1、2017 ASHRAE. All rights reserved. ERRATA SHEET FOR ANSI/ASHRAE STANDARD 55-2013 Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy July 18, 2017 The corrections listed in this errata sheet apply to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55-2013. The first printing is identified on the outside back cover as “Product
2、 code: 86179 10/13”. The shaded items have been added since the previously published errata sheet dated April 7, 2016 was distributed. Page Erratum Inside Cover ASHRAE Standing Standard Project Committee 55. In the SSPC 55 roster at the top of the inside cover change the committee members name from
3、“Sahar A. Fard” to “Sahar Abbaszadeh”. 4 3 DEFINITIONS. In the definition of temperature, prevailing mean outdoor air (tpma(out) on page 4 change “Figure” to “Figure 5.4.2”. 9 FIGURE 5.3.1. Graphic Comfort Zone Method: acceptable range of operative temperature (t0) and humidity for spaces th
4、at meet the criteria in Section 5.3.1 (1.0 met 0.01); flag = false; DRY = (TempSkin - TOP) / (RA + RCL); HFCS = (TempCore - TempSkin) * (5.28 + 1.163 * SkinBloodFlow); ERES = 0.0023 * M * (44.0 - VaporPressure); CRES = 0.0014 * M * (34.0 - TA); SCR = M - HFCS - ERES - CRES - WME; SSK = HFCS - DRY -
5、ESK; TCSK = 0.97 * ALFA * BODYWEIGHT; TCCR = 0.97 * (1 - ALFA) * BODYWEIGHT; DTSK = (SSK * BODYSURFACEAREA) / (TCSK * 60.0); /C/minute DTCR = SCR * BODYSURFACEAREA / (TCCR * 60.0); /C/minute TempSkin = TempSkin + DTSK; TempCore = TempCore + DTCR; TB = ALFA * TempSkin + (1 - ALFA) * TempCore; SKSIG =
6、 TempSkin - TempSkinNeutral; WARMS = (SKSIG 0) * SKSIG; COLDS = (-1.0 * SKSIG) 0) * (-1.0 * SKSIG); if (SKSIG 0) WARMS = SKSIG; COLDS = 0.0; else WARMS = 0.0; COLDS = -1.0 * SKSIG; CRSIG = (TempCore - TempCoreNeutral); WARMC = (CRSIG 0) * CRSIG; COLDC = (-1.0 * CRSIG) 0) * (-1.0 * CRSIG); if (CRSIG
7、0) WARMC = CRSIG; COLDC = 0.0; else 2017 ASHRAE. All rights reserved. WARMC = 0.0; COLDC = -1.0 * CRSIG; BDSIG = TB - TempBodyNeutral; WARMB = (BDSIG 0) * BDSIG; if (BDSIG 0) WARMB = BDSIG; COLDB = 0.0; else WARMB = 0.0; COLDB = -1.0 * BDSIG; SkinBloodFlow = (SkinBloodFlowNeutral + CDIL * WARMC) / (
8、1 + CSTR * COLDS); SkinBloodFlow = Math.max(0.5, Math.min(90.0, SkinBloodFlow); REGSW = CSW * WARMB * Math.exp(WARMS / 10.7); REGSW = Math.min(REGSW, 500.0); var ERSW = 0.68 * REGSW; var REA = 1.0 / (LR * FACL * CHC); /evaporative resistance of air layer var RECL = RCL / (LR * ICL); /evaporative res
9、istance of clothing (icl=.45) var EMAX = (FindSaturatedVaporPressureTorr(TempSkin) - VaporPressure) / (REA + RECL); var PRSW = ERSW / EMAX; var PWET = 0.06 + 0.94 * PRSW; var EDIF = PWET * EMAX - ERSW; var ESK = ERSW + EDIF; if (PWET WCRIT) PWET = WCRIT; PRSW = WCRIT / 0.94; ERSW = PRSW * EMAX; EDIF
10、 = 0.06 * (1.0 - PRSW) * EMAX; ESK = ERSW + EDIF; if (EMAX .01) ERR1 = (HSK - HD_S * (TempSkin - SET_OLD) - W * HE_S * (PSSK - 0.5 * FindSaturatedVaporPressureTorr(SET_OLD); ERR2 = (HSK - HD_S * (TempSkin - (SET_OLD + DELTA) - W * HE_S * (PSSK - 0.5 * FindSaturatedVaporPressureTorr(SET_OLD + DELTA);
11、 SET = SET_OLD - DELTA * ERR1 / (ERR2 - ERR1); dx = SET - SET_OLD; SET_OLD = SET; return SET; 2017 ASHRAE. All rights reserved. TABLE G1-1 Validation Table for SET Computer Model Temperature MRT Velocity RH Met Clo SET C F C F m/s fpm % C F 25 77 25 77 0.15 29.5 50 1 0.5 23.8 74.9 0 32 25 77 0.15 29
12、.5 50 1 0.5 12.3 54.1 10 50 25 77 0.15 29.5 50 1 0.5 17.0 62.5 15 59 25 77 0.15 29.5 50 1 0.5 19.3 66.7 20 68 25 77 0.15 29.5 50 1 0.5 21.6 70.8 30 86 25 77 0.15 29.5 50 1 0.5 26.4 79.6 40 104 25 77 0.15 29.5 50 1 0.5 34.3 93.7 25 77 25 77 0.15 29.5 10 1 0.5 23.3 74.0 25 77 25 77 0.15 29.5 90 1 0.5
13、24.9 76.8 25 77 25 77 0.1 19.7 50 1 0.5 24.0 75.2 25 77 25 77 0.6 118.1 50 1 0.5 21.4 70.5 25 77 25 77 1.1 216.5 50 1 0.5 20.3 68.6 25 77 25 77 3 590.6 50 1 0.5 18.8 65.8 25 77 10 50 0.15 29.5 50 1 0.5 15.2 59.3 25 77 40 104 0.15 29.5 50 1 0.5 31.8 89.2 25 77 25 77 0.15 29.5 50 1 0.1 20.7 69.3 25 77 25 77 0.15 29.5 50 1 1 27.3 81.1 25 77 25 77 0.15 29.5 50 1 2 32.5 90.4 25 77 25 77 0.15 29.5 50 1 4 37.7 99.8 25 77 25 77 0.15 29.5 50 0.8 0.5 23.3 73.9 25 77 25 77 0.15 29.5 50 2 0.5 29.7 85.5 25 77 25 77 0.15 29.5 50 4 0.5 36.0 96.7
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