1、i Approved As August 21, 1990 Association for information ad Image Mamagoment 1 1 O0 Wayne Avenue, Suite 1 1 O0 Silver Spring, Maryland 2091 O Telephone 3011587-8202 I AIIM MS35 90 1012348 0000272 O W ANSI/AIIM MS35-1990 Standard for Information and Image Management - Recommended Practice for the Re
2、quirements and Characteristics of Original Documents That May Be Microfilmed Association for Information and Image Management This standard recommended practice describes the essential requirements and characteristics for the creation of documents that will facilitate microfilming. Excluded are tech
3、nical drawings and newspapers. AIIM MS35 90 m LO123480000273 2 = 1 Table of Contents Foreword i 1 Scope . 1 2 References . 1 2.1 Referenced American National Standards . 1 2.2 Other Referenced Standards 1 2.3 Other Referenced Publications 1 2.4 Related Standards . 1 3 Definitions . 1 4 Physical Requ
4、irements and Characteristics 1 4.1 Paper Sizes . 1 4.2 Orientation., . 2 4.3 Color . 2 4.4 Smoothness (texture, finish). 2 4.5 Opacity 2 4.6 Thickness of Paper or Card Stock . 2 5 Printing . 2 5.1 Image . 2 6 Typography 2 6.1 Character Size 2 6.2 Character Style and Weight., . 2 6.3 Layout 2 6.4 Pho
5、tographs, Pictures, etc. . 2 6.5 Background 3 6.6 Reverse Printing 3 6.7 Line Art. 3 7 Sample Testing . 3 8 Summary 3 Appendix A. Study of Image Characteristics From Original to Blowback From Microfiche . 3 Figure 1, Reverse Images 1 Foreword (This foreword is not part of the American National Stand
6、ard for Information and image Management- Recommended Practice for the Requirements and Characteristics of Original Documents That May Be Microfilmed, ANSI/AIIM MS35-1990.) The purpose of this standard is to describe the essential requirements necessary for the creation of original docu- ments that
7、will facilitate microfilmuig. When microfilmed, the reproduction of the document must be of a quality suf- ficient to produce an image that can be enlarged or “blown back” to its original size while retaining the image qualities of the original, with minimal degradation. The image qualities of the o
8、riginal document have a direct effect on the quality of the microfilm image. Therefore, it should be recognized that the microfilm pro- cess is dependent to a great degree on certain characteristics of the original document that are essential to the produc- tion of quality microfilm. Described in th
9、is standard are the key quality elements to be considered before the original document is created. Documents with characteristics that differ from the goals suggested can be microfilmed, how- ever, the microfilm image will be of poorer quality, as com- pared with those documents that meet the goals.
10、 while a microfilm image of a document may be considered for its legibility and aesthetic value, the quaiity of that image is of critical importance if the microfilm is to be used as evidence in a court of law in place of the original document. The microfilm must embody the whole of the original, wi
11、th all its details and imperfections, if any exist. Advancements and improvements in microfilm tech- nology have encouraged the use of increasingly higher re- ductions which, in turn, has placed greater emphasis on the creation of the original documents. AIIM MS35 90 m 1012348 0000274 4 m This stand
12、ard was developed under the auspices of the AIIM Standards Board, The Standards Board had the fol- lowing members at the time it processed and approved this standard: Marilyn Courtot, Chair Thomas E. Berney Don Klosterboer E. Brien Lewis Alan S. Linden Wesley J. Micket Dale O. Rupp L. Don Prince Geo
13、rge Thoma Charles F. Touchton Herbert J. White II The AIIM Document Input Requirements Committee, C16, processed and approved this standard. The committee had the following members at the time this standard was approved: Organization Representative Genealogical Society of Utah AT Cz: = 12 The capita
14、l of the United Kingdom. with a popula. tion of over P,OOO.OOO. is located in soathem Enghnd on the Thames River. Among its wtsunding land. marks dre Buckingham Talace, the Tower of Lmdon, Westminyter Abbey. and the Houses ci Pariiament. CLASSIFIED NEWS 10 BOLD The capital of the United Kingdom, wit
15、h a population of ove* .OOO.OO, is located in southem England on +he Thanses River. Amcng its outstanding landmarks are Buck- ingham Paiace, fhe Tower of London, West- minster Abbey, and the Houses of Parliameilt. PRES: KOtlAS 10 IjOLII The capital of the United Kingdom. Aith a popula- tion of over
16、8.oO.OO.i loraicd iii wiitlitw England on the Thamrs Kkrr. Amwg its outtmdiiig Imd- mark!. are Iiuckingliani fl;!luce flic Tou-:-r of Loiidoii. ifitniinster hhhey. and the Ilouse i!f P .ir I taiiient. I AIIM MS35 90 W 1012348 0000284 7 LINE WIDTH GAUGE - ACCEPTABLE I - This gage may be used for dete
17、rmination of the line width of type by laying it directly over the text and making a visual comparison of the line widths of the text and the gage. .I mm _- .2mm .3mm .4mm .5mm .6 mm .7 mm .8 min 9 mm i BLOWBACK! :AIIM MS35 90 m LOL2348 0000285 9 m LINE WIDTH GAUGE 4 UNACCEPTABLE This gage may be us
18、ed for determination of the line width of wpe by laykg it directly over the text and making 3 visual comparison of the line widths of the text and the gage. I T I- _ - - MARGINAL - - -. 1 ACCEPTABLE t Smm - -6 min - .? rnm -8 min i.0 mni AIIM MS35 90 W LO12348 O000286 O W ANSI/AIIM MS35-1990 by Association for Information and Image Management 1100 Wayne Avenue, Suite 11 O0 Silver Spring, MD 20910 Tel: 301 1587-8202 Fax: 301 1587-271 1 ISBN 0-89258-21 1-1 Printed in the United Stafes of America
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