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ANSI NEIS 301-2009 Standard for Installing and Testing Fiber Optic Cables.pdf

1、 An Americ An nA tion Al St And Ard NECA/FOA 301-2009 Standard for Installing and Testing Fiber Optics Published by National Electrical Contractors Association Jointly developed with The Fiber Optic Association TheFiberOptic Association FOATM National Electrical Installation Standards TheFiberOptic

2、Association FOA ! w TheFiberOptic Association FOA ! %0is 7age in;en;ionally lef; *lank ore=or+ icatios Icuded ReguatorK ad %ther Require?ets iber %ptic * opoogies efinitions bbreatio SafetK eaiess nstallation “eq;irements eera uideies Support Structures Re?ova of badoed abes ire Stoppig roudig ad od

3、ig iber Opti* ables abe *Kpes a?abiitK Ratigabe Ratigs ad #arkigs iber %ptic abe oor odes Istaig iber %ptic abe abe mentation uideies nne al*;lating the oss ;+get for a iber Opti* able !lant nne iel+ $est “eq;irements nne “eferen*e #tan+ar+s O “% #% “ional le+;ri+al ns;alla;ion $;andards are desiged

4、 to i?prove co?uicatio a?og speci fiers purchasers ad suppiers of eectrica costruc tio services *heK defie a ?ii?u? baseie of quaitK ad work?aship for istaig eectrica products ad sKste?s N$ are iteded to be ref ereced i cotract docu?ets for eectrica co structio proowig aguage is reco? ?eded iber opt

5、ic cabes sha be istaed i accordace with $ % $;andard for ns;alling and %es;ing i*er !7;i+ a*les Use of N$ is voutarK ad either the $atioa ectrica otractors ssociatio or the iber %ptic ssociatio assu?es aK obigatio or iabiitK to users of this pubicatio xistece of a stadard sha ot precude aK ?e?ber or

6、 o?e?ber of $ or % fro? specifKig or usig aterate costructio ?ethods per?itted bK appicabe regu atios *he istaatio ad ?aiteace practices reco? ?eded bK this pubicatio are iteded to co?pK with the editio of the $atioa ectrica ode $ i effect at the ti?e of pubicatio ecause theK are quaitK stadards N$

7、?aK i so?e istaces go beKod the ?ii?u? require ?ets of the $ It is the resposibiitK of users of this stadard to co?pK with state ad oca eectrica codes whe istaig eectrica products ad sKste?s Suggestios for revisios ad i?prove?ets to this stadard are weco?e *heK shoud be addressed to $ odes ad Stadar

8、ds ethesda #etro eter Suite ethesda # teephoe fax neisne+ane;org * o purchase Na;ional le+;ri+al ns;alla;ion $;andards cotact the $ %rder esk at te fax or orderdeskne+ane;org N$ ca aso be purchased i pdf dowoad for?at fro? wwwne+aneisorg+a;alog opKright $atioa ectrica otractors ssociatio rights rese

9、rved Uauthorized repro ductio prohibited Na;ional le+;ri+al ns;alla;ion $;andards ad N$ are trade?arks of the $atioa ectrica otractors ssociatio $atioa ectrica ode ad $ are regis tered trade?arks of the $atioa ire a 7ar; of ;0e s;andard%0is 7age in;en;ionally lef; *lank *his stadard describes proced

10、ures for istaig ad testig cabig etworks that use fiber optic cabes ad reated co?poets to carrK sigas for co?u icatios securitK cotro ad si?iar purposes It defies a ?ii?u? eve of quaitK for fiber optic cabe istaatios !ro+;*ts an+ ppli*ations n*l;+e+ *his stadard covers fiber optic cabig istaed idoors

11、 pre?ises istaatios with the additio of outside pat %Slator? an+ Other “eq;irements *his pubicatio is iteded to co?pK with $SI $ional le+;ri+al ns;alla;ion $;andards pro vide additioa guidace for istaig particuar tKpes of eectrica products ad sKste?s co?pete ist of N$ is provided i ex *he iber %ptic

12、 ssociatio Ic the professioa societK of fiber optics ?aitais a extesive techi ca referece web site o fiber optics *his website covers topics reated to fiber optic techoogK co? poets istaatio testig troubeshootig ad stadards i depth Visit www thefoa org tech ref for ?ore co?pete ifor?atio iber Opti*$

13、opologies I pre?ises appicatios fiber optic cabes ca be used as the backboe cabig i a stadard struc tured cabig etwork coectig etwork hardware i the co?puter roo? ?ai cross coect to oca etwork hardware i a teeco? coset I a opti?ized fiber optic etwork cabes go direct K to the work area with oK passi

14、ve coectios i the iks *his architecture is caed “cetraized fiber optic cabig ” ackboe cabes tKpicaK cotai arger u?bers of fibers tha horizota fiber optic #*opecabes ad ?aK cotai sige?ode fibers as we as ?uti?ode fibers iber optic cabig ca be used for co?puter et works L$s cosed circuit *V video voic

15、e iks teephoe iterco? audio buidig ?aage?et securitK or fire aar? sKste?s or aK other co?u icatios ik %utside pat %Sralized fi*er ar+0i;e+;ure Backbone Passive Distribution Network Equipment igure $;ru+;ured +a*ling ar+0i;e+;ure 7er % Vertical (Backbone) Horizontal Telecom Rooms (Closet) Main Cross-

16、connect Intermediate Cross-connect $% ) #$!* % #$ation *he reductio i optica power as it passes aog a fiber usuaK expressed i decibes d See o7;i+al loss tten;ation *he o7;i+al oss of fiber per uit oeffi*ient egth expressed i db k? a*ks*attering *he scatterig of ight i a fiber back toward the source

17、used to ?ake %*R %ptica *i?e o?ai Refecto?eter ?ea sure?ets an+=i+th *he rage of siga frequecies or bit rates withi which a fiber optic co?poet ik or et work wi operate en+ing or Loss i fiber caused bK stress o i*roben+ing oss the fiber bet aroud a restric tive radius #ost fiber optic cabes are spec

18、ified for a radius of ti?es the cabe dia?eter uoaded or ti?es the cabe dia?eter uder puig tesio ;ffer protective pastic coatig appied directK to the optica fiber so caed 7rimary +oa; ing able %e or ?ore fibers ecosed i protective coverigs ad stregth ?e?bers able !lant *he co?biatio of fiber optic ca

19、be sectios coectors ad spices for?ig the optica path betwee two ter?ia devices la+ing *he ower refractive idex opti ca coatig over the core of the fiber that “traps” ight ito the core omposite cabe cotaiig both optica able fibers ad eectrica coductors onne*tor device that provides a de ?outabe coect

20、io betwee two fibers or a fiber ad a active device ontin;it? $ester visibe ight source used to cofir? cotiuitK ad trace fibers ore *he ceter of the optica fiber through which ight is tras?it ted e*ibel + uit of ?easure?et of opti ca power that idicates reative power o a ogarith?ic scae d og power ra

21、tio ispersion *he spreadig of a puse i a optica waveguide that affects badwidth #aK be caused bK ?oda or chro?atic effects efinitions bbreiations an+ *ron?ms n+ inish *he quaitK of the ed surface of a fiber prepared for spicig or ter?iated i a coector tested bK visua ispectio i a ?icroscope err;le p

22、recisio tube which hods a fiber i aig?et for iterco ectio or ter?iatio fer rue ?aK be part of a coector or ?echaica spice iber Opti*s Light tras?issio through fexibe tras?issive fibers for co?uicatios or ightig resnel Light refected fro? the ceaved “efle*tion or poished ed of a fiber caused bK the d

23、ifferece of refractive idices of air ad gass so caed a+k #efle+;ion or !7;i+al #e;urn oss ;sion #pli*e per?aet tig ad fusig the? tKpi caK with a eectric arc ra+e+ n+e tKpe of ?uti?ode fiber iber which uses a graded profie of refractive idex i the core ?ateria to correct for ?oda dispersio ?bri+ able

24、 optica cabe cotaiig both sige?ode ad ?uti ?ode fibers n+e at*hing fuid or ge with a refractive l;i+ or el idex si?iar to the fiber used to ?atch the ?aterias at the eds of two fibers to reduce oss ad back refectio nsertion oss *he oss caused bK the isertio of a co?poet such as a spice or coector i

25、a optica fiber so refers to the oss of a cabe or cabe pat whe tested with a optica oss test set a*ket *he protective outer aKer of the cabe amb+a reek etter used as a sK?bo for waveegth a;n*h able high quaitK fiber optic refer ece e used for oss testig attached to a source ad caibrated for output po

26、wer ink iber Opti* co?biatio of tras?itter receiver ad fiber optic cabe capabe of tras?ittig data oss ;+get *he esti?ated a?out of power ost i the ik oss argin *he additioa a?out of oss that ca be toerated i a ik *he differece betwee the oss acceptabe to the etworkig equip?et ad the actua oss of the

27、 ik e*hani*al per?aet aig?et device that usuaK cotais idex ?atchig ge or adhesive O “% #% “ltimo+e iber fiber with core dia?eter ?uch arger tha the wave egth of ight tras?itted It aows ?aK ?odes raKs of ight to propagate Opti*al iber optica waveguide co?prised of a ight carrKig core sur roudig caddi

28、g which traps ight i the core ad the pri?a rK coatig Opti*al oss *he a?out of optica power ost as ight is tras?itted through fiber spices coupers etc Opti*al oss $est * ester co?prised of fiber optic #et O$# power ?eter ad test source used to test the oss of co?po ets or cabe pats Opti*al !o=er *he

29、a?out of radiat eergK per uit ti?e expressed i i ear uits or watts or o a oga rith?ic scae i d? where d og power?W db ?w Opti*al$ime istru?et that uses omain “efle*t backscattered ight to fid fauts ometer O $“ i optica fiber ad to ifer oss for troubeshootig Oauchig ight ito the fiber where the ico?

30、ig ight has a spot size ad $ arger tha acceptace coe of the fiber therebK fiig a ?odes i the fiber !igtail short egth of fiber attached to a fiber optic co?poet such as a coector aser or couper +get or etwork equip?et the dif ferece i db betwee the tras?itted optica power i db? ad the receiver sesit

31、ivi tK i db? !o=er eter istru?et that ?easures iber Opti* optica power e?aatig fro? the ed of a fiber “e*eiitK fiber optic refer ece e attached to a power ?eter used for oss test ig “eferen*e $est short sige fiber e with coectors o both eds used for testig *he fiber ad coectors ?ust ?atch the cabes

32、to be tested #inglemo+e iber fiber with a s?a core oK a few ti?es the waveegth of ight tras?itted that oK aows oe ?ode of ight to propagate “% #% “lt device that coupes high o*ator power visibe ight fro? a aser ito the fiber to aow fidig breaks stress oss visua tracig ad testig cotiuitK aor of ight

33、usuaK expressed i ao?eters ? or ?icros ? as i differet waveegths ;ltipleing of ight ito a fiber si?utae ousK orking argin *he differece i d betwee the power budget ad the oss budget i e the excess power ?argi bbre power i decibes refereced to ?iiwatt O$# optica oss test set O $“ optica ti?e do?ai refecto?eter O “% #% “&ll“ “ &“ % $ l&

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