1、ANSI Z21.86-2016 CSA 2.32-2016Vented gas-fired space heating appliancesLegal Notice for StandardsCanadian Standards Association and CSA America, Inc. (operating as “CSA Group”) develop standards thro ugh a consensus standardsdevelopment pro cess approved by the Standards Council of Canada and the Am
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18、tely . Use of this documentconstitut es your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Legal Notice.Revision HistoryANSI Z21.86-2016 CSA 2.32-2016, Vented gas-fired space heatingappliancesRevision from previous edition Revision symbol (inmargin)Clauses 1.1 , 1.6 , 3, 4.8.1 , 4.10.9 , 4.11.1 , 4
19、.11.14 , 4.11.15 ,4.11.18 , 4.26.1 , 4.27.2 , 4.27.3 , 5.1.1 , 5.1.3 , 5.1.6 , 5.2 , 5.3.3 , 5.4 ,5.5.1 , 5.6.1 , 5.9.2 , 5.10.1 , 5.20 , 5.22 , 7.7.1 , 7.9.2 , 7.12.1 , 7.13 ,7.14.1 , 7.15.1 , 7.16 , 8.1.1 , 8.4.4 , 8.5 , 8.11 , 8.14.2 , 8.18.1 ,8.18.2 , 8.19.1 , 8.19.9 , 9.1.1 , 9.2.2 , 9.11 , 11.
20、9 , 11.10.1 , 11.11.1 ,11.12 , 12.17.5 , 13.10.1 , 13.11.1 , 13.12 , 14, 15, 17.1.1 , 17.1.4 ,18.5.4 , and H.2.1Annexes L and QTables 3, 5, and 17Figures 3, 4, 5, L.1 , L.2 , L.3 , L.4 , L.5 , L.6 , Q.1 , and Q.2Standards Update ServiceANSI Z21.86-2016 CSA 2.32-2016January 2017Title: Vented gas-fire
21、d space heating appliancesTo regist er for e-mail notification about any updat es to this publication go to shop.csa.ca click on CSA Updat e ServiceThe List ID that you will need to regist er for updat es to this publication is 2424565.If you require assista nce, please e-mail t echsupportcsagr oup.
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23、n produced, was charte red in 1919 andaccredit ed by the Standards Council of Canada to theNational Standards sy st em in 1973. It is a not -for -pro fit, nons tatutory , voluntary membershipassociation engaged in stan dards development andcertification activities.CSA Gr oup standards reflect a nati
24、onal consensus ofpro ducers and user s including manufacturers,consumer s, retailer s, unions and profes sionalorganizations, and governmental agencies. Thestan dards are used widely by indus try and commerceand oft en adopt ed by municipal, provincial, andfederal governments in their regulations, p
25、articularlyin the fields of health, safety , building andcons truction, and the environm ent.Individuals, companies, and associations acro ssCanada indicate their support for CSA Gr oupsstan dards development by volunte ering their time andskills to Commit tee work and supporting CSA Gr oupsobjectiv
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27、es.CSA Gr oup offers certification and tes ting services insupport of and as an ext ension to its stan dardsdevelopment activities. To ensure the integri ty of itscertification pr ocess, CSA Gr oup regularly andcontinually audits and inspects pr oducts that bear theCSA Gr oup Mark.In addition to its
28、 head office and laboratory complexin Toronto, CSA Gr oup has regional branch offices inmajor centres acro ss Canada and inspection andte sting agencies in eight countries. Since 1919, CSAGr oup has developed the necessary expertise to meetits corporat e mission: CSA Group is an independentservice o
29、rganization whose mission is to pr ovide anopen and effective forum for activities facilitating theexchange of goods and services through the use ofstan dards, certification and relat ed services to meetnational and int ernational needs.The American National Standards Ins titute (ANSI), Inc.is the n
30、ationally recognized coordinator of voluntarystandards development in the United States thr oughwhich voluntary organizations, representing virtuallyevery technical discipline and every facet of trade andcommerce, organized labor and consumer int erests,establish and improve the some 10,000 national
31、consensus stan dards currently approved as AmericanNational Standards.ANSI provides that the inter ests of the public mayhave appr opriate participation and representation instandardization activity , and cooperate s withdepartments and agencies of U.S. Federal, stat e andlocal governments in achiev
32、ing compatibility betweengovernment codes and standards and the voluntarystandards of indus try and commerce.ANSI represents the inter est s of the Unit ed State s ininternational nontreaty organizations such as theInternational Organization for Standardization (ISO)and the Int ernational Electr ote
33、chnical Commission(IEC). The Institut e maintains close ties with regionalorganizations such as the Pacific Area StandardsCongress (PASC) and the Pan American StandardsCommission (COPANT). As such, ANSI coordinate s theactivities involved in the U.S. participation in thesegroups.ANSI approval of sta
34、ndards is intended to verify thatthe principles of openness and due process have beenfollowed in the approval proce dure and that aconsensus of those directly and mater ially affect ed bythe stan dards has been achieved. ANSI coordination isintended to assist the voluntary sys te m to ensure thatnat
35、ional standards needs are identified and met with aset of s tandards that are without conflict orunnecessary duplication in their requirements.For further information on CSA Gr oup services, writ etoCSA Gr oup178 Rexdale Boulevard, Toro nto, Ontario,Canada M9W 1R3Responsibility of approving American
36、 stan dards rest swith theAmerican National Standards Ins titute, Inc.25 West 43rd Street, Fourth floorNew York, NY 10036ISBN 978-1-4883-0410-1 2017 CSA GroupAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form whatsoeverwithout the prior permission of the publisher .Publis
37、hed in January 2017 by CSA GroupA not -for-prof it privat e sect or organization178 Re xdale Boulevard, Toront o, Ontario, Canada M9W 1R3To purchase st andards and related publications, visit our Online Store at shop.csa.caor call to ll-free 1-800-463-6727 or 416-747-4044.A trademark of the Canadian
38、 Standards Association and CSA America Inc., operating as “CSA Group”American National Standards Institute, Inc.Interprovincial Gas Advisory CouncilApproved on December 21, 2016 by ANSIApproved on November 21, 2016 by IGACEffective in Canada February 1, 2019Vented gas-fired space heatingappliancesAN
39、SI Z21.86-2016 CSA 2.32-2016ANSI Z21.86-2016 CSA 2.32-2016Vented gas-fired space heating appliancesJanuary 20171ContentsInt erpro vincial Gas Advisory Council 7Z21/83 Technical Committ ee on Performance and Inst allation of Gas Burning Appliances and Relat edAccessories 9CSA Technical Committ ee on
40、Gas Appliances and Relate d Accessories 13Z21/CSA Joint Technical Subcommitt ee on Standards for Vent ed Gas-Fired Warm Air Heater s 15Preface 181 Scope 212 Reference publications 233 Definitions 264 Cons truction 404.1 General construc tion 404.2 Assembly 404.3 Accessibility 414.4 Combus tion air a
41、nd ventilation 424.5 Main burner s 424.6 Primary air adjust ment means 444.7 Orifice spuds and orifice fit tings 454.8 Automatic gas ignition s ys tems 454.9 Flame spreaders 474.10 Appliance main gas valves 484.11 Gas supply lines 494.12 Bleeds and vents 524.13 Thermos tats 534.14 Automatic valves 5
42、34.15 Gas appliance pressure regulator s 544.16 Adjus tment of minimum input rating 544.17 Pilot gas filt ers 544.18 Fan and limit controls 554.19 Joints in heating surfaces 554.20 Vent ed gas-fired space heating appliance openings 574.21 Electrical equipment and wiring 574.22 Motor s and blower s 5
43、74.23 Air filter s 574.24 Cooling section of vented gas-fired space heating appliances with cooling units 584.25 Heating elements located downst ream fro m refrigeration coils 584.26 Ins tructions 584.27 Markings 645 Performance 71ANSI Z21.86-2016 CSA 2.32-2016Vented gas-fired space heating applianc
44、esJanuary 201725.1 General 715.2 Tes t gases 725.3 Tes t pressures and burner adjust ments 735.4 Cat egory deter mination 745.5 Burner operating charact erist ics 795.6 Pilot operating charact erist ics 805.7 Pilot burners and safety shut -off devices 815.8 Direct ignition sy st ems 865.9 Main burne
45、r and flame spreader tempe ratures 885.10 Pr oved ignit er sy st ems 895.11 Non-load-bearing flue gas baffle temperatures 925.12 Filt er s 935.13 Appliance main gas valves 955.14 Gas appliance pressure regulator s 955.15 Automatic valves 955.16 Safety circuit analysis 955.17 Manifold and contr ol as
46、sembly capacity 965.18 Cooling section of appliances with cooling units 965.19 Heating elements located downst ream fro m refrigeration coils 965.20 Loose burner mat erial 975.21 Marking mater ial adhesion and legibility 975.22 Allowable vent pipe, heating element, and load-bearing flue gas baffle t
47、 emperatures 986 Vent ed r oom heat er s cons truction 1006.1 Scope 1006.2 General construc tion and assembly 1016.3 Mat erials 1026.4 Primary air adjust ment means 1036.5 Orifice spuds and orifice fit tings 1036.6 Automatic gas ignition s ys tems 1046.7 Appliance main gas valves 1046.8 Gas applianc
48、e pressure regulator s 1046.9 Fan and limit controls 1046.10 Venting 1046.11 Flue collar s and flue outlets 1056.12 Draft hoods 1066.13 Electrical equipment and wiring 1066.14 Ins tructions 1066.15 Markings 1077 Vent ed r oom heat er s performance 1097.1 General 1097.2 Combus tion 1107.3 Burner oper
49、ating charact erist ics 1117.4 Pilot operating charact erist ics 1117.5 Automatic gas ignition s ys tems 1127.6 Temperature at discharge air opening 1137.7 Wall, floor , and ceiling tempe ratures 1147.8 Flue gas tempe rature 118ANSI Z21.86-2016 CSA 2.32-2016Vented gas-fired space heating appliancesJanuary 201737.9 Surface tem peratures 1197.10 Evaluation of clothing ignition potenti al 1227.11 Combus tion chamber relief 1237.12 Venting 1247.13 Vent safety shut -off s ys tems 1257.14 Draft hoods 1267.15 Draft tes ts for appliances not equipped with draft hoods 12
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