1、American National StandardforRadiant Energy-Sensing FireDetectors for Automatic FireAlarm SignalingANSI/FM Approvals 3260February 20042004 FM Approvals LLC. All rights reserved.ForewordNOTE: This foreword is introductory only and is not part of American National Standard/FM Approvals 3260.This stand
2、ard sets performance requirements for radiant energy-sensing fire detectors used for automatic firealarm signaling for the protection of occupants, building space, structure, area, or object.This American National Standard has been developed by the canvass method of standards development of theAmeri
3、can National Standards Institute (ANSI). FM Approvals is an ANSI-accredited standards developingorganization (SDO).Approval of an American National Standard requires verification by ANSI that the principles of openness anddue process have been followed and that a consensus of those directly and mate
4、rially affected by the standardhas been achieved. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that a concerted effortbe made toward their resolution. Consensus is established when, in the judgment of the ANSI Board of StandardsReview, substantial agreement has been reached.Th
5、e American National Standards Institute does not develop standards nor will it in any circumstances give aninterpretation of any American National Standard. Requests for interpretations of this test standard should beaddressed to FM Approvals.ANSI regulations require that this American National Stan
6、dard shall be revised, reaffirmed or withdrawn withinfive years of the date of publication.FM Approvals1151 Boston-Providence TurnpikeP.O. Box 9102Norwood, MA 02062U.S.A.Phone: 781-762-4300Fax: 781-762-9375E-mail: ATABLE OF CONTENTSI. INTRODUCTION 11.1 Scope . 11.2 Basis for Requirements . 11.3 Syst
7、em of Units . 11.4 Applicable Documents 12. GENERAL INFORMATION . 22.1 Product Information 22.2 Requirements for Samples for Examination 23. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 33.1 Review of Documentation 33.2 Required Features 33.3 Markings . 33.4 Manufacturers Installation and Operation Instructions . 43.5 Cali
8、bration . 43.6 Installation and Maintenance 43.7 Specifications 53.8 Software Requirements . 64. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS . 64.1 Baseline Sensitivity Test . 64.2 Flame Response Sensitivity Test 64.3 False Stimuli Response Test 74.4 Field of View . 74.5 Switching . 74.6 Humidity Cycling and Condition
9、ing 84.7 Voltage Range . 84.8 Temperature Extremes . 84.9 Vibration 94.10 Dielectric Strength . 94.11 Bonding 94.12 Durability . 104.13 Stability 104.14 Extraneous Transients . 104.15 Surge Transient Tests 114.16 Spark/Ember Detectors 114.17 Enclosure Requirements (including Plastic housings) . 115.
10、 MANUFACTURING AND PRODUCTION TESTS . 12APPENDIX UNITS OF MEASUREMENT . 13I. INTRODUCTION1.1 ScopeThis standard sets performance requirements for radiant energy-sensing fire detectors used for automatic firealarm signaling for the protection of occupants, building space, structure, area, or object.1
11、.2 Basis for RequirementsThe requirements of this standard are based on experience, research and testing, and/or the standards of othernational and international organizations. The advice of manufacturers, users, trade associations, jurisdictions, andloss control specialists has also been considered
12、.1.3 System of UnitsUnits of measurement used in this standard are United States (U.S.) customary units. These are followed by theirarithmetic equivalents in International System (SI) units, enclosed in parentheses. The first value stated shall beregarded as the requirement. The converted equivalent
13、 value may be approximate. The Appendix lists theselected units and conversions to SI units for measures appearing in this standard. Conversion of U.S. customaryunits is in accordance with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/Institute of Electrical and Elec-tronics Engineers (IEEE)/Amer
14、ican Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) SI 10-97, Standard for Use of theInternational System of Units (SI): The Modern Metric System.1.4 Applicable DocumentsThe following standards, test methods, and practices are referenced in this standard:ANSI/UL 50 Enclosures for Electrical EquipmentFM Approv
15、al Standard 3600 Electrical Equipment For Use In Hazardous (Classified) Locations GeneralRequirementsIEC 60529 Degree of Protection Provided by Enclosures (IP Code)National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 70 National Electrical Code.National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 72 National Fire Ala
16、rm CodeFM Approval Standard 3615 Explosionproof Electrical EquipmentFebruary 2004 ANSI/FM Approvals 3260FM APPROVALS 12. GENERAL INFORMATION2.1 Product Information2.1.1 Radiant energy sensing detectors fall into two (2) general categories: flame detectors and spark/emberdetectors, depending upon the
17、 source of radiant energy they are intended to detect and the ambient inwhich they are to be used. Flame detectors are intended to respond to the radiant emissions from a flameand are expected to operate in normally illuminated environments. Spark/ember detectors are intended torespond to embers in
18、a fuel stream flowing past them within a sheet metal pneumatic conveyance duct,chute, conveyor, or other location of limited illumination.2.1.2 All radiant energy sensing detectors have a limited field of view and rely on a line-of-sight transmissionof radiant energy from the source to the detector.
19、 Radiant energy sensing detectors employ infrared,visible, and/or ultraviolet sensors or combinations of sensors, selected to match the radiant emissionsexpected from the source to be detected. Since each fuel emits unique spectra, not all detectors are capableof detecting all fuels.2.2 Requirements
20、 for Samples for ExaminationFor functional tests outlined below, the manufacturer shall provide at least four detectors which are deemed tobe representative of the manufacturers normal production with regard to construction and calibration. All fourdetectors shall be subjected to the baseline, flame
21、 response sensitivity, and false alarm tests; the remainder of thetests shall be spread over the four samples as outlined in Table 1.Table 1: Test AssignmentsTest Paragraph Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4Baseline Sensitivity 4.1.2 x x x xFlame Response 4.2.2 x x x xFalse stimuli 4.3.2 x x x xFie
22、ld of view 4.4.2 xSwitching 4.5.2 xHumidity cycling however, alarm initiation shall be no greater than 30 seconds from theinitial flame exposure.3.2.9 Detectors rated at or above 30 V ac and 60 V dc require a proper ground terminal to be provided.3.2.10 Duplicate terminals or leads, or their equival
23、ent, shall be provided on each radiant energy-sensing firedetector for the express purpose of connecting into the fire alarm system to provide supervision of thedevice and termination in accordance with NFPA 72 requirements.3.3 Markings3.3.1 The radiant energy-sensing fire detector shall be permanen
24、tly and legibly marked with the manufacturersname, city, and state; the model designation; serial number or equivalent means to identify the date ofmanufacture; operating voltage and electrical load ratings.3.3.2 The trade name or model designation shall correspond with the manufacturers catalog des
25、ignation andshall uniquely identify the product.3.3.3 Two-wire detectors shall be marked with the word WARNING and the following or equivalent text.Connect Detector Only to Control Unit Initiating Device Circuit as Specified in the Installation Manualor System May Not Operate.February 2004 ANSI/FM A
26、pprovals 3260FM APPROVALS 33.4 Manufacturers Installation and Operation Instructions3.4.1 The product installation, operating, and maintenance instructions shall be reviewed for each type andmodel of detector examined; the instructions shall be complete and appropriate for the detector. Theinstallat
27、ion instructions or manual shall be marked with a document name, number, revision, and date. Thefollowing items are required: Operating temperature Humidity Voltage Enclosure ratings Fuel, size of fire, distance from detector False alarm sources as enumerated in paragraph 4.3 Instructions for determ
28、ining detector sensitivity, including value for Zeta (1.0, the radiant energyabsorption factor for air), e.g. calibrated test method, calibrated sensitivity test instrument.3.4.2 The installation, operating, and maintenance instructions shall be included with each detector orinstallation as required
29、.3.4.3 All wiring terminal designations and adjustment controls shall be clearly labeled. Instructions for con-nection and settings shall be included in the Installation and Operation Manual. All field adjustments shallbe in accordance with this document.3.4.4 The instructions for two-wire detectors
30、 shall either include or provide reference to other identifiableliterature and its source that contains the following information:a) Name of manufacturer, model number(s) of compatible control unit(s), IDC interface and compatibilityidentification marker.b) Identification of any part of the control
31、unit, such as specific wiring terminal numbers, or reference tothe control unit installation wiring diagram by issue number and date, or any other variables requiringprogramming which are a factor in determining compatibility.c) The maximum number of detectors that are intended to be connected to ea
32、ch initiating device circuitof the control unit. This includes detectors that employ an integral component, such as a relay orsounder, that consumes power during an alarm condition.d) Minimum and maximum rated operating voltage, standby current, and alarm contact required forintended operation of in
33、tegral components, such as a relay or sounder.3.5 CalibrationAll examinations and tests performed in evaluation to this Standard shall use calibrated measuring instrumentstraceable and certified to national standards.3.6 Installation and Maintenance3.6.1 Detectors are adversely affected by accumulat
34、ions of dust or other coatings on the lens or sensitiveelement. The product literature shall include cleaning and maintenance instructions, and shall stress theneed for regular response tests.ANSI/FM Approvals 3260 February 20044 FM APPROVALS3.6.2 The product literature shall specify a device or a r
35、eadily reproducible technique for checking the responseof an installed detector. The device or technique shall be evaluated during the examination of the detectorfor reliability, accuracy of calibration, and, if applicable, suitability for hazardous location use.3.6.3 The response test shall be equi
36、valent or proportional to the radiant emissions from the test sources (flamesor embers) used to establish the sensitivity of the detector during the course of the examination. Theresponse test shall not employ a radiator of either unknown emittance or uncontrolled distance.3.7 Specifications3.7.1 Al
37、l manufacturer-specified sensitivities, i. e. fuel, size, distance, and response time shall be tested duringthe examination. The sensitivity shall be expressed as the maximum distance from the fire center at whichthe flame detector gives consistent alarm responses in a specified time not to exceed t
38、hirty seconds. Themanufacturer shall identify the sensitivity of a flame detector to one or more of the fires defined below.a) 12 x 12 in. (0.3 x 0.3 m) N-heptane pan fire;b) 12 x 12 in. (0.3 x 0.3 m) alcohol (type specific) pan fire;c) 12 x 12 in. (0.3 x 0.3 m) JP4 jet fuel fire;d) 5 in. (127 mm) p
39、ropane flame from a 0.021 inch (0.53 mm) orifice;e) 4 in. (102 mm) and/or 8 in. (203 mm) diameter pan of polypropylene pellets for wet bench applications.3.7.2 For a spark/ember detector, the manufacturer shall specify the minimum size and velocity of the spark orember of the given fuel that the det
40、ection system is to detect.3.7.3 An algebraic, graphical or statistical description of the sensitivity of the detector shall illustrate therelationship between the distance from the fire center and response time. (See Figure 3.7.3)3.7.4 The product literature shall specify the field of view of the r
41、adiant energy detector within which sensitivityis at least 50% of the on-axis sensitivity.Figure 3.7.3. Field of vision vs. distance.February 2004 ANSI/FM Approvals 3260FM APPROVALS 53.8 Software Requirements3.8.1 For radiant energy detectors dependent on software/firmware programs for normal operat
42、ion: All software and firmware shall be identified by release level which is clearly marked on, or capable ofbeing displayed by, the product for ease of identification; All changes to software/firmware shall result in a revision to the release level; The operating software/firmware shall not be acce
43、ssible for any changes or modifications beyond thosefor which it has been examined; and Any software failure that renders the detector inoperable shall result in a trouble condition at the detectorand be appropriately transmitted to the fire alarm control (e. g. watchdog timer).4. PERFORMANCE REQUIR
44、EMENTS4.1 Baseline Sensitivity Test4.1.1 RequirementDetector samples shall be subjected to a baseline sensitivity test to establish sensitivity by which the resultsof other tests in the program shall be measured.4.1.2 Test/VerificationEach detector sample shall be subjected to a small-scale sensitiv
45、ity test, specified by the manufacturer,with specified fuel, size, and distance. The results of the small-scale sensitivity test will establish base-linesensitivity equivalent to the full-scale testing in the Flame Response Sensitivity testing. The results of theflame response sensitivity test shall
46、 be documented and used to evaluate any deviation following thosetests outlined below. A shift in measured sensitivity in response to the test conditions shall not exceed 10%.This shift is defined as a reduction in the distance to the fire center with respect to that used in the baselinesensitivity
47、test. The sample detector must respond at a distance equal to 90% of that used for the baselinesensitivity test.4.2 Flame Response Sensitivity Test4.2.1 RequirementThe flame detector shall respond to all of the manufacturer specified fires as described in Section Test/VerificationThe tes
48、t shall be set up in an area which will minimize the effects of outside stimuli such as reflection offlame, wind conditions, and artificial lighting. At least three tests of each fuel at each specified distanceshall be conducted in order to get a consistent response. Distance from the detector shall
49、 be measured tothe center of the pan when a pan fire is involved. Response times to each type of fire shall be documented,along with the size of fire and distance from the detector to the fire.ANSI/FM Approvals 3260 February 20046 FM APPROVALS4.3 False Stimuli Response Test4.3.1 The flame detector shall respond to radiation of the intended wavelength (infrared, visible and/or ultra-violet) without false alarm due to modulated (an interruption of the exposure to the false alarm source) andnon-modulated direct and reflected sunlight,
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