1、Inf orrnation on Microfiche Headers Fi F f o- O o- N I=i O O cg O o- eo P f Lo -0 r N m o- m N O I/) H Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A. About the National Information Standards Series NISO Standards are developed by the Standards Committees of the National Information Standards Organization. The developme
2、nt process is a strenuous one that includes a rigorous peer review of proposed standards open to each NISO Voting Member and any other interested party. Final approval of the standard involves verification by the American National Standards Institute that its requirements for due process, consensus,
3、 and other approval criteria have been met by NISO. Once verified and approved, NISO Standards also become American National Standards. The use of an ANSI/NISO Standard is voluntary. That is, the existence of this NISO Standard does not preclude anyone, whether or not that person has adopted the NIS
4、O Standard, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures that do not conform to the NISO Standard. However, the use of standards (those developed by NISO as well as other standards-developing organizations) has proven to be in the best interests of any indus
5、try wishing to increase its effectiveness and efficiency in the areas of product development, manufacturing, and marketing and, therefore, such use is encouraged by ANSI, NISO, and all other standards-developing organizations. Each NISO Standard is reviewed at least once every five years to confirm
6、that it remains viable and useful in its current environment. Comments for revision are welcome at any time from any interested party. Proposed changes to this NISO Standard or suggestions for new NISO Standards should be sent to the NISO office at 4733 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 300, Bethesda, MD 20814
7、. Occasionally, questions may arise concerning the meaning or intent of specific sections of a NISO Standard. Interpretations may be obtained by writing to the NISO office. This NISO Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. Purchasers may receive the most recent information on all NISO Stan
8、dards by calling or writing: NISO Press Fulfillment Center P.O. Box 338 Oxon Hill, MD 20750-0338 U.S.A. U.S. and Canada 1-800-282-NICO (6476) Washington, DC area and outside the US.: 301-567-9522 Fax: 301-567-9553 NISO 237.32 76 W 6478908 00029LL 05T ANSI/NISO 239.32-1996 (Revision of ANSI 239.32-19
9、81) ISSN: 1041-5653 Information on Microfiche Headers Abstract: This standard provides a set of minimal specifications for eye-legible information to be included in the header area of microfiche. The header is that area reserved for identification of the information on the microfiche. These minimal
10、specifications include the following bibliographic elements: location, order of elements in each location, size of type, and contrast between characters and background. The standard recommends additional categories of informa- tion when they apply and space permits. An American National Standard Dev
11、eloped by the National Information Standards Organization Approved December 19,1995 by the American National Standards Institute mm Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A. NISO 239.32 9b = 6478908 0002712 T9b Published by NISO Press 4733 Bethesda Avenue Suite 300 Bethesda, MD 20814 Copyright 01996 by the Nationa
12、l Information Standards Organization All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage or retrieval sy
13、stem, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. All inquiries should be addressed to NISO Press, 4733 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 300, Bethesda, MD 20814. Printed in the United States of America ISSN: 1041-5653 National Information Standards series ISBN: 1-880124-25-4 This paper meets the r
14、equirements of ANSIJNISO 239.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper). LibraT of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data National Information Standards Organization (U.S.) Standards Organization. Information on microfiche headers / developed by the National Information p. crn. - (National information standards
15、 series, ISSN 1041-5653) ”Approved December 19,1995 by the American National Standards Institute.” Replaces standard 239.32-1981. “ANSI /NISO 239.32-1996. ISBN 1-880124-25-4 1. Microfiches-Format-Standards-United States. 2. Microfiches-Label- ing-Standards-United States. 3. Layout (Printing)-Standar
16、ds-United States. I. American National Standards Institute. II. Title. III. Series. TR835.N26 1996a 96-15295 070.5795420 CIP NISO 239-32 96 6478908 0002923 922 AN SIINI SO 239.32-1996 Contents Foreword . v 1 . Scope 1 2 . Purpose 1 3 . References . 3 4 . Definitions . 1 5 . General Statements 1 5.1
17、Polarity . 1 5.2 Type Size 2 5.3 Romanization 2 5.4 Numbers . 2 6 . Content and Arrangement of Header Areas 2 6.1 General . 2 6.2 Identification Area (Left Area) 2 6.3 Document Description Area (Central Area) . 2 2 Title 2 Edition Information . 3 Author . 3 Authors
18、Name . 3 Corporate Author . 3 Place of Publication 3 Publisher or Corporate Source . 3 Date of Publication 3 Series 3 Microfiche Publication Data . 3 Collection Title of Fiche 3 Microfiche Series 3 International Standard
19、Book Number (ISBN) 3 Copyright or Security Classification 4 6.3.2 Periodicals and Other Serials 4 Title 4 Subsection Titles . 4 Author . 4 Edition Information . 4 Date of Document, Volume Numbering, etc -4 Place of Publication . 4 Seri
20、es . . 4 Microfiche Publication Data . 4 Collection Title of Fiche Microfiche Series 4 6.3.1 Monographic Publication . Sequence 2 Sequence 4 International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) 5 (continued) NISO 239.32 96 b478908 0002934 Bb9 ANSUNISO 239.
21、32-1996 (Con tents continued) 6.4 Sequential Information Area (Right Area) 5 6.4.2 Reduction Ratio . 5 6.4.1 Numbering . 5 6.5 Publishers Company or Product Logo or Identification 5 6.4.3 Distribution Code 5 Appendix: Examples of Application of This Standard 7 A.2 Monographs . 7 A.3 Serials . 7 A.l
22、General Arrangement of Header Areas . 7 Figure A.l: Areas and dimensions of a microfiche header 7 Page iv NISO 239.32 96 H 6478908 0002915 7T5 Foreword (This foreword is not part of the American National Standard for Information on Microfiche Headers, ANSI/NISO 239.32-1996. It is included for inform
23、ation only.) In common with other microforms, microfiche require enlarging devices, such as readers, to make the information they contain available for use. An advantage of the microfiche format is its ability to provide in a header easily accessible information that does not require enlargement for
24、 the purpose of simple identification and retrieval. The purpose of this standard is to provide micro- publishers and other microfiche producers, as well as users, with a set of specifications for presenting eye-legible information in headers. This standard requires that headers contain only the few
25、 catego- ries of information (or elements) necessary for con- clusive identification and filing of microfiche in common use in libraries in the United States and it recommends additional categories of information that may be given when they apply and space permits. Because complete bibliographic dat
26、a often cannot be given in the limited space available in a header, these recommendations are intended to be applied primarily to facilitate identification and filing. in promoting uniformity, legibility, and clarity, the standard specifies the location of elements in headers, the order of elements
27、in each location, the minimum type size, and the degree of contrast between characters and background. These require- ments are necessarily minimal because the charac- teristics of uniformity, legibility, and clarity are subjective ones; thus, the requirements should be applied as appropriate to eac
28、h situation in accor- dance with common sense. The examples given in thestandard illustrate the application of elements in differing circumstances, with variations of practice that are both anticipated and permissible. 1. It is limited to microfiche that conform to the American Standard for Microfic
29、he, ANSI/ AIIM 2. It applies only to the kind of monographic and serial materials that are commonly produced on microfiche (whether as original or reprinted publi- cations) and that are intended for library use (in- cluding, but not limited to, books, journals, series, pamphlets, theses, report lite
30、rature, public docu- ments, and newspapers). It does not, therefore, apply to miscellaneous collections of specialized nonmonographic or nonserial materials such as The standard has three formal limitations: MS5-1992. sheet music, pictures, promotional flyers, engineer- ing drawings, parts catalogs,
31、 business records, and maps. 3. It is limited to eye-legible information in the header area of microfiche, as specified in ANSI/ AIIM MS5-1992. (The header is the area that consti- tutes the top of a microfiche.) It should be noted that there is a general agreement that microfiche in- tended for lib
32、rary use benefit greatly from the use of bibliographic tools for organization and retrieval such as indexes, bibliographies, catalogs, and simi- lar finding aids, published in full-size hard-copy or electronic formats. These finding aids are most use- ful when they are parts of an organization and r
33、etrieval system for microfiche that includes di- vider cards with index tabbing, eye-legible infor- mation frames within the image areas of microfiche, and the microfiche headers themselves. For these reasons, both the information suggested and the information required for microfiche headers in this
34、 standard should be coordinated with information that appears elsewhere in the organization and retrieval system of which the microfiche are a part; and the information provided for organization and retrieval within the system as a whole should be as complete as possible. Additionally, the standard
35、is intended to ap- ply to computer-output microfiche of mono- graphic or serial materials that are intended for library use and that meet the dimensional re- quirements of ANSI/AIIM MS5-1992, despite current difficulties in meeting the standards polarity requirements. In addition, the standard may b
36、e used as a guide in preparing headers for other computer-output microfiche when its pro- visions are appropriate and to the extent space permits. Indeed, relevant provisions of the stan- dard may be used in preparing headers for any microfiche, even those to which the standard does not directly app
37、ly. Because small variations in the use of punc- tuation do not seriously hinder the identification and filing of microfiche, only and require the use of specific punctuation. The ISBD (G): General International Standard Bibliographic Description, Revised Edifion (1992, New York and
38、Munich: K.G. Saur) is recommended as a guide for header punctuation. (continued) Page v FOREWORD AN SUNI SO 239.32-1996 The text of the 1981 standard has been retained; the revised text contains only minor additions and revi- sions. It includes a specific area for a publishers company or product log
39、o or identification; advances the citation of both the title of the fiche collection and the title of the work on the fiche; and makes editorial changes. It also includes definitions forpolarify, collec- tion, and series. Definitions for collection and series are from Anglo-American Cataloguing Rule
40、s, Revised Sec- ond Edition (1988). The list of references has been updated, and the word “heudingWhas been changed to “header(s)“ throughout the standard. NISO acknowledges with thanks and appreciation Harriet Rebuldela, Head, Acquisitions Department, and Tim Byrne, Head, Government Publications at
41、 the University of Colorado Library for their contribu- tions in revising this standard. This standard was processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by the National Information Stan- dards Organization. It was balloted by the NISO Voting Members April 1,1995 - July 7,1995. It will next be reviewe
42、d in 2000. Suggestions for improving this standard are welcome. They should be sent to the National Information Standards Organization, 4733 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 300, Bethesda, MD 20814. NISO approval of this standard does not necessarily imply that all Voting Members voted for its approval. At th
43、e time it approved this standard, NISO had the following Voting Members: NISO Voting Members American Association of Law Libraries American Chemical Society Robert S. Tannehiil, Jr. Leon R. Blauvelt (Alt) American Library Association Myron B. Chace Glenn Patton (Alt) Mark H. Needleman Andrew Laurenc
44、e American Society for Information Science American Society of Indexers Patricia S. Kuhr Marie Kascus (Alt) American Theological Library Association Myron B. Chace Apple Computer, Inc. Janet Vratney Rita Brennan (Alt) Julie Mellby Penney DePas (Alt) Bruce H. Kiesel Art Libraries Society of North Ame
45、rica Association for information and Dissemination Centers Association for Information and Image Management Association of Jewish Libraries Judy Kilpatrick Bella Hass Weinberg Pearl Berger (Alt) Duane E. Webster Association of Research Libraries AT that is, dark characters on a light background. Not
46、e: Positive headers may Page 1 NISO 239.32 b W bY78908 0002937 390 W CONTENT AND ARRANGEMENT OF HEADER AREAS ANSIINISO 239.32-1996 not always be practical, as, for example, where 6.2 Identification Area (Left Area) primary distribution microfiche having positive would have negative headers. Nonethel
47、ess, since header information is more readable in positive polarity, negative headers shall not be used where they can be avoided. The top part of the area, not less than 5 mm in information that libraries and information cen- ters may wish to add to the header. Identification letters and numbers an
48、d information concerning any restrictions of use of the document, such as headers areused toproduce secondacopies which height, should be left blank for identification 5.2 Type Size All header area information shall be readable with- out magnification and shall read from left to right when the micro
49、fiche is held so that the header is at the top. No character shall be less than 1.5 mm high. 5.3 Romanization For documents in non-roman scripts, the header information shall be romanized in accordance with the ALA-LC Romanization Tables and placed in brackets. The title in the original script may be added to the romanized form. 5.4 Numbers copyright or security classification, may be placed in the bottom part of the area when the micro- fiche is made. Alternatively, information concern- ing copyright or security restrictions may be given at the bottom of the central area when
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