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ANSI ASTM F2810-2015 Standard Specification for Elliptical Trainers.pdf

1、Designation: F2810 15 An American National StandardStandard Specification forElliptical Trainers1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F2810; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.

2、A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.INTRODUCTIONThe goal of this specification is to promote proper design and manufacturing practices for ellipticaltraining equipment. Through thes

3、e specifications this standard aims to assist designers and manufac-turers in reducing the possibility of injury when these products are used in accordance with theoperational instructions.The equipment user must recognize, however, that a standard alone will not necessarily preventinjuries. Like ot

4、her physical activities, exercise involving fitness equipment involves the risk of injury,particularly if the equipment is used improperly or not properly maintained. In addition, users withphysical limitations should seek medical advice or instruction from the fitness facility, or both, priorto usi

5、ng this equipment. Certain physical conditions or limitations may preclude some persons fromusing this equipment properly and without increasing the risk of serious injury.1. Scope1.1 This specification establishes parameters for the designand manufacture of elliptical training equipment as defined

6、in3.1 for use in an indoor environment or setting.1.2 It is the intent of this standard to specify fitness productsfor use only by an individual age 13 or older.1.3 This standard is to be used in conjunction with Speci-fication F2276 and Test Methods F2811. All specifications inthis standard superse

7、de those of Specification F2276 whereapplicable.1.4 This specification2established additional requirementsnot set forth in the referenced ASTM standards for the designof commercial fitness equipment to increase access and userindependence by people with functional limitations or impair-ments.1.5 The

8、 values stated in SI units are to be regarded asstandard. The values in parentheses are for information only.1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety

9、 and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:3F1749 Specification for Fitness Equipment and Fitness Fa-cility Safety Signage and LabelsF2276 Specification for Fitness EquipmentF2811 Test Methods for Evaluating

10、 Design and PerformanceCharacteristics of Elliptical TrainersF3021 Specification for Universal Design of Fitness Equip-ment for Inclusive Use by Persons with Functional Limi-tations and Impairments3. Terminology3.1 DefinitionsThe terms listed below are unique to thisspecification. For terms not defi

11、ned below, refer to Specifica-tions F2276 and F3021.3.1.1 adjustable guide system, ncomponents that allowthe user to vary the angle or position of a guide surface.3.1.2 control panel, nequipment/user interface device forcontrolling the operation of, or displaying information aboutthe operational sta

12、te of the equipment.3.1.3 elliptical trainer, ntraining equipment that can pro-duce a continuous, predominately elliptical motion path. Ellip-tical training functions as a continuous non-circular closed loopcycle.1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F08 on SportsEquipment,

13、 Playing Surfaces, and Facilities and is the direct responsibility ofSubcommittee F08.30 on Fitness Products.Current edition approved Dec. 1, 2015. Published February 2016. Originallyapproved in 2010. Last previous edition approved in 2010 as F2810 10. DOI:10.1520/F2810-15.2This work was funded, in

14、part, by the Rehabilitation Engineering ResearchCenter on RecTech through the National Institute on Disability and RehabilitationResearch under the US Department of Education grant #H133E070029 andH133E120005.3For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Custom

15、er Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States13.1.4 fixed handlebar, nhandlebars tha

16、t are stationary.3.1.5 foot support, na device designed to support the footwhile the user is correctly performing the exercise as intendedby the manufacturer, or while the user mounts or dismounts theequipment. Illustrated in Fig. handlebar, nthe means that are provided to a user toenhance b

17、alance and stability. Handlebars shall be defined bythe manufacturer as the intended grippable zone.3.1.7 movable handlebar, nthe moving means that areprovided for a user to engage the upper body during theexercise.4. Equipment Types4.1 Elliptical Trainer with Fixed Handlebars (Type 1)Handlebars are

18、 in a fixed position and are not intended toprovide guided or un-guided motion of the users upper body,as shown in Fig. 2.4.2 Elliptical Trainer with Moveable Handlebars (Type2)Handlebars are configured to provide for guided or un-guided motion of the users upper body, as shown in Fig. 3.4.3 Ellipti

19、cal Trainer with Moveable and Fixed Handlebars(Type 3)Exercise equipment that contains both fixed andmoveable handlebars as described in 4.1 and 4.2, as shown inFig. 4.4.4 Seated Elliptical Trainer (Type 4)Exercise equipmentthat allows exercise from the seated position, as shown in Fig.5.5. Design a

20、nd Construction RequirementsNOTE 1In addition to the requirements of Specification F2276, thefollowing requirements are applicable.5.1 Foot SupportEquipment shall be equipped with ad-equate foot support and constructed to reduce foot slippage.The foot supports shall have a slip resistant surface of

21、at least300 mm long by 100 mm wide (11.8 by 3.9 in.) as well as havea guard with at least 30 mm (1.2 in.) in height along the entirefront and 30 mm (1.2 in.) tall along 80 % of the length alongthe inside edge of the foot support. If there are pinch or shearpoints then an additional 30 mm (1.2 in.) t

22、all guard shall beadded to the outside of the foot support.5.1.1 Foot Support LoadingThe loading requirements ofSpecification F2276 shall be applicable.5.2 HandlebarsEquipment shall be equipped with at leastone handlebar.5.2.1 The ends of movable handlebars shall be designed toavoid eye socket penet

23、ration. Acceptable provisions mayinclude, but are not limited to, a 50 mm (1.97 in.) diameter endportion of the handlebar grip; bending of the handlebar toachieve an end portion greater than 50 mm (1.97 in.) indiameter, angling of the end portion of the movable handlebaraway from the user so that th

24、e end portion remains angledforward of a vertical reference plane through the user through-out the handles entire range of travel.5.2.2 Handlebar LoadingHandlebars shall endure a staticload of 1.0 times the maximum specified user weight or 100 kg(220 lb), whichever is greater, applied in the vertica

25、l directionwithout breakage. Handlebars shall endure a static load of 0.5times the maximum specified user weight or 50 kg (110 lb),whichever is greater, applied in the most onerous horizontaldirection without breakage.5.3 Endurance:5.3.1 DiscussionLoad input to the elliptical trainer can beaccomplis

26、hed by securing weight to the foot pedals and liftingthe weight using pneumatic cylinders, or by pushing down withpneumatic cylinders (with or without weight). It has beenfound that the user does not completely remove all load fromone pedal as he cycles over to drive the opposite pedal.Measurements

27、of the forces experienced by the foot supports ofelliptical trainers have found loads ranging from 20 % of theuser weight on the trailing side to loads of approximately120 % of the user weight on the pedal side being “driven” bythe user. These loads can vary depending on the design of theelliptical

28、being tested. Regardless of how the load is input tothe elliptical trainer under test, careful consideration shall begiven by the testing facility as to how the test apparatus isconstructed. The testing facility shall communicate with themanufacturer prior to commencing the test and verify that theF

29、IG. 1 An Example of a Foot SupportFIG. 2 An Example of a Type 1 Elliptical Trainer with FixedHandlebarsF2810 152apparatus functions and loads the elliptical trainer in a mannersimilar to how a user would actually use and interface with theelliptical trainer.5.3.2 Consumer equipment shall function pe

30、r manufactur-ers specifications after enduring a minimum of 375 000cycles. Institutional equipment shall function per manufactur-ers specifications after enduring a minimum of 2 000 000cycles.5.3.3 The loading applied to moving handlebars in theforward and reverse directions shall be 5 % of the maxi

31、mumspecified user weight.5.3.4 The force applied to the foot supports shall be equiva-lent to the load produced by a user of 135 kg (300 lb) or theload produced by a user of the maximum specified user weight,whichever is greater. This load shall follow the guidelinesdiscussed above and be alternatel

32、y applied to each of the pedalsin accordance with the test method.5.4 Adjustable Guide SystemsThe operation of the adjust-able guide system, if equipped, may create entrapment points.Therefore, the movement of this system shall not exceed 25mm/s (1 in./s) as measured at the entrapment points.6. Addi

33、tional Universal Design Requirements toSpecification F30216.1 This set of accessibility criteria shall be used in con-junction with Specification F3021. This set of criteria pertainsonly to equipment designed to be accessible to people withdisabilities in addition to those without disability.6.2 If

34、a conflict exists with the requirements listed inSpecification F3021, then the specific requirements listed inSection 6 take precedence over the requirements listed inSpecification F3021.NOTE 2Standing ellipticals are exempt from Specification F3021 footstrap requirements.6.3 Handlebars:6.3.1 For st

35、anding ellipticals, fixed handlebars shall beprovided within the range of 1000 to 1400 mm (39.4 to 55.1in.).6.3.2 For standing ellipticals, fixed handlebars shall have amechanism to prevent the hand from slipping off the end of thehand grip, for example, a lip or curvature or taper.FIG. 3 An Example

36、 of a Type 2 Elliptical Trainer with Movable HandlebarsFIG. 4 An Example of a Type 3 Elliptical Trainer with Movable andFixed HandlebarsF2810 1536.3.2.1 Handlebars shall comply with Specification F3021,subsection non-slip material. Handlebars shall comply with Specification F3021,subs

37、ection for color contrast.7. Documentation7.1 Owners/Users ManualsElliptical trainers shall beaccompanied by appropriate documentation set forth in Speci-fication F2276 and shall also include the information from thefollowing sections.7.2 Operational InstructionsIn addition to the require-me

38、nts of Specification F2276, the following topics shall beincluded if applicable.7.2.1 The function of any immobilization methods.7.2.2 Operation of all controls on the control panel.7.2.3 Instructions for safe mounting and dismounting of theequipment.7.3 Installation InstructionsThe installation ins

39、tructionsor owners/users manual or both shall follow SpecificationF2276 and include the following information:7.3.1 Procedures for proper storage, movement, and place-ment of the elliptical trainer.7.3.2 The elliptical trainer shall be set up and operated on asolid level surface.7.3.3 The recommende

40、d minimum clearance requiredaround each elliptical trainer for access to, passage around, andemergency dismount. The minimum dimensions are: 500 mm(19.7 in.) on at least one side, and 500 mm (19.7 in.) eitherbehind or in front of the elliptical trainers training envelope. DiscussionThe dimens

41、ions stated in the installa-tion instructions are the recommended minimum dimensions asset forth by the manufacturer. The actual area for access andpassage shall be the responsibility of the facility and shouldtake into account this training envelope and any required localcodes or regulations.8. Mar

42、king8.1 Elliptical trainers shall have manufacturer identificationaffixed to the product in accordance with Specification F2276.9. Warnings9.1 WarningsIn addition to the warnings outlined inSpecification F1749, the warnings shall include as a minimumthe following when applicable:9.1.1 Owners Manual

43、WarningsThe warnings presentedin the owners manual shall be designed in accordance withSpecification F1749. Care should be used when mounting or dismountingthe equipment. Before mounting or dismounting, move thepedal on the mounting or dismounting side to its lowestposition and bring the mach

44、ine to a complete stop. This unit is not equipped with a free-wheel. Pedalspeed should be reduced in a controlled manner.9.1.2 General Warning LabelThe warnings presented inthe general warning label shall be designed in accordance withSpecification F1749.10. Keywords10.1 accessibility; Americ

45、ans with Disabilities Act (ADA);disability; disabled; elliptical trainer; fitness equipment; footsupport; handlebar; inclusive; recumbent; universalFIG. 5 An Example of a Type 4 Seated EllipticalF2810 154APPENDIX(Nonmandatory Information)X1. ADDITIONAL READINGX1.1 European Standards: EN 957-1 Statio

46、nary TrainingEquipmentPart 1: General Safety Requirements and TestMethodsEN 957-9 Stationary Training EquipmentPart 9: Ellipti-cal Trainers, Additional Specific Safety Requirements and TestMethodsASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection

47、 with any item mentionedin this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the riskof infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible t

48、echnical committee and must be reviewed every five years andif not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standardsand should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful conside

49、ration at a meeting of theresponsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you shouldmake your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the aboveaddress or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax),

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