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ANSI INCITS ISO 2382-22-1986 Information processing systems - Vocabulary - Part 22 Calculators.pdf

1、International Standard Norme internationale 2382,73 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION*MEX,UYHAPOAHAR OPrAHHBAl b) the term or the generally preferred term in the language. The absence of a generally accepted term for the concept in the language is indicated by a symbol consisting of fiv

2、e points (. 1; a row of dots may be used to indicate, in a term, a word to be chosen in each particular case; c) the preferred term in a particular country (identified ac- cording to the rules of ISO/R 639, Symbols for languages, countries and authorities) ; Section un : Gh6ralitb 1 Objet et domaine

3、 dapplication La presente Norme internationale a pour objet de faciliter les Bchanges internationaux dans les systemes de traitement de Iinformation. A cet effet, elle presente un ensemble bilingue de termes et de definitions avant trait a des notions choisies dans ce domaine, et definit les relatio

4、ns pouvant exister entre les dif- fkentes notions. Les definitions ont et.6 etablies de maniere a eviter les particula- rismes propres B une langue donnee, en vue de faciliter leur transposition dans les langues autres que celles avant servi A la redaction initiale. La presente partie de IISO 2382 (

5、qui en comprendra une vingtaine) concerne les calculatrices. Elle traite des principaux procedes et types de machines employ b) le terme, ou le terme prefer6 en general dans la langue. Labsence dans une langue, de terme consacre ou a conseil- ler pour exprimer une notion est indiquee par un symbole

6、consistant en cinq points de suspension (. . . . .I; les points de suspension peuvent Btre employ c) le terme prefer6 dans un certain pays (identifie selon les regles de IISO/R 639, lndicatifs de la langoe, de pays et dautorit4; d) Iabreviation pouvant dtre employee a la place du terme; d) the abbre

7、viation for the term; IS0 2392/22-1986 (E/F) e) permitted synonymous term(s); f) the text of the definition (see 2.4); g) one or more examples with the heading “Example(s)“; h) one or more notes specifying particular cases in the field of application of the concepts, with the heading “NOTE(S)“; i) a

8、 picture, a diagram, or a table which could be common to several entries. 2.3 Classification of entries A two-digit serial number is assigned to each part of this Inter- national Standard, beginning with 01 for “fundamental terms”. The entries are classified in groups to each of which is assigned a

9、four-digit serial number. The first two digits being those of the part of this International Standard. Each entry is assigned a six-digit index number. The first four digits being those of the part of this International Standard and the group. In order that versions of this International Standard in

10、 various languages are related, the numbers assigned to parts, groups and entries are the same for all languages. 2.4 Selection of terms and wording of definitions The selection of terms and the wording of definitions have, as far as possible, followed established usage. When there were contradictio

11、ns, solutions agreeable to the majority have been sought. 2.5 Multiple meanings When, in one of the working languages, a given term has seve- ral meanings, each meaning is given a separate entry in order to facilitate translation into other languages. 2.6 Abbreviations As indicated in 2.2, abbreviat

12、ions in current use are given for some terms. Such abbreviations are not used in the texts of the definitions, examples or notes. 2.7 Use of parentheses In some terms, a word or words printed in bold typeface are placed between parentheses. These words are part of the com- plete term, but they may b

13、e omitted when use of the abridged term in a technical context does not introduce ambiguity. In the text of another definition, example, or note in this International Standard, such a term is used only in its complete form. e) le terme ou les termes.admis comme synonymes; f) le texte de la definitio

14、n (voir 2.4); g) un ou plusieurs exemples precedes du titre ctExemple(s); h) une ou plusieurs notes precisant le domaine dapplica- tion de la notion, precedees du titre (NOTE(S); i) une figure, un schema ou un tableau, pouvant etre com- muns a plusieurs articles. 2.3 Classification des articles Chaq

15、ue partie de la presente Norme internationale recoit un numero dordre a deux chiffres, en commencant par 01 pour le chapitre cctermes fondamentaux). Les articles sont repartis en groupes qui recoivent chacun un numero dordre a quatre chiffres, les deux premiers chiffres its particular field of appli

16、cation, or its grammatical form. 2.8 Use of brackets When several closely related terms can be defined by texts that differ only in a few words, the terms and their definitions are grouped in a single entry. The words to be substituted in order to obtain the different meanings are placed in brackets

17、, i.e. I I, in the same order in the term and in the definition. In order to avoid uncertainty regarding the words to be sub- stituted, the last word that according to the above rule could be placed in front of the opening bracket is, wherever possible, placed inside the bracket and repeated for eac

18、h alternative. 2.9 Use of terms printed in italic typeface in definitions and use of asterisk A term printed in italic typeface in a definition, an example, or a note is defined in another entry in this International Standard, which may be in another part. However, the term is printed in italic type

19、face only the first time it occurs in each entry. Italic typeface is also used for other grammatical forms of a term, for example, plurals of nouns and participles of verbs. The basic forms of all terms printed in italic typeface are listed in the index at the end of the part (see 2.11). An asterisk

20、 is used to separate terms printed in italic typeface when two such terms are referred to in separate entries and directly follow each other (or are separated only by a punctua- tion sign). Words or terms that are printed in normal typeface are to be understood as defined in current dictionaries or

21、authoritative technical vocabularies. 2.10 Spelling In the English language version of this International Standard, terms, definitions, examples, and notes are given in the spelling preferred in the USA. Other correct spellings may be used without violating this International Standard. 2.11 Organiza

22、tion of the alphabetical index For each language used, an alphabetical index is provided at the end of each part. The index includes all terms defined in the part. Multiple-word terms appear in alphabetical order under each of their key words. Dans certains articles, les termes definis sont suivis p

23、ar des expressions imprimees en caracteres normaux et placees entre parentheses. Ces expressions ne font pas partie du terme mais indiquent des prescriptions demploi, precisent un domaine dapplication particulier ou indiquent une forme grammaticale. 2.8 Emploi des crochets Lorsque plusieurs termes B

24、troitement apparent where the subsequent digit is 4 or below, the least significant digit remains unchanged. 22.0334 round down function The function that allows the elimination in the result of the calculation of all digits beyond the least significant digit. 22.04 Controls and checking devices 22.

25、04.01 operating voltage indicator A device giving a visual signal to indicate that the correct vol- tage is applied to a battery-powered calculator. 22.04.02 paper feed On a printing calculator, the device for manually positioning the paper vertically according to the requirements of the operator. 2

26、2.w.03 display recall control On a battery-powered calculator, a control for recalling a display that has been blanked out by battery-saving circuitry. 22.0404 negative indication A visual indication that the number shown has a negative value. 2204.05 decimal marker A visual indication of the positi

27、on of the decimal point or decimal comma in a number. 22.04.ofl error indication A visual indication that the operator has attempted to carry out a function that the calculator cannot perform. 22.0407 memory indication storage indication A visual indication that a number is being held in the memory.

28、 22.03.32 fonction arrondi par exces Fonction consistant a ajouter 1 au chiffre le moins significatif conserve dans le r dans le cas contraire, le chiffre le moins significatif reste inchange. 22.0334 fonction arrondi par defaut Fonction consistant a prendre comme r&u/tat dun calcul, tous les chiffr

29、es dun rang superieur B un rang d&ermine, en nbgli- geant les chiffres de rang inferieur. 22.04 Dispositif de commande et de contr6le 22.04.01 indicateur de mise sous tension Temoin visuel signalant que la tension correcte est 6tablie pour u ne calculatrice a alimentation autonome. 22.04.02 alimenta

30、tion en papier Sur une calculatrice imprimante, dispositif manuel permettant de placer le papier verticalement selon les besoins de Iutilisa- teur. 22.04.03 commande de rappel daffichage Sur une calculatrice c) afimentation autonome, commande per- mettant de rappeler des don&es dont Iaffichage a 6th

31、 inter- rompu par un Bconomiseur denergie. 22.04.04 signe moins Caractere graphique indiquant que Ie nombre pr6sente a une valeur negative. 22.04.05 signe decimal Caractere graphique marquant dans un nombre la position de la virgule ou du point decimal. 22.0406 indicateur derreur Affichage signalant

32、 que Iutilisateur a tent6 de rbaliser une fonc- tion que la calculatrice est incapable dexecuter. 22.04.07 indicateur de memoire Affichege signalant quun nombre est conserve dans la memoire. 12 IS0 2382/22-1986 (E/F) 22.04.08 underflow indication A visual indication that the calculator is in underfJ

33、ow state. 22.04.08 indicateur de soupassement Affichage signalant que la calculatrice est en soupassement de capacitk 22.04.09 overflow indication A visual indication that the calculator is in the overflow state. 22.04.09 indicateur de dbpassement Affichage signalant que la calculatrice est en dhpas

34、sement de capacith. 13 IS0 2382/22-1986 (E/F) English alphabetical index A D add addressable algebraic arithmetic automatic battery- powered calculator capability change clear condition constant control addmode calculator with keyboard-controlled addressable storage. calculator with program-controll

35、ed addressable storage calculator with program-controlled and keyboard-controlled addressable storage calculator without addressable storage. calculator with algebraic logic calculator with arithmetic logic automatic constant function automatic function B battery-powered calculator. 2202.04 C batter

36、y-powered calculator. . calculator calculator with algebraic logic . calculator with arithmetic logic calculator with external program input . calculator with keyboard and external program input. calculator with keyboard-controlled addressable storage. . calculator with keyboard program input . calc

37、ulator with postfix notation logic. . calculator with program-controlled addressable storage. . calculator with program-controlled and keyboard-controlled addressable storage calculator with reverse-Polish notation logic . calculator with suffix notation logic calculator without addressable storage

38、desk-top calculator display and printing calculator . display calculator hand-held calculator . mains/battery powered calculator. . mains-powered calculator. nonprogrammable calculator pocket calculator printing calculator . programmable calculator . function preselection capability punctuation capa

39、bility. . sign change function. clear all function. clear entry function clear memory function . error condition (in calculators) . automatic constant function constant function display recall control . 22.03.18 decimal 22.02.13 22.02.14 22.02.15 22.02.12 22.02.07 22.02.06 22.03.15 22.03.03 22.0264

40、22.01 .Ol 22.02.07 22.02.06 22.02.19 22.02.20 22.02.13 22.02.18 22.02.08 22.02.14 22.02.15 22.02.08 22.02.08 22.02.12 22.02.02 22.02.11 22.02.09 22.02.01 22.02.05 22.02.03 22.02.16 22.02.01 22.02.10 22.02.17 22.03.04 22.03.05 22.03.17 22.03.23 22.0322 22.03.24 22.03.07 22.03.15 22.03.14 2264.03 desk

41、top direct display down entry equals error extended external facility factorial feed fixed floating function handheld indication decimal marker . fixed decimal mode . floating decimal mode. desk-top calculator . direct percentage function . display and printing calculator display calculator . displa

42、y recall control round down function. . E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . # . . . clear entry function negative entry. equals function. . error condition (in calculators) . error indication. . extended result output function calculator with external program input .

43、calculator with keyboard and external program input. F lock-out facility. . factorial function paperfeed fixed decimal mode floating decimal mode. . automatic constant function automatic function constant function. . clear all function. clear entry function clear memory function . direct percentage

44、function equals function. . extended result output function. . factorial function function preselection capability machine function manual function . nonadd function. nonprint function. . percentage function . round down function round-off function . round-up function . sign change function . square

45、 function . square root function . subtotal function total function . zero suppression function. H hand-held calculator . . . . . . . . . . . . I error indication . . . . . . . . . memory indication . . . . . . . . . . . 22.04.05 zo3.19 22.03.20 22.02.02 2203.13 22.02.11 22.02.09 22.04.03 22.03.34 2

46、2.0322 22.03.16 22.03.26 22.03.07 22.04.06 22.03.30 22.02.19 22.02.20 22.03.09 22.03.21 22.04.02 22.03.19 22.03.20 22.03.15 22.03.03 22.03.14 22.03.23 22.0322 22.03.24 22.03.13 22.03.26 22.03.30 22.03.21 22.03.04 22.03.02 22.03.01 22.03.06 22.03.25 22.03.12 22.03.34 22.03.33 22.03.32 22.03.17 22.03.

47、10 22.03.11 22.03.27 22.03.28 22.03.29 22.02.01 22.0406 22.04.07 14 IS0 2382/22-1986 (E/F) indication indicator input keyboard keyboard- controlled lock logic machine mains mains-powered manual marker memory mode negative nonadd nonprint non- programmable notation operating out output overflow negat

48、ive indication. 22.04.04 overflow indication 22.04.09 storage indication . 22.04.07 underflow indication . 22.04.08 operating voltage indicator 22.04.01 calculator with external program input . . 22.02.19 calculator with keyboard and external program input . 22.02.20 calculator with keyboard program

49、 input . 22.02.18 K calculator with keyboard and external program input., . 22.02.20 calculator with keyboard program input . 22.02.18 calculator with program-controlled and keyboard-controlled addressable storage 22.02.15 calculator with keyboard-controlled addressable storage. . 22.02.13 L lock-out facility. . 22.03.09 calculator with algebraic logic . 22.02.07 calculator with arithmetic logic 22.02.06 calculator with postfix notation logic. . 22.02.08 calculator with reverse-Polish notation logic . 22.02.08 calculator with suffix notation logic. 22.02.08 M machi

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