1、American National Standardfor PhotographyDigital Still Cameras JPEG 2000 DSC ProfileANSI/I3A IT10.2000-2004ANSI/I3AIT10.2000-2004ANSI/I3A IT10.2000-2004American National Standardfor Photography Digital Still Cameras JPEG 2000 DSC ProfileSecretariatInternational Imaging Industry Association, Inc. (I3
2、A)Approved April 16, 2004American National Standards Institute, Inc.Approval of an American National Standard requires review by ANSI that therequirements for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval havebeen met by the standards developer.Consensus is established when, in the judgeme
3、nt of the ANSI Board ofStandards Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directly andmaterially affected interests. Substantial agreement means much more thana simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that allviews and objections be considered, and that a concerte
4、d effort be madetowards their resolution.The use of American National Standards is completely voluntary; theirexistence does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approvedthe standards or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or usingproducts, processes, or procedures not conf
5、orming to the standards.The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards andwill in no circumstances give an interpretation of any American NationalStandard. Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority to issue aninterpretation of an American National Standard in the na
6、me of the AmericanNational Standards Institute. Requests for interpretations should beaddressed to the secretariat or sponsor whose name appears on the titlepage of this standard.CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised orwithdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American Na
7、tional StandardsInstitute require that action be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, orwithdraw this standard. Purchasers of American National Standards mayreceive current information on all standards by calling or writing the AmericanNational Standards Institute.American National StandardPublis
8、hed byAmerican National Standards Institute, Inc.25 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036Copyright 2004 by American National Standards Institute, Inc.All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in anyform, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,without prior written perm
9、ission of the publisher.Printed in the United States of AmericaiContentsPageForeword . iii1 Scope. 12 Normative References . 13 Definitions 24 Reader requirements . 35 Writer requirements . 35.1 File type and indication 35.2 Codestream requirements . 35.3 Metadata 35.4 Storing audio annotations 86 M
10、etadata definitions. 86.1 New Camera Capture Settings metadata elements. 86.1.1 COMPRESSED_BITS_PER_PIXEL 86.1.2 CUSTOM_RENDERED . 96.1.3 EXPOSURE_MODE 96.1.4 WHITE_BALANCE. 96.1.5 DIGITAL_ZOOM_RATIO . 96.1.6 FOCAL_LENGTH_IN_35MM_FILM. 96.1.7 SCENE_CAPTURE_TYPE 106.1.8 GAIN_CONTROL. 106.1.9 CONTRAST
11、 . 106.1.10 SATURATION 116.1.11 SHARPNESS. 116.1.12 SUBJECT_DISTANCE_RANGE 116.1.13 DEVICE_SETTING_DESCRIPTION . 116.2 Image Data Characterization metadata elements 126.2.1 IMG_SPATIAL_FREQ_RESPONSE . 126.2.2 IMG_CFA_PATTERN 126.2.3 IMG_OECF 126.2.4 IMG_SCENE_ILLUMINANT 126.2.5 IMG_COLOR_TEMP . 126.
13、NTIAL 13iiPageTables1 General Creation Information metadata elementsdefined in ISO 15444-2, Annex N.6.1.1 . 42 Camera Capture metadata elements defined inISO 15444-2, Annex N.6.1.2 43 Product details elements as defined in ISO 15444-2,Annex N.7.1.21 for the contents of CAMERA_INFO,SOFTWARE_INFO and
14、LENS_INFO elements 54 Device Characterization metadata elements defined inISO 15444-2, Annex N.6.1.3 55 Camera Capture Settings metadata elements definedin ISO 15444-2, Annex N.6.1.7 66 Camera Capture Settings metadata elements definedin 6.1 of this document. 67 Image Data Characterization metadata
15、elements definedin 6.2 of this document. 78 Raw GPS metadata elements defined in ISO 15444-2,Annex N. . 79 Raw GPS metadata elements defined in 6.2 of this document . 710 History metadata elements defined in ISO 15444-2,Annex N.6.3 . 811 CUSTOM_RENDERED values 912 EXPOSURE_MODE values. 913 W
16、HITE_BALANCE values . 914 SCENE_CAPTURE_TYPE values 1015 GAIN_CONTROL values . 1016 CONTRAST values 1017 SATURATION values 1118 SHARPNESS values . 1119 SUBJECT_DISTANCE_RANGE values 1120 IMG_LIGHTNESS_MODE values . 1321 GPS_DIFFERNETIAL values 14AnnexesA XML schemas for DSC metadata 15B Persisting m
17、etadata 23C Providing compatibility with DCF/Exif . 24D JPEG 2000 Profile-1 and Cclass-1 . 25iiiForeword (This foreword is not part of American National Standard ANSI/I3A IT10.2000-2004.)This I3A standard has been developed in order to meet the industry need for a fully-documented, publicly availabl
18、e profile of the JPEG 2000 standard suitable for use indigital still cameras. This profile enables cameras to write JPEG 2000 files with a fullset of digital camera metadata in a way that can be correctly read and interpreted byother devices, including the camera (or other cameras) itself. Attention
19、 is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this Standard maybe the subject of patent rights. I3A shall not be held responsible for identifying any orall such patent rights.This standard contains four annexes. Annexes A and B are normative and are con-sidered part of this standard. Ann
20、exes C and D of this I3A standard are informativeand are not considered part of this standard.Suggestions for the improvement of this standard will be welcome. They should besent to the International Imaging Industry Association, Inc. (I3A), 550 MamaroneckAvenue, Suite 310, Harrison, NY 10528-1615,
21、e-mail: i3astdsi3a.org.This standard was processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by I3A TechnicalCommittee IT10, Electronic Still Picture Imaging. Committee approval of the stan-dard does not necessarily imply that all committee members voted for its approval.At the time it approved this editio
22、n of the standard, the IT10 Committee had the fol-lowing members:Ken Parulski, I3A/IT10 ChairJack Holm, I3A/IT10 Vice-ChairJames A. Peyton, I3A/IT10 SecretariatOrganization Represented Name of RepresentativeAdobe Systems, Inc Scott FosheeCanon Development Americas, Inc. . Sharon HenleyTodd Newman (A
23、lt.)Eastman Kodak Company Kenneth ParulskiDaryl Hunt (Alt.)Kevin Spaulding (Alt.)Brian Keelan (Alt.)Sean Kelly (Alt.)Tim Looney (Alt.)Timothy Whitcher (Alt.)Don Williams (Alt.)Scott Houchin (Alt.)Foveon, Inc. Paul HubelHewlett-Packard Company. Jack HolmRamon Garrido (Alt.)Ingeborg Tastl (Alt.)Mark G
24、orzynski (Alt.)Pieter van Zee (Alt.)Intel Corporation Werner MetzJostens Research it will appear as a conforming JPEG 2000 file to a standard JPEG 2000 file reader, and it will appear as a standard MPEG-4 file to a standard audio player. This provides the advantages of both DCF options for audio, wi
25、th none of the disadvantages. The audio is playable by standard players, as are the WAV files stored in DCF, and the audio is tightly coupled to the image data, as it is by embedding the WAV data in application marker segments in the DCF base file. In addition, this single method for storing audio w
26、ill increase interoperability. 6 Metadata definitions This clause defines an XML schema metadata definition for a camera capture device and GPS metadata that addresses all of the new metadata defined in Exif 2.2. It accomplishes this by adding the new metadata elements to the schema defined in Annex
27、 N of ISO 15444-2:2002. The original schemas are extended by adding new elements to the CAMERA_SETTINGS and GPS elements in a nondestructive manner, and by adding a new top-level element IMAGE_DATA_CHARACTER. The original schema and fields are defined in Annexes N.6.1.7 and N., respectively,
28、 of ISO 15444-2:2002. All related metadata fields continue to be stored in a single location (a single box in a JPX file, for example, contains all of the camera capture device information). This allows JPEG 2000 readers to load all capture-related metadata using a single access to the file. This is
29、 especially important in client-server scenarios. However, the IMAGE_DATA_CHARACTER element should be stored in a separate XML box from the CAMERA_SETTINGS metadata. The new Exif 2.2 ImageUniqueID metadata shall be placed in the IMAGE_ID element. The IMAGE_ID element is defined in the Image Identifi
30、er box and does not require modifying the XML schema metadata definition as it is defined in ISO 15444-4:2002. The extended XML schemas are defined in Annex A. 6.1 New Camera Capture Settings metadata elements 6.1.1 COMPRESSED_BITS_PER_PIXEL This element contains an indication of the amount of compr
31、ession applied to an image. A numerical value is used, instead of more subjective terms such as “good”, “better”, and “best”. The value, indicated in units of bits per pixel, is an approximation of the number of bits in the compressed file per pixel in the image for typical images, using this compre
32、ssion setting. ANSI/I3A IT10.2000-2004 9 6.1.2 CUSTOM_RENDERED This element contains an indication of the use of special processing on image data, such as user adjustments to provide a user-preferred image rendering. When special processing is performed, the reader is expected to disable or minimize
33、 any further automatic image processing. Table 11. CUSTOM_RENDERED values Value Meaning Normal process Ordinary processing is performed Custom process Special processing has been performed on the image data and the reader is expected to disable or minimize any further automatic image processing 6.1.
34、3 EXPOSURE_MODE This element indicates the exposure mode set when the image was shot. In auto-bracketing mode, the camera shoots a series of frames of the same scene at different exposure settings. This element may be removed if subsequent processing of the image renders it no longer valid (such as
35、if the lightness of the image is changed). Table 12. EXPOSURE_MODE values Value MeaningAuto exposure The exposure was determined automatically. Manual exposure The user manually set the shutter speed and aperture. Auto bracket For a series of frames different exposure biases were set. 6.1.4 WHITE_BA
36、LANCE This element indicates the white balance mode set when the image was shot. This element may be removed if subsequent processing of the image renders it no longer valid (such as if the white balance of the image is changed). Table 13. WHITE_BALANCE values Value Meaning Auto white balance White
37、balance is determined automatically. Manual white balance White balance is selected or set by the user, or white balance auto-bracketing 6.1.5 DIGITAL_ZOOM_RATIO This element indicates the digital zoom ratio when the image was shot. An element value of 0 indicates that digital zoom was not used. 6.1
38、.6 FOCAL_LENGTH_IN_35MM_FILM This field provides the focal length of a 35mm film camera lens that gives approximately the same field of view as the DSC camera lens used to capture this image. It shall be as given by the equation: FOCAL_LENGTH_IN_35MM_FILM =measured DSC lens focal length (in mm) 43.2
39、7 mmfocal plane image size diagonal (in mm)NOTE - The focal plane image size diagonal of a 35mm film camera is 43.27 mm. A value of 0 indicates that the 35mm-equivalent focal length is unknown. If digital zoom was used, the cropped focal plane image size diagonal shall be used. 35mm-equivalent focal
40、 lengths shall not be recorded as actual focal lengths. ANSI/I3A IT10.2000-2004 10 6.1.7 SCENE_CAPTURE_TYPE This element indicates the type of scene and the mode in which the image was shot. Table 14. SCENE_CAPTURE_TYPE values Value Meaning Standard Indicates a normal mode was set. Landscape Indicat
41、es a mode suitable for shooting scenery was set. Portrait Indicates a mode suitable for portrait photography was set. Night scene Indicates a mode suitable for night scenes was set. NOTE - A night scene mode typically combines flash with longer exposure times to allow both the flash and ambient illu
42、minated portions of the scene to be reasonably illuminated. Scenes which are simply captured under dark conditions can be identified using the BRIGHTNESS metadata element. NOTE The SCENE_CAPTURE_TYPE element refers to the user settings that control the scene type dependent operation of the camera, i
43、ncluding the image processing. The EXP_PROGRAM element refers to the user settings that control the exposure program. In some cases these settings may have the same designation (e.g,. landscape and portrait). In other cases the EXP_PROGRAM setting will be independent of the SCENE_CAPTURE_TYPE settin
44、g. For example, a user might select “landscape“ for the SCENE_CAPTURE_TYPE, to obtain the desired image processing, and “aperture priority“ for the EXP_PROGRAM to obtain the desired f-number. NOTE Landscape and Portrait, in this context, do not refer to the orientation of the camera or the aspect ra
45、tio of the resulting image. 6.1.8 GAIN_CONTROL This element indicates the degree of overall image gain adjustment. Table 15. GAIN_CONTROL values Value MeaningNone Indicates no difference in gain in relation to the default (factory setting) sensitivity. Low gain up Indicates “Low gain up“ difference
46、in gain in relation to the default (factory setting) sensitivity. High gain up Indicates “High gain up“ difference in gain in relation to the default (factory setting) sensitivity. Low gain down Indicates “Low gain down“ difference in gain in relation to the default (factory setting) sensitivity. Hi
47、gh gain down Indicates “High gain down“ difference in gain in relation to the default (factory setting) sensitivity. 6.1.9 CONTRAST This element indicates the direction of contrast processing applied by the camera when the image was shot. Table 16. CONTRAST values Value Meaning Normal Indicates no d
48、ifference in contrast in relation to the default (factory setting) values. Soft Indicates a “Soft“ difference in contrast in relation to the default (factory setting) values. Hard Indicates a “Hard“ difference in contrast in relation to the default (factory setting) values. ANSI/I3A IT10.2000-2004 1
49、1 6.1.10 SATURATION This element indicates the direction of saturation processing applied by the camera when the image was shot. Table 17. SATURATION values Value MeaningNormal Indicates no difference in saturation in relation to the default (factory setting) values. Low saturation Indicates a “Low“ difference in saturation in relation to the default (factory setting) values. High saturation Indicates a “High“ difference in saturation in relation to the default (factory setting) values. 6.1.11 SHARPNESS This element indicates the direction of sharpness processing applied by the ca
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