2、nt de Iinformation - Vocabulaire - Chapitre 02 : Operations arithmetiques et logiques Premiere Edition - 1976-05-15 UDC/CDU 681.3.04 : 001.4 Ref. No./Rbf. no : ISO 2382/ll-1976 (E/F) Descriptors : data processing, arithmetical operations, logic operations, boolean operations, numbers, measurement ch
3、aracteristics, vocabu- Iary/Descripteurs : traitement de Iinformation, Operation arithmetique, Operation logique, Operation booleenne, nombre, caracteristique de mesurage, vocabulaire. Price based on 31 pages/Prix base sur 31 pages Adopted by INCITS (InterNational Committee for Information Technolog
4、y Standards) as an American National Standard.Date of ANSI Approval: 1/13/99Published by American National Standards Institute,25 West 43rd Street, New York, New York 10036Copyright 2002 by Information Technology Industry Council (ITI).All rights reserved.These materials are subject to copyright cla
5、ims of International Standardization Organization (ISO), InternationalElectrotechnical Commission (IEC), American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and Information Technology Industry Council(ITI). Not for resale. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, including an electronic
6、retrieval system, withoutthe prior written permission of ITI. All requests pertaining to this standard should be submitted to ITI, 1250 Eye Street NW,Washington, DC 20005.Printed in the United States of AmericaFOREWORD ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federatio
7、n of national Standards institutes (ISO Member Bodies). The work of developing International Standards is carried out through ISO Technical Committees. Every Member Body interested in a subject for which a Technical Committee has been set up has the right to be represented on that Committee. Interna
8、tional organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the Technical Committees are circulated to the Member Bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the ISO Council. Internat
9、ional Standard ISO 2382/ll (originally ISO/DIS 2763) was drawn up by Technical Committee lSO/TC 97, Computers and information processing, and circulated to the Member Bodies in March 1974. lt has been approved by the Member Bodies of the following countries : Australia Italy Belgium Japan Brazil Mex
10、ico Czechoslovakia Poland France Romania Germany South Africa, Rep. of Hungary Spain Ireland Sweden The Member Body of on technical grounds : Switzerland Thailand Turkey United Kingdom U.S.A. U.S.S. R. Yugoslavia the following country expressed disapproval of the document Netherlands 0 International
11、 Organkation for Standardkation, 1976 l Printed in Switzerland AVANT-PROPOS LISO (Organisation Internationale de Normalisation) est une federation mondiale dorganismes nationaux de normalisation (Comites Membres ISO). Lelaboration de Normes Internationales est confiee aux Comites Techniques ISO. Cha
12、que Comite Membre interesse par une etude a Ie droit de faire Partie du Comite Technique correspondant. Les organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, en liaison avec IISO, participent egalement aux travaux. Les Projets de Normes Internationales adoptes par les Comites
13、Techniques sont soumis aux Comites Membres pour approbation, avant leur acceptation comme Normes Internationales par Ie Conseil de IISO. La Norme Internationale ISO 2382/1 I (precedemment ISO/DIS 2763) a et6 etablie par Ie Comite Technique ISO/TC 97, Calculateurs et traitement de linformation, et so
14、umise aux Comites Membres en mars 1974. Elle a et6 approuvee par les Comites Membres des pays suivants : Afrique du Sud, Rep. d Irlande Suisse Allemagne Italie Tchkoslovaquie Australie Japon Thailande Belgique Mexique Turquie Brki I Pologne U. R.S.S. Espagne Roumakie U.S.A. France Royaume-Uni Yougos
15、lavie Hongrie Suede Le Comite techniques Membre du pays suivant a desapprouve Ie document pour des Pays-Bas raisons 0 Organisation Internationale de Normalisation, 1976 l Imprimb en Suisse Data processing gives rise to numerous international exchanges of both intellectual and material nature. These
16、exchanges often become difficult, either because of the great variety of terms used in various fields or languages to express the same concept, or because of the absence of or the imprecision of useful concepts. To avoid misunderstandings due to this Situation and to facilitate such exchanges, it is
17、 advisable to select terms to be used in various languages or in various countries to express the same concept and to establish definitions providing satisfactory equivalents for the various terms in different languages. In accordance with the directions given to the ISO Sub-Committee in Charge of t
18、he Vocabulary, the work on it has been mainly based on the usage to be found in the Vocabulary o f in forma tion processing * established and published by the International Federation for Information Processing and the International Computation Centre, and in the USA Standard vocabulary for informa
19、tion processing established, published and revised by the American National Standards Institute. The Sub-Committee also considered various international documents or drafts issued by ISO Technical Committee 97 and its Sub-Committees and other international organizations (such as the International Te
20、lecommunication Union) and national drafts or Standards. The definitions have been drawn up with the objective of achieving a proper balance between precision and simplicity. The main objective of this Vocabulary is to provide definitions that tan be understood to have the same meaning by all concer
21、ned. lt may thus be felt that some definitions are not sufficiently precise, do not include all cases, do not take into account certain exceptions, or are in conflict with established uses in particular fields of application. In addition, the Vocabulary consists of several sections prepared over a l
22、ong period of time and it may be that the preparation of the later sections introduces inconsistencies with the earlier ones. These imperfections will be eliminated as far as possible in later editions. This procedure allows for immediate publication of needed sections and permits an element of flex
23、ibility in the preparation of a comprehensive vocabulary in view of the dynamics of language. * North Holland Publishing Company - AMSTERDAM 1966 iV Le traitement de Iinformation donne lieu 5 de tres nombreux echanges internationaux dordre intellectuel ou materiel qui sont souvent rendus difficiles
24、soit par Ia diversite des termes employes dans differents milieux ou dans differentes langues pour exprimer une meme notion, soit par Iabsence ou Iimprecision des definitions des notions utiles. Pour eviter les malentendus ayant leur origine dans Ie vocabulaire et faciliter les echanges, il convient
25、 de proceder a un choix des termes a employer dans les differentes langues ou dans les differents pays pour designer Ia meme notion, et de rediger des definitions assurant une equivalence pratiquement satisfaisante entre ces differents termes. Conformement aux directives recues par Ie Sous-Comite de
26、 IISO Charge de Ietude du Vocabulaire, les travaux correspondants ont et6 essentiellement bases sur Iusage codifie dans Ie Vocabulary of information processing” etabli et publik par 11 nternational Federation for I nformation Processing et Ie Centre International de Calcul, et dans Ie USA Standard v
27、ocabulary for information processing etabli, public et revise par IAmerican National Standards Institute. Le Sous-Comite sest appuye en outre sur diffkents documents ou projets internationaux issus du Comite Technique 97 de IISO et de ses Sous-Cqmites ou dautres organisations internationales (telles
28、 que IUnion Internationale des Telecommunications), ainsi que sur des normes ou projets nationaux. Les definitions ont 6th concues de facon teile quun equilibre raisonnable entre Ia precision et Ia simplicite seit atteint. Lobjectif principal de ce Vocabulaire est de fournir des definitions qui puis
29、sent etre reconnues comme ayant Ie meme sens par tout Iecteur concerne. Quelques definitions peuvent donc sembler insuffisamment precises, ne pas inclure tous les cas, ne pas tenir campte de certaines exceptions ou etre en contradiction avec les usages etablis dans des domaines dapplication particul
30、 iers. De plus, Ie Vocabulaire est constitue de plusieurs chapitres dont Ielaboration sest kalbe sur une grande Periode de temps, et Ia realisation de nouveaux chapitres peut introduire des incoherences dans les anciens chapitres. Ces imperfections seront eliminees dans Ia mesure du possible dans le
31、s editions ulterieures. Cette procedure permet de publier rapidement les chapitres les plus attendus et introduit un 6l6ment de souplesse dans Ia realisation dun vocabulaire etendu et devant sadapter a Ia dynamique de Ia langue. * North Holland Publishing Company - AMSTERDAM 1966 CONTENTS Page 1 Gen
32、eral. 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Scope. 1.3 Field of application 2 Principles and rules followed 2.1 Definition of an entry . 2.2 Organization of an entry 2.3 Classification of entries . 2.4 Selection of terms and wording of definitions. . 2.5 Multiple meanings . 2.6 Abbreviations 2.7 Use of parentheses 2
33、.8 Use of (Square) brackets . 2.9 Use of terms printed in italic typeface in definitions and use of asterisks . 2.10 Spelling 2.11 Organization of the alphabetical index . 3 Terms and definitions 02 Arithmetic and logic operations 02.01 Methods . 02.02 Representation of variables . 02.03 Numbers . 0
34、2.04 Functions and mapping 02.05 Boolean operations . 02.06 Precision, accuracy and errors 02.07 Arithmetic operations 02.08 Operator notations in mathematics 02.09 Processing of numbers and quantities . 02.10 Operations - General terms. 02.11 Shifts 02.12 Tables and diagrams . Annexes A Table of mo
35、nadic Boolean operations . B Table of dyadic Boolean operations . C Additional terms. . 4 Alphabetical index English French 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 . 4 6 7 10 11 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 28 SOMMAIRE Page 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 Generalites 1.1 I ntroduction 1.2 Objet. 1.3 Domai
36、ne dappl ication . 2 Principes detablissement et regles suivies 2.1 Definition de Iarticle 2.2 Constitution dun article 2.3 Classification des articles 2.4 Choix des termes et des definitions . 2.5 Pluralite de sens ou polysemie . 2.6 Abreviations 2.7 Emploi des parentheses . 2.8 Emploi des crochets
37、 2.9 Emploi dans les definitions de termes ecrits en caracteres italiques et de Iasterisque . 2.10 Mode decriture et orthographe 2.11 Constitution de Iindex alphabetique 3 Termes et definitions 02 Operations arithmetiques et logiques . 02.01 Methodes . 02.02 Representations des variables 02.03 Nombr
38、es . 02.04 Fonctions et appl ications . 02.05 Operations booleennes 02.06 Precision, exactitude et erreurs. . 02.07 Operations arithmetiques . 02.08 Notations des operations mathematiques 02.09 Traitement des nombres et des grandeurs 02.10 Operations - Termes generaux 02.11 Decalages . 02.12 Tables
39、et diagrammes . Annexes A Tableau des operations booleennes monadiques . B Tableau des operations booleennes diadiques C Termes complementaires . 4 Index alphabetiques Anglais Francais , 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 6 7 IO 11 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 28 . . VII This page intentionally left blank - INTERNATIONA
40、L STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALE ISO 2382/1 I-l976 (E/F) Data processing - Vocabulary - Section 02 : Arithmetic and logic operations 1 GENERAL 1.1 Introduction This section of the Vocabulary (which will comprise some twenty sections) deals with concepts often used in data processing that are related
41、to mathematics and logic. Concepts concerning numerical quantities are dealt with in the light of the computing methods that may be used with them. This section deals with general terms concerning the arithmetic operations and logic operations. Tables of dyadic and monadic Boolean operations are att
42、ached to this section (annexes A and B); the tables contain symbolic representations of these operations but their purpose is neither to standardire the Symbols of Boolean operations nor to set a precedent. Definitions of a number of ad- ditional terms, relating to pure mathematics, are given in ann
43、ex C. 1.2 scope The Vocabulary is intended to facilitate international communication in data processing. It presents, in two languages, terms and definitions of selected concepts relevant to the field of data processing and identifies relationships between the entries. In Order to facilitate their t
44、ranslation into other languages, the definitions are drafted so as to avoid, as far as possible, any peculiarity attached to a language. 1.3 Field of application The Vocabulary deals with the main areas of data processing, including the principal processes and types of equipment used, the representa
45、tion, organization and presentation of data, the programming and Operation of Computers, input/output devices and peripheral equipment, as weil as particular applications. 2 PRINCIPLES AND RULES FOLLOWED The sub-clauses under this heading included in ISO 2382/1 are equally applicable to this section
46、. They are not reproduced here. The corresponding sub-clause headings are the following : Traitement de Iinformation - Vocabulaire - Chapitre 02 : Opkations arithmetiques et logiques 1 GENiRALITiS 1.1 Introduction Le present chapitre du Vocabulaire (qui en comprendra une vingtaine) contient des noti
47、ons souvent employees en traitement de Iinformation concernant les mathematiques et Ia logique. Les notions concernant les grandeurs numeriques sont traitees suivant les methodes de calcul qui peuvent leur etre appliquees. Le present chapitre comprend les termes generaux concernant les operations ar
48、ithmetiques, les operations logiques. Les tableaux des operations booleennes diadiques et monadiques sont joints au present chapitre (annexes A et B). Ces tableaux contien- nent les representations symboliques de ces operations, mais nont pas pour objet de normaliser ces Symboles ni de constituer un
49、 precedent. Des definitions dun certain nombre de termes complementaires, relatifs aux mathe- matiques pures, sont donnees dans Iannexe C. 1.2 Objet Le Vocabulaire a pour objet de faciliter les echanges internationaux dans ce domaine. II presente un ensemble bilingue de termes et de definitions ayant trait a des notions choisies, et definit les relations pouvant exister entre differentes notions. Les definitions ont et6 etablies de maniere a ne presenter que peu de particularites attachees a une langue donnee, en vue de faciliter leur transposition
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