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ANSI INCITS ISO IEC 10747 AMD 1-1996 Amendment 1 to ISO IEC 10747 1994 Implementation conformance statement proformas.pdf

1、 INCITS/ISO/IEC 10747:1994/AM1:19962010 (ISO/IEC 10747/AMD1:1996, IDT) Amendment 1 to ISO/IEC 10747:1994 Implementation conformance statement proformas Reaffirmed as INCITS/ISO/IEC 10747:1994/AM 1:1996 R2015INCITS/ISO/IEC 10747:1994/AM1:19962010 PDF disclaimer This PDF file may contain embedded type

2、faces. In accordance with Adobes licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infri

3、nging Adobes licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area. Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were opti

4、mized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below. Adopted by INCITS (InterNational Committee for Information T

5、echnology Standards) as an American National Standard. Date of ANSI Approval: 11/17/2010 Published by American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, New York, New York 10036 Copyright 2010 by Information Technology Industry Council (ITI). All rights reserved. These materials are subject

6、 to copyright claims of International Standardization Organization (ISO), International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and Information Technology Industry Council (ITI). Not for resale. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, inclu

7、ding an electronic retrieval system, without the prior written permission of ITI. All requests pertaining to this standard should be submitted to ITI, 1101 K Street NW, Suite 610, Washington DC 20005. Printed in the United States of America ii ITIC 2010 All rights reserved OISOhEC ISO/IEC 10747 : 19

8、94/Amd. 1 : 1996(E) Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Protocol for exchange of inter-domain routeing information among intermediate systems to support forwarding of IS0 8473 PDUs AMENDMENT 1: Implementation conformance statement proformas Page 1 A

9、dd the,following as the last paragraph of Clause I “Scope “. 11 Annexes L, M, N and 0, which are integral parts of this International Standard provide ICS proformas associated with IDW management information. I, Add the,fbllowing rejkrences to clause 2 “Normative Rczferences”. ISOIIEC 8825: 1990, In

10、formation technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Specijkation of Basic Encoding Rules jtir Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN. I). ISOIIEC 9646-l: 1994, Information technologv - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and,framework - Part 1: General concepts. ISOIIEC 9646-

11、2: 1994, Information technologv - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and,framework - Part 2: Abstract Test Suite specification. NOTE - ISOLEC 9646-l : 1994 and ISO/IEC 9646-2: 1994 supersede ISO/IEC 9646-l : 1991 and ISODEC 9646-2: 1991 respectively. However, when this In

12、ternational Standard was under development, the previous editions were valid and this International Standard is therefore based on these editions, which are listed below. ISOAEC 9646-l : 1991, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodoloa andframework - Part

13、1: General concepts. ISOIIEC 9646-2: 1991, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodoloa andframework -Part 2: Abstract test suite specification. ISOIIEC 9646-7: 1995, Inform have been completed in accordance with the instructions for completion given in ITU-

14、T Rec. X.724 1 ISO/IEC 10165-6; - include the information necessary to uniquely identify both the supplier and the implementation. An implementation claming conformance to this International Standard in the agent role as a managed implementation shall: support the IDRP config MO and the Adjacent BIS

15、 MO. Page 109 Add the following Annexes after Annex K. 3 ISO/IEC 10747 : 1994/Amd. 1 : 1996(E) Annex L (normative) MCS proform ) L.l Introduction L.l.l Purpose and structure The management conformance summary (MCS) is a statement by a supplier that identifies an implementation and provides informati

16、on on whether the implementation claims conformance to any of the listed set of documents that specify conformance requirements to OS1 management. The MCS proforma is a document, in the form of a questionnaire that when completed by the supplier of an implementation becomes the MCS. L-1.2 Instructio

17、ns for completing the MCS proforma to produce an MC!? ) The supplier of the implementation shall enter an explicit statement in each of the boxes provided. Specific instruction is provided in the text which precedes each table. L.1.3 Symbols, abbreviations and terms For all annexes of this Internati

18、onal Standard, the following common notations, defined in CCITT Rec. X.291 1 ISO/IEC 9646-2 and ITU-T Rec. X.296 1 ISO/IEC 9646-7 are used for the Status column: m mandatory; 0 optional; C conditional; X prohibited; - not applicable or out of scope. NOTES 1 - c, m, and 0 are prefixed by a c: when ne

19、sted under a conditional or optional item of the same table; 2 - 0 may be suffixed by .N (where N is a unique number) for mutually exclusive or selectable options among a set of status values. Support of at least one of the choices (horn the items with the same values of N) is required. For all anne

20、xes of this International Standard, the following common notations, defined in CCITT Rec. X.291 1 ISO/IEC 9646-2 and ITU-T Rec. X.296 I ISOAEC 9646-7 are used for the Support column: Y implemented; N not implemented; - no answer required; Ig the item is ignored (i.e. processed syntactically but not

21、semantically). ) Users of this hkrnational Standard may freely reproduce the MCS proforma in this annex so that it can be used for its intended purpose, and may further publish the completed MCS. * ) Instructions for completing the MCS profoima are specified in ITU-T Rec.X.724 1 ISO/lEC 10 165-6 4 0

22、IsoiIEc ISO/IEC 10747 : 1994/Amd. 1 : 1996(E) L.2 Identification of the implementation L.2.1 Date of statement The supplier of the implementation shall enter the date of this statement in the box below. Use the format DD-MM-YYYY. Date of statement L.2.2 Identification of the implementation The suppl

23、ier of the implementation shall enter information necessary to uniquely identify the implementation and the system(s) in which it may reside, in the box below. L.2.3 Contact The supplier of the implementation shall provide information on whom to contact if there are any queries concerning the conten

24、t of the MCS, in the box below L.3 Identification of the International Standard in which the management information is defined The supplier of the implementation shall enter the title, reference number and date of the publication of the International Standard which specifies the management informati

25、on to which conformance is claimed, in the box below. International Standard to which conformance is claimed L.3.1 Technical corrigenda implemented The supplier of the implementation shall enter the reference numbers of implemented technical corrigenda which modify the identified International Stand

26、ard, in the box below. 5 ISO/IEC 10747 : 1994/Amd. 1 : 1996(E) OIsoilEc L.3.2 Amendments implemented The supplier of the implementation shall state the titles and reference numbers of implemented amendments to the identified International Standard, in the box below. L.4 Management conformance summar

27、y The supplier of implementation shall state the capabilities and features supported and provide summary of conformance claims to International Standards using the tables in this annex. The supplier of the implementation shall specify the roles that are supported, in Table L. 1 Table L.1 - Roles 1 I

28、ndex 1 Roles SUDDOrted I Status I SUPPort I Addltlonal informabon I 1 Manager role support 01 2 Agent role support 01 I I The supplier of the implementation shall specify support for management information in the manager role, in Table L.2 Table L.2 Manager role minimum conformance requirement cl: i

29、f L.l/la then 0.2 else - The supplier of the implementation shall specify support for management information in the agent role, in Table D.4 Table L.3 - Agent role minimum conformance requirement Index Item Status Support Addlbonal mformahon 1 IDRP config managed object m 2 Adjacent BIS managed obje

30、ct m Table L.4 - Logging of event records Index Status Support Addlhonal informabon 1 Does the lmplementabon support loggmg of event records !n agent role? I c2 I c2: if L. 1/2a then 0 else - NOTE - Conformance to this International Standard does not require conformance to CCITT Rec. X.735 1 ISO/IEC

31、 10164-6. The supplier of the implementation shall provide information on claims of conformance to any of the International Standards summarized in the following tables. For each International Standard that the supplier of the implementation claims 6 0rsoAEc ISO/IEC 10747 : 1994/Amd. 1 : 1996(E) con

32、formance to, the corresponding conformance statement(s) shall be completed, or referenced by, the MCS. The supplier of the implementation shall complete the Support, Table numbers and Additional information columns. In tables L.5, L.6, and L.7, the Status column is used to indicate whether the suppl

33、ier of the implementation is required to complete the referenced tables or referenced items. Conformance requirements are as specified in the referenced tables or referenced items and are not changed by the value of the MCS Status column. Similarly, the Support column is used by the supplier of the

34、implementation to indicate completion of the referenced tables or referenced items. Table L.5 - MOCS support summary c3: if L.4/la then m else - Table L.6 MRCS support summary Index ldenbficabon of the Table numbers Descnpbon Constramts and values Status document that mcludes the of MRCS MRCS profor

35、ma proforma 1 “ISO/IEC 10747” Table 0 l/l idrpconfig-networkEntrty m 2 “ISOIIEC 10747” Table 0.172 adfacentBl%drpConfig m 3 “ISOIIEC 10164-6 ” Table D l/I logRecord-log c4 c4: if L.4/la then o else - Table L.7 - MICS support surrwnary Support Table numbers o/Addrtional MRCS mformabon Index ldentrfic

36、abon of the Table numbers Descnpbon Constramts and Status support Table numbers of Addrbonal document that Includes of MICS values MICS lnformatlon the MICS proforma proforma 1 “ISOIIEC 10747 Table M 1 to management c5 M3 operations 2 “ISOIIEC 10747” Table M 4 notificabons c6 I I I I I I I I 3 1 “IS

37、OIIEC 10747” 1 Table M 5 acbons c7 I c5: if L.2/la then m else - c6: ifL.2/2a or L.2/3a then m else - c7: if L.2/4a or L.2/5a or L.2/6a or L.2/7a then m else - 7 ISO/IEC 10747 : 1994/Amd. 1 : 1996(E) oIso/IEc Annex M (normative) MICS proford) M.l Introduction The purpose of this MICS proforma is to

38、provide a mechanism for a supplier of an implementation which claims conformance, in the manager role, to management information specified in this International Standard, to provide conformance information in a standard form. M.2 Instructions for completing the MICS proforma to produce a MICS The MI

39、CS proforma contained in this annex is comprised of information in tabular form, in accordance with ITU-T Rec. X.724 1 ISO/IEC 10165-6. In addition to the general guidance given in ITU-T Rec. X.724 1 ISO/IEC 10165-6. The supplier of the implementation shall state which items are supported in tables

40、below and if necessary, provide additional information. M.3 Symbols, abbreviations and terms The MICS proforma contained in this Annex is comprised of information in tabular form, in accordance with CCITT Rec. X.291 1 ISO/IEC 9646-2. The notations used in the Status and Support columns are specified

41、 in L. 1.3 M.4 Statement of conformance to the management information M.4.1 Attributes The supplier of a manager role implementation that claims to support management operations on the attributes specified in this International Standard shall import a copy of the following tables and complete them.

42、II Users of this International Standard may freely reproduce the PICS proforma in this Annex so that it can be used for its intended purpose, and may fiuther publish the completed PICS. 8 M.4.1.1 IDRP config managed object ISO/IEC 10747 : 1994/Amd. 1 : 1996(E) Table M.l - idrpContig Attribute suppor

43、t 1 $!tb; 1 Get 1 Replace 1 Add I Remove 1 SeSezt I Index Attnbute template label /alue of object Constramts and Stat SuppStat SuppStat SuppStat SuppStat SuppStat SuppAdditional rdenttfier for values us ort us art us oft us orl us art us art ,nformat,on attrrbute 1 “Ret X 721 ) ISO/IEC (2932750) SET

44、OF Cl 02 10165-2 1992” ObjectClass allomorphs 2 authenbcabonTypeCode (2 13 0 3 7 1) ENUMERATED cl 02 3 capacrty Q 13 0 3 7 7) INTEGER 02 4 externalBlSNerghbor (2 13 0 3 7 9) SET OF OCTET cl 02 02 STRING 5 holdTIme (2 13 0 3 7 10) INTEGER - 02 7 E 6 9 J IdrpConfiglD 22 13 0 3 7 50) OCTET STRING cl mt

45、ernalBlS 2 13 0 3 7 12) SET OF OCTET cl STRING mternalSystems (2 13 0 3 7 13) SEQUENCE cl mtralS (2 13 0 3 7 14) SET OF OCTET cl STRING 02 02 E 02 02 02 E 02 02 10 IocE-pense 2 13 0 3 7 24) INTEGER - 02 11 IocalRDl 21303722) OCTETSTRING cl 02 02 12 IocalSNPA (2 13 0 3 7 23) SET OF SET OF cl 02 02 OC

46、TET STRING 101652 1992” 0165-Z. 1992” 27 1 nbAttsSet 1;21303739) ISEQUENCE 1 1 1 02 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 26 routeserver 112 I 3 o 3 7 40) IBOOLEAN Cl 02 02 ! i-1 ! 129 tversron I2 13 0 3 7 46) IINTEGER I-I 1021 I-I III l-l I-I I cl: ifM.4Aa then 0.2 else - 9 ISO/IEC 10747 : 1994/Amd. 1 : 1996(E) M.

47、4.1.2 Adjacent BIS managed object Table M.2 - adjacentBE Attribute support Set by create Get Replace Ar index Attribute template label Value of obfect Constramts and Stat SuppStat SuppStat SuppStat rdenbtier for values us or-t us art us ort us art us art us ort ,nformat,on attnbute 1 “Ret X.721 1 IS

48、O/IEC (2932750) SETOF 0.2 101652 1992” ObJectClass allomorphs ,2 ,brsNeaobatedVersron ,(2 13037 2) JNTEGER , - , no.2, 17 maxPDUPeer (2 13 0 3 7 27) INTEGER - 02 18 minRouteAdvertisementlnte (2 13 0 3 7 48) INTEGER 02 oval 19 mmRouteAdvertisementTim (2 13 0 3 7 31) SEQUENCE 02 er 20 “Ret X.721 1 ISO

49、/IEC (2932763) OBJECT - 02 101652 1992” IDENTIFIER nameBmdmg 21 “Rec. X.721 1 ISOllEC (2 9 3 2 7 65) ObjectClass - 02 10165-2 1992” obfectClass 22 outstandmgPDUs (2 13 0 3 7 33) INTEGER 02 23 “Ret X 721 1 ISO/IEC (2 9 3 2 7 66) SET OF OBJECT - 02 101652 1992” IDENTIFIER M.4.2 Attribute groups The supplier of a manager role implementation that claims to support management operations on the attribute groups specified in this International Standard shall import a copy of the

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