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ANSI ASTM D5663-2015 Standard Guide for Validating Recycled Content in Packaging Paper and Paperboard.pdf

1、Designation: D5663 15 An American National StandardStandard Guide forValidating Recycled Content in Packaging Paper andPaperboard1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D5663; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revi

2、sion, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This guide provides an approach for both the calculationand the substantiation of recycled content o

3、f finished packag-ing paper and paperboard products.Amass balance approach isrecommended for use by manufacturers since no physical orchemical test method is currently available to determineabsolute recycled content of a finished paper product. Calcu-lations are based on time weighted average flows

4、which arebased on furnish component flow rates and consistency. Rec-ommended approaches to the calculations include by batch orby time weighted average for a specific grade or similar grades.It is not recommended that average recycle content be allocatedby mathematical apportionment rather than by a

5、ctual fibercontent. That is, if 50% recycled fiber is used over time that isthe time weighted average. One cannot use this same data toreport 50% of the production is 100% recycled.1.1.1 Percentage calculations are based on lb/ton or kg/tonne with the time frame constrained by machine and grade(see

6、 and Pulping and recycling yields are not used in thesecalculations. The calculations of recycled fiber content in thefinished product is solely a function of type of fibers in thefurnish flows, the volume of flow and the time period consid-ered.1.2 This guide covers (1) recy

7、cled content of packagingpaper and paperboard products that contain any amount or kindof recycled fiber; and (2) methods to calculate and substantiatethe level(s) of recycled fiber content claimed by an agreementbetween the buyer and the seller.1.2.1 This guide may be used with or without modificati

8、onto calculate or substantiate the recycled content of packagingpaper and paperboard products when recovered nonfibrousmaterials (for example, filler) are a part of the recycled fiberfurnish. Limited guidance is provided for appropriate modifi-cations to this guide for the determination of amount of

9、recycled nonfibrous materials in paper products.1.3 This guide does not recommend either an amount or akind of recycled fiber or material to use since (1) the amountand kind of recycled content in a packaging paper or paper-board product should be agreed upon between the buyer andthe seller, and (2)

10、 the calculation and substantiation proceduresrecommended may be used for any amount or kind of recycledmaterial agreed upon between the buyer and the seller.1.4 The mass balance calculation method recommended bythis guide may or may not comply with applicable federal,state, or local laws for recycl

11、ed content statements intended tobe received by consumers. Limited guidance on contentstatements is in Appendix X1.1.5 The following safety hazards caveat pertains only to thetest method portion, Section 10, of this guide: This standarddoes not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any,a

12、ssociated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of thisstandard to establish appropriate safety and health practicesand determine the applicability of regulatory limitations priorto use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D685 Practice for Conditioning Paper and Paper Productsfor

13、 TestingD996 Terminology of Packaging and Distribution Environ-ments3. Terminology3.1 DefinitionsDefinitions shall be in accordance withTerminology D996 and the Dictionary of Paper.34. Classification4.1 The buyer and seller may agree to packaging paper andpaperboard product classes and types of thei

14、r choice, whichmay be from among the following classes and types:1This guide is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee D10 on Packaging andis the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D10.19 on Sustainability linerboard and corrugating me-dium for use in corrugated containers; tubestock; carrier bo

15、ard,bag paper, and other related packaging paper and paperboardproducts.4.1.2 Two types of products are included: those containingno virgin fiber and those containing a mixture of recycled andvirgin fiber.5. Ordering Information5.1 The buyer and seller of packaging paper and paperboardproducts with

16、recycled content should agree upon at least thefollowing information:5.1.1 Class(es) and type(s) of product(s) (see 4.1),5.1.2 Percent of recycled fiber, by air dry or conditionedweight fiber dry weight, and, if appropriate, recycled material,by air dry or conditioned weight, to be incorporated into

17、 aproduct (see 6.5 and 10.1 through 10.6),5.1.3 Degree of variation in recycled fiber or materialcontent allowable in shipped product (see 6.2),5.1.4 Time period during which recycled content is to becalculated (see 10.1.1),5.1.5 Method of substantiation used to support the agreed-upon recycled cont

18、ent claim for the packaging paper orpaperboard product,5.1.6 Format and frequency of recycled content substantia-tion and reporting, and5.1.7 Type and frequency of review by the buyer (see 12.1)of procedures and data used by the seller to monitor compli-ance with the agreed-upon recycled content of

19、product(s) undercontract.6. Composition6.1 Recycled content of packaging paper and paperboardproducts supplied in accordance with this guide should beagreed upon between the buyer and the seller (see 5.1).6.2 The average recycled content for a packaging paper orpaperboard product shipped from the se

20、ller to the buyer withina specified time period (see 10.1.1 through should beat least equal to the contracted recycled content or be within adegree of variation (see 6.3) of that content.6.3 The buyer and the seller may agree to a degree ofvariation in the recycled content in shipped produ

21、ct from theseller to the buyer when multiple shipments will take placeover the contract period; however, any degree of variation forrecycled content greater than 10 % is not recommended. Inaddition, recycled content of a shipment of product thatexceeds the degree of variation agreed upon by the buye

22、r andthe seller should be reported by the seller to the buyer in anagreed-upon manner.6.4 Recycled content of packaging products composed oftwo or more components should be reported as the weightedmean recycled content of the multiple components (see 10.2).6.5 All measures of recycled content should

23、 be on an air dryor conditioned weight basis as specified by the buyer (see5.1.2).7. Physical Attributes7.1 The average value of physical characteristics,workmanship, dimensions, and appearance for any productshould meet the requirements agreed upon by the buyer and theseller with reference to appro

24、priateASTM or standards of otherorganizations.8. General Attributes8.1 Acceptable defect levels and quality levels should beagreed upon between the buyer and the seller. The use ofrecycled fiber or other recycled material should not restrict theusefulness of the products covered under this guide, no

25、r shouldit cause a product to not meet all specified requirements agreedupon between the buyer and the seller.9. Bid Samples9.1 When requested, the bidder should submit a representa-tive product sample for examination purposes and data tosupport the claimed recycled content.An explanation should bei

26、ncluded of the specific method(s) used to substantiate thatcontent, with indication over what time period the measure-ments will be made.Aseparate sample should be submitted foreach class and type of packaging paper and paperboard productbeing bid on, along with supportive data and explanatoryinform

27、ation for each. Each sample should be clearly markedwith the bidders name and address, bid number, and manu-facturers name or code number.10. Measurement Procedure10.1 Recycled fiber content should be calculated as the ratioof recycled fiber weight to total fiber weight in a given quantityof packagi

28、ng paper or paperboard product and expressed as apercentage. The basic calculation method is as follows (seeAppendix X1 for an example, see 10.4.1 Eq 3 and Eq 4 whenmill paper machine broke is used):RFC,%5 RFU3 100!VFU1 RFU! (1)where:RFC= recycled fiber content, %,RFU= weight recycled fiber used (fo

29、r example, kg fibercomponent per t of final product), andVFU= weight virgin fiber used.10.1.1 The calculation of recycled content should be for afixed time period agreed upon between the buyer and the seller. It is recommended that a monthly or quarterly timeperiod be used, as appropriate to

30、 the duration of the contractand production runs, for monitoring compliance of shippedproduct with its claimed level of recycled content during theterm of the buyer-seller agreement. An alternative time period,however, may be agreed upon between the buyer and the seller. When multiple produc

31、ts of varying recycled con-tent are manufactured within a specified time period on a singlepaper machine, then the recycled content for a specific productshould be calculated based upon those time intervals withinthat time period during which that specific product wasmanufactured.NOTE 1For example,

32、if a calculation of monthly recycled content inD5663 152a paperboard product is needed, and that product is manufactured for 10of the 30 days within that month on a specific paper machine, then onlythe amount and kinds of various recycled and virgin materials used tomake that paper product on that p

33、aper machine during that 10-day periodshould be used to calculate the recycled content for that product using Eq1. When the same product of an agreed upon recycledcontent is manufactured within a specified time period onseveral paper machines, then the recycled content for thatspecific produ

34、ct should be calculated based only upon thoseintervals within that time period, for each paper machine used,during which that specific product was manufactured. Forexample, if a calculation of monthly recycled content in apaperboard product is needed, and that product is manufac-tured for 10 of the

35、30 days within that month on one papermachine and for 15 of the 30 days within that month on asecond paper machine, then only the amount and kinds ofvarious recycled and virgin materials used to make that paperproduct during those 10 and 15-day periods on the respectivepaper machines should be used

36、to calculate the recycledcontent for that product by using Eq 1.10.2 The recycled content for a composite packaging paperor paperboard product composed of two or more components(for example, corrugating medium plus liner board) should becalculated as the weighted mean recycled content of each of its

37、components, as follows (see Appendix X1.4 for an example):X1!P1!1X2!P2!11Xn!Pn!# 3100 5 recycled content, %(2)where:n = number of components in the composite paper pack-aging material,Xn= weight percent of recycled material in the nthcompo-nent calculated using Eq 1, andPn= weight percent of the nth

38、component in a compositepackaging material, %.10.2.1 An individual calculation of recycled content withina given time period (see 10.1.1 through for eachcomponent should be made and recorded.10.3 The amount of recycled material in a given quantity ofpaper product (that is, used in Eq 1) sh

39、ould be determined bythe method in 10.3.1 or 10.3.2, as follows:10.3.1 When the paper manufacturer processes non-virginmaterial into recycled fiber, then the recycled content of aspecific paper product made from that recycled fiber should becalculated using the amount of recycled fiber obtained afte

40、rprocessing that recovered material. If several types of recovered or recycled materialare used in the manufacture of a recycled content packagingpaper or paperboard product, then the recycled content of thatspecific paper product should be calculated by Method 1 or 2,as follows:(1) Method f

41、or Processing IndividuallyFor situationswhere one, or more, of the several types of recovered materialsto be used are processed individually into their respectiverecycled fibers, the recycled content of the resultant paperproduct should be calculated using the amounts of each ofthose recycled fibers

42、 obtained after processing their respectiverecovered materials in both the numerator and denominator ofEq 2, that is, from the actual weights of recycled fiber used inthe paper product furnish. For example, recovered old news-print and used office writing paper may be processed separatelyto acquire

43、recycled groundwood and Kraft fiber, respectively.The yields of each of these fibers should be used to calculatethe recycled fiber weights to be used in Eq 1.(2) Method for Processing TogetherFor situations whereall of the several types of recovered materials used areprocessed together into recycled

44、 fibers, the recycled content ofthe resultant paper product should be calculated from theamount of recycled fiber obtained after processing the mixtureof recovered materials; that is, from the actual yield of recycledfiber used in the paper product furnish. For example, recoveredold newsprint and us

45、ed office writing paper may be processedtogether to acquire a mixture of recycled fiber. The yield ofmixed recycled fiber should be used in Eq When the paper manufacturer uses recycled fiberprocessed by a recycled pulp supplier, that pulp supplier shouldsubstantiate the amount of recycled f

46、iber in its recycled pulp.This may be calculated using the amount of recycled fiberobtained after processing that recovered material. Therecycled-pulp suppliers substantiated amount of recycled fibercontent should be used to determine recycled content in aspecified paper product made from that fiber

47、 by the packagingpaper or paperboard manufacturer.10.4 The amount of virgin fiber used in a given quantity ofpaper product (that is, used in Eq 1), if present, should bedetermined by the method in 10.4.1 or 10.4.2, as follows:10.4.1 The paper manufacturer may utilize mill paper ma-chine broke in the

48、 manufacture of a paper product. If theamount of material added as broke is significant, the recycledand virgin materials can be included in the final calculation oftotal recycled content. Typically, broke is reused very quickly and typi-cally it comprises a relatively small fraction of the

49、total fiberfurnish used. Most often the ratio of virgin to recycled fiber inbroke is similar in the major flows being added. In this case, theratio in the broke is not needed for the calculation. This is trueunless the broke is from other machines with different virginrecycle blend ratios or unless the broke is held for a substantialtime prior to use. If the broke used comprises 5% or less of thefiber used (on a fiber weight basis) it is not necessary to includebroke as a separate category for the calculation of total virginfiber or total recycled fiber content.

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