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本文(ANSI ISO IEC 2382-7-1989 Information technology - Vocabulary - Part 07 Computer programming (Adopted by INCITS)《信息技术.词表.第07部分 INCITS采纳的计算机程序》.pdf)为本站会员(吴艺期)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ANSI ISO IEC 2382-7-1989 Information technology - Vocabulary - Part 07 Computer programming (Adopted by INCITS)《信息技术.词表.第07部分 INCITS采纳的计算机程序》.pdf

1、INTERNATIONAL ISOIIEC STANDARD 2382-7 NORME INTERNATIONALE Second edition Deuxi b) the term or the generally preferred term in the language. The absence of a generally accepted term for the concept in the language is indicated by a symbol consisting of five points (J; a row of dots may be used to in

2、dicate, in a term, a word to be chosen in each particular case; c) the preferred term in a particular country (identified according to the rules of IS0 3166); d) the abbreviation for the term; e) permitted synonymous term(s); f) the text of the definition (see 1.3.4); g) one or more examples with th

3、e heading “Example(s)“; h) one or more notes specifying particular cases in the field of application of the concepts, with the heading “NOTE(S)“; i) a picture, a diagram, or a table which could be common to several entries. 1.3.3 Classification of entries A two-digit serial number is assigned to eac

4、h part of this Inter- national Standard, beginning with 01 for “fundamental terms”. The entries are classified in groups to each of which is assigned a four-digit serial number, the first two digits being those of the part of this International Standard. 1.3 Principes dhtablissement et regles suivie

5、s 1.3.1 Definition de Iarticle La section 2 est composbe dun certain nombre darticles. Cha- que article est compose dun ensemble dbkments essentiels comprenant le num b) le terme, ou le terme prt+f les points de suspension peuvent cl le terme pr6f d) Iabkviation pouvant etre employee B la place du t

6、erme; e) le terme ou les termes admis comme synonymes; f) le texte de la definition (voir 1.3.4); g) un ou plusieurs exemples pr h) une ou plusieurs notes prkisant le domaine dapplication de la notion, pr i) une figure, un schema ou un tableau, pouvant a diagnostic program; a trace pro- gram; a sort

7、 program. tI7.01.05 algorithmic language An artificial language for expressing algorithms. w.01.06 programming language An artificial language for expressing computer programs. 07.01.07 problem-oriented language A programming language that reflects the concepts of a par- ticular application area. Ex

8、amples: SQL for database applications, COBOL for business applications. CU.01 .ct3 machine language An artificial language composed of the machine instructions of a computer. Section 2: Termes et definitions 07 Programmation des ordinateurs 07.01 Termes gchkaux 07.01 .Ol contexte de programmation en

9、vironnement de programmation Ensemble integre de matbrie/ et de logiciel permettant le d to nest one subroutine within another subroutine. 07.02.04 functional programming A method for structuring programs mainly as sequences of possibly nested *function procedure *calls. 07.02.05 object-oriented pro

10、gramming A method for structuring programs as hierarchically organized classes describing the data and operations of objects that may interact with other objects. 07.02.06 logic programming A method for structuring programs as sets of logical rules with predefined algorithms for the processing of in

11、put data to a pro- gram according to the rules of that program. 07.02.07 1. microprogramming The preparation of microprograms. 07.02.oa 2. microprogramming The technique used in the design of hardware that is to be con- trolled by microprograms. 07.02.09 subroutine A sequence of instructions whose e

12、xecution is invoked by a call. 07J2.10 recursive subroutine A subroutine that may invoke itself. NOTE - A recursive subroutine normally contains a ca/ that invokes this subroutine directly or indirectly. 07.02.11 coroutine A subroutine which, when called again after an execution, resumes at the retu

13、rn point of its previous execution. 07.02.02 affinement progressif MBthode permettant de construire des programmes par placer un sous-programme B Iintbrieur dun autre sous- programme. 07.02.04 programmation fonctionnelle MBthode utilis6e pour structurer les programmes en les Bcri- vant, pour la plus

14、 grande part, sous la forme de suites dappels de fonctions, Bventuellement emboMs. 07.02.05 programmation adapt6e B Iobjet programmation orienthe hers l)objet MBthode utilis6e pour structurer les programmes sous la forme de classes organisbes hi6rarchiquement et dbcrivant les don- n6es et les opkati

15、ons portant sur des objets qui peuvent inter- agir avec dautres objets. 07.02.06 programmation en logique MBthode utilis6e pour structurer les programmes sous la forme densembles de r il est g6tGralement r6serv6 au sysi6me &exploitation. 07.06.13 jump instruction An instruction that specifies a jump

16、. 07.06.13 instruction de saut Instruction qui specific un saut. 07.06.14 unconditional jump instruction A jump instruction that specifies a mandatory jump. 07.06.14 instruction de saut inconditionnel Instruction desaut qui ne spkifie pas de condition pour le saut. 07.66.16 conditional jump instruct

17、ion A jump instruction that specifies a condition for the jump. 07.06.15 instruction de saut conditionnel instruction de saut qui spbcifie une condition pour le saut. 07.W.16 calling sequence A sequence of instructions together with any associated data necessary to execute a Cal/. 07.06.16 sequence

18、dappel Skquence dinstructions et de donnees associbes, n6cessaires pour exbcuter un appef. 07JE.17 address A value that identifies a location. 07.06.17 adresse Valeur identifiant une localisation. Examples: A register number, the address of a particular part of storage, a device address, a network a

19、ddress. Exemples: Num6ro dun registre, adresse dune partie dktermi- n6e dune mkmoire, adresse dun appareil, adresse dun r&eau. 07.W.16 symbolic address An identifier that represents an address. 07.06.18 adresse symbolique ldentificateur qui reprbsente une adresse. 07.06.19 base address An address us

20、ed as the origin in the calculation of addresses. 07.08.19 adresse de base Adresse utilis6e comme point de depart pour le calcul des adresses. 17 ISO/IEC 2382-7 : 1989 (E/F) 07.0620 absolute address A directsddress that identifies a location without reference to a base sddress. NOTE - An absolute ad

21、dress may itself be a base address. 07.06.21 relative address A direct address that identifies a location by means of its displacement from a b8Se address, 07.0622 direct address An address that identifies a location without reference to a storage location containing another address. 07.0623 indirec

22、t address An address of a storage location that contains an address iden- tifying the ultimate location. NOTE - The storage location may be the first address field of a chain- edlist of address fields, the last of which identifies the ultimate loca- tion. 07.06.24 relocatable address An address that

23、 needs to be adjusted when the computer pro- gram containing it or data the address refers to is relocated. 07.06.25 index (in programming) An integer that identifies the position of a data item in a sequence of data items. 07.06.26 indexed address An address that is to be modified by the content of

24、 an index register. 07.0620 adresse absolue Adresse directe qui se suffit B elle-m&me sans utiliser dadresse de base. NOTE - Une adresse absolue peut elle-mbme constituer une adrease de base. 07.06.21 adresse relative Adresse directe qui identifie une localisation au moyen de son dkalage par rapport

25、 B une adresse de base. 07.0622 adresse directe Adresse qui identifie une localisation sans recourir a un empla- cement de m&moire contenant une autre adresse. 07.0623 adresse indirecte Adresse dun emplacement de m&moire qui contient une adresse identifiant la localisation souhaitbe. NOTE - Lemplace

26、ment de memoire peut 6tre la premiere partie adresse dune Kste chaMe de parties adresses dont la dernk-e identifie la localisation souhaitke. 07.06.24 adresse translatable Adresse qui devra 6tre adaptbe lorsque le programme qui la contient ou la don/& B laquelle elle se rrSf&re sera translatk. 07.06

27、.25 index (en programmation) Nombre entier qui identifie la position dune don&e dans une s&quence de donn6es. 07.06.26 adresse indexbe Adresse qui doit i3re modifi6e par le contenu dun registre dindex. 18 ISO/IEC 2392-7 : 1999 (E/F) Alphabetical index absolute address algorithmic area assemble assem

28、bler assembly assertion base bind bootstrap breakpoint call calling change checking checkpoint cfoaed code compilation compile compiler computer conditional consumer coroutine A absolute address . 07.06.20 absolute address . 0796.20 address . 0796.17 addresspart . 0796.96 baseaddress . 0766.19 direc

29、t address 07.0622 indexed address 0796.26 indirect address 0766.23 relative address . 0766.21 relocatable address . 0796.24 symbolic address . 0796.18 zero address instruction . 07.06.09 algorithmic language 07.01.05 workting) area . 07.02.17 toassemble 07.03.02 assembler . 07.0366 translator assemb

30、ler compiler1 interpreter directive. . 07.03.18 assembly language 07.01.99 1. translation compilation1 assembly time 07.03.16 2. translation lcompilationl assembly time 0763.17 assertion 07.05.10 B baseaddress . 0766.19 to bind 07.02.25 bootstrap 0764.16 to bootstrap . 0764.17 breakpoint. 07.04.09 C

31、 macro call . 07.02.26 calling sequence 0766.16 changedump 0765.03 checking program 07.65.08 checkpoint 07.04.10 closed loop /US/ . 07.02.13 (computer) instruction code 0766.07 machine code 0766.07 operation code . 0766.69 operation code trap . 0764.13 compilation unit 0763.19 dependent compilation

32、07.03.20 independent compilation. 07.03.21 separate compilation (deprecated). 07.03.20 separate compilation (deprecated). 07.03.21 1. translation compilation1 assembly time 07.03.16 2. translation compilatlonl asemblyj time . 07.03.17 to compile . 07.03.03 compiler 07.03.07 translator assembler comp

33、iler interpreter directive 07.03.18 (computer) instruction code 0766.07 conditional jump instruction 0766.15 consumer . 07.02.23 coroutine 07.02.11 deadlock debug declarative dependent diagnostic direct directive dump deadlock 0764.15 todebug 07.05.05 declarative language 07.01 .I1 dependent compila

34、tion 07.03.20 diagnostic program . 07.05.06 direct address 07.0622 translator assembler1 compiler interpreter directive 07.03.18 dump . 07.05.02 to dump . 07.05.01 postmortem dump 07.0564 E editor environment exclusion execution exit linkage editor 07.03.32 programming environment . 07.01.01 mutual

35、exclusion . 07.02.86 execution profile. . 07.0464 1. execution time. . 0764.02 2. execution time. . 0764.03 toexit . 07.0468 F flag format functional flag . 07.02.15 instruction format 0766.64 functional language . 07.01.13 functional programming . 07.0294 G generator (program) generator 07.03.24 ge

36、neric generic unit 07.0322 H hashing hashing . 07.02.18 high high-level language . 07.01 .I0 I immediate independent index indexed indirect infinite instruction intermediate interpret immediate instruction . 07.06.10 independent compilation. 07.03.21 index tin programming), . 0766.25 indexedaddress

37、07.06.26 indirect address 07.6623 infinite loop 07.02.13 (computer) instruction code 07.06.07 conditional jump instruction 07.06.15 immediate instruction . 0766.10 instruction. 0766.01 instruction format 07.0664 jump instruction 0796.13 machine instruction . 0766.02 no operation instruction . 07.66.

38、11 privileged instruction 0766.12 unconditional jump instruction 0766.14 zero address instruction . 07.0669 intermediate language . 07.03.12 tointerpret . . 07.0394 D 19 ISO/IEC 2392-7 : 1999 (E/F) interpreter interpretive invariant jump language h9l library link linkage linker load logic loop machi

39、ne macro macrodefinition macrogenerator macroprocessor microinstruction microprogram microprogramming 1. microprogramming 2. microprogramming module load module . object module source module . mutual mutual exclusion . machinecode machine instruction . machine language macro call . macrodefinition m

40、acrogenerator macroprocessor microinstruction microprogram. . interpreter . , . , . , , . , . . . , . . . . . , . . . . 07.03.08 translator assembler1 compiler1 interpreter directive . . . . . . . . . , . . 07.03.18 interpretive program a a., . . . . . . r. 07.03.08 loopinvariant IS . . . . . . . .

41、. . . . . . . . . . 07.05.11 J conditional jump instruction 07.06.15 jump 07.02.14 jump instruction 0766.13 unconditional jump instruction. . 0766.14 L algorithmic language assembly language. . declarative language functional language . high-level language . , . , . , . , . , . , . . , intermediate

42、language . languageprocessor . (language) preprocessor . machine language object language object-oriented language problem-oriented language. procedural language programming language source language,. target language high-level language . (program) library . to link . linkage editor linker . load mo

43、dule . logic programming. . closed loop /US/ . infinite loop loop loop invariant M 0766.07 07.06.02 . .07.01.08 07.02.26 07.02.27 07.03.23 07.03.23 07.66.03 07.01 .I5 07.01.05 07.01.09 07.01.11 07.01.13 07.01.10 07.03.12 07.04.01 07.03.25 07.01.08 07.03.11 07.01.14 07.01.07 07.01.12 07.01.06 07.03.0

44、9 07.03.10 07.01.10 07.01.03 07.03.31 07.03.32 07.03.32 07.03.27 07.02.06 07.02.13 07.02.13 07.02.12 07.05.11 07.02.07 07.02.08 07.03.27 07.03.26 07.03.19 07.02.20 N nest no to nest . . , . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . , . . I 07.02.03 no operation instruction ,.,*.,.* 07.06.11 no op (abbrevi

45、ation), . . , , . . . , . . . . . . 0766.11 object oP operation oriented overlay object language . . . . *.*.*. 07.03.11 object module . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . 07.63.26 object-oriented language .* 07.01.14 object-oriented programming. . . , . . , 07.02.05 object program. . . . . . . , . .

46、 . . . . . . . . , 07.03.15 no op (abbreviation). . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 07.66.11 no operation instruction *. 07.06.11 operation code . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . 07.06JN operation code trap . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 0764.13 operation part . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . 07.06.

47、05 object-oriented language . * 07.01.14 object-oriented programming, , . , , . , 07.02.05 problem-oriented language. . . . . . . . . 07.01.07 overlay (segment) . . *.* 07.03.29 P part patch postcondition postmortem precondition preprocessor privileged problem procedural procedure processor producer

48、 profile program programming address part . operation part. . topatch . postcondition postmortem dump . . precondition . (language) preprocessor . privileged instruction problem-oriented language, . procedural language . , . , . , . , , , , . , reentrant program routine subroutine procedure . langua

49、ge processor . producer execution profile checking program diagnostic program . interpretive program object program . (program) generator (program) library . reentrant program routine subroutine procedure1 . relocatable program . service routine program source program target program . translation program . utility routine program . functional programming . logic programming. . object-oriented programming. programming environment . programming language programming system. . structured programming . R recover to rec

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