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ANSI INCITS ISO IEC 14771-1999 Information technology - Open Distributed Processing - Naming framework.pdf

1、Reference numberISO/IEC 14771:1999(E)ISO/IEC 1999INTERNATIONALSTANDARDISO/IEC14771First edition1999-12-01Information technology OpenDistributed Processing NamingframeworkTechnologies de linformation Traitement distribu ouvert Cadrede dnominationAdopted by INCITS (InterNational Committee for Informat

2、ion Technology Standards) as an American National Standard.Date of ANSI Approval: 1/25/01Published by American National Standards Institute,25 West 43rd Street, New York, New York 10036Copyright 2002 by Information Technology Industry Council (ITI).All rights reserved.These materials are subject to

3、copyright claims of International Standardization Organization (ISO), InternationalElectrotechnical Commission (IEC), American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and Information Technology Industry Council(ITI). Not for resale. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, including a

4、n electronic retrieval system, withoutthe prior written permission of ITI. All requests pertaining to this standard should be submitted to ITI, 1250 Eye Street NW,Washington, DC 20005.Printed in the United States of AmericaISO/IEC 14771:1999(E)PDF disclaimerThis PDF file may contain embedded typefac

5、es. In accordance with Adobes licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall notbe edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading thisfile, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing

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7、 printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely eventthat a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below. ISO/IEC 1999All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part o

8、f this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronicor mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISOs member bodyin the country of the requester.ISO copyright officeCase postale 56 Gb7 C

9、H-1211 Geneva 20Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11Fax + 41 22 734 10 79E-mail copyrightiso.chWeb www.iso.chPrinted in Switzerlandii ISO/IEC 1999 All rights reservedISO/IEC 14771:1999(E) ISO/IEC 1999 All rights reserved iiiContents3DJH6FRSH 1RUPDWLYH UHIHUHQFHV ,GHQWLFDO 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQV _ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 6WDQGDUGV

10、 HILQLWLRQV 7HUPV GHILQHG LQ RWKHU ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 6WDQGDUGV $EEUHYLDWLRQV 2YHUYLHZ RI 23 QDPLQJ ,QWURGXFWLRQ 6WUXFWXUH RI QDPLQJ FRQWHWV 3URFHVVHV LQYROYLQJ QDPHV %DVLF 1DPLQJ 2SHQ )HGHUDWHG 1DPLQJ $3, $ 5HODWLRQVKLS ZLWK 26, 1DPLQJ DQG $GGUHVVLQJ $QQH % VHULHV _,62 ,( ( ,17(51$7,21$/ 67$1$5c44c54c50c18c44c40c38c3c20c23c26c26c20c3c29c3c20c28c28c28c3c11c40c12c44c55c56c16c55c3c53c72c70c17c3c59c17c28c20c19c3c11c20c28c28c27c3c40c12,78 7 5( _ ,62 ,( _ ,62 ,( VHULHV _ ,62 ,( _ ,62 ,( _ ,62 ,( 2SHQ )HGHUDWHG 1DPLQJ 7KH 2SHQ *URXS ; 2SHQ LUHFWRU 6HUYLFH 7KH 2SHQ *URXS &( 7KH 2SHQ *URXS

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