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ANSI INCITS ISO IEC 8879 AMD 1-1988 Information processing - Text and office systems - Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) - Amendment 1.pdf

1、 INCITS/ISO/IEC 8879:1986/AM 1:19882010 (ISO 8879/AMD1:1988, IDT) Amendment 1 to ISO 8879:1986 Reaffirmed as INCITS/ISO/IEC 8879:1986/AM 1:1988 R2015INCITS/ISO/IEC 8879:1986/AM 1:19882010 PDF disclaimer This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobes licensing policy, this fi

2、le may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobes licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat

3、 accepts no liability in this area. Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure th

4、at the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below. Adopted by INCITS (InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards) as an American National Standard. Dat

5、e of ANSI Approval: 7/15/2010 Published by American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, New York, New York 10036 Copyright 2010 by Information Technology Industry Council (ITI). All rights reserved. These materials are subject to copyright claims of International Standardization Organ

6、ization (ISO), International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and Information Technology Industry Council (ITI). Not for resale. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, including an electronic retrieval system, without the prior writ

7、ten permission of ITI. All requests pertaining to this standard should be submitted to ITI, 1101 K Street NW, Suite 610, Washington DC 20005. Printed in the United States of America ii ITIC 2010 All rights reserved INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IS0 8879:1986/AMENDMENT 1 Published 1988-07-01 INTERNATIONAL O

8、RGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION. MEXflYHAPOAHAR OPrAHll3AL clause and sub-clause numbers are not prefixed. All notes are part of the corrected text, not part of the instructions for correction. Text appearing after a colon (:) is unquoted literal text to be inset-ted or deleted, as indicated. 2 UDC

9、681.3.06 : 666.63 Ref. No. IS0 8879:1986/A1:1988 (E) B Descriptors : data processing, text processing, information interchange, documentation, documents, logical structure, programming . . ii (computers), artificial languages, programming languages. E 0 International Organization for Standardization

10、, 1988 0 Printed in Switzerland Price based on 15 pages IS0 8879:1986/A1:1988(E) Page 4 2 Change “formatted” to: imaged Page 5 3 After the em dash in the reference to IS0 646 insert: IS0 4.2 Replace definition with: 4.3 4.8.1 Page 8 4.67 Change “is its default” to: becomes its default 4.69 In the fi

11、rst sentence, change “link type definition” to: by a link process definition 4.72.1 Insert new definition after 4.72: Page 9 4.75 4.751 Page 12 4.143 4.156 4.159.1 Page 15 4.225 Page 17 4.267 4.267 4.267 4.269 A document type that the system has identified as being active. NOTE - An SGML entity is p

12、arsed with respect to its active document types, If any, or if not. with respect to tts base document type and any active link types. Replace definition with: A link process that the system has identified as being active. Insert new definition after 4.8: 4.8.1 associated notation (name): A notation

13、name associated with the subject of a markup declaration by its associafed notation name parameter. 4.72.1 data attribute: An attribute of the data conforming to a particular data content notation. NOTE - In most cases, the value of the data attributes must be known before the data can be interprete

14、d in accor- dance with the notation. Delete both occurrences of: non-SGML Insert new definition after 4.75: 4.75.1 data entity: An entity that was declared to be data and therefore is not parsed when ref- erenced. NOTE - There at-e three kinds: character data entity, specific charactr? data entity,

15、and non-SGML- data entity. Change “is” to: can be Renumber (and reorder) these sub-clauses as follows: 4.156 becomes 4.158, 4.158 becomes 4.157, and 4.157 becomes 4.156. Insert new definition after 4.159: 4.159.1 initial link set: The link set that is current at the start of the document instance. C

16、hange “is” to: can be In the definition, insert before the colon: a semantic error (such as a generic identifier that does not identify an element type) or In item b), change “groups” to: tokens Re-letter items e) and f). respectively, to f) and g), and insert new item e): an otherwise allow- able o

17、mission of a tag that creates an ambiguity: Replace period at end of note with: (see 5.1). 2 Changes to IS0 8879-1986 IS0 8879:1986/A1:1988(E) Page 21 5.2 Insert new paragraph before last paragraph: 6.1 6.2 6.2 6.2 Page 22 6.2 After item c), add new item d): 6.3 6.3 6.3 7.1 7.1 7.2 In IO, replace th

18、e expression with: base documenf element, other prolog* 7.2.1 Replace “definitions” with: declarations 7.3.1 Replace first paragraph with: Successive instances of a syntactic token are deemed to be repetitions of a repeatable token, where permissible, rather than instances of multiple tokens. In I,

19、insert before “non-SGML”: character data entity 1 specific character data entity 1 In 2, move the first “s*,” to immediately after the equals sign and delete the second. In S, delete: s* In item a), change “appropriate delimiter action is performed” to: ensuing markup is parsed (see item d, below) W

20、ithin markup, a character is tested to see if it is part of a delimiter string, a separator, delim- ited literal data, or a token (see 9.6.6). Change heading to: Data Entities Insert new productions before 6: 5.1 character data entity = SGML character*, Ee KS.21 specific character data entity SGML c

21、haracter*, Ee In the note, Delete: non-SGML Replace last sentence of first paragraph with: An SGML entity is parsed with respect to its base document type and any active link types unless one or more active document types are identified, in which case it is parsed only with respect to them. Add to l

22、ast paragraph: There can be an active document type only if “CONCUR YES” is specified on the SGML decla- ration. The base document type can be active only if at least one other document type is active. NOTE - Parsing with t-espect to the base document type alone is accomplished by not identifying an

23、 active document type. There can be an active link type for an entity if it has at least one link process definition. The possibility of simultaneous active link types depends on the class of link type, as follows: simple More than one simple link type can be active, in addition to any implicit and

24、explicit links. implicit Only one can be active. explicit More than one can be active only if they form a chain of processes in which the source document type of the first is the base document type, the source document type of the second is the result document type of the first, etc. The last link t

25、ype in the chain can be an implicit link. A tag can be omitted only as provided in this sub-sub-clause, and only if the omission would not create an ambiguity, and if “OMITTAG YES” is specified on the SGML declaration. Page 23 Insert new paragraph after list: It is ambiguous

26、to omit the start-tag of an element whose content begins with a short reference string whose mapping is changed by the elements associated short reference map. Delete: for a documerJt element, or Re-letter items a) and b), respectively, to b) and c), and insert new item a): by the end of an SGML doc

27、ument entity or SGML SLJbdOWmenf enfify; 2 Changes to IS0 8879-1986 3 IS0 8879:1986/A1:1988(E) 7.3.2 7.3.2 7.4.1 .I Page 24 7.4.1 .l 7.4.2 7.6 In 18, delete: document type specification, Change resolution of references” to: interpretation of attribute value literals In 21, delete: s*

28、. III .27, change “link type” to: link set Page 25 7.6.1 Add note after second paragraph (after the list): 7.7 In the last paragraph, delete: or “EXPLICIT YES” 7.7.1 Delete sub-sub-clause. 7.7.2 Delete sub-sub-clause. Page 26 7.8 Insert after “valid”: in a generic identifier specification Af

29、ter “specified for”, insert: the start-tag of 7.9.3 Add to paragraph: Page 27 Replace paragraph with: 7.9.4 4 In the first sentence, change “thr! end-tag can be omitted for” to: data can serve as the end-tag of Add new paragraph: An element that has a data tag is not treated as having an omi

30、tted end-fag In IS), delete: document type specification, s*. Insert note after list. NOTE - A generic identifier speofkatim is implied for an empty start-tag prior to determining whether any tags were omitted before it. NOTE - The determlnatlon that an RE is data is made during recognition of marku

31、p. Markup recognition, wllich includes recognition of omitted tags, occurs before the determination of whether an RE can be ignored according to the ahove rules. This sequence produces lntllitive results in the normal case, where data can occur anywhere in the con- tent of an element, as in: (quote

32、I #PCDATA)* In content models where the occurrence of data is restricted, however, as in (x, #PCDATA) the situations described in items a) and b) would be treated as errors during markup recognttion. The use of such con- tent models is normally Iunnecessary and therefore not normally recommended (se

33、e 112.4). NOTE .- lnterpletation of an attrihote vn/rle /Itera/ OKINS as though the attribute were character data, regardless of its actual declared value. An attribute value other than character data is tokenized by replacing a sequence of SPACE characters with a single SPACE character and ignoring

34、 leading or trailing SPACE characters. NOTE - 1.okenization is performed Wthout regard to the original literal: for example, whether CDATA or SDATA enti- ties were used is irrelevant. An attribute value specification can be an attribufe value (that is, not an attribute value literal) only if it cont

35、ains nothing but name characters and either: a) it occurs in an attribute definition list; or b) “SHORTTAG YES” is specified on the SGML declaration. In 35, change “general entity name” to: genera/ entity name 1 genera/ entity name list 2 Changes to IS0 8879-1986 IS0 8879:1986/A1:1988(E) 7.9.4 7.9.4

36、 7.9.4 Insert new production after 35: 35.1 general entity name list = name list In 39, 40, 42, and 43, replace “s + ” with: SPACE Change “fourteen” to: fifteen Replace sub-clause with: The value of a genera/ entity name attribute, and of each name in a genera/ entity name list, rnust be the

37、 name of a data entity or an SGML subdocument entity. Such a name must be declared as though it occurred in a general entity reference with no name group specified (see In item a), change “for an” to: for a genera/ entity name list, Add new paragraph after last paragraph: I

38、n a single attribute specificafion list, the total number of names in genera/ entity name and genera/ entity name list attribute values, whether defaulted or specified, cannot exceed the “GRPCNT” quantity. Page 28 9.1 Add new paragraph and note after last paragraph: 9.3 Page 29 9.4.3 9.4.3 9.4.4 9.4

39、.4 A reference to a non-SGML data entity, PI entity, or SGML subdocument entity, is prohibited in replaceable character data. A reference to a CDATA entity or SDATA entity is permitted. NOTE - An effect of this sub-clause is to require that an element or marked section that is declared to be replace

40、- able character data must start and end in the same entity. Add note: NOTE - A number or number token is not a quantity but a character string, like a name or name token: therefore, “01 ” and “1 “, for example, are not equivalent. In item “b” of the note, change “must (and other elements should)” t

41、o: , or of a marked SW- tion that is ignored, must (and the content of other elements and marked sections should) In item “c” of the note, replace everything up to the right parenthesis with: For other elements and rnarked sections, the start-tag and end-tag (or marked section start and marked secti

42、on end III 59 and 60, replace “document type specification” with: name group? Replace paragraph with new text: A name group can be specified only if “CONCUR YES”, “SIMPLE YES”, “IMPLICIT YES”, or “EXPLICIT YES” is specified on the SGML declaration, and the reference does not occur within a start-tag

43、 or prolog. NOTE - This requirement does not prohtbit spectfying a name group for a parameter entity reference within a marked section start in a docunlellt instance. If a name group is specified, the entity reference is ignored unless a name in the name group is that of an active document type or l

44、ink type. Applicable Entity Declaration NOTE - The following requirernents apply to entity names used In the value of general entity name and general enti- ty name list attributes, as well as to named enhty references. Before an entity name can be used, it must be declared by an entity decla

45、ration in all applica- ble DTDs, except that a general entity name that is undeclared in a particular DTD is treated as though it had been declared for the default entity if that DTD has one. The applicable DTDs depend on the context in which the entity name occurs, as follows: 2 Changes to IS0 8879

46、-1986 IS0 8879:1986/Al :I 988( E) 9.4.5 In the paragraph after the note, replace “name character” with: character that could occur in the reference Page 30 9.5 9.6 9.6 9.6 In the last paragraph before the notes, insert before the period: in the context in which the replacement occurs. Change the ini

47、tial “A” to: Except as otherwise provided in this International Standard, a Change “translation-reference character set” to: syntax-reference character set. Add note and new paragraph: NOTE - A named character reference can be used to enter the first character of a delimiter string or delimiter-in-

48、context, hut only the first character. All characters of a delimiter string or delimiter-in-context (see 9.6.2) must occur in the same entity. 9.6.1 For “CON”, add note at end of Meaning: NOTE - Most delimiters will not he recoonized when the content IS character data or replaceable char-acter data.

49、 9.6.1 In “CXT” Meaning. change “DS” to: DSM Page 31 Figure 3 Figure 3 Figure 3 Figure 3 Figure 3 Figure 3 Figure 3 9.6.1 9.6.1 9.6.1 9.6.1 Except for “DSC”, change all “DS” in the Mode column to: DSM For “DSC”, add Constraint: ENT For “ETAGO”, add an additional Mode: TAG For “MINUS”, add Constraint: EX For “MINUS”, change Description of Role to: Exclusion For “PERO”, add

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