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ANSI ISO 2382-12-1988 Information processing systems - Vocabulary - Part 12 Peripheral equipment SystGmes de traitement de I information - Vocabulaire - Partie 12 Pkriphbriques A.pdf


2、Vocabulaire - Partie 12 : Pkriphbriques IS0 238242 Second edition Deuxi b) the term or the generally preferred term in the language. The absence of a generally accepted term for the concept in the language is indicated by a symbol consisting of five points f. 1; a row of dots may be used to indicate

3、, in a term, a word to be chosen in each particular case; 1) At present at the stage of draft. (Revision of ISO/R 1087 : 1969.) 2 Section un : G6n6ralit6s 1 Objet et domaine dapplication La presente Norme internationale a pour objet de faciliter les b) le terme, ou le terme prefere en general dans l

4、a langue. Labsence, dans une langue, de terme consacre ou a conseil- ler pour exprimer une notion est indiquee par un symbole consistant en cinq points de suspension (. . , . .I; les points de suspension peuvent etre employ 1) Actuellement au stade de projet. (Revision de IISO/R 1087 : 1969.) Copyri

5、ght American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IS0 2382-12 : 1988 (E/F) c) the preferred ferm in a particular country (identified according to the rules of IS0 639); d) the abbreviati

6、on for the term: e) permitted synonymous term(s); f) the text of the definition (see 3.4); g) one or more examples with the heading “Example(s)“; h) one or more notes specifying particular cases in the field of application of the concepts, with the heading “NOTE(S)“; i) a picture, a diagram, or a ta

7、ble which could be common to several entries. 3.3 Classification of entries A two-digit serial number is assigned to each part of this Inter- national Standard, beginning with 01 for “fundamental terms”. The entries are classified in groups to each of which is assigned a four-digit serial number; th

8、e first two digits being those of the _ part of this International Standard. Each entry is assigned a six-digit index number; the first four digits being those of the part of this International Standard and the group. In order that versions of this International Standard in various languages are rel

9、ated, the numbers assigned to parts, groups and entries are the same for all languages. 3.4 Selection of terms and wording of definitions The selection of terms and the wording of definitions have, as far as possible, followed established usage. When there were contradictions, solutions agreeable to

10、 the majority have been sought. 3.5 Multiple meanings When, in one of the working languages, a given term has several meanings, each meaning is given a separate entry in order to facilitate translation into other languages. 3.6 Abbreviations As indicated in 3.2, abbreviations in current use are give

11、n for some terms. Such abbreviations are not used in the texts of the definitions, examples or notes. 3.7 Use of parentheses In some terms, a word or words printed in bold typeface are placed between parentheses. These words are part of the com- plete term, but they may be omitted when use of the ab

12、ridged term in a technical context does not introduce ambiguity. In the text of another definition, example, or note in this International Standard, such a term is used only in its complete form. c) le terme prefer6 dans un certain pays (identifie selon les regles de IISO 639); d) Iabreviation pouva

13、nt 6tre employee a la place du terme; e) le terme ou les termes admis comme synonymes; f) le texte de la definition (voir 3.4); g) un ou plusieurs exemples precedes du titre ctExemple(s)n; h) une ou plusieurs notes precisant le domaine dapplication de la notion, prec6dees du titre (NOTE(S); i) une f

14、igure, un schema ou un tableau, pouvant dfre com- muns a plusieurs articles. 3.3 Classification des articles Chaque partie de la prt5sente Norme internationale recoit un numero dordre a deux chiffres, en commencant pas 01 pour le chapitre cctermes fondamen aux). Les articles sont repartis en groupes

15、 qui recoivent chacun un numero dordre B quatre chiffres, les deux premiers chiffres dtant ceux du numero de partie de la presente Norme internationale. Chaque article est repgnal enregistre sur une autre portion qui a et6 amenee a proximite immediate. 12.01 .I9 bord de reference Bord dun supportde

16、don to move a magnetic tape backwards by one block. 12.01.21 pas longitudinal Distance, mesur6e le long dune piste, entre des rang reculer une bande magn the remainder of the cell is magnetized to a reference condition. 1293.16 non-return-to-zero recording . NRZ (abbreviation) non-return-to-referenc

17、e recording The magnetic recording of bits such that patterns of magneti- zation used to represent zeros and ones occupy the whole sto- rage cell, with no part of the cell magnetized to the reference condition. 12.03.17 phase modulation recording phase encoding A magnetic recording in which each sto

18、rage cell is divided into two regions which are magnetized in opposite senses; the sequence of these senses indicates whether the binary digit represented is zero or one. 1263.15 enregistrement avec retour B un niveau de reference Enregistrement magnetique de bits, dans lequel la zone aiman- tee qui

19、 represente ZERO ou UN occupe seulement une partiede la cellule de memoire; le reste de la cellule est aimante selon un certain Btat de reference. 1263.16 enregistrement sans retour B zero enregistrement NRZ enregistrement sans retour A un niveau de reference Enregistrement magnetique de bits dans l

20、equel la zone aiman- tee qui represente ZERO ou UN, occupe toute la cellule de memoire; aucune partie de la cellule nest aimantee selon un the magnetization changes only when the value to be represented changes. NOTES 1 The two conditions may be saturation and zero magnetization, but are more common

21、ly saturation in opposite senses. 2 See figure 2. 1263.21 enregistrement sans retour B zero, complementaire enregistrement NRZfCI (abreviation) Enregistrement sans retour B zero dans lequel le ZERO est represent6 par un certain Btat daimantation et le UN par un autre Btat; letat se modifie seulement

22、 lorsque la valeur a repre- senter change. NOTES 1 Les deux Btats peuvent dtre soit la saturation et Iabsence daiman- tation, soit plus g a transparent section of tape. 12.04.02 load point The beginning of the recordable area on a magnetic tape. NOTE - Some magnetic tape drives use a beginning-of-ta

23、pe marker to indicate the position of the load point. 12.0330 t portion transparente de la bande. 12.04.02 point de chargement Debut de la zone denregistrement sur une bande magnetique. NOTE - Certains derouleurs de bande magn a transparent section of tape. 12.04.05 (magnetic tape) leader The portio

24、n of magnetic tape that precedes the beginning-of- tape marker and that is used to thread the tape. 12.04.06 (magnetic tape) trailer The portion of magnetic tape that follows the end-of-tape marker. 12.04.07 skew The angular or longitudinal deviation of a tape row from a specified reference. 12.04.0

25、8 (magnetic) tape drive (magnetic) tape transport A device for moving magnetic tape and controlling its move- ment. 12.04.09 (magnetic) tape unit A device containing a magnetic tape drive, *magnetic heads, and associated controls. 12.04.10 streaming tape drive streamer A magnetic tape unit especiall

26、y designed to make a nonstop dump or restore of magnetic disks without stopping at interblock gaps. 12.04.11 retention period The length of time for which data on a data medium is to be preserved. 12.04.03 anneau de protection anneau de securit6 couronne d6criture bague de s6curit6 anneau dhriture A

27、nneau amovible de plastique ou de metal dont soit la pre- sence, soit Iabsence, interdit Iecriture sur une bande magn portion transparente de la bande. 12.04.0!5 amorce (de bande magn&ique) Partie dune bande magnetique qui precede le rep&e de debut de bande et sert a mettre en place la bande. 12.04.

28、06 queue (de bande magn6tique) garde de fin (de bande magn6tique) Partie dune bande magnetique qui suit le rep&e de fin de bande. 12.04.07 obliquith effet dobliquit6 Deviation angulaire ou longitudinale dune rangee de bande par rapport a une reference specifiee. 12.04.08 dhouleur de bande (magn&ique

29、) Appareil qui assure le defilement dune bande magnetique. 1204.09 unit6 de bande magn&ique Appareil comprenant un derouleur de bande magnetique, des t&es magnetiques et les commandes associees. 12.04.10 dhideur dhouleur en continu Unite de bande magnetique particulierement concue pour effectuer un

30、vidage ou un chargement en continu de disques magnetiques sans sarreter sur les espaces interblocs. 12.04.11 phiode de retention Duree pendant laquelle des don&es enregistrees sur un sup- port de donnees doivent etre conservees. Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under l

31、icense with ANSINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IS0 2382-12 : 1989 (E/F) 12.04.12 vacuum column In a magnetic tape drive, a cavity in which a lower air pressure is maintained so as to attract a tape loop between the spool and the driving mechanism.

32、12.04.12 puits B depression colonne B vide colonne B depression puits B vide Dans un d&ouleur de bande magn&ique, cavite ou est mainte- nue une depression pour y attirer une boucle de bande mena- gee entre la bobine et le dispositif dentrainement. 12.05 Magnetic disk and magnetic drum storage 12.05

33、M6moires ZI disques ou tambour magn&iques 12.0!5.01 12.0!5.01 band bande (multipiste) A group of tracks on a magnetic drum or on a magnetic disk all Groupe de pistes sur un tambour magn&ique ou sur un disque of which are read or written in parallel. magn&ique qui sont lues ou &rites *en parall&le. 1

34、2.05.02 sector A predetermined angular part of a track or a band on a magnetic drum or a magnetic disk, that can be addressed. 12.0!5.02 secteur Portion angulaire determinee dune piste ou dune bande multi- piste qui, sur un tambour magn&ique ou un disque magn&i- que, peut etre adresske. 12.05.03 cyl

35、inder In an assembly of magnetic disks, the set of all tracks that can be accessed by all the magnetic heads of a comb in a given position. 12.0503 cylindre Dans une pile de disques magn&iques, ensemble des pistes accessibles par les diverses t&es magn.&iques dun peigne place dans une position deter

36、minee. 12.05.04 access arm In a magnetic disk unit, an arm on which magnetic heads are mounted. 12.05.04 bras dacces Dans une unit4 de disques magn&iques, bras sur lequel sont montees les es magn6tiques. 12.0505 head/disk assembly HDA (abbreviation) In a magnetic disk unit, an assembly which include

37、s magnetic disksr *magnetic heads and an access mechanism all enclosed in a container. 12.0!5.0!5 ensemble t&es-disques Dans une unite de disques, ensemble comprenant les disques magn&iques, les t.+tes magn&iques et un mt!canisme dacc&s renfermes dans un boitier. 12.05.06 home address The informatio

38、n *written on each track of a magnetic disk, that identifies the track number on the face of the disk. 12.05.06 adresse piste adresse de piste Information *&rite sur chaque piste dun disque magn&ique, qui indique le numero de la piste sur la face consideree du disque. 12.0507 comb In a magnetic dhk

39、unit, an assembly of access arms that moves as a unit. 12.05.07 peigne Dans une unit& de disques magn&iques, ensemble solidaire de bras daccc% deplace en bloc. 12.05.03 access mechanism actuator A mechanism responsible for moving an access arm or a comb. 12.0!5.08 mecanisme dacces positionneur Mecan

40、isme qui assure les deplacements dun bras dacds ou dun peigne. 21 Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IS0 2392-12 : 1999 (E/F) 12.0569 head crash An accidental contac

41、t of a magnetic head with the surface of a rotating data medium. 12.05.10 disk drive A device for controlling the rotation of magnetic disks. 12.05.11 index hole A hole punched in a floppy disk to indicate the beginning of the first sectors of the disk. 1265.12 read/write slot read/write opening An

42、opening in the jacket of a diskette to allow access to the tracks by the read/write heads. 1295.13 (magnetic) disk unit A device that contains magnetic disks, a disk drive, one or more magnetic heads, and associated controls. 1265.14 (magnetic) drum unit A device that contains a magnetic drum, the m

43、echanism for moving it, magnetic heads, and associated controls. 1265.15 gap width The distance between the poles in a magnetic head. 1265.16 flying height head gap The distance between a magnetic head and the surface of the recording medium. 1295.17 hard sectoring The physical marking of sector bou

44、ndaries on a magnetic disk. 1295.18 soft sectoring The identification of sector boundaries on a magnetic disk by using recorded data. 12.05.19 head switching The use of another magnetic head to read from or write on a magnetic data medium. 12.05.20 write protection label A label, the presence or abs

45、ence of which on a floppy disk prevents writing on that floppy disk. 12.0599 ecrasement de t&e Mise en contact accidentelle dune t&e magn&ique avec un support de don&es en rotation. 1295.10 tourne-disques dispositif dentrainement de disques Appareil qui commande la rotation des disques magn6tiques.

46、1295.11 trou dindex rep&e dindexation Trou menage dans un disque souple pour indiquer le debut des premiers secteurs du disque. 1265.12 fenetre de lecture-ecriture Ouverture menagee dans la pochette dune disquette, permet- tant aux t&es de lecture&riture davoir acces aux pistes. 1295.13 unite de dis

47、ques fmagnetiques) Appareil comprenant un tourne-disques, des disques magndti- ques, des t&es magn&iques et les commandes associees. 1265.14 unite B tambour (magnetique) Appareil contenant un tambour magnetique, son mecanisme dentrainement, des t&es magnetiques et les commandes asso- ciees. 12.05.15

48、 entrefer Distance entre les poles dune t&e magn&ique. 12.05.f6 hauteur de survol hauteur de t&e Distance entre une t&e magnetique et la surface du support d enregis tremen t. 1265.17 sectorisation physique Rep&age physique des secteurs sur un disque magn6tique. 1265.18 sectorisation logique Rep&age

49、 des secteurs sur un disque magn&ique, a Iaide de don&es enregistrees. 1265.19 commutation de tQtes Passage dune t&e magnbtique a une autre lors de Iexploita- tion dun support de don&es. 1265.20 etiquette de protection decriture Etiquette dont soit la presence, soit Iabsence, interdit Iecriture sur un disque souple. 22 Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without

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