l that absenteeism rates are nearly double in facilities that have severe fatigue problems among their employees, as compared to facilities in which fatigue is not a problem.11No matter how well-trained, skilled, motivated, or experienced they are, fatigued operators tend to behave more erratically

36、and unpredictably. Unfortunately, many of these incidents are incorrectly blamed on behavioral problems rather than on physiology. Thus understanding human physiology is the key to successfully identifying and managing the inherent problems of shiftwork and fatigue-related human error. The consequen

37、ces of fatigue also impact a companys operating efficiency and costs. Fatigue results in reduced productivity and customer service quality, reduced operating reliability and decreased operating profit, increased health and wellness costs, and higher overall costs, risks, and liabilities. There is co

38、nsiderable investigative evidence that fatigue has contributed to serious incidents and accidents in industrial operations, nuclear power plants, and in all modes of transportation.17Prescriptive Hours of Service rules should be supplemented It seems intuitive that fatigue risk could be controlled s

39、imply by limiting the number of hours of work and protecting the daily and weekly minimum hours of rest. This “Hours of Service” approach evolved in the early 1900s as the practice of operating at night with extended hours and 24/7 work schedules spread across multiple industries following the comme

40、rcialization of electric light. The emerging labor movement in the early 1900s eventually provided the impetus to implement Hours of Service (HoS) regulations. As a result, the issue of workplace fatigue became intertwined with labor pay and rights issues and led to regulatory limits on work/duty du

41、ration and minimums of off-duty time duration in all transportation modes by the middle of the 20th century, and eventually some other industries such as nuclear power. In Europe, influential research on both the risk of accidents and the sociological and medical impacts of shiftwork accelerated the

42、 momentum. The EU Working Time Directives have now placed limits on work and rest hours in most industries and occupations. However, advances in the science of sleep, circadian rhythms and workplace fatigue over the past 30 years have shown that relying simply on a prescriptive Hours of Service appr

43、oach is insufficient. In the 4 API Technical Report 755-1 late 1970s, two fast-growing areas of scientific researchthe electrophysiology of sleep and biological clock researchmerged into a dynamic new discipline because they proved to be so interrelated. One of the most influential early studies dem

44、onstrated that the brains circadian clock exerted a strong control over the timing, duration, and stages of sleep.18In fact, as was later demonstrated, there were two major interacting determinants of sleep: a homeostatic component related to the time spent awake and accumulated sleep deprivation, a

45、nd a circadian component related to the time of day of the individuals biological clock.19. Because of this circadian regulation of sleep, there was an important difference between a sleep opportunity and the amount of actual sleep it was possible to obtain during that opportunity. This research sho

46、wed that the most significant factors influencing employee fatigue are the circadian (24-hour biological clock) times of work and of sleep opportunity, the consecutive number of hours awake (both on duty and off-duty), and the 24-hour clock timing of work and rest patterns over the prior week. Howev

47、er, none of these are addressed by Hours of Service regulations.20,21Indeed, an employee can be fully compliant with Hours of Service but highly fatigue impaired, or conversely can be non-compliant with HoS but fully alert and safe. As a result, the measurement of “successful” fatigue management is

48、flawed if it relies on the business compliance with the input variables (e.g. number of work/rest hour HoS regulatory violations) rather than the evaluation of any output variables (e.g. actual employee fatigue impairment, fatigue-related accidents). Fatigue mitigation should be addressed through a

49、comprehensive fatigue risk management system (FRMS) Over the past five years, a broad international consensus has emerged across many 24/7 industries that the optimal way to manage and reduce employee fatigue risk is through a systematic process called a Fatigue Risk Management System (FRMS). Government regulatory agencies, industry associations, and many corporations with 24/7 operations have recently incorporated FRMS into their regulations, industry standards, and corporate policies. FRMS is a significantly more effective approach t

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