1、AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD ASME A112.19.12-2014Revision of ASME A112.19.12-2006 (R2011)Wall Mounted, Pedestal Mounted, Adjustable, Elevating, Tilting, and Pivoting Lavatory, Sink, and Shampoo Bowl Carrier Systems and Drain Waste SystemsASME A112.19.12-2014Revision of ASME A112.19.12-2006 (R2011)W
2、all Mounted,Pedestal Mounted,Adjustable, Elevating,Tilting, and PivotingLavatory, Sink, andShampoo Bowl CarrierSystems and DrainWaste SystemsAN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDTwo Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 USADate of Issuance: February 17, 2015This Standard will be revised when the Society approves t
3、he issuance of a new edition.ASME issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretations of technical aspects of thisStandard. Interpretations are published on the Committee Web page and under go.asme.org/InterpsDatabase. Periodically certain actions of the ASME A112 Committee may be publish
4、ed asCases. Cases are published on the ASME Web site under the A112 Committee Page at go.asme.org/A112committee as they are issued.Errata to codes and standards may be posted on the ASME Web site under the Committee Pages toprovide corrections to incorrectly published items, or to correct typographi
5、cal or grammatical errorsin codes and standards. Such errata shall be used on the date posted.The A112 Committee Page can be found at go.asme.org/A112committee. There is an option availableto automatically receive an e-mail notification when errata are posted to a particular code or standard.This op
6、tion can be found on the appropriate Committee Page after selecting “Errata” in the “PublicationInformation” section.ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for American N
7、ationalStandards. The Standards Committee that approved the code or standard was balanced to assure that individuals fromcompetent and concerned interests have had an opportunity to participate. The proposed code or standard was madeavailable for public review and comment that provides an opportunit
8、y for additional public input from industry, academia,regulatory agencies, and the public-at-large.ASME does not “approve,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity.ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in conne
9、ction with anyitems mentioned in this document, and does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing a standard against liability forinfringement of any applicable letters patent, nor assume any such liability. Users of a code or standard are expresslyadvised that determination of the validity of any s
10、uch patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, isentirely their own responsibility.Participation by federal agency representative(s) or person(s) affiliated with industry is not to be interpreted asgovernment or industry endorsement of this code or standard.ASME accepts responsibili
11、ty for only those interpretations of this document issued in accordance with the establishedASME procedures and policies, which precludes the issuance of interpretations by individuals.No part of this document may be reproduced in any form,in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,without the p
12、rior written permission of the publisher.The American Society of Mechanical EngineersTwo Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990Copyright 2015 byTHE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERSAll rights reservedPrinted in U.S.A.CONTENTSForeword ivCommittee Roster . vCorrespondence With the A112 Committee
13、. vi1 General. 12 General Requirements . 13 Testing . 24 Marking and Instructions 3iiiFOREWORDIn 1990, the Americans With Disabilities Act passed in Congress. This Act was intended toincrease the accessibility of building elements to those who have limitations in physical ability.As a result of the
14、technological response to the need for greater adaptability of plumbing compo-nents for accessibility purposes, this Standard and others are being prepared by ASMEStandards Committee A112, Standardization of Plumbing Materials and Equipment.This Standard relates to performance requirements for wall
15、mounted, pedestal mounted, adjust-able, elevating, tilting, and pivoting lavatory, sink, and shampoo bowl carrier systems and drainwaste systems. Such systems allow the user to adjust the location of a lavatory, shampoo bowl,or sink upwards and downwards. Some products also adjust from side to side
16、and/or front toback in order to maximize the ease of use of the fixture. Some products also pivot or tilt to allowgreater ease of fixture use. The performance tests within this Standard were determined to becommensurate with normal fixture use.The original Standard and the current revisions were bas
17、ed on standards that were developedby two ad hoc committees of the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials(IAPMO). The proposed standards were subsequently referred to the ASME A112 StandardsCommittee for development of an American National Standard.This revision provides new
18、and improved requirements, and test methods for elevating carriersystems, telescoping standpipe waste systems, elevating sinks, lavatories, and shampoo bowlsfor use by or with handicapped persons.Suggestions for improvement of this Standard are welcome. They should be sent to TheAmerican Society of
19、Mechanical Engineers; Attn: Secretary, A112 Standards Committee;Two Park Avenue; New York, NY 10016-5990.This Standard was approved as an American National Standard on December 9, 2014.ivASME A112 COMMITTEEStandardization of Plumbing Materials and Equipment(The following is the roster of the Committ
20、ee at the time of approval of this Standard.)STANDARDS COMMITTEE OFFICERSD. W. Viola, ChairS. Rawalpindiwala, Vice ChairA. L. Guzman, SecretarySTANDARDS COMMITTEE PERSONNELR. K. Adler, City of San JoseS. F. Aridi, NSF InternationalD. Orton, Alternate, NSF InternationalJ. A. Ballanco, JB Engineering
21、and Code ConsultingJ. E. Bertrand, Moen, Inc.A. Bonlender, BradleyR. Burnham, Zurn Industries, LLCM. Campos, ICC Evaluation Service, LLCS. L. Cavanaugh, Cavanaugh ConsultingW. E. Chapin, Professional Code Consulting, LLCP. V. DeMarco, IAPMOD. E. Holloway, Alternate, IAPMON. E. Dickey, CSA GroupG. S.
22、 Duren, Code Compliance, Inc.R. Emmerson, ConsultantR. L. George, Plumb-Tech Design and Consulting Services, LLCA. L. Guzman, The American Society of Mechanical EngineersG. W. Harrison, ConsultantL. Himmelblau, Chicago FaucetA112 PROJECT TEAM 19.12 MOVABLE LAVATORY SYSTEMSM. Campos, Chair, ICC Evalu
23、ation Service, LLCA. Bonlender, BradleyvJ. Kendzel, American Society of Plumbing EngineersJ. M. Koeller, Koeller and Co.N. M. Kummerlen, ConsultantC. J. Lagan, American StandardM. Malatesta, Alternate, American StandardJ. W. Lauer, Sloan Valve Co.D. Gleiberman, Alternate, Sloan Valve Co.W. LeVan, Ca
24、st Iron Soil Pipe InstituteR. Mata, CSA GroupS. Rawalpindiwala, Kohler Co.T. J. Stessman, Alternate, Kohler Co.S. A. Remedios, ConsultantG. L. Simmons, Charlotte Pipe however, they shouldnot contain proprietary names or information.Requests that are not in this format may be rewritten in the appropr
25、iate format by the Committeeprior to being answered, which may inadvertently change the intent of the original request.ASME procedures provide for reconsideration of any interpretation when or if additionalinformation that might affect an interpretation is available. Further, persons aggrieved by an
26、interpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME Committee or Subcommittee. ASME does not“approve,” “certify,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity.Attending Committee Meetings. The A112 Standards Committee regularly holds meetingsand/or telephone conferences t
27、hat are open to the public. Persons wishing to attend any meetingand/or telephone conference should contact the Secretary of the A112 Standards Committee.Future Committee meeting dates and locations can be found on the Committee Page atgo.asme.org/A112committee.viASME A112.19.12-2014WALL MOUNTED, PE
28、DESTAL MOUNTED, ADJUSTABLE, ELEVATING, TILTING, ANDPIVOTING LAVATORY, SINK, AND SHAMPOO BOWL CARRIER SYSTEMS ANDDRAIN WASTE SYSTEMS1 GENERAL1.1 ScopeThis Standard establishes physical requirements andtests addressing structural strength; adjustments; mate-rials; drain line hydraulics; and mechanical
29、, material,testing, marking, and documentation requirements forwall mounted and pedestal mounted, adjustable, elevat-ing, tilting, and pivoting lavatory, sink, and shampoobowl carrier systems and drain waste systems intendedto facilitate use by individuals who are physicallychallenged.The use of alt
30、ernate materials or methods are permit-ted, provided the proposed material and method com-plies with the performance requirements and intent ofthis Standard.1.2 Units of MeasurementValues are stated in U.S. Customary units and theInternational System of Units (SI). The U.S. Customaryunits shall be c
31、onsidered as the standard.In this Standard, gallons (U.S. liquid) per minute isabbreviated as gpm.1.3 Reference StandardsThe following documents form a part of this Standardto the extent specified herein. The latest issue shall apply.ASME A112.18.2/CSA B125.2, Plumbing Waste FittingsASME A112.18.6/C
32、SA B125.6, Flexible WaterConnectorsASME A112.19.1/CSA B45.2, Enamelled Cast Iron andEnamelled Steel Plumbing FixturesASME A112.19.2/CSA B45.1, Ceramic PlumbingFixturesASME A112.19.3/CSA B45.4, Stainless Steel PlumbingFixtures (Designed for Residential Use)Publisher: The American Society of Mechanica
33、lEngineers (ASME), Two Park Avenue, New York,NY 10016-5900; Order Department: 22 Law Drive,P.O. Box 2900, Fairfield, NJ 07007-2900(www.asme.org)ASTM D2564, Solvent Cements for Poly (Vinyl Chloride)(PVC) Plastic Piping SystemsPublisher: ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken, PA
34、19428-2959 (www.astm.org)1CSA B45.5/IAPMO Z124, Plastic Plumbing FixturesPublisher: International Association of Plumbing andMechanical Officials (IAPMO), 5001 East PhiladelphiaStreet, Ontario, CA 91761 (www.iapmo.org)Fed Spec RR-W-410, Wire Rope and Strand Mil Spec20668 Terminal, Wire Rope, Swaging
35、, Eye EndPublisher: Defense Printing Service Detachment Office,Building 4-D, 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia,PA 19111-5094 (www.documentservices.dla.mil)ICC/ANSI A117.1, Accessible and Usable Buildings andFacilitiesPublisher: International Code Council (ICC),500 New Jersey Avenue, NW, Washington, D
36、C 20001(www.iccsafe.org)1.4 Definitionseach junction: the point (junction) at the top end of eachpipe or section of pipe or tailpiece where a sealingmethod is used to make it watertight.multiple stage: using three or more sizes of pipe or tubing,each one inside another, installed vertically to provi
37、detelescoping capabilities, with a sealing mechanism atthe top of the lower or outer pipe and the top or bottomof each of the other pieces at the joining point betweeneach of the pieces to make each junction watertight.single stage: using two sizes of pipe or tubing, one insidethe other, installed v
38、ertically to provide telescopingcapablities, with a sealing mechanism at the top of thelower or outer pipe at the joining point between the twopieces to make the junction watertight.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS2.1 Adjustable, Elevating, Tilting, and PivotingLavatory, Sink, and Shampoo Bowl CarrierSystemsT
39、he adjustable, elevating, tilting, and pivoting lava-tory, sink, and shampoo bowl carrier system shall consistof a wall mounted or pedestal mounted carrier with aheight adjustment and/or a lateral adjustment mecha-nism and/or pivot or tilt adjustment, a lavatory or sinkASME A112.19.12-2014that compl
40、ies with the dimensional requirements ofICC/ANSI A117.1, a flexible waste system, or telescop-ing waste system, and a means to supply water to thefixture. The respective waste system shall(a) provide drainage of the fixture(b) protect the building from sewer gas(c) be serviceable and accessible2.2 F
41、ixture Mounting SystemThe wall mounted or pedestal mounted adjustmentmechanism shall provide the necessary means formounting the lavatory, sink, or shampoo bowl over themanufacturers intended range of travel, with an adjust-able mechanism to position the fixture either vertically,laterally, or verti
42、cally and laterally, or allow the fixtureto pivot or tilt up and down.2.3 Sink, Lavatory, or Shampoo Bowl Fixtures andFlexible Water Supply ConnectorsThe sink, lavatory, or shampoo bowl fixtures and flexi-ble water supply connectors shall comply with the appli-cable product standard(s) regarding mat
43、erials,manufacture, and installation. These include thefollowing (also listed in para. 1.3):(a) ASME A112.18.2/CSA B125.2(b) ASME A112.18.6/CSA B125.6(c) ASME A112.19.1/CSA B45.2(d) ASME A112.19.2/CSA B45.1(e) ASME A112.19.3/CSA B45.4(f) CSA B45.5/IAPMO Z1242.4 Flexible Waste System and Telescoping
44、TailpieceWaste SystemThe trap seal provided by the flexible waste systemshall be a minimum of 2 in. (51 mm) in depth, whenevaluated in accordance with para. 3.2. Materials usedin the construction of the flexible waste system shall bemetallic, plastic, or elastomeric that comply with therequirements
45、of para. 3.2 and ASME A112.18.2/CSA B125. Telescoping Tailpiece Construction. The tele-scoping tailpiece waste system shall have a minimumoutside diameter of 112in. (39 mm) for sink and shampoobowls and 114in. (32 mm) minimum for lavatory tail-pieces. The standpipe may be constructed in eithe
46、r singleor multiple stage models for different applications. Allmoving components shall be designed and constructedto seal with a double O-ring at each junction. The stand-pipe must always be installed in a vertical position.2.4.2 Telescoping Tailpiece Waste System LinkageMaterial. Linkage materials
47、 that contain stainless steelcables shall comply with Fed Spec RR-W-410. Cable eyesshall be constructed from 300 Series stainless steel andnot to break under a load of 480 lb (217.7 kg), or complywith Mil Spec 20668.22.4.3 Trap Seal of Flexible Hoses. PVC wastes thatcontain a flexible waste hose sha
48、ll be factory solventwelded to the trap or trap adapter using PVC solventcement complying with ASTM D2564. The flexible hoseshall be supported in such a manner that it is preventedfrom bending to form a second trap.2.4.4 Pressure and Leakage Tests. The flexiblewaste system or a telescoping tailpiece
49、 waste systemshall comply with the pressure and leakage require-ments of ASME A112.18.2/CSA B125. Flow Test. The flexible waste system or a tele-scoping tailpiece waste system shall comply with theflow rate requirements of ASME A112.18.2/CSA B125.2.2.5 Flexible Water Supply ConnectorsFlexible water supply connectors shall comply withASME A112.18.6/CSA B125.6.3 TESTING3.1 Adjustable, Elevating, Tilting, and PivotingLavatory, Sink, and Shampoo Bowl CarrierSystems3.1.1 Load Testing3.1.1.1 Test Method for Mounting System. Themounting system shall be installed in accordance wi
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