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3、ineers Association, Inc. Approved February 1, 2012 by American National Standard Institute, Inc.ANSI/ICEA S-92-675-2011 iiCopyrighted by the ICEA Contents may not be reproduced in any orm ithout permission o the INS A E CAB E EN INEE S ASS CIA I N, INC. Copies o this publication may be obtained rom

4、BA EN INEE IN C EN S 15 Inverness ay East Engle ood, C 011 -5776, .S.A. elephone 0 0 5 -7179 ANSI/ICEA S-92-675-2011 iii N ICE AN ISC AI E he in ormation in this publication as considered technically sound by the consensus o persons engaged in the development and approval o the document at the time

5、it as developed. Consensus does not necessarily mean that there is unanimous agreement among every person participating in the development o this document. he Insulated Cable Engineers Association, Inc. ICEA standards and guideline publications, o hich the document contained herein is one, are devel

6、oped through a voluntary consensus standards development process. his process brings together persons ho have an interest in the topic covered by this publication. hile ICEA administers the process and establishes rules to promote airness in the development o consensus, it does not independently tes

7、t, evaluate, or veri y the accuracy or completeness o any in ormation or the soundness o any udgments contained in its standards and guideline publications. ICEA disclaims liability or personal in ury, property, or other damages o any nature hatsoever, hether special, indirect, conse uential, or com

8、pensatory, directly or indirectly resulting rom the publication, use o , application, or reliance on this document. ICEA disclaims and ma es no guaranty or arranty, e pressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness o any in ormation published herein, and disclaims and ma es no arranty that th

9、e in ormation in this document ill ul ill any o your particular purposes or needs. ICEA does not underta e to guarantee the per ormance o any individual manu acturer or seller s products or services by virtue o this standard or guide. In publishing and ma ing this document available, ICEA is not und

10、erta ing to render pro essional or other services or or on behal o any person or entity, nor is ICEA underta ing to per orm any duty o ed by any person or entity to someone else. Anyone using this document should rely on his or her o n independent udgment or, as appropriate, see the advice o a compe

11、tent pro essional in determining the e ercise o reasonable care in any given circumstances. In ormation and other standards on the topic covered by this publication may be available rom other sources, hich the user may ish to consult or additional vie s or in ormation not covered by this publication

12、. ICEA has no po er, nor does it underta e to police or en orce compliance ith the contents o this document. ICEA does not certi y, test, or inspect products, designs, or installations, or sa ety or health purposes. Any certi ications or other statement o compliance ith any health or sa ety-related

13、in ormation in this document shall not be attributable to ICEA and is solely the responsibility o the certi ier or ma er o the statement. ANSI/ICEA S-92-675-2011 ivpage intentionally le t blan ANSI/ICEA S-92-675-2011 v F E ICEA Standards are published in the public interest and are intended to promo

14、te uni ormity and uality throughout the industry. E istence o an ICEA publication does not in any respect preclude the manu acture or use o products not con orming to this Standard. he user o this Standard is cautioned to observe any applicable health or sa ety regulations and rules relative to the

15、manu acture and use o cable made in con ormity ith this Standard. his Standard herea ter assumes that manu acture, testing, installation, and maintenance o cables de ined by this Standard ill be per ormed only by properly trained personnel using suitable e uipment and employing appropriate sa ety pr

16、ecautions. uestions or interpretation o ICEA Standards can only be accepted in riting and the reply shall be provided in riting. Suggestions or improvements in this Standard are elcome. uestions and suggestions shall be sent to Secretary Insulated Cable Engineers Association, Inc. Post ice Bo 156 Ca

17、rrollton, A 0112, .S.A. nited States o America Alternatively, you can contact ICEA by utili ing the contact lin in the ICEA eb site his Standard as approved by ICEA on July 20, 2011. he members o the ICEA Communications Cable ivision, or ing roup 675, ho participated in this pro ect ere . . Ba er .

18、 ould P. Fraley . orna ANSI/ICEA S-92-675-2011 viTABLE OF CONTENTS C N EN S SEC I N PA E 1 ENE A 1.1 Purpose 1 1.2 Scope . 1 1. ptions and In ormation . 2 1. nits and olerances . 2 1.5 e erences . 2 1.6 uality Assurance 2 1.7 Sa ety Considerations 2 C N C S 2.1 isted Pair Conductors 2.1.1 e uirement

19、s . 2.1.2 Factory Joints . 2.2 Conductors o Coa ial nit . 2.2.1 Center Conductor o Coa ial nit . esistance e uirements . ensile and Elongation e uirements . 2.2.1. Factory Joints . 2.2.2 uter Conductor Shield o Coa ial nit Shielding ape 5 Braid . 5 2.2.2. uter Shield

20、6 2.2.2. uter Braid . 6 C N C I N S A I N .1 Conductor Insulation or isted Pairs . 6 .1.1 Insulation aterial . 6 .1.2 Insulation ype . 6 .1. Insulation imensions and Colors . 6 .1. Splices 7 .1.5 Insulation Physical e uirements . 7 .1.5.1 Adhesion . 7 .1.5.2 Elongation . 7 .1.5. Cold Bend . 7 .1.5.

21、Shrin bac 7 .1.5.5 hermal idative Stability. .1.5.6 eat e posure aging .1.6 Spar est .1.7 ist ength and Color Coding . ANSI/ICEA S-92-675-2011 vii TABLE OF CONTENTS C N EN S SEC I N PA E .2 Conductor Insulation or Center Conductor o Coa ial nit . 9 .2.1 Insulation aterial . 9 .2.2 Insulation ype . 9

22、 .2. Insulation imension 9 .2. Insulation Physical e uirements . 9 .2. .1 Adhesion . 9 .2. .2 hermal idative Stability I est o Foam ielectric 10 .2. . Shrin bac 10 S EN E BE / ESSEN E .1 Strength ember / essenger ptions 10 .2 Steel ein orcement . 10 .2.1 alvani ed Steel essenger 10 .2.2 ensile Stren

23、gth 10 .2. Splicing . 11 . Synthetic ein orcement 11 . .1 Non etallic Strength ember 11 . .2 Splicing . 11 5 JAC E C NFI A I N 5.1 esign ptions . 11 5.1.1 Single Coa ial nit . 11 5.1.2 Joint Core . 11 5.1. Composite/ ybrid or Butter ly esign . 11 5.2 Core rap 11 5. ip Cord . 11 6 JAC E 6.1 Jac et at

24、erial . 1 6.2 Jac et hic ness 1 6. Jac et Eccentricity 1 6. iameter over Coa -Jac et 1 6.5 Completed ire Jac et e uirements . 1 6.5.1 ensile Strength 15 6.5.2 Elongation . 15 6.5. eat E posure Aging 15 6.5. ight Absorption 15 ANSI/ICEA S-92-675-2011 viiiTABLE OF CONTENTS C N EN S SEC I N PA E 7 E EC

25、 ICA E I E EN S 7.1 Electrical e uirements o isted Pairs . 15 7.1.1 Continuity 15 7.1.2 Conductor esistance. 15 7.1. esistance nbalance 15 7.1. utual Capacitance 15 7.1.5 Pair-to-Pair Capacitance nbalance . 16 7.1.6 Pair-to- round Capacitance nbalance . 16 7.1.7 Attenuation- ry . 16 7.1. Attenuation

26、- et 16 7.1.9 Crosstal . 16 7.1.10 Insulation esistance- et 16 7.1.11 ielectric Strength- ry 17 7.1.12 Fusing Coordination 17 7.2 Electrical e uirements o Coa ial nit 17 7.2.1 Continuity 17 7.2.2 Conductor esistance. 17 7.2. Insulation esistance 17 7.2. ielectric Strength 17 7.2.5 Characteristic Imp

27、edance . 17 7.2.6 Structural eturn oss 1 7.2.7 Shielding E ectiveness . 1 7.2. Attenuation . 1 7.2.9 elocity o Propagation . 1 7.2.10 eat Aging est 1 EC ANICA E I E EN S .1 Impact est- naged . 19 .2 Impact est-Aged . 20 . Static oad est . 20 . P l a s t i c i er Compatibility 20 .5 Compatibility o J

28、ac et and Fiber Adhesive N . 20 .6 Abrasion esistance 20 .7 Cold emperature andling- naged 21 . Cold emperature andling-Aged 21 .9 eb Separation . 22 .9.1 oom emperature Separation . 22 .9.2 o emperature Separation 22 .10 National Electrical Code . 22 ANSI/ICEA S-92-675-2011 i TABLE OF CONTENTS C N

29、EN S SEC I N PA E 9 A IN AN PAC A IN 9.1 Jac et ar ing . 22 9.2 ength ar ing 2 9. Jac et In ar ing urability 2 9. End-Sealing 2 9.5 Pac aging 2 TABLES able 2-1 Conductivity and C esistance o Center Conductor Coa ial nit . able 2-2 Elongation and ensile Strength o Center Conductor Coa ial nit . able

30、2- iameter o uter Conductor Coa ial nit . 5 able -1 Conductor Insulation Color isted Pairs 7 able -2 isted Pair Color Code . able - iameter and Eccentricity o Center Conductor Insulation Coa ial nit . 9 able - Center Conductor Insulation Adhesion Coa ial nit . 9 able -1 iameter alvani ed Steel essen

31、gers 10 able 6-1 iameter ver Jac et Coa ial nit 1 able 7-1 oop esistance Coa ial nit 17 able 7-2 Attenuation e uirements Coa ial nit 19 able I Speci ications e erenced in this Standard . 2 able -1 est Current and Current uration Fusing Coordination est FIGURES Figure 5-1 - ybrid Composite and Butter

32、 ly esigns 12 Figure 5-2 - Figure esign . 12 Figure 6-1 Jac et hic ness easurement ethod Standard and uad Shielded Coa ial ires 1 Figure A-1 ic ing est Con iguration 2 Figure -1 Fusing Coordination est Con iguration APPENDICES Appendi A est Procedure For ic ing and ygroscopicity . 27 Appendi B Jac e

33、t ip Cord est 29 Appendi C Solution ethod to etermine Apparent Absorption Coe icient or P C aterials 0 Appendi Fusing Coordination est 2 ANSI/ICEA S-92-675-2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS C N EN S SEC I N PA E INFORMATIVE ANNEXES In ormative Anne A Product uide . A-1 In ormative Anne B ICEA elecommunications

34、 Cable Standards . B-1 ANSI/ICEA S-92-675-2011 i ACRONYMS, ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS A apparent absorption coe icient ac alternating current ANSI American National Standards Institute AS American Society or esting and aterials A American ire augeC degrees o temperature, Celsius scale CAS Chemical Ab

35、stract Services dB decibels dc direct current EIA Electronics Industry Alliance F degrees o temperature, Fahrenheit scale t oot or eet g gram s ert ICEA Insulated Cable Engineers Association IS N Integrated Services igital Net or IS International rgani ation or Standardi ation t ilo oot or ilo eet g

36、 ilogramilohert m ilometer Pa ilopascal A N o c a l A r e a N e t o r lb pound o orce m meter b megabits mg milligram megahert min. minimumml milliliter mm millimeter mm2 s uare millimeter Pa megapascal N Ne tonNESC National Electrical Sa ety Code NFPA National Fire Protection Association nF nano ar

37、ad NI Net or Inter ace evice NI Net or Inter ace nit percent pF pico arad P S Plain ld elephone Service psi pounds per s uare inch P C polyvinyl chloride F radio re uency rms root-mean-s uareANSI/ICEA S-92-675-2011 i iACRONYMS, ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS - continued SC E Society o Cable elecommunicat

38、ion Engineers sec second 1 North American igital ierarchy ine Code E uivalent to 1.5 b/sec nder riters aboratories voltAN ide Area Net or appro imation symbol degrees symbol, temperature or angle inches or inch symbol ANSI/ICEA S-92-675-2011 1 COAXIAL AND COAXIAL/TWISTED PAIR COMPOSITE AERIAL SERVIC

39、E WIRES TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTSSEC I N 1 ENE A 1.1 P P SE he purpose o this Standard is to establish generic technical re uirements that may be re erenced by individual telecommunications ire speci ications covering products intended or the aerial outside plant use. he parameters covered provide mate

40、rial, construction, and per ormance re uirements. Because this Standard does not cover all details o individual ire designs, it cannot be used as a single document or procurement o product. his Standard is intended to be used in con unction ith an individual product speci ication that provides compl

41、ete design details or the speci ic ire type and designates the applicable per ormance re uirements. Such individual ire speci ications may be prepared either by the user or the manu acturer. he speci ication designated or procurement is at the option o the user. 1.2 SC PE his Standard covers mechani

42、cal and electrical re uirements o service ires containing at least one coa ial core and optionally up to si t isted pairs, used or service applications to e tend the telephone/multimedia circuit rom the distribution terminal to the subscriber s station protector NI Net or Inter ace evice or protecte

43、d NI Net or Inter ace nit . Furthermore, a distinction bet een Type I and Type II is made ith regard to transmission characteristics and shielding materials o the coa ial unit. Aerial Service ire is intended to be sel supporting and shall contain strength members to accommodate the appropriate re ui

44、rements o this Standard. he sel supporting properties may be accomplished by utili ing a inc coated steel strength member or synthetic ibers as strength members embedded in a suitably shaped ac et. he coa ial unit is intended to be used or either F or compressed digital video and radio transmissions

45、. his unit shall also allo bi-directional tra ic. he coa ial unit should also be capable o carrying high speed digital signals or AN/ AN applications such as 1, IS N, etc. as ell as P S Plain ld elephone Services . he net or supporting these protocols ill be based upon physical lines having a charac

46、teristic impedance o 75 hms. he coa ial units are speci ied in three and our common si es or Type I and Type II respectively, to accommodate di erent drop lengths. he t isted pair ires are intended or voice and data transmission and their characteristics are based upon e isting system re uirements a

47、nd pro ected application needs. ANSI/ICEA S-92-675-2011 21. P I NS AN INF A I N his Standard is arranged in Sections covering speci ic areas o ire re uirements and may be re erenced as complete Sections or as individual paragraphs. Paragraphs o this Standard here the user may speci y a particular op

48、tion are listed belo 2.2.1 Center Conductor o Coa ial nit Shielding ape Braid 2.2.2. uter Shield 2.2.2. uter Braid .1 Strength ember/ essenger ptions .2.1 alvani ed Steel essenger 5.1 esign ptions 5. ip Cord 9.2 ength ar ing 9.5 Pac aging To assist the user in selection of options an

49、d to avoid possible misunderstandings between the manufacturer and user, it is suggested that a check-off sheet similar to that shown in Informative Annex A be utilized. 1. NI S AN E ANCES hroughout this Standard the primary unit o measure is indicated irst and these values must be used or determination o product per ormance. Parenthetical conversions are appro imate and are provided or in ormation only. he rounding-o

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