1、 INCITS/ISO/IEC 19785-1:2006/AM 1:20102010 (ISO/IEC 19785-1/Amd1:2010, IDT) - Amendment 1: Support for additional data elements Reaffirmed as INCITS/ISO/IEC 19785-1:2006/AM 1:2010 R2015INCITS/ISO/IEC 19785-1:2006/AM 1:20102010 PDF disclaimer This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordanc
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4、 Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below. Adopted by INCITS (InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards
5、) as an American National Standard. Date of ANSI Approval: 10/8/2010 Published by American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, New York, New York 10036 Copyright 2010 by Information Technology Industry Council (ITI). All rights reserved. These materials are subject to copyright claims
6、 of International Standardization Organization (ISO), International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and Information Technology Industry Council (ITI). Not for resale. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, including an electronic r
7、etrieval system, without the prior written permission of ITI. All requests pertaining to this standard should be submitted to ITI, 1101 K Street NW, Suite 610, Washington DC 20005. Printed in the United States of America ii ITIC 2010 All rights reserved ISO/IEC 19785-1:2006/Amd.1:2010(E) ISO/IEC 201
8、0 All rights reserved iiiForeword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International
9、 Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with IS
10、O and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of the joint technical commi
11、ttee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote. Attention is drawn to th
12、e possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Amendment 1 to ISO/IEC 19785-1:2006 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology,
13、Subcommittee SC 37, Biometrics. ISO/IEC 19785-1:2006/Amd.1:2010(E) ISO/IEC 2010 All rights reserved 1Information technology Common Biometric Exchange Formats Framework Part 1: Data element specification AMENDMENT 1: Support for additional data elements Page vi, Introduction, tenth paragraph (regardi
14、ng CBEFF biometric product owner) Replace the entire paragraph with the following: CBEFF also defines the concepts of CBEFF biometric product owner, capture device owner, feature extraction algorithm owner, comparison algorithm owner, quality algorithm owner, and compression algorithm owner. A CBEFF
15、 biometric product owner is an organization (registered as a CBEFF biometric organization) that assigns a biometric product identifier to a biometric product. Likewise, a CBEFF capture device owner, feature extraction algorithm owner, comparison algorithm owner, quality algorithm owner, or compressi
16、on algorithm owner is an organization (registered as a CBEFF biometric organization) that assigns a capture device identifier, feature extraction algorithm identifier, comparison algorithm identifier, quality algorithm identifier, or compression algorithm identifier to a capture device, feature extr
17、action algorithm, comparison algorithm, quality algorithm, or compression algorithm, respectively. A biometric product owner can be a public standards organization such as a standards body, working group, or industry consortium (such an organization would, coincidentally, also qualify as a CBEFF pat
18、ron), or any organization, such as a vendor or integrator, that has a need to assign biometric product identifiers to biometric products. Likewise, a capture device owner, feature extraction algorithm owner, comparison algorithm owner, quality algorithm owner, or compression algorithm owner can be a
19、ny organization that has a need to assign identifiers to entities of the corresponding category. A given organization can be the owner of one or more entities in one or more of these categories (also including BDB formats and SB formats as additional categories), with no restrictions on the number o
20、f entities owned by the organization or on which categories those entities may belong to. Page vi, Introduction, after the eleventh paragraph (which begins “A CBEFF biometric product owner assigns ”) Insert the following new paragraph: A CBEFF capture device owner, feature extraction algorithm owner
21、, comparison algorithm owner, quality algorithm owner, or compression algorithm owner assigns capture device identifiers (or feature extraction algorithm identifiers, etc.) to one or more capture devices (or feature extraction algorithms, etc.), respectively. A capture device identifier (or feature
22、extraction algorithm identifier, etc.) unambiguously identifies a capture device (or feature extraction algorithm, etc.) within those that have been assigned an identifier by the owner. A capture device identifier (or feature extraction algorithm identifier, etc.) is required to be registered with t
23、he Biometric Registration Authority. Page 1, 1.9 Replace “ and biometric products.“ with the following: biometric products, capture devices, feature extraction algorithms, comparison algorithms, quality algorithms, and compression algorithms. ISO/IEC 19785-1:2006/Amd.1:2010(E) 2 ISO/IEC 2010 All rig
24、hts reservedPage 3, 4.6 Replace the definition and note with the following: block of data conforming to a defined format NOTE The BDB is normally opaque to the processing of an SBH and is not required to be self-delimiting. Page 4, 4.14 Replace the note with the following (where new text is highligh
25、ted with a grey background). NOTE A CBEFF biometric organization can define BDB formats, assign BDB format identifiers to them, assign biometric product identifiers to biometric products, assign capture device identifiers to capture devices, assign feature extraction algorithm identifiers to feature
26、 extraction algorithms, assign comparison algorithm identifiers to comparison algorithms, assign quality algorithm identifiers to quality algorithms, assign compression algorithm identifiers to compression algorithms, and define SB formats and assign SB format identifiers to them. If the organizatio
27、n is also accepted as a CBEFF patron, it can also define CBEFF patron formats. Page 6, after 4.34 Insert the following new terms and definitions: 4.35 capture device hardware product or combination of software and hardware which is assigned a capture device identifier by a CBEFF biometric organizati
28、on 4.36 capture device identifier identifier assigned to a capture device by a capture device owner that unambiguously (given the capture device owner) identifies the capture device 4.37 capture device owner CBEFF biometric organization that assigns capture device identifiers to capture devices NOTE
29、 The organization may or may not be the manufacturer of the capture devices. 4.38 comparison algorithm algorithm which is assigned a comparison algorithm identifier by a CBEFF biometric organization 4.39 comparison algorithm identifier identifier assigned to a comparison algorithm that unambiguously
30、 (given the comparison algorithm owner) identifies the algorithm 4.40 comparison algorithm owner CBEFF biometric organization that assigns comparison algorithm identifiers to comparison algorithms NOTE The organization may or may not be the intellectual property owner of the comparison algorithms. 4
31、.41 compression algorithm algorithm which is assigned a compression algorithm identifier by a CBEFF biometric organization ISO/IEC 19785-1:2006/Amd.1:2010(E) ISO/IEC 2010 All rights reserved 34.42 compression algorithm identifier identifier assigned to a compression algorithm that unambiguously (giv
32、en the compression algorithm owner) identifies the algorithm 4.43 compression algorithm owner CBEFF biometric organization that assigns compression algorithm identifiers to compression algorithms NOTE The organization may or may not be the intellectual property owner of the compression algorithms. 4
33、.44 feature extraction algorithm algorithm which is assigned a feature extraction algorithm identifier by a CBEFF biometric organization 4.45 feature extraction algorithm identifier identifier assigned to a feature extraction algorithm that unambiguously (given the feature extraction algorithm owner
34、) identifies the algorithm 4.46 feature extraction algorithm owner CBEFF biometric organization that assigns feature extraction algorithm identifiers to feature extraction algorithms NOTE The organization may or may not be the intellectual property owner of the feature extraction algorithms. 4.47 qu
35、ality algorithm algorithm which is assigned a quality algorithm identifier by a CBEFF biometric organization 4.48 quality algorithm identifier identifier assigned to a quality algorithm that unambiguously (given the quality algorithm owner) identifies the algorithm 4.49 quality algorithm owner CBEFF
36、 biometric organization that assigns quality algorithm identifiers to quality algorithms NOTE The organization may or may not be the intellectual property owner of the quality algorithms. Page 7, after 6.1.6 Add the following new subclause, renumbering subsequent subclauses as appropriate: 6.1.7 Ano
37、ther goal of CBEFF is to enable the unique identification of the capture device, feature extraction algorithm, comparison algorithm, quality algorithm, and compression algorithm that were used to produce a BDB (possibly at different stages of its lifecycle). The combination of capture device owner a
38、nd capture device identifier (or feature extraction algorithm owner and feature extraction algorithm identifier, etc.) meets this objective. A CBEFF biometric organization can assign a capture device identifier to a capture device. The capture device may (but need not) be produced or specified by th
39、at organization. A capture device identifier shall be an integer within the range 1 to 65535 and shall be unambiguous within the capture devices that have been assigned an identifier by that CBEFF biometric organization. The biometric organization is called the capture device owner of that capture d
40、evice. The capture device is thus identified by the pair “capture device owner and capture device identifier“. The capture device owner shall register the capture device identifier in accordance with ISO/IEC 19785-2. Referencing an unregistered capture device identifier is not permitted. The provisi
41、ons in this subclause also apply to feature extraction algorithms, comparison algorithms, quality algorithms, and compression algorithms, and to their respective owners and identifiers, by replacement of the term “capture device“ with “feature extraction algorithm“, etc., wherever it occurs in this
42、subclause. ISO/IEC 19785-1:2006/Amd.1:2010(E) 4 ISO/IEC 2010 All rights reservedPage 14, Table 1 Replace the table with the following: Named abstract value Typically has an associated subtype?(see 6.5.7) NO VALUE AVAILABLE No MULTIPLE BIOMETRIC TYPES No DNA No EAR Yes FACE NoFINGER Yes FOOT Yes GAIT
43、 NoHAND-GEOMETRY Yes IRIS Yes KEYSTROKE No LIP MOVEMENT No RETINA Yes SCENT No SIGNATURE-SIGN No VEIN Yes VOICE No Page 15,, immediately after the paragraph labelled “Content” Insert the following new paragraph: Combinations of abstract values are permitted when the abstract value encoded in
44、 CBEFF_BDB_biometric_type represents a biometric technology that can create a BDB where multiple subtypes are supported, except that NO VALUE AVAILABLE shall not be used in combination with any other abstract value, and that RIGHT and LEFT may be used in combination with each other but shall not be
45、used in combination with any other abstract value (note that LEFT THUMB is a single abstract value, it is not a combination of LEFT and THUMB). ISO/IEC 19785-1:2006/Amd.1:2010(E) ISO/IEC 2010 All rights reserved 5Page 15, Change “EXAMPLE” to “EXAMPLE 1” and immediately before Table 2 insert
46、the following new example: EXAMPLE 2 If a hypothetical iris biometric device can produce a single BDB that contains data for both of a subjects eyes, then the abstract values LEFT and RIGHT would be used in combination to describe that BDB. Page 15, Table 2 Replace the table with the following: Abst
48、HT BACK OF HAND RIGHT WRIST Combination not permitted LEFT RIGHT Any except LEFT or RIGHT ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto NOTE A BDB format specification determines which (if any) of these qualifiers apply to that BDB format. ISO/IEC 19785-1:
49、2006/Amd.1:2010(E) 6 ISO/IEC 2010 All rights reservedPage 25, after Add the following new subclauses: 6.5.28 CBEFF_BDB_capture_device_owner Attributes Inclusion: Optional this data element shall not be included in a patron format unless CBEFF_BDB_capture_device_type is also included (see 6.5.29). Abstract values: NO VALUE AVAILABLE integers 1 through 65,535 Content: This data element identifies the registered biometric organization that owns th
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