1、ANSI-ASC A14.5-2007American National StandardsAmerican NationalStandard for Ladders Portable ReinforcedPlastic SafetyRequirementsANSI-ASCA14.5-2007Revision of ANSI A14.5 2000American National Standardfor Ladders PortableReinforced Plastic SafetyRequirementsSecretariatAmerican Ladder Institute Approv
2、ed August 20, 2007American National Standards Institute, Inc.For information on possible errata sheets and other ANSI -ASCA14 Standards please refer to the ALI website located at:www.americanladderinstitute.orgAn American National Standard implies a consensusof those substantially concerned with its
3、 scope andprovisions. An American National Standard is intendedas a guide to aid the manufacturer, the consumer, andthe general public. The existence of an AmericanNational Standard does not in any respect precludeanyone, whether they have approved the standard ornot, from manufacturing, marketing,
4、purchasing, orusing products, processes, or procedures not conformingto the standard. American National Standards are subjectto periodic review and users are cautioned to obtain thelatest editions.The American National Standards Institute does notdevelop standards and will in no circumstances givean
5、 interpretation of any American National Standard.Moreover, no persons shall have the right or authorityto issue an interpretation of an American NationalStandard in the name of the American NationalStandards Institute.Caution Notice: This American National Standard maybe revised or withdrawn at any
6、 time. The procedures ofthe American National Standards Institute require thataction be taken to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw thisstandard no later than five years from the date of publi-cation. Purchasers of American National Standards mayreceive current information on all standards by callingor w
7、riting the American National Standards Institute.Published byAmerican Ladder Institute401 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611Copyright 2007 by ANSI-ASC A14All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in anyform, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,without the prior
8、written permission of the publisher.Printed in the United States of AmericaAmerican National Standardii(This Foreword is not a part of American Nationalstandard A14.5-2007.)This standard on reinforced plastic ladders is one ofmany American National Standards prepared under thesupervision of ANSI Acc
9、redited Standards Committeeon Safety in the Construction, Care, and Use of Ladders,A14. Subcommittees that report to American NationalStandards Committee A14 have developed all of thestandards. The subcommittees are: A14.1, Portable WoodLadders; A14.2, Portable Metal Ladders; A14.3, FixedLadders; A1
10、4.4, Job-Made Ladders; and A14.5, PortableReinforced Plastic Ladders, and 14.9, Ceiling MountedDisappearing Climbing Systems.All standards, except A14.7, Mobile Ladders Stands andMobile Ladder Stand Platforms, derive from the originalAmerican National Standard Safety Code for Construction,Care, and
11、Use of Ladders, which was first approved onJuly 25, 1923. Revisions were approved in 1935, 1948,and 1952.The earlier editions contained some treatment of metaland fixed ladders. Requirements for these types wereremoved from the 1948 revision because rapid develop-ment in the metal ladder field warra
12、nted special consid-eration and treatment of metal ladders and fixed ladders(usually metal) in separate standards.The ensuing years saw the introduction of many newmaterials. The reinforced plastics and composite devel-opment efforts yielded man-made materials that offeredadvantages when employed in
13、 ladders. Initially, the per-formance test requirements given in American NationalStandard Safety Requirements for Portable MetalLadders, A14.2, were used in the design and evaluationof reinforced plastic ladders.The American Ladder Institute initiated a project thatresulted in the development of th
14、e Fiberglass LadderMaterial Specification, which was approved on October6, 1971. Further revisions were approved on February29, 1972 and October 4, 1972.Concurrently, numerous requests were made to theAmerican Ladder Institute and the American MutualInsurance Alliance, as the Secretariat of ANSI-ASC
15、A14, to develop an American National Standard onfiberglass ladders. Because of the significant use ofreinforced plastic ladders, the recommendation wasdiscussed at the May 23, 1972 meeting of AmericanNational Standards Committee A14. Subcommittee A14-5, Portable Reinforced Plastic Ladders, was creat
16、edas a permanent subcommittee of ANSI-ASC A14 withinstructions to develop a performance standard.Subcommittee membership was solicited from a widerange of organizations representing consumers, manu-facturers, and general interest areas. Technical specialistswere included with expertise in material m
17、anufactureand testing of composite structures.A preliminary draft was submitted to the A14-5Subcommittee by the Fiberglass Code Committee ofthe American Ladder Institute on June 23, 1972. Thiswas reviewed, and the first draft, dated November 1,1972, was developed following the subcommitteemeeting of
18、 September 7, 1972. The subcommitteemet again on November 16, 1972, to review this draft,which resulted in a second draft. A letter ballot wassubmitted to the subcommittee membership with thisdraft soliciting approval.A working task force from the subcommittee updatedthe draft to incorporate all rel
19、evant comments. The finaldraft was submitted to American National StandardsCommittee A14 on February 16, 1973, and wasapproved by the American National Standards Instituteon June 20, 1974.Responding to a Consumer Product Safety Commissionchallenge in August 1975, the A14 Committee mounteda three-pro
20、ng attack to upgrade the portable ladderstandards within the consensus framework of developingstandards. Three Task Forces Anthropometric, Testing,and Labeling were established in October 1975.Without question the most massive technically difficulttask, which included a significant amount of human-f
21、actors work, was carried out by the Testing Task Force.Over 100 known ladder experts were solicited to jointhis task force and provide their technical expertise. Thework involved 50 meetings, over 400 test documents, andthe use of numerous test ladders over a period of nearlytwo years. The cost of t
22、he project has been conservativelyestimated at over $300,000.ForewordiiiAt the August 11, 1977, joint meeting of the Testing TaskForce and the A14 Advisory Committee, 23 procedureswere presented. These procedures, with an accompanyingrationale based upon statistical and human factors data,were distr
23、ibuted to the three portable-ladder subcommit-tees for review and incorporation into the standards.Recommendations for review and incorporation into thestandards. Recommendations for nomenclature, and forcare and use of ladders, as well as the Ladder Use SurveyForm and Bi-Level Fall Victim Report Fo
24、rm that havebeen included in the Appendixes, had been previouslyballoted in order that this more technical material fromthe Testing Task Force would receive the full attentionof the three subcommittees.Test procedures were developed for three differentapplications, namely, design verification, quali
25、ty control,and in-service testing. Design verification tests wouldgenerally be conducted on a one-time basis during theoriginal design development of the product and wouldusually be destructive tests. Quality control tests wouldbe conducted by the manufacturer on an on-going basis;some of the tests
26、would be destructive and some wouldbe nondestructive. In-service tests would be conductedby the user on a periodic basis and would be nondestruc-tive in nature.ANSI A14.2-1981 was approved March 4, 1980 with aneffective date of March 4, 1982. This 2 year period wasto allow the manufacturers the nece
27、ssary lead time toevaluate their products for conformance to the 1981 editionof the three portable ladder standards, to redesign andtest their products where applicable, to design and buildthe required manufacturing tooling and machinery, andto convert their manufacturing operations to produce there
28、vised products. During development of product for compliance with the1981 revision, experience by some of the manufacturersindicated that the inclined load test was not practical whenapplied to all available length ladders. Also, recommen-dations were received for clarifications in test proceduredes
29、criptions. In the course of resolving these questions,evidence was produced to warrant modifications in thelabel test requirements and further investigations broughtabout changes in the label test specifications. To allow time for investigating these issues, the effectivedate of the 1981 revision wa
30、s postponed to June 4, 1982and then to October 4, 1982. Once the issues wereresolved, ANSI A14.2-1982 was approved with theneeded changes incorporated and an effective date ofOctober 4, 1982.In the 1992 revision, several issues, which had arisen sincethe 1982 revision, were addressed. Most significa
31、ntly,requirements were developed to cover the multipurposearticulated ladder. In addition the label/marking sectionimproved the graphics as well as presented new labels.Considerable effort went into preparing the 2000 revisionto assure consistency between the A14.2 standard forportable metal ladders
32、 and the new revisions of A14.1(portable wood ladders) and A14.5 (portable reinforcedplastic ladders) standards.In this current revision, several issues, which have arisensince the last revision, are addressed. As a result of effortsby an Articulated Ladder Task Force, additional dynamictesting has
33、been added to the testing requirements forarticulated ladders. Additionally, requirements for ladderswith a 375 pound duty rating, designated as “SpecialDuty Type IAA” are now being incorporated within theANSI A14.2 and A14.5 standards. Requirements forSpecial Duty Type IAA ladders were previously d
34、evelopedand issued in the ANSI A14.10-2000 standard. TheA14.10 subcommittee was originally formed in order toquickly respond to a petition to ANSI by cable TV andelectric companies for a higher duty rating ladder. Afterincorporation of the Special Duty Type IAA requirementsinto the A14.2 and A14.5 s
35、tandards, the A14.10 standardwill be withdrawn.Each revision of the standard was processed andapproved for submittal to ANSI by American NationalStandards Committee on Safety in the Construction,Care, and Use of Ladders, A14. Committee approvalof the standard does not necessarily imply that all thec
36、ommittee members voted for its approval. Suggestions for improvement of this standard are welcome.They should be sent to American Ladder Institute,401 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611-4267. At the time it approved this standard, the A14 Committeehad the following members:Erick Knox, ChairmanDon G
37、ibson, Vice ChairRon Pietrzak, Administrative SecretariatOrganization Represented Name of RepresentativeAmerican Insurance Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . George EarhartThomas Murray (Alt)American Ladder In
38、stitute. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marc McConnellAmerican Society of Safety Engineers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Earnest HarperM
39、ichael Lorenzo (Alt)ivAssociated General Contractors of America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charles BirdCanadian Standards Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
40、 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walter DickCosco Home and Office Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eric KruseTerry Emerson (Alt)Disappearing Attic Stairway Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
41、. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dennis WilliamsBrad Hudspeth (Alt)Illinois Association of Building Maintenance Contractors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carl Pedersen James Weil (Alt)International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
42、 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . James TomaseskiInternational Brotherhood of Painters and Allied Trades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dan PenskiMike Metz (Alt)International Union of Bricklayers
43、consequently, the governingcriteria for the acceptance of reinforced plastic materialsand reinforced plastic ladders shall be their conformancewith the performance test requirements of Section 8.Laboratory tests of coupon specimens shall be an ele-ment in the process controls.Where applicable, all t
44、ests shall be performed in accor-dance with the relevant American National Standardsor ASTM specifications cited. Unless otherwise requiredor deemed appropriate, test specimens may be takenfrom the web of the composite in a length-wise direc-tion. Tests in a specific area of a composite may beomitte
45、d where size does not permit an acceptablespecimen to be obtained.Conformance shall be based upon the average of theresults for a minimum of three test specimens.Unless otherwise noted, the material properties specifiedin Tables 5 and 6 represent coupon values rather thanfull-section properties. Bec
46、ause coupon tests representonly a small portion of a total cross section, the valuesobtained from the coupon tests required in Tables 5 andAmerican National Standard A14.5-2007121Available from the American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103.American National
47、Standard A14.5-200713Table 5Periodic Coupon Tests Minimum Composite Properties*Table 6Qualification Coupon Tests Minimum Composite Properties*6 may not correlate with values derived from the fullsection tests in 7.12 through 7.13.4.The coupon test values in Tables 5 and 6 are obtained withreinforced
48、 plastic pultruded shapes classified as GCPFin accordance with American National Standard Practicefor Classifying Reinforced Plastic Pultruded ShapesAccording to Composition. ANSI/ASTM D3647-2003.7.9.1 Typical Physical Properties. Density shall be0.065 lb/in3with a tolerance of 10%, in accordancewit
49、h American National Standard Test, ANSI/ASTMD792-2000.Water absorption shall be 0.75% maximum, in accor-dance with ASTM D229-2001, Testing Rigid Sheetand Plate Materials Used for Electrical Insulation.1Density may vary with composite design. These are aver-age values based upon the composites cross section.7.9.2 Material Properties Dry. When dry, thecomposite shall meet the mechanical properties speci-fied in Tables 5 and 6. The test specimens shall bepreconditioned in accordance with condition A ofASTM D709-2001, Specifications for LaminatedThermosetting Materials.27.9.3
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