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ANSI ISO 2382-3-1987 Information processing systems - Vocabulary - Part 03 Equipment technology Syst&mes de traitement de I information - Vocabulaire - Partie 03 Technologie du mat.pdf


2、ed term in the language. The absence of a generally accepted term for the concept in the language is indicated by a symbol consisting of five points I . . .I; a row of dots may be used to indicate, in a term, a word to be chosen in each particular case; c) the preferred term in a particular country

3、(identified ac- cording to the rules of ISO/R 639, Symbols for languages, countries and authorities); Section un : Gh6raMs 1 Objet et domaine dapplication La presente Norme internationale a pour objet de faciliter les echanges internationaux dans les systemes de traitement de Iinformation. A cet eff

4、et, elle presente un ensemble bilingue de termes et de definitions ayant trait ?I des notions choisies dans ce domaine, et definit les relations pouvant exister entre les dif- ferentes notions. Les definitions ont Bte Btablies de man b) le terme, ou le terme prefer8 en g c) le terme prefere dans un

5、certain pays Iidentifie selon les regles de IISO/R 639, lndicatifs de langue, de pays et dau toritf5); d) Iabreviation pouvant Btre employee a la place du terme; d) the abbreviation for the term; 2 Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSINot for ResaleN

6、o reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IS0 2382-3: 1987 (E/F) e) permitted synonymous term(s); f) the text of the definition (see 2.4); g) one or more examples with the heading “Example(s)“; h) one or more notes specifying particular cases in the field of application of

7、the concepts, with the heading “NOTE(S)“; i) a picture, a diagram, or a table which could be common to several entries. e) le terme ou les termes admis comme synonymes; f) le texte de la definition (voir 2.4); g) un ou plusieurs exemples precedes du titre ( ExempleM ); h) une ou plusieurs notes prec

8、isant le domaine dapplica- tion de la notion, precedee(s) du titre (NOTE(S); i) une figure, un schema ou un tableau, pouvant etre com- muns a plusieurs articles. 2.3 Classification of entries A two-digit serial number is assigned to each part of this Inter- national Standard, beginning with 01 for “

9、fundamental terms: The entries are classified in groups to each of which is assigned a four-digit serial number. The first two digits being those of the part of this International Standard. Each entry is assigned a six-digit index number. The first four digits being those of the part of this Interna

10、tional Standard and the group. In order that versions of this International Standard in various languages are related, the numbers assigned to parts, groups and entries are the same for all languages. 2.4 Selection of terms and wording of definitions The selection of terms and the wording of definit

11、ions have, as far as possible, followed established usage. When there were contradictions, solutions agreeable to the majority have been sought. 2.5 Multiple meanings When, in one of the working languages, a given term has several meanings, each meaning is given a separate entry in order to facilita

12、te translation into other languages. 2.6 Abbreviations As indicated in 2.2, abbreviations in current use are given for some terms. Such abbreviations are not used in the texts of the definitions, examples or notes. 2.7 Use of parentheses In some terms, a word or words printed in bold typeface are pl

13、aced between parentheses. These words are part of the com- plete term, but they may be omitted when use of the abridged term in a technical context does not introduce ambiguity. In the text of another definition, example, or note in this International Standard, such a term is used only in its comple

14、te form. 2.3 Classification des articles Chaque partie de la presente Norme internationale recoit un numero dordre a deux chiffres, en commencant par 01 pour le chapitre atermes fondamentauxx. Les articles sont repartis en groupes qui recoivent chacun un numero dordre a quatre chiffres, les deux pre

15、miers chiffres Btant ceux du numero de partie de la presente Norme interna- tionale. Chaque article est rep its particular field of application, or its grammatical form. 2.8 Use of brackets When several closely related terms can be defined by texts that differ only in a few words, the terms and thei

16、r definitions are grouped in a single entry. The words to be substituted in order to obtain the different meanings are placed in brackets, i.e. 1 I, in the same order in the term and in the definition. In order to avoid uncertainty regarding the words to be sub- stituted, the last word that accordin

17、g to the above rule could be placed in front of the opening bracket is, wherever possible, placed inside the bracket and repeated for each alternative. 2.9 Use of terms printed in italic typeface in definitions and use of asterisk A term printed in italic typeface in a definition, an example, or a n

18、ote is defined in another entry in this International Standard, which may be in another part. However, the term is printed in italic typeface only the first time it occurs in each entry. Italic typeface is also used for other grammatical forms of a term, for example, plurals of nouns and participles

19、 of verbs. The basic forms of all terms printed in italic typeface are listed in the index at the end of the part (see 2.11). An asterisk is used to separate terms printed in italic typeface when two such terms are referred to in separate entries and directly follow each other (or are separated only

20、 by a punctua- tion sign). Words or terms that are printed in normal typeface are to be understood as defined in current dictionaries or authoritative technical vocabularies. 2.10 Spelling In the English language version of this International Standard, terms, definitions, examples, and notes are giv

21、en in the spelling preferred in the USA. Other correct spellings may be used without violating this International Standard. 2.11 Organization of the alphabetical index For each language used, an alphabetical index is provided at the end of each part. The index includes all terms defined in the part.

22、 Multiple-word terms appear in alphabetical order under each of their key words. Dans certains articles, les termes definis sont suivis par des expressions imprimees en caracteres normaux et placees entre parentheses. Ces expressions ne font pas partie du term mais indiquent des prescriptions demplo

23、i, precisent un domaine dapplication particulier ou indiquent une forme grammaticale. 2.8 Emploi des crochets Lorsque plusieurs termes Btroitement apparent&s peuvent Qtre definis par des textes presque identiques, a quelques mats p&s, les termes et leurs definitions ont et6 group& en un seul article

24、. Les mots a substituer a ceux qui les precedent pour obtenir les differents sens sont places entre crochets (cest-a- dire I) dans le meme ordre dans le terme et dans la defi- nition. En vue deviter toute incertitude sur les mots B rempla- cer, le dernier mot qui, suivant la regle ci-dessus pourrait

25、 Btre place devant le crochet douverture, est place, si possible, I Iinterieur des crochets et &pet6 a chaque occasion. 2.9 Emploi dans les definitions de termes imprimes en caracteres italiques et de Iasterisque Dans le texte dune definition, dun exemple ou dune note, tout terme imprime en caracter

26、es italiques a le sens defini dans un autre article de la presente Norme internationale, qui peut se trouver dans une autre partie. Cependant le terme est imprime en caracteres italiques uniquement la premiere fois quil appa- rait dans chaque article. Les caracteres italiques sont Bgalement utilises

27、 pour les autres formes grammaticales du terme, par exemple, les noms au plu- riel et les verbes au participe. La liste des formes de base de tous les termes imprimes en caracteres italiques est fournie dans Iindex a la fin de la partie (voir 2.11). Lasterisque sert a &parer les termes imprimes en c

28、aracteres italiques quand deux termes se rapportent a des articles &par&s et se suivent directement (ou bien sont &pares simplement par un signe de ponctuation). Les mots ou termes imprimes en caracteres normaux doivent 6tre compris dans le sens qui leur est don& dans les dictionnai- res courants ou

29、 vocabulaires techniques faisant autorite. 2.10 Mode decriture et orthographe Dans la version anglaise de la presente Norme internationale, les termes, definitions, exemples et notes sont Bcrits suivant Iorthographe prevalant aux l?tats-Unis. Dautres or-thographes correctes peuvent etre utilisees sa

30、ns violer la presente Norme internationale. 2.11 Constitution de Iindex alphabetique Pour chaque langue de travail, un index alphabetique est fourni ?r la fin de chaque partie. Lindex comprend tous les termes definis dans la partie. Les termes composes de plusieurs mots sont repertories alphabetique

31、ment suivant chacun des mots constituants caracteristiques ou mots-cl&. Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IS0 2382-3 : 1987 (E/F) Section two: Terms and definitions

32、 03 Equipment technology 03.01 Circuits and signals 03.01 .Ol trigger circuit A circuit that has a number of stable states or unstable states, at least one being stable, and is designed so that a desired tran- sition can be initiated by the application of a suitable pulse. 03.01.02 stable state In a

33、 tngger circuit, a state in which the circuit remains until the application of a suitable pulse. 03.01.03 unstable state metastable state quasistable stable In a trigger circuit, a state in which the circuit remains for a finite period of time at the end of which it returns to a stab/e state without

34、 the application of a pulse. K.Lo1.04 bistable (trigger) circuit flip-flop A trigger circuit that has two stable states. 03.01.05 monostable (trigger) circuit A trigger circuit that has one stable state and one unstable state. 03.01.06 delay element A device that yields, after a given time interval,

35、 an output* signal essentially similar to a previously introduced input signal. 03.01.07 delay line A line or network designed to introduce a desired delay in the transmission of a signal. 03.01.08 pulse impulse A variation in the value of a magnitude, short in relation to the time schedule of inter

36、est, the final value being the same as the initial value. 03.01 .o!I pulse train pulse string A series of pulses having similar characteristics. Section deux: Termes et definitions 03 Technologie du matkriel 03.01 Circuits et signaux 03.01 .Ol dispositif B dkclenchements declencheur Dispositif compo

37、rtant plusieurs &tats stables ou instables, dont au moins un Btat stable, et concu de facon que le passage dun &at stable B un autre Btat soit d6clench6 par Iapplication dune impulsion appropri6e. 03.01 .oz Btat stable Etat dans lequel un dispositif B dkclenchements demeure jusqug Iapplication dune

38、impulsion appropri6e. 03.01.03 &at instable &at dans lequel un dispositif B declenchements demeure durant un intervalle de temps limit& B Iissue duquel il revient g un &at stable sans application daucune impulsion. 03.01.04 bascule bistable circuit bistable Dispositif 8. dklenchements 3 deux &tats s

39、tables. 03.01.05 bascule monostable circuit monostable Dispositif Ei dklenchements 5 un &at stable et un &at instable. 03.01.06 circuit de retard circuit ti retard Dispositif qui, apr&s r6ception dun signal* dentr&e, donne apr&s un d6lai determine un signal de sortie semblable CI ce signal dentrke.

40、03.01.07 ligne de retard ligne & retard Ligne ou r6seau concu pour introduire un certain d6lai dans la transmission dun signal 03.01.08 impulsion Variation de la valeur dune grandeur, breve au regard de 16chelle de temps considM?e, la valeur finale Btant Bgale C!I la valeur initiale. 03.01.09 train

41、dimpulsions SBquence dimpulsions ayant des caract&istiques semblables. 5 Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IS0 2382-3: 1987 (E/F) 03.01 .I0 clock signal clock pulse

42、 A periodic signal used for synchronization or for measuring in- tervals of time. 03.01 .I 1 signal transformation signal shaping The action of modifying one or more characteristics of a signal, such as its maximum value, shape or timing. 03.01 .I2 signal regeneration Signal transformation that rest

43、ores a signal so that it conforms to its original characteristics. 03.01.13 enabling signal A signal that permits the occurrence of an event. 03.01.14 inhibiting signal A signal that prevents the occurrence of an event. 03.02 Modes of operation and processing 03.0201 parallel Pertaining to a process

44、 in which all events occur within the same interval of time, each one handled by a separate but similar functiona/ unit. Example: The parallel transmission of the bits of a computer word along the lines of an internal bus. 03.02.02 serial Pertaining to a process in which all events occur one after t

45、he other. Example: The serial transmission of the bits of a character ac- cording to the V24 CCITT protocol. 03.02.03 sequential Pertaining to a process in which all events occur one after the other, without any time lapse between them. 03.02.04 concurrent Pertaining to processes that take place wit

46、hin a common inter- val of time during which they may have to alternately share common resources. Example: Several programs, when executed by multiprogram- ming in a computer having a single instruction control unit, are concurrent. 03.01 .lO signal dhorloge Signal periodique utilise pour la synchro

47、nisation ou pour la mesure du temps. 03.01 .I1 mise en forme de signal Operation consistant a modifier certaines caracteristiques dun signal, telles que la valeur maximale, la forme ou Iechelonne- ment dans le temps. 03.01 .I2 regen&ation de signal Mise en forme de signal destinee a le rendre confor

48、me a ses caracteristiques dorigine. 03.01.13 signal dautorisation Signal qui permet Iapparition dun Bvenement. 03.01.14 signal dinterdiction Signal qui empeche Iapparition dun Bvenement. 03.02 Modes de fonctionnement et types de traitement 03.02.01 en parallele Qualifie un processus dont tous les Bv

49、enements surviennent dans le meme intervalle de temps, chaque &nement utilisant une unite fonctionnelle distincte mais similaire. Exemple: La transmission en parallele des bits dun mot- machine sur les lignes dun bus interne. 03.02.02 en serie Qualifie un processus dont tous les Bvenements surviennent lun apres Iautre. Exemple: La transmission en serie des bits dun caractere selon le protocole V24 du CCITT. 03.02.03 sgquentiel Qualifie un processus dont tous les

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