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ANSI IEEE 563-1978 Guide on Conductor Self-Damping Measurements.pdf

1、IEEE Std 563-1978 (R2007)IEEE Guide on Conductor Self-Damping MeasurementsIEEE Standards BoardReaffirmed 26 September 2007Approved March 3, 1977SponsorTransmission and Distribution Committee of theof theIEEE Power Engineering Society_Copyright 1978 byThe Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engin

2、eers, Inc.No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written per-mission of the publisher.IEEE Standardsdocuments are developed within the IEEE Societies and the Standards Coordinating Com-mittees of the IEEE Standards

3、 Board. Members of the committees serve voluntarily and without compensa-tion. They are not necessarily members of the Institute. The standards developed within IEEE represent aconsensus of the broad expertise on the subject within the Institute as well as those activities outside of IEEEthat have e

4、xpressed an interest in participating in the development of the standard.Use of an IEEE Standard is wholly voluntary. The existence of an IEEE Standard does not imply that thereare no other ways to produce, test, measure, purchase, market, or provide other goods and services related tothe scope of t

5、he IEEE Standard. Furthermore, the viewpoint expressed at the time a standard is approved andissued is subject to change brought about through developments in the state of the art and commentsreceived from users of the standard. Every IEEE Standard is subjected to review at least every ve years forr

6、evision or reafrmation. When a document is more than ve years old and has not been reafrmed, it is rea-sonable to conclude that its contents, although still of some value, do not wholly reect the present state ofthe art. Users are cautioned to check to determine that they have the latest edition of

7、any IEEE Standard.Comments for revision of IEEE Standards are welcome from any interested party, regardless of membershipafliation with IEEE. Suggestions for changes in documents should be in the form of a proposed change oftext, together with appropriate supporting comments.Interpretations: Occasio

8、nally questions may arise regarding the meaning of portions of standards as theyrelate to specic applications. When the need for interpretations is brought to the attention of IEEE, theInstitute will initiate action to prepare appropriate responses. Since IEEE Standards represent a consensus ofall c

9、oncerned interests, it is important to ensure that any interpretation has also received the concurrence of abalance of interests. For this reason, IEEE and the members of its societies and Standards CoordinatingCommittees are not able to provide an instant response to interpretation requests except

10、in those cases wherethe matter has previously received formal consideration. Comments on standards and requests for interpretations should be addressed to:Secretary, IEEE Standards Board445 Hoes LaneP.O. Box 1331Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331USAAuthorization to photocopy portions of any individual standa

11、rd for internal orpersonal use is granted by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., provided that the appro-priate fee is paid to Copyright Clearance Center. To arrange for payment of licensing fee, please contactCopyright Clearance Center, Customer Service, 222 Rosewood Drive,

12、 Danvers, MA 01923 USA; (508)750-8400. Permission to photocopy portions of any individual standard for educational classroom use canalso be obtained through the Copyright Clearance Center.Note: Attention is called to the possibility that implementation of this standard mayrequire use of subject matt

13、er covered by patent rights. By publication of this standard,no position is taken with respect to the existence or validity of any patent rights inconnection therewith. The IEEE shall not be responsible for identifying patents forwhich a license may be required by an IEEE standard or for conducting

14、inquiries intothe legal validity or scope of those patents that are brought to its attention.iiiForeword(This Foreword is not a part of IEEE Std 5631978, Guide on Conductor Self-Damping Measurements.)This Guide has been prepared jointly by the IEEE Task Force on Conductor Vibration and the CIGRE (Co

15、n-ference Internationale des Grandes Reseaux Electriques a Haute Tension, International Conference onLarge High Voltage Electric Systems) study committee 22 Overhead Lines Working Group 01 onMechanical Oscillations. It is the rst in a series of guides planned for standardizing the measurement of the

16、inherent energy dissipation characteristics of overhead conductors, the performance of aeolian vibrationdamper and ultimately the prediction of the vibration amplitudes and the dynamic mechanical strain in con-ductors resulting from wind induced vibration. An objective of these guides is to establis

17、h universallyaccepted procedures and parameters for developing methods for controlling aeolian vibration.This Guide was prepared by the Subcommittee on Conductor Vibration of the Towers, Poles, and Conduc-tors of the Transmission and Distribution Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society. The

18、member-ship of this subcommittee was:A. T. Edwards, Chair R. E. BrokenshireE. FritzA. P. GilchristA. R. HardB. HondalasR. A. KomendaA. C. PtzerC. B. RawlingsJ. B. RocheT. O. SeppaAt the time of approval of this Guide the Working Group 01 Mechanical Oscillations of CIGRE Study Com-mittee No 22, Overh

19、ead Transmission Lines, consisted of the following members:H. W. Adams (USA)W. Carlshem (Sweden)M. Cojan (France)R. Claren (Italy)A. T. Edwards (Canada)M. Ervik (Norway)M. Rowbottom (Great Brit-ain)When the IEEE Standards Board approved this Guide on 3 March 1977, it had the following members:Willia

20、m R. Kruesi, Chair Irvin N. Howell, Jr, Vice Chair Ivan G. Easton, Secretary William E. AndrusJean Jacques ArchambaultMark BarberEdward J. CohenWarren H. CookLouis CostrellR. L. CurtisDavid B. DobsonR. O. DuncanCharles W. FlintJay ForsterRalph I. HauserJoseph L. KoepngerIrving KolodnyBenjamin J. Leo

21、nThomas J. MartinDonald T. MichaelVoss A. MooreWilliam S. MorganWilliam J. NeiswenderRalph M. ShowersRobert A. SodermanLeonard W. Thomas, Sr.B. W. WhittingtonContentsCLAUSE. PAGE1. Scope 11.1 11.2 . 22. List of Symbols (see also Fig 1 ) 33. Self-Damping Denition 44. Conductor Denition 45. Test Span

22、Arrangement . 45.1 Termination. 45.2 Conductor Conditioning 55.3 Vibration Generator 66. Test Method 77. Power Measurements. 88. Recommended Values of T, l, f, Y 89. References . .11ANNEXAnnex (informative) Appendix 12IEEE Guide on Conductor Self-Damping Measurements1. ScopeWith the increasing inter

23、est and concern regarding the vibration of overhead conductors, and the emphasison the improvement of existing methods and the development of new techniques for controlling the problem,there is a growing requirement for reliable information on the self-damping characteristics of conductors.This para

24、meter is a principal factor in determining the response of conductors to alternating forces, such asarise from wind ow over conductors. This guideline has been prepared for the purpose of encouraginginvestigators contemplating making measurements of the inherent damping characteristics of conductors

25、, toadopt the methods outlined herein. It is anticipated that the resulting information, being in a compatible andconsistent form, will provide a reliable basis for studying the vibration and damping of conductors in thefuture and for the comparison of data of various investigators. The methods and

26、procedures recommendedare not intended for quality control test purposes. SI units are used throughout this document with the com-monly employed English units shown in parentheses.There are several methods available for measuring the energy dissipated by a cable vibrating in a principalmode. These c

27、an be divided into two main groups which are usually referred to as the free vibration andforced vibration methods. The vibration of a cable in a principal mode can be observed only in the absenceof any exciting force, that is, after the force has been disconnected and the other modes have decayed t

28、oinsignicant values. The energy dissipated can then be derived from the rate of decay of the vibration. Thismethod can be greatly affected by the method used to disconnect the driving force as the slightest additionaldisturbance of the conductor causes other vibration modes to be generated and this

29、must be avoided.With the relatively low rates of decay which are usually associated with stranded conductors, the forcedvibration method is satisfactory as the contribution of the modes, other than the one which is being excited,is not signicant if the frequency of the exciting forces corresponds cl

30、osely to the resonant frequency of themode under test and if the exciting force is substantially sinusoidal and of sufciently low magnitude. Twoforced vibration methods are therefore suggested:1.1The power method 11in which the conductor is forced into resonant vibration by an electrodynamicshaker a

31、nd the power input into the system is determined directly from the product of the excitation forceand the resulting velocity at the point of application of the load. This represents the power dissipated by theconductor provided the two quantities are sinusoidal and are in phase with each other. It a

32、ssumes also thatthe losses of the terminations are small compared with the dissipation within the conductor. The powermethod also permits the mechanical resistance per unit length of the conductor to be determined directlyfrom the ratio of the force to the velocity.1The numbers in brackets correspon

33、d to the references listed in Section 9 of this guide.2IEEEStd 563-1978 IEEE GUIDE ON CONDUCTOR 1.2The standing wave method 2, 3 in which the power transfer P1from the vibration generator towardsthe ends of the span at any particular node 1, is derived from the inverse or the reciprocal of the stand

34、ingwave ratio, that is, the ratio of the nodal and antinodal amplitudes and is given as follows:wherethe wave or characteristic impedance (At very high frequencies this may be modified due to theeffect of the stiffness of the conductor.)standing wave ratioVsingle amplitude velocity at antinodeTcondu

35、ctor tensionmconductor mass per unit length.Then the power dissipated between two nodes 1 and 2 is simplyP= P1- P2The rst method is simpler, faster, and requires somewhat less sophisticated instrumentation and is satisfac-tory for most measurements provided the termination losses are small. These ca

36、n be determined by compar-ing the power inputs for two spans of different lengths identically terminated. (See discussion onTermination (Section C1) on methods for reducing losses to a satisfactory level.) Where it is not convenientto change the span length, it is necessary to employ the standing wa

37、ve method to determine the losses dueto the termination of the conductor. This method although more time-consuming, is preferred by some inves-tigators. It does require special care in measuring the conductor amplitudes particularly at nodes where theyare usually very small and in ensuring that only

38、 the component at the excitation frequency is measured.The guideline provides information on the requirements for the test span and on the testing conditions, andsuggests the form in which the results be presented.P1TmV22-a1Y-=TmYa1-3IEEESELF-DAMPING MEASUREMENTS Std 563-19782. List of Symbols (see

39、also Fig 1 )Figure 1 Schematic Representation of Vibrating Conductor SpanPpower dissipated per unit lengthmilliwatts per meterTtension newtonslloop length meteryfreeloop single amplitude at antinodemillimetersYfreeloop double ampli-tude at antinodemillimetersVtransverse velocity at anti-nodesingle a

40、mplitudemeters per secondandouble amplitude at nthnodemillimetersffrequency hertzmmass per unit length kilogram per meterDdiameter of conductor millimetersFsingle amplitude exciting forcenewtonsRTS rated tensile strength newtonsLfree length of span meter4IEEEStd 563-1978 IEEE GUIDE ON CONDUCTOR Figu

41、re 2 Test Span Arrangement3. Self-Damping DenitionThe self-damping of a conductor subjected to a load Tis dened by the power dissipated per unit length of aconductor vibrating in a natural mode, with a loop length land an antinode displacement amplitude yand afrequency f. The power per unit conducto

42、r length Pis expressed as a function in the nthmode 4:P= fn(T, l, f, y)4. Conductor DenitionThe conductor, to which the damping data are referred, should be clearly described. Together with the usualconductor data (stranding, weight per unit length, nominal RTS), information should be supplied on th

43、e typeof lubricant or grease applied to it or whether it is degreased, and on the origin of the tested specimen (thatis, if new ex-factory or taken from previously erected lengths). If the specimen is taken from a previouslyerected length, the tensile loads to which it has been subjected and the per

44、iod of time during which it hasbeen on the line should be stated.5. Test Span ArrangementThe test span arrangement should be briey described and shown in a sketch similar to Fig 2. The free lengthLof the test specimen should be stated.The free span length L, for damping measurements required for aeo

45、lian vibration problems, should prefera-bly be at least ten times longer than the longest loop length used in the tests. For consistent results, a spanlength greater than 50 m is recommended but satisfactory results can be obtained with spans in the range of30 m. For shorter spans, the termination l

46、osses can be critical and it may be essential to use the standingwave method to measure the power loss in the conductor.5.1 TerminationPreference should be given to a test arrangement which would minimize energy dissipation at the span endterminations. If there is uncertainty about this, the energy

47、should be assessed and eventually accounted forby using the standing wave method.5IEEESELF-DAMPING MEASUREMENTS Std 563-1978To minimize the energy dissipation at the span terminations, the following precautions are suggested:1) The terminating xtures be of massive concrete with a weight of the order

48、 of 10 percent of the ulti-mate tensile strength of the largest conductor to be tested. These should be a single piece and prefer-ably be common or solidly connected with the foundation to avoid relative motion occurringbetween the various components.2) The termination losses may be minimized by ter

49、minating the conductor by a exure member, suchas a exible cantilever, to avoid bending the conductor through a sharp radius of curvature where itwould normally enter the clamp. (See Fig 4 .) Figure 3 Conventional TerminationAlternatively, the conductor may be clamped solidly to the concrete terminating xture with a heavy clamp which should be a good t on the conductor.2(See Fig 4 .)5.2 Conductor ConditioningAny excessive looseness in the layers of aluminum should be worked out of the conductor

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