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ANSI AWS B5.9-2006 Specification for the Qualification of Welding Supervisors《焊接监理资质规范》.pdf

1、AWS B5.9:2006An American National StandardSpecification forthe Qualificationof WeldingSupervisors550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126AWS B5.9:2006An American National StandardApproved by theAmerican National Standards InstituteMarch 21, 2006Specification for theQualification of Welding Supervisors

2、Supersedes AWS B5.9:2000Prepared by theAmerican Welding Society (AWS) B5I Subcommittee on Supervisor ProgramsUnder the Direction of theAWS Personnel and Facility Qualification CommitteeApproved by theAWS Board of DirectorsAbstractThis standard describes the requirements for qualification as a Weldin

3、g Supervisor. The requirements include education,experience, and a written examination. This standard also covers the job functions a qualified Welding Supervisorshould be able to perform.iiAWS B5.9:2006International Standard Book Number: 0-87171-042-0American Welding Society550 N.W. LeJeune Road, M

4、iami, FL 33126 2006 by American Welding SocietyAll rights reservedPrinted in the United States of AmericaPhotocopy Rights. No portion of this standard may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in anyform, including mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the

5、prior written permission of the copyrightowner.Authorization to photocopy items for internal, personal, or educational classroom use only or the internal, personal, oreducational classroom use only of specific clients is granted by the American Welding Society provided that the appropriatefee is pai

6、d to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, tel: (978) 750-8400; Internet:.iiiAWS B5.9:2006Statement on the Use of American Welding Society StandardsAll standards (codes, specifications, recommended practices, methods, classifications, and guides) of the AmericanWeldi

7、ng Society (AWS) are voluntary consensus standards that have been developed in accordance with the rules of theAmerican National Standards Institute (ANSI). When AWS American National Standards are either incorporated in, ormade part of, documents that are included in federal or state laws and regul

8、ations, or the regulations of other govern-mental bodies, their provisions carry the full legal authority of the statute. In such cases, any changes in those AWSstandards must be approved by the governmental body having statutory jurisdiction before they can become a part ofthose laws and regulation

9、s. In all cases, these standards carry the full legal authority of the contract or other documentthat invokes the AWS standards. Where this contractual relationship exists, changes in or deviations from requirementsof an AWS standard must be by agreement between the contracting parties.AWS American

10、National Standards are developed through a consensus standards development process that bringstogether volunteers representing varied viewpoints and interests to achieve consensus. While AWS administers the processand establishes rules to promote fairness in the development of consensus, it does not

11、 independently test, evaluate, orverify the accuracy of any information or the soundness of any judgments contained in its standards.AWS disclaims liability for any injury to persons or to property, or other damages of any nature whatsoever, whetherspecial, indirect, consequential or compensatory, d

12、irectly or indirectly resulting from the publication, use of, or relianceon this standard. AWS also makes no guaranty or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any informationpublished herein.In issuing and making this standard available, AWS is not undertaking to render professional or othe

13、r services for or onbehalf of any person or entity. Nor is AWS undertaking to perform any duty owed by any person or entity to someoneelse. Anyone using these documents should rely on his or her own independent judgment or, as appropriate, seek theadvice of a competent professional in determining th

14、e exercise of reasonable care in any given circumstances.This standard may be superseded by the issuance of new editions. Users should ensure that they have the latest edition.Publication of this standard does not authorize infringement of any patent or trade name. Users of this standard acceptany a

15、nd all liabilities for infringement of any patent or trade name items. AWS disclaims liability for the infringement ofany patent or product trade name resulting from the use of this standard.Finally, AWS does not monitor, police, or enforce compliance with this standard, nor does it have the power t

16、o do so.On occasion, text, tables, or figures are printed incorrectly, constituting errata. Such errata, when discovered, are postedon the AWS web page ( interpretations of any of the technical requirements of this standard may only be obtained by sending a request,in writing, t

17、o the Managing Director, Technical Services Division, American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road,Miami, FL 33126 (see Annex B). With regard to technical inquiries made concerning AWS standards, oral opinionson AWS standards may be rendered. However, such opinions represent only the personal opi

18、nions of the particularindividuals giving them. These individuals do not speak on behalf of AWS, nor do these oral opinions constitute officialor unofficial opinions or interpretations of AWS. In addition, oral opinions are informal and should not be used as asubstitute for an official interpretatio

19、n.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the AWS Personnel and Facilities Committee. It must be reviewedevery five years, and if not revised, it must be either reaffirmed or withdrawn. Comments (recommendations, additions,or deletions) and any pertinent data that may be of use in improv

20、ing this standard are required and should be addressedto AWS Headquarters. Such comments will receive careful consideration by the AWS Personnel and Facilities Commit-tee and the author of the comments will be informed of the Committees response to the comments. Guests are invited toattend all meeti

21、ngs of the AWS Personnel and Facilities Committee to express their comments verbally. Procedures forappeal of an adverse decision concerning all such comments are provided in the Rules of Operation of the TechnicalActivities Committee. A copy of these Rules can be obtained from the American Welding

22、Society, 550 N.W. LeJeuneRoad, Miami, FL 33126.This page is intentionally blank.ivAWS B5.9:2006vAWS B5.9:2006Personnel*AdvisorAWS Personnel and Facility Qualification CommitteeP. R. Evans, Chair PCI Energy ServicesW. F. Behnke, 1st Vice Chair FordSterling PlantP. A. Michalski, 2nd Vice Chair Dominio

23、n East OhioS. P. Hedrick, Secretary American Welding SocietyK. W. Coryell ConsultantJ. A. Grantham Welding the word should denotes a guideline orrecommendation; and the word may denotes a choice. Asused in this specification the word welding includesbrazing. As used in this specification the word we

24、ldersincludes welding operators, brazers, and brazing operators.1.4 In the qualification process, the candidate must havegeneral knowledge of the theory and practice of weldingand of the responsibilities and duties of a Welding Super-visor. During the examination process, the candidateshall be evalu

25、ated on welding-related qualifications andexperience and on knowledge of the requirements ofgeneral applications of codes and specifications. Theemployer shall maintain all qualification records.1.5 This standard is intended to supplement the require-ments of an employer, or other agency and shall n

26、ot beconstrued as preemption of an employers responsibilityfor all work performed. Hence, it is the responsibility ofthe employer to determine a supervisors qualificationsother than those stated in 1.4 above, and confirm the ca-pability of performing duties assigned by the employer.The standard is n

27、ot intended to supersede or contradictlocal, state, or national regulations.2. Referenced Documents1. AWS A3.0, Standard Welding Terms andDefinitions;12. ANSI Z49.1, Safety in Welding, Cutting, andAllied Processes;1and3. AWS Safety and Health Fact Sheets.3. Qualification3.1 Welding Supervisor (WS).

28、Welding supervisorqualification is determined by training and practicalexperience to fulfill the basic supervision tasks. The WSshall meet the applicable qualification requirements ofClause 5, Functions, and Clause 6, Education and Expe-rience Requirements.4. DefinitionsThe terms used in this standa

29、rd are defined in AWSA3.0, Standard Welding Terms and Definitions. Otherterms used herein are defined below.acceptance criteria. Specified limits placed on charac-teristics of an item, process, or service as defined incodes, other standards, or other documents.AWS. The American Welding Society, 550

30、N.W.LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126.1AWS standards and ANSI Z49.1 are published by theAmerican Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami,FL 33126.Specification for the Qualificationof Welding SupervisorsAWS B5.9:20062candidate. The person attempting to qualify to hour. One con

31、tact hour is equivalent to oneclassroom hour. Ten (10) contact hours are equivalentto one (1) CEU (continuing education unit).independent third party. An assessor who is qualifiedfor the task of performing the assessment and is notemployed by the candidates employer.inspection. The performance of an

32、 examination ormeasurement to verify whether an item or activityconforms to specified requirements.inspector. A person who performs inspection activitiesto verify conformance to specified requirements.qualification. The characteristics or abilities gainedthrough education, training, and/or experienc

33、e, asmeasured against established requirements, such asstandards or tests that qualify a person to perform arequired function.standard. A document that governs and guides a spe-cific activity.verification. The act of reviewing, inspecting, testing,checking, auditing, or otherwise determining anddocu

34、menting whether items, processes, services, ordocuments conform to specified requirements.5. FunctionsThe Welding Supervisor shall be responsible for direct-ing and performing operations to ensure that all welding-related activities meet the applicable requirements. AWelding Supervisor shall be able

35、 to perform all of thetasks identified in Annex A of this standard.The detailed activities that a Welding Supervisor shall becapable of performing and/or demonstrating, accordingto the level of approval, include:5.1 Knowledge of Welding Supervision. The super-visor shall be able to supervise personn

36、el, evaluate jobperformance, coordinate jobs, and advise on the instruc-tion of welding personnel.5.2 Understanding of Drawings and Specifications.This includes reading drawings, applying specifications,and directing others in this skill. It further requires aknowledge of welding symbols, welding de

37、finitions, andterminology.5.3 Knowledge of Base Material and Welding Materi-als. This includes a basic understanding of welding met-allurgy and base materials including their weldabilitycharacteristics, as well as an understanding of weldingfiller metal types and characteristics. This also requiresa

38、 basic knowledge of material testing and materialspecifications.5.4 Familiarity with Welding, Brazing, CuttingEquipment, Theory, and Application. This includesfamiliarity with the characteristics of various powersources and other associated equipment for the intendedprocess(es), and with basic weldi

39、ng and cutting safetyrequirements in order to demonstrate the proper use ofequipment.5.5 Knowledge of Safety Requirements. This includestraining, coordination, and maintenance of safety-relatedfunctions and personnel.5.6 Welding Instructions. The Welding Supervisorshould review the written welding i

40、nstructions to ensurethat all assigned personnel are familiar with the require-ments of these instructions. The Welding Supervisormay write welding instructions, be required to definetesting requirements to qualify welders, and/or be re-sponsible to prepare reports for conformance to codes,other sta

41、ndards, or other documents. The responsibilityfor welding instructions including compliance withcodes or other standards rests with the welding engineer,quality assurance personnel, or quality control personnel.5.7 Knowledge of Welding Practices and ProductionControls. This includes the application

42、and storage offiller metals, the influence of welding parameters, andthe factors affecting variables, such as stress and distor-tion. The Welding Supervisor helps plan and coordinatewelding preparations and activities, and then ensures thatcontrol, corrections, and documentation are performedper req

43、uirements.5.8 Welding Inspection. The Welding Supervisor shallensure that all welding meets the specified requirementsbefore inspection is initiated. Inspection tasks are per-formed, and evaluated by qualified inspection personnel.5.9 Work Reports and Records. The Welding Super-visor prepares clear

44、and concise reports, and maintainsrecords of the reviews, inspection results, and perfor-mance documentation.5.10 Understanding the General Applications ofWelding Standards. This includes applying the require-ments of codes and other standards correctly in order toproperly perform all the activities

45、 above.5.11 Welding Economics and Productivity. The Weld-ing Supervisor shall be knowledgeable in the area of in-creasing welding productivity by using proper weldsizing, accurate fit-ups, effective weld station design,proper use of welders, and the elimination of rework andscrap. The Welding Superv

46、isor shall be able to calculateAWS B5.9:20063the economic factors important to welding productivityusing deposition rates, weld volumes, amperages, andoperating factors.6. Education and Experience RequirementsIn order to qualify as a Welding Supervisor (WS), acandidate:6.1 Shall be a high school gra

47、duate; or hold a state ormilitary approved high school equivalency diploma.6.2 Shall have a minimum of three (3) years of practicalwelding experience in a fabrication, construction, orwelding-related industry (see Clause 7).6.3 As an alternative to 6.2, three years of relevant teach-ing experience m

48、ay be substituted for one year of thepractical experience requirement with proper documen-tation (e.g., photocopied summaries of subjects taught,teaching certificates, and letters of reference). Relevantexperience shall be considered on the following basis:1. Teaching full-time (or teaching part-tim

49、e at a full-time equivalence) in a trade, technical school, college, oruniversity, the occupational skill of welding or subjectsrelating to welding, its application, control, materials,and processes; or2. Employment in the manufacturing industry in aposition for which the teaching of welding skills and theapplication of theory, control, materials, and process is aresponsibility.7. Definition of Experience7.1 Practical experience as required in Clause 6 is anoccupational function that has a direct relationship withweldments fabricated to a code, specification, or otherstandard, and is dir

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